Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
The would be a massive revolt of citizens if the U.S. government tried forcing churches to marry fudge packers. .... :cool:

Or if Muslims tried to impose shari'a law on non-Muslim Americans.
The would be a massive revolt of citizens if the U.S. government tried forcing churches to marry fudge packers. .... :cool:

Or if Muslims tried to impose shari'a law on non-Muslim Americans.
Try to stay on topic fag lover. ...... :cool:
Check the contracts on record in certain towns in Michigan.

Muslims, as Jews and Christians, can create contracts for business and certain personal activities that are governed by their religious laws. Did you know that?

What do you think the FLDS, certain of the separatist Jewish groups, the JWs, and others do with their covenants and their economic communal contracts?
Yeah well, while you're statement is an accurate summation of the OP poll. Silly did'nt say that. Silly changed it to mean something completely different.

She said: "we believe a church should be able to deny gays marriage".

That is true...speaking ONLY of religious marriage.

The poll states "Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings." The answer chosen by 82.1% is "No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA."

That is not the same as "we believe a church should be able to deny gays marriage." Two completely different things.

That is exactly the same thing. What planet are you from? 82% said they think that in America, no church should have to perform a gay wedding. Period.

So if you asked those 82% of hundreds who responded to that poll [amazing for USMB...big interest] these two questions, the answer might overwhelmingly be predicted to be #2:

1. Do you vigorously support gay marriage?

2. Do you somewhat support or don't support gay marriage?

You don't vigorously support something and then turn around and say, "but only if..."....

No retard it is not exactly the same thing, not even close. 82% said places of worship should not be required to hold gay weddings. Period. Your changing the term places of worship to churches is one change. Your changing their expression of being in America to thinking that in America no church should have to perform a gay wedding is also a change. Thinking this is America is a colloquialism, referring to the commonly used phrase here in America, the land of the free,...

WTH does supporting gay marriage mean? Prop it up, pay for it, pat it on the back? What is gay marriage? Define it.
Would you support churches not marrying blacks?
Yeah well, while you're statement is an accurate summation of the OP poll. Silly did'nt say that. Silly changed it to mean something completely different.

She said: "we believe a church should be able to deny gays marriage".

That is true...speaking ONLY of religious marriage.

The poll states "Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings." The answer chosen by 82.1% is "No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA."

That is not the same as "we believe a church should be able to deny gays marriage." Two completely different things.

That is exactly the same thing. What planet are you from? 82% said they think that in America, no church should have to perform a gay wedding. Period.

So if you asked those 82% of hundreds who responded to that poll [amazing for USMB...big interest] these two questions, the answer might overwhelmingly be predicted to be #2:

1. Do you vigorously support gay marriage?

2. Do you somewhat support or don't support gay marriage?

You don't vigorously support something and then turn around and say, "but only if..."....

No retard it is not exactly the same thing, not even close. 82% said places of worship should not be required to hold gay weddings. Period. Your changing the term places of worship to churches is one change. Your changing their expression of being in America to thinking that in America no church should have to perform a gay wedding is also a change. Thinking this is America is a colloquialism, referring to the commonly used phrase here in America, the land of the free,...

WTH does supporting gay marriage mean? Prop it up, pay for it, pat it on the back? What is gay marriage? Define it.
Would you support churches not marrying blacks?
Define support?

I support my church via donations and service. I have no idea what you mean by support. support churches not marrying blacks? huh? What the hell are you talking about? Why would they need money to not do something and why would they choose not to marry blacks? huh?
Sil, you are goofy enough as we watch you disintegrating in the face of what is coming on marriage equality.

Don't look any more silly than what already you have on this Board.
Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

Well over two thousand posts and yet the ignorance and stupidity of this remains.
2747 posts and all it takes is "Freedom of Religion" to answer this.

The Bible does not condone gay partnership, but it is just a typical sin and we all sin. Some are just more scared about this sin because the bible says there will be a lot of it in the end of days and there is a lot of it today. Ironically, there is a lot of judgment going on today when the bible says do not judge or be judged.

Sometimes man can create his own destiny by taking a path he hoped to avoid it.
The would be a massive revolt of citizens if the U.S. government tried forcing churches to marry fudge packers. .... :cool:

Or if the government forced churches to marry interracial or interfaith couples. :cool:
I always find it humorous that gay supporters like to compare the doctrine in some churches prohibition against interracial and interfaith marriage.

Is somehow in juxtaposition with the perversion of homo marriage. ..... :cuckoo:
I always find it humorous that gay supporters like to compare the doctrine in some churches prohibition against interracial and interfaith marriage.

Is somehow in juxtaposition with the perversion of homo marriage. ..... :cuckoo:

Yeah, bigotry justified by the bible is hysterical. Bigotry is bigotry, discrimination is discrimination. You feel justified in your biblical targeting of gays. Racist feel justified in their biblical targeting of blacks.
I always find it humorous that gay supporters like to compare the doctrine in some churches prohibition against interracial and interfaith marriage.

Is somehow in juxtaposition with the perversion of homo marriage. ..... :cuckoo:

Yeah, bigotry justified by the bible is hysterical. Bigotry is bigotry, discrimination is discrimination. You feel justified in your biblical targeting of gays. Racist feel justified in their biblical targeting of blacks.
There isn't any Biblical justification for racism. And christians who engage in it are misguided.

But there are numerous scriptures in the Bible to justify the Christian opposition to sodomites and other perverts.
There isn't any Biblical justification for racism. And christians who engage in it are misguided.

But there are numerous scriptures in the Bible to justify the Christian opposition to sodomites and other perverts.

There is just as must biblical justification for racism as there is for homophobia, in fact more. The segregationists and anti miscegenationists have tons more bible passages than the anti gay bigots do. Pages and pages of them...not just one offhand comment made by the uptight and repressed Paul.
Bible passages used by segregationists:

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” Gen. 6:1,2.

“Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.” Num. 36:6.

“Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following Me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.” Deut. 7:3,4.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God.” 2 Cor. 6:14-16.

“Give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace [by such compromise] or their wealth forever.” Ezra 9:12. See also Ex. 34:14-16; Judges 14:1-3. Ezra 9 and 10; and Neh. 13:23-27.

You've heard of Bob Jones University, yes? Very Christian...

There isn't any Biblical justification for racism. And christians who engage in it are misguided.

But there are numerous scriptures in the Bible to justify the Christian opposition to sodomites and other perverts.

There is just as must biblical justification for racism as there is for homophobia, in fact more. The segregationists and anti miscegenationists have tons more bible passages than the anti gay bigots do. Pages and pages of them...not just one offhand comment made by the uptight and repressed Paul.
Using the Bible to justify racism requires a lot of scripture twisting and misquotes..

Whereas, the biblical prohibition against homosexuality is presented very clearly in several chapters and verses. ....... :cool:
Using the Bible to justify racism requires a lot of scripture twisting and misquotes..

Whereas, the biblical prohibition against homosexuality is presented very clearly in several chapters and verses. ....... :cool:

You still just don't get it do you? Of course not...because you feel just as "righteous" as the racist bigots do. You are certain that the bible condemns gays and lesbians, just as the racists bigots were certain the bible condemned interracial relationships. You are absolutely no different than them, the target is just different.
Sil has lost this. Sil will state the poll means something that it doesn't, when in fact it correctly suggests that people support gay marriage along with the rights of churches do as they please

This is my exact position. I support gay marriage, so much so, I got married to my husband a couples years ago in Boston. We've been together almost 14 years now. That being said, I fully support the church when it comes to not being forced to preform marriages against their wishes.
Liar. Would you support the church not marrying black people then? Quite interested in your reply on that question... Without realizing it, you just admitted that gay behaviors are:

1. Repugnant to many people [there are many many faithful christians]

2. Not equal to race.

Your comments indicate that you are beginning to struggle emotionally.

The comments above were clear and to the point and reasonable.

Yes, Sil, mind your tone when people are being decent to you.
No, I used the word "Liar" literally, without emotion. Either s/he is lying or s/he believes race isn't = to gay sex. So you are saying you are in agreement with him, in an odd way. Do you realize that?

You called me liar, whether or not you assigned any emotion behind it. I haven't been rude or brazen with you at all and I would expect you to extend me the same courtesy.

And yes, I agree, sexuality and race have little in common; however, one can't deny that the arguments used to deny marriage equality amongst races are now being used against gays seeking marriage equality. They are hauntingly familiar in fact.

Oh no, I won't. If you know anything about me by now, I'm a strait shooter. I'm calling you out. Sorry if that offends you on this typically-contentous website.

You said that you are gay married and in support of gay marriage but that you simultaneously support churches to refuse to perform gay marriages. Which is of course abject bullshit. So I called you on it. And I provided the example of you being say, a black man, and having civil rights just pass...but then feigning being in support of churches not marrying black people.

I made the point for two show how race and gay behaviors are not the same. And how you yourself even realize this and pointed it out inadvertently. Or you are lying and are mad as hell that a church wants to lock its doors to gay marriage. Which is it?

I can assure you that I am not offended. I am however; disappointed, because I thought we could discuss this topic together in a mannerly fashion. That doesn't appear to be the case with you.

I am sorry that I don't fit the cartoonish narrative you have of gay people. I am also sorry that you are not clever as you believe yourself to be. It was terribly obvious from the start what you were trying to do when you starting equating sexuality and race.

I'll state this again and maybe this time it will sink in but I have have my doubts: I don't care whom churches do or don't marry. Whether they be gay, straight, black, white, interracial, or whatever. It is entirely their decision. It is none of my concern what marriages they wish to perform. It's their business.

I hope I've cleared this up for you but I have a feeling you will continue to misrepresent my position because I don't fit this rather odd narrative you have gay people.
Sil will continue to misrepresent because there is nothing else to do now before marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Sil has lost this. Sil will state the poll means something that it doesn't, when in fact it correctly suggests that people support gay marriage along with the rights of churches do as they please

This is my exact position. I support gay marriage, so much so, I got married to my husband a couples years ago in Boston. We've been together almost 14 years now. That being said, I fully support the church when it comes to not being forced to preform marriages against their wishes.
Liar. Would you support the church not marrying black people then? Quite interested in your reply on that question... Without realizing it, you just admitted that gay behaviors are:

1. Repugnant to many people [there are many many faithful christians]

2. Not equal to race.

Your comments indicate that you are beginning to struggle emotionally.

The comments above were clear and to the point and reasonable.

Yes, Sil, mind your tone when people are being decent to you.
No, I used the word "Liar" literally, without emotion. Either s/he is lying or s/he believes race isn't = to gay sex. So you are saying you are in agreement with him, in an odd way. Do you realize that?

You called me liar, whether or not you assigned any emotion behind it. I haven't been rude or brazen with you at all and I would expect you to extend me the same courtesy.

And yes, I agree, sexuality and race have little in common; however, one can't deny that the arguments used to deny marriage equality amongst races are now being used against gays seeking marriage equality. They are hauntingly familiar in fact.

Oh no, I won't. If you know anything about me by now, I'm a strait shooter. I'm calling you out. Sorry if that offends you on this typically-contentous website.

You said that you are gay married and in support of gay marriage but that you simultaneously support churches to refuse to perform gay marriages. Which is of course abject bullshit. So I called you on it. And I provided the example of you being say, a black man, and having civil rights just pass...but then feigning being in support of churches not marrying black people.

I made the point for two show how race and gay behaviors are not the same. And how you yourself even realize this and pointed it out inadvertently. Or you are lying and are mad as hell that a church wants to lock its doors to gay marriage. Which is it?

I can assure you that I am not offended. I am however; disappointed, because I thought we could discuss this topic together in a mannerly fashion. That doesn't appear to be the case with you.

I am sorry that I don't fit the cartoonish narrative you have of gay people. I am also sorry that you are not clever as you believe yourself to be. It was terribly obvious from the start what you were trying to do when you starting equating sexuality and race.

I'll state this again and maybe this time it will sink in but I have have my doubts: I don't care whom churches do or don't marry. Whether they be gay, straight, black, white, interracial, or whatever. It is entirely their decision. It is none of my concern what marriages they wish to perform. It's their business.

I hope I've cleared this up for you but I have a feeling you will continue to misrepresent my position because I don't fit this rather odd narrative you have gay people.

OK, so if you don't fit the "cartoonish narrative of gay people", how have you stepped up to denounce gay pride parade sex-exhibitions where they welcome kids of all ages? Or how have you stepped up to denounce Harvey Milk as the LGBT icon [his postage stamp as such etc.]?

And please explain in more detail how it is you, as a person who does the gay sex, wholeheartedly support gay marriage but also at the same time support churches' right to refuse to perform them?

You know what the next question will be. But for now just answer those...

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