Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Churches are specifically exempted from public accomodation laws and should not- and will not be forced to accomoate anyone that the church does not want to- because they are black or homosexual or fat or Jewish.

Finally. I was waiting for you to say that.

What exactly makes that church so sacred Syriusly? It is the faith that drives it. Yes, we both know the answer to why they are exempt. Because that faith transcends public laws.

With me so far? Good.

Where is the origin of that faith Syriusly? Answer: in the heart of every man, woman and child from whose spirit it springs forth from.

Ergo, forcing a christian baker to make a "gay wedding" cake is the most fundamental violation of the 1st Amendment there is. I'm not aware of a church that is registered with tax-exempt status in the US that preaches that you should avoid black people. I am aware of thousands of churches that preach you should avoid promoting a homosexual culture. Race vs culture/(emphasis on "CULT")


Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Public Accomodation laws specifically exempt churches- but not individuals- from the laws. Why is that? Because churches are treated differently under the law.

Now- if you want individuals to be able to claim exemption from public accomodation laws based upon personal religious beliefs- then we might as well get rid of them- because anyone could discriminate against anyone for any reason and claim it is because of their religious beliefs.

And yes- faith has been used as a rational to discriminate against blacks and Jews and Muslims and native Americans and others.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.
Awesome. I'm glad I was able to convince you.

I am just glad I was able to get you to admit you are a homophobic bigot who posts nothing but lies and hate.

Hateful lying Christophobic bigot poopy pants.

Hateful lying homophobic bigot who enjoys wearing poopy pants.
Hateful deranged Christophobc pusillanimous pissant prairie punk.

Hate filled, and obsessed with hatred, hating homophobic hater who hates homosexuals and Americans having happy holidays and healthy thoughts.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.
How long are you going whine about this
Awesome. I'm glad I was able to convince you.

I am just glad I was able to get you to admit you are a homophobic bigot who posts nothing but lies and hate.

Hateful lying Christophobic bigot poopy pants.

Hateful lying homophobic bigot who enjoys wearing poopy pants.
Hateful deranged Christophobc pusillanimous pissant prairie punk.

Hate filled, and obsessed with hatred, hating homophobic hater who hates homosexuals and Americans having happy holidays and healthy thoughts.
Up your hole with a jelly roll, twice as far with a Hershey bar.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.

Queers are confused, sometimes deranged, pitiful creatures who should never be mistreated. However, their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.
I think we all purposefully got off the topic. Let's return...

A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again.
I think we all purposefully got off the topic. Let's return...

A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again.

On topic.

Churches have not- and will not be forced to marry anyone that the churches do not want to- whether its because the couples are black, Jewish, Muslim, fat, or homosexuals.

it hasn't happened in the 50 years since the Civil Rights Act passed, and it won't happen in the next 50 years.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.

Queers are confused, sometimes deranged, pitiful creatures who should never be mistreated. However, their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.

Homophobes are hate ridden, always deranged, pitiful creatures who project their hatred onto homosexuals.

Their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.
How long are you going whine about this
I am just glad I was able to get you to admit you are a homophobic bigot who posts nothing but lies and hate.

Hateful lying Christophobic bigot poopy pants.

Hateful lying homophobic bigot who enjoys wearing poopy pants.
Hateful deranged Christophobc pusillanimous pissant prairie punk.

Hate filled, and obsessed with hatred, hating homophobic hater who hates homosexuals and Americans having happy holidays and healthy thoughts.
Up your hole with a jelly roll, twice as far with a Hershey bar.

And that pretty much sums up the intellectual capacity of the homophobes.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.

Queers are confused, sometimes deranged, pitiful creatures who should never be mistreated. However, their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.

Homophobes are hate ridden, always deranged, pitiful creatures who project their hatred onto homosexuals.

Their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.

LOL. You're the freaks, not us.

Freedom of religion- i.e. freedom to practice religion- or not practice religion- free from governmental restrictions is one our fundamental rights. And as part of that Americans have decided that churches- houses of worship- synogogues, temples, mosques etc are all treated differently from individuals or business's. They are devoted to worship.

Your ignorance of what religion is, is apparent. A church or a syogogue or a mosque is not the religion. It is a place where the religious go to congregate. The religious are the individuals. The religion is lodged within their breast.

Try again. I think I will just let you rant against homosexuals some more.

Queers are confused, sometimes deranged, pitiful creatures who should never be mistreated. However, their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.

Homophobes are hate ridden, always deranged, pitiful creatures who project their hatred onto homosexuals.

Their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans.

LOL. You're the freaks, not us.

Not sure what that means... When you say 'freaks', are you assigning that to those who behave within the human physiological norm or those who deviate from that standard, as a direct result of a perversion of human reasoning, wherein they crave sexual gratification from those of their own gender, which also tends toward their disregarding other norms, such as the pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

So... what of those, which are the freaks?

OH! Never mind, I see that you were speaking of the freaks; as in the sexually abnormal, who are demanding that sexual abnormality should be 'considered' perfectly normal.

"Queers are confused, sometimes deranged, pitiful creatures who should never be mistreated. However, their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans."

Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights does not constitute an 'agenda.'

The hate and ignorance exhibited by you and others on the right clearly indicate that the civil rights of gay Americans remain very much in jeopardy.

"Queers are confused, sometimes deranged, pitiful creatures who should never be mistreated. However, their sick agenda should be opposed by all decent patriotic Americans."

Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights does not constitute an 'agenda.'

The hate and ignorance exhibited by you and others on the right clearly indicate that the civil rights of gay Americans remain very much in jeopardy.

There is no right for a person to re-write the natural standards of marriage. Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. This the result of the natural design intrinsic to human physiology, relevant to the respective, complimenting genders.

That those who exercise a perversion of human reasoning, which provides that they seek sexual gratification from their own gender, does not obligate anyone else to accept their reasoning... or the deviant behavior which stems from it.

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