Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Seahag and Deridfag can't debate. That's my point. I have fewer than 48 and they are definitely at the top of the list as useless usmb trolls.

And yet you're the one that seemingly can't debate since you claim to have me on ignore.

You're on ignore because you're irrelevant and stupid.

Not because you're great at debating. I want to read what the good debaters have to say.

There are very few great progressive debaters, however. Most of them are hysterical, poorly educated loons. Like you. They rage continually, and their information pool consists of propaganda and internet/media tripe.

The Nazis were exactly the same. Poorly educated, largely criminal, often stupid and always depraved.

So you lied and you really do read my posts. Totes adorbs!

I didn't lie. I said I had you on ignore because your posts are a total waste of time, and that since I have you on ignore I am able to mostly forget about you, because there is no gap left in ANY thread you're in, when your words are left out. You can't even tell someone's speaking..until someone gets sucked into your nonsense and THEY start talking to you.

And somehow I un-ignored you..I need to remedy that now.

Liar, liar pants on fire!
Seahag and Deridfag can't debate. That's my point. I have fewer than 48 and they are definitely at the top of the list as useless usmb trolls.

And yet you're the one that seemingly can't debate since you claim to have me on ignore.

You're on ignore because you're irrelevant and stupid.

Not because you're great at debating. I want to read what the good debaters have to say.

There are very few great progressive debaters, however. Most of them are hysterical, poorly educated loons. Like you. They rage continually, and their information pool consists of propaganda and internet/media tripe.

The Nazis were exactly the same. Poorly educated, largely criminal, often stupid and always depraved.

I always find it ironic- deeply and hilariously ironic- when kosher talks about other posters being hysterical poorly educated loons who cannot debate- who provide nothing but propaganda and tripe.

I think mirrors must break when she walks by.

Note the reference to Nazi's.


Nazis were heavily vested in propaganda, just like progressive loons.

And they counted on the support of dumb people who thought they were being fed *knowledge* instead of *propaganda*. Dumbasses like you.

Like I said- note the Nazi reference.

Get used to it. You loons think you can snigger about "Godwin's Law" and that will shame people into never commenting on the fact that you are the same people (different generation) that facilitated the nastiest aspects of nazism to take root, grow, and eventually bring shame to people of all nationalities who bought into their garbage.
And yet you're the one that seemingly can't debate since you claim to have me on ignore.

You're on ignore because you're irrelevant and stupid.

Not because you're great at debating. I want to read what the good debaters have to say.

There are very few great progressive debaters, however. Most of them are hysterical, poorly educated loons. Like you. They rage continually, and their information pool consists of propaganda and internet/media tripe.

The Nazis were exactly the same. Poorly educated, largely criminal, often stupid and always depraved.

I always find it ironic- deeply and hilariously ironic- when kosher talks about other posters being hysterical poorly educated loons who cannot debate- who provide nothing but propaganda and tripe.

I think mirrors must break when she walks by.

Note the reference to Nazi's.


Nazis were heavily vested in propaganda, just like progressive loons.

And they counted on the support of dumb people who thought they were being fed *knowledge* instead of *propaganda*. Dumbasses like you.

Like I said- note the Nazi reference.

Get used to it. You loons think you can snigger about "Godwin's Law" and that will shame people into .

Oh I have no illusions that no one could make you feel shame about anything you post.

I am just enjoying pointing out that your arguments are reduced to calling out "Nazi's!" "Nazi's"
You're on ignore because you're irrelevant and stupid.

Not because you're great at debating. I want to read what the good debaters have to say.

There are very few great progressive debaters, however. Most of them are hysterical, poorly educated loons. Like you. They rage continually, and their information pool consists of propaganda and internet/media tripe.

The Nazis were exactly the same. Poorly educated, largely criminal, often stupid and always depraved.

I always find it ironic- deeply and hilariously ironic- when kosher talks about other posters being hysterical poorly educated loons who cannot debate- who provide nothing but propaganda and tripe.

I think mirrors must break when she walks by.

Note the reference to Nazi's.


Nazis were heavily vested in propaganda, just like progressive loons.

And they counted on the support of dumb people who thought they were being fed *knowledge* instead of *propaganda*. Dumbasses like you.

Like I said- note the Nazi reference.

Get used to it. You loons think you can snigger about "Godwin's Law" and that will shame people into .

Oh I have no illusions that no one could make you feel shame about anything you post.

I am just enjoying pointing out that your arguments are reduced to calling out "Nazi's!" "Nazi's"

It's not *reduced* least not in the way you like to pretend.

Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes who in their arrogance and their desperation to be considered *superior* despite the fact there is nothing particularly special about them, accept any feel-good claptrap thrown their way that will justify their self-serving criminality and innate laziness, and allow them to wipe out the competition DESPITE the fact they are unwilling to compete, but instead seek just to force their will upon vulnerable that they may have more than their fair share of whatever resources are available.

You think you're special. You aren't. You're just criminal cretins. Nothing has changed at all. Least of all the types of people who allow that sort of nauseating ideology to take root and prosper.
Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes who in their arrogance and their desperation to be considered *superior* despite the fact there is nothing particularly special about them, accept any feel-good claptrap thrown their way that will justify their self-serving criminality and innate laziness, and allow them to wipe out the competition DESPITE the fact they are unwilling to compete, but instead seek just to force their will upon vulnerable that they may have more than their fair share of whatever resources are available.

Or....we're people that think that if you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you'll need a very good reason.

Which you don't have.
Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes who in their arrogance and their desperation to be considered *superior* despite the fact there is nothing particularly special about them, accept any feel-good claptrap thrown their way that will justify their self-serving criminality and innate laziness, and allow them to wipe out the competition DESPITE the fact they are unwilling to compete, but instead seek just to force their will upon vulnerable that they may have more than their fair share of whatever resources are available.

Or....we're people that think that if you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you'll need a very good reason.

Which you don't have.


You're the same lunatics who thought it was okay to corral Jews and kill off the disabled. For the sake of *health* and betterment of the race, of course.
Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes who in their arrogance and their desperation to be considered *superior* despite the fact there is nothing particularly special about them, accept any feel-good claptrap thrown their way that will justify their self-serving criminality and innate laziness, and allow them to wipe out the competition DESPITE the fact they are unwilling to compete, but instead seek just to force their will upon vulnerable that they may have more than their fair share of whatever resources are available.

Or....we're people that think that if you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you'll need a very good reason.

Which you don't have.

I could care less if queers get married in their own churches. I reserve the right not to marry them in mine.
And almost everyone to reply to this thread, including the overwhelming majority of those you dismiss as 'criminal cretins' would agree with that. Marriage equality is about equal protection under the law.

Religious belief I leave to the faithful.

You're the same lunatics who thought it was okay to corral Jews and kill off the disabled. For the sake of *health* and betterment of the race, of course.

Nope. I've never made any such claim. If you believe I have, quote me. Just don't hold your breath while you look.

I'm the person that has said that gays and lesbians should have the same right to marry as anyone else. And who has openly and vocally come out in support of same sex marriage.
Good for you. Squawking about queers isn't what makes you a progressive. If you are pro-queer marriage but anti-abortion, then you aren't a progressive. If you are pro-abortion, and you think the state has the authority to FORCE the church to marry queers, then you are a progressive and you fit perfectly with my version of the progressive nazi psycho puke.
Good for you. Squawking about queers isn't what makes you a progressive. If you are pro-queer marriage but anti-abortion, then you aren't a progressive. If you are pro-abortion, and you think the state has the authority to FORCE the church to marry queers, then you are a progressive and you fit perfectly with my version of the progressive nazi psycho puke.

I don't know of anyone here that thinks the churches should be forced to marry anyone they don't want to. Most here are advocating the legal recognition of gay and lesbian marriages. And many have also argued that gays should be treated fairly and equally in business transactions. Beyond that, live and let live.
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Gays are the cause de jour, like big eyed sad little abused puppy dogs. Accept, they are just sexual perverts with big wallets and bought out the liberal conscience. Apparently you have to do what the masses dictate, and not be aloud to follow your conscience and descent because that's bigotry or homophobia or whatever, because THEY say so.
Gays are the cause de jour, like big eyed sad little abused puppy dogs. Accept, they are just sexual perverts with big wallets and bought out the liberal conscience.

There must be a lot of liberals in this country then. As support for gay marriage is outpacing opposition by between 12 and 19 points is almost every poll over the last 2 years.

Support has even skyrocketed among self proclaimed conservatives.

Apparently you have to do what the masses dictate, and not be aloud to follow your conscience and descent because that's bigotry or homophobia or whatever, because THEY say so.

Or what the constitution requires in terms of equal protection in the law.
I am at a loss as to why homosexuality has become such an issue. I am missing something here. I see the rise in gays as an economic power, buying out lawyers and coopting American culture. THAT is what I am seeing. America managed to get along for over 250 years without recognizing sexual perversity as an issue until the last 20 years or so. I think this goes a lot deeper than liberalism, if that is indeed what liberalism is about.
I am at a loss as to why homosexuality has become such an issue. I am missing something here.

The issue is centered around treating gays and lesbians like people. With the same rights, freedoms and privileges as anyone else.

I see the rise in gays as an economic power, buying out lawyers and coopting American culture. THAT is what I am seeing.

Its genuine public sentiment that seems to be shifting. As when you ask why gays should be treated poorly, like less, with fewer rights and freedoms, most opponents to gay marriage really couldn't give a good answer.

America managed to get along for over 250 years without recognizing sexual perversity as an issue until the last 20 years or so. I think this goes a lot deeper than liberalism, if that is indeed what liberalism is about.

It lasted a full 2 centuries without recognizing interracial marriage either. Clearly there are just some ideas that take a while to sink in.
I am at a loss as to why homosexuality has become such an issue. I am missing something here. I see the rise in gays as an economic power, buying out lawyers and coopting American culture. THAT is what I am seeing. America managed to get along for over 250 years without recognizing sexual perversity as an issue until the last 20 years or so. I think this goes a lot deeper than liberalism, if that is indeed what liberalism is about.

Yeah, it's so surprising that a group of people would fight for their civil rights and after decades of doing so finally start to win them. Shocking!!!

What has precipitated the seemingly fast track on LGBT civil rights was first the AIDS epidemic which forced thousand of men out of their closets. Other people started joining them and soon there were too many people with gay family members that couldn't look their gay loved one in the eye and discriminate against them.

Perversity is in the eye of the beholder and your fantasies about the sex lives of gays have nothing to do with whether or not they should be able to, as tax paying Americans, civilly marry each other. America won't end as a result, I promise.
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Good for you. Squawking about queers isn't what makes you a progressive. If you are pro-queer marriage but anti-abortion, then you aren't a progressive. If you are pro-abortion, and you think the state has the authority to FORCE the church to marry queers, then you are a progressive and you fit perfectly with my version of the progressive nazi psycho puke.

Somebody's off her meds.

Guess what? You've obviously not read the thread and decided to just froth about "queers" because not a single person that has commented in the thread has advocated for the government forcing churches to marry anybody. You know they can't right? No church in the United States has ever, in the history of ever, been forced by the government to perform a ceremony against the tenants of their faith. If you weren't aware, you're very welcome. It was my pleasure to educate.

Nobody is "pro-abortion".
I always find it ironic- deeply and hilariously ironic- when kosher talks about other posters being hysterical poorly educated loons who cannot debate- who provide nothing but propaganda and tripe.

I think mirrors must break when she walks by.

Note the reference to Nazi's.


Nazis were heavily vested in propaganda, just like progressive loons.

And they counted on the support of dumb people who thought they were being fed *knowledge* instead of *propaganda*. Dumbasses like you.

Like I said- note the Nazi reference.

Get used to it. You loons think you can snigger about "Godwin's Law" and that will shame people into .

Oh I have no illusions that no one could make you feel shame about anything you post.

I am just enjoying pointing out that your arguments are reduced to calling out "Nazi's!" "Nazi's"

It's not *reduced* least not in the way you like to pretend.

Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes wr.

Oh I have no illusions that no one could make you feel shame about anything you post.

I am just enjoying pointing out that your arguments are reduced to calling out "Nazi's!" "Nazi's"

After reading your last post- its just a variation on calling us all Nazi's.

Because that is all you have.
Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes who in their arrogance and their desperation to be considered *superior* despite the fact there is nothing particularly special about them, accept any feel-good claptrap thrown their way that will justify their self-serving criminality and innate laziness, and allow them to wipe out the competition DESPITE the fact they are unwilling to compete, but instead seek just to force their will upon vulnerable that they may have more than their fair share of whatever resources are available.

Or....we're people that think that if you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you'll need a very good reason.

Which you don't have.


You're the same lunatics who thought it was okay to corral Jews and kill off the disabled. For the sake of *health* and betterment of the race, of course.

LOL- you are projecting your own fantasies of genocide I am afraid. The fantasies of bigots who believe that anyone who is different can be disposed of.
Progressives of today are, and always have been, the same as the progressives of yesteryear. Brain dead dupes who in their arrogance and their desperation to be considered *superior* despite the fact there is nothing particularly special about them, accept any feel-good claptrap thrown their way that will justify their self-serving criminality and innate laziness, and allow them to wipe out the competition DESPITE the fact they are unwilling to compete, but instead seek just to force their will upon vulnerable that they may have more than their fair share of whatever resources are available.

Or....we're people that think that if you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you'll need a very good reason.

Which you don't have.

I could care less if queers get married in their own churches. I reserve the right not to marry them in mine.

Then why are you even in this thread?

No one is going to force you church to marry anyone. No one has forced your church to marry Jews or blacks or Mormons and no one will force your church to marry homosexuals. Or force you to marry a homosexual.

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