Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I have searched on numerous occasions for such a case and I have been unable to find one. I've been debating this topic for many years now and each time I am unable to locate one. Something tells me a church being forced to marry an interracial couple (or any couple) would have garnered quite a bit of attention. Enough attention to make it worthy of note in the annals of legal history. I can't find one. As it stands not a single church has been forced to marry any couple, interracial or otherwise, against their wishes. If you can find one I would love to know because legal history is sort of a hobby as mine.

Many churches will only perform marriages for those who are either members of their church or belong to their faith.

I am fairly confident that is the case for Catholics for example- my wife and I could never get married in a Catholic Church by a Catholic Priest because we are not Catholics- does that mean I can successfully sue the Catholic Church?

No- it means I would probably be paying court costs if I tried. Most people would look at such a lawsuit as frivolous.

Again, I will say that five years ago MOST people would have thought that suing a school so that your son could use the girls' restroom was frivolous.

Again I will say

Many churches will only perform marriages for those who are either members of their church or belong to their faith.

I am fairly confident that is the case for Catholics for example- my wife and I could never get married in a Catholic Church by a Catholic Priest because we are not Catholics- does that mean I can successfully sue the Catholic Church?

No- it means I would probably be paying court costs if I tried. Most people would look at such a lawsuit as frivolous.

The same reason no one forces the Catholic Church to marry Jews is the same reason why no one will be forcing the Catholic Church to marry homosexuals.

Can you show me a SINGLE example of a Jew suing the Catholic Church? No? I didn't think so, but you have admitted that gays will sue Christian churches. .

Well yes I can show you examples of Jews suing the Catholic Church....but they frankly aren't relevant.

Can you show me a SINGLE example of a homosexual suing the Catholic Church for not allowing them to be married in the Church?

I have admitted that any idiot can sue anyone for anything. While there may be an idiot homosexual who will sue the Catholic Church in order to get married in it, I find that no more likely than an idiot Jew or an idiot Evangelical Christian doing so.

Then show me.

And of course they are relevant , because you keep screaming that other groups haven't won a case when in fact other groups haven't filed a case.
You challenged me for a "Can you show me a SINGLE example of a Jew suing the Catholic Church? No? I didn't think so,"

I said yes- but it wasn't relevant- and still isnt'.

Here you go-an example of jews suing the Catholic Church

Browse > Home / Catalyst Online, Features / JEWISH GROUP SUES VATICAN - Catholic League
Catalyst March Issue 2005

The Coalition for Jewish Concerns has announced that it is going to sue the Vatican in an attempt to force the Holy See to open its archives relating to Jewish children sheltered by the Catholic Church during World War II.

Now that I have answered your question- answer mine.

Can you show me a SINGLE example of a homosexual suing the Catholic Church for not allowing them to be married in the Church?
Then show me.

And of course they are relevant , because you keep screaming that other groups haven't won a case when in fact other groups haven't filed a case.

Why don't you show us. You've presented exactly nothing to back any portion of your claims. Or provide us with a single example of what you're describing. Or even anything remotely close to it. Or even a plausible scenario in which you could be right.

If US law mandates that churches can't discriminate, then there should be hundreds of suits forcing churches to perform interracial marriages they don't want to perform.

Um, where are they?
Then show me.

And of course they are relevant , because you keep screaming that other groups haven't won a case when in fact other groups haven't filed a case.

Why don't you show us. You've presented exactly nothing to back any portion of your claims. Or provide us with a single example of what you're describing. Or even anything remotely close to it. Or even a plausible scenario in which you could be right.

If US law mandates that churches can't discriminate, then there should be hundreds of suits forcing churches to perform interracial marriages they don't want to perform.

Um, where are they?

True story.

I once worked with someone who told me that her minister preached that god forbade whites and blacks to marry.

I never heard of any lawsuit to force that minister to marry inter-racial couples.
You challenged me for a "Can you show me a SINGLE example of a Jew suing the Catholic Church? No? I didn't think so,"

I said yes- but it wasn't relevant- and still isnt'.

Here you go-an example of jews suing the Catholic Church

Browse > Home / Catalyst Online, Features / JEWISH GROUP SUES VATICAN - Catholic League
Catalyst March Issue 2005

The Coalition for Jewish Concerns has announced that it is going to sue the Vatican in an attempt to force the Holy See to open its archives relating to Jewish children sheltered by the Catholic Church during World War II.

Now that I have answered your question- answer mine.

Can you show me a SINGLE example of a homosexual suing the Catholic Church for not allowing them to be married in the Church?

oh for the love of God, you KNEW I meant in reference to marriage
Churches should be taken over my government outright. How else will we learn to serve the state appropriately?
Very relevant, guys. No church has been forced to marry anyone they did not want to marry. If there is not a 9 or 14 public interest that compels the 1st protection of religious association be avoided, then churches are safe.

Of course corporations are people now.

Texas Presbyterian should be sued for willful negligence in the death of the patient and the illness of the two nurses. The chief administrators should go to prison for ten years and ten years of dividends should be diverted to Dallas public health systems.
Corporations are not people ... what a dumb ass thing to say.

Citizens United have opened the door to such statute development for curbing corporation excesses and punishing shareholders.
Very relevant, guys. No church has been forced to marry anyone they did not want to marry. If there is not a 9 or 14 public interest that compels the 1st protection of religious association be avoided, then churches are safe.

Of course corporations are people now.

Texas Presbyterian should be sued for willful negligence in the death of the patient and the illness of the two nurses. The chief administrators should go to prison for ten years and ten years of dividends should be diverted to Dallas public health systems.
Corporations are not people ... what a dumb ass thing to say.

Citizens United have opened the door to such statute development for curbing corporation excesses and punishing shareholders.

Very relevant, guys. No church has been forced to marry anyone they did not want to marry. If there is not a 9 or 14 public interest that compels the 1st protection of religious association be avoided, then churches are safe.

Of course corporations are people now.

Texas Presbyterian should be sued for willful negligence in the death of the patient and the illness of the two nurses. The chief administrators should go to prison for ten years and ten years of dividends should be diverted to Dallas public health systems.
Corporations are not people ... what a dumb ass thing to say.

Citizens United have opened the door to such statute development for curbing corporation excesses and punishing shareholders.

Hobby Lobby opened the door for getting rid of Public Accommodation laws.
Very relevant, guys. No church has been forced to marry anyone they did not want to marry. If there is not a 9 or 14 public interest that compels the 1st protection of religious association be avoided, then churches are safe.

Of course corporations are people now.

Texas Presbyterian should be sued for willful negligence in the death of the patient and the illness of the two nurses. The chief administrators should go to prison for ten years and ten years of dividends should be diverted to Dallas public health systems.
Corporations are not people ... what a dumb ass thing to say.

Citizens United have opened the door to such statute development for curbing corporation excesses and punishing shareholders.

Hobby Lobby opened the door for getting rid of Public Accommodation laws.

That is a real possibility.
We in the mainstream of the GOP need to think real hard: do we reach out to women, minorities, Hispanics, cultural movements or do we keep the Far Right on board.

If we do the latter, HRC will run and win if she his healthy. She will win easily, and then nominate any where from two to six justices over an eight year period.

The justices will go after Citizens and Hobby Lobby.
We in the mainstream of the GOP need to think real hard: do we reach out to women, minorities, Hispanics, cultural movements or do we keep the Far Right on board.

If we do the latter, HRC will run and win if she his healthy. She will win easily, and then nominate any where from two to six justices over an eight year period.

The justices will go after Citizens and Hobby Lobby.

I don't know why the GOP is so hard headed about that. Where is the far right going to go? Nowhere of course. The Republicans need to get with the program. That's how the Dems keep the black vote. They don't have any record of actually doing anything positive for blacks, but where are blacks going to go? And both the Dems and the blacks know that, so status quo it is.
We in the mainstream of the GOP need to think real hard: do we reach out to women, minorities, Hispanics, cultural movements or do we keep the Far Right on board.

If we do the latter, HRC will run and win if she his healthy. She will win easily, and then nominate any where from two to six justices over an eight year period.

The justices will go after Citizens and Hobby Lobby.

Don't you mean Wee?
does that mean I can successfully sue the Catholic Church?

Were you born non-Catholic?
Churches are not business's so long as they meet the criteria for church's.

Outside of the spiritual role of the church, it's primary role,
if you were to see the things a church does and how it does them, it’s much like a business. It pays bills, it employees people, it does building maintenance. The Baptist church calls its “Board of Directors” Deacons. Their role is much like that of one for a non religious business. We have finance committees, personnel committees, and all sorts of others in mine.
My job involves doing code inspections on businesses in the jurisdiction where I work. When I inspect a church, they get the same look through on the same level as a non religious business. While the ultimate goal and purpose is to do God’s work, the day to day functioning is done just like a business. The power, phone, and water companies would turn off those utilities to a church for not paying its bills.
Don’t think some foolish Liberal, activist judge won’t look at it that way. While I can’t point to a specific case where homos have asked to be married in a church and turned down, remember two things: 1) allowing same sex marriages in States hasn’t been as widespread as it is now and 2) lots of things I never thought I would see in my lifetime, including homos thinking their marriage is on the same level as mine, are happening.
We in the mainstream of the GOP need to think real hard: do we reach out to women, minorities, Hispanics, cultural movements or do we keep the Far Right on board.

If we do the latter, HRC will run and win if she his healthy. She will win easily, and then nominate any where from two to six justices over an eight year period.

The justices will go after Citizens and Hobby Lobby.

I don't know why the GOP is so hard headed about that. Where is the far right going to go? Nowhere of course. The Republicans need to get with the program. That's how the Dems keep the black vote. They don't have any record of actually doing anything positive for blacks, but where are blacks going to go? And both the Dems and the blacks know that, so status quo it is.

"get with the program"

Seems the Democrat program is to pander to any group in order to buy votes. No thanks.
The blacks tried to get off the plantations for 300 years and the Liberals have been pulling them back onto them for the last 150.
Very relevant, guys. No church has been forced to marry anyone they did not want to marry. If there is not a 9 or 14 public interest that compels the 1st protection of religious association be avoided, then churches are safe.

Of course corporations are people now.

Texas Presbyterian should be sued for willful negligence in the death of the patient and the illness of the two nurses. The chief administrators should go to prison for ten years and ten years of dividends should be diverted to Dallas public health systems.
Corporations are not people ... what a dumb ass thing to say.

Citizens United have opened the door to such statute development for curbing corporation excesses and punishing shareholders.
Very relevant, guys. No church has been forced to marry anyone they did not want to marry. If there is not a 9 or 14 public interest that compels the 1st protection of religious association be avoided, then churches are safe.

Of course corporations are people now.

Texas Presbyterian should be sued for willful negligence in the death of the patient and the illness of the two nurses. The chief administrators should go to prison for ten years and ten years of dividends should be diverted to Dallas public health systems.
Corporations are not people ... what a dumb ass thing to say.

Citizens United have opened the door to such statute development for curbing corporation excesses and punishing shareholders.

Hobby Lobby opened the door for getting rid of Public Accommodation laws.

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