Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Is this big surge the reason why y'all pulled gay marraige off the ballot in Ohio? And why it lost twice in California as recently as late 2008?

Or did you choose 2011 as "the magic support date for gay marraige" to cover up another surge going on at the time...

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Surged with the US public. Until today its a majority position:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

With supporters outpacing opposition by about 13 points. With numerous other polls putting it between 12 and 19 points. All of which you ignore. Just like you ignore anything that contradicts what you choose to believe. Any study, any poll, any source, any methodology, any country.

But no rational person would ignore what you do. And the courts certainly don't. Rendering your desperate, willful ignorance gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of any court case.

4 Months until the USSC ruling, Silo.
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?]

Which is not a poll on gay marriage.......

I support marriage equality for homosexuals- and I am opposed to any efforts to make churches do anything.
I support marriage equality for homosexuals- and I am opposed to any efforts to make churches do anything.

Do you support parenting-equality for children? ie: do you believe every child should have their state encourage both a father and a mother in their home?

Do you also support all other forms of marriage equality, or just for homosexuals?
I support marriage equality for homosexuals- and I am opposed to any efforts to make churches do anything.

Do you support parenting-equality for children? ie: do you believe every child should have their state encourage both a father and a mother in their home?

Do you also support all other forms of marriage equality, or just for homosexuals?

What part of my statement do you find hard to understand?

I support marriage equality for homosexuals- and I am opposed to any efforts to make churches do anything

You oppose marriage equality for homosexuals, and oppose children of homosexuals having married parents.
I support marriage equality for homosexuals- and I am opposed to any efforts to make churches do anything.

Do you support parenting-equality for children? ie: do you believe every child should have their state encourage both a father and a mother in their home?

You do realize that 'parenting-equality' is a term you just made up, right?
You do realize that 'parenting-equality' is a term you just made up, right?

What's the harm in that? "Marriage equality" is a term your ilk has just made up in recent years also. You think you have a monopoly on coining terms and phrases?

If the shoe fits, you can call it parenting-equality for children. Sure you can if it is a legitimate phenomenon currently being hashed out in debate.
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Surged with the US public. Until today its a majority position:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

With supporters outpacing opposition by about 13 points. With numerous other polls putting it between 12 and 19 points. All of which you ignore. Just like you ignore anything that contradicts what you choose to believe. Any study, any poll, any source, any methodology, any country.

But no rational person would ignore what you do. And the courts certainly don't. Rendering your desperate, willful ignorance gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of any court case.

4 Months until the USSC ruling, Silo.
What just like they ignored the voters in Cali on Prop 8 ? Now who is ignoring who again ?
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Surged with the US public. Until today its a majority position:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

With supporters outpacing opposition by about 13 points. With numerous other polls putting it between 12 and 19 points. All of which you ignore. Just like you ignore anything that contradicts what you choose to believe. Any study, any poll, any source, any methodology, any country.

But no rational person would ignore what you do. And the courts certainly don't. Rendering your desperate, willful ignorance gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of any court case.

4 Months until the USSC ruling, Silo.
What just like they ignored the voters in Cali on Prop 8 ? Now who is ignoring who again ?

The voters were not ignored- my fellow citizens voted in an unconstitutional law.

And like many other unconstitutional laws voted upon by citizens, it was overturned by the court.
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Surged with the US public. Until today its a majority position:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

With supporters outpacing opposition by about 13 points. With numerous other polls putting it between 12 and 19 points. All of which you ignore. Just like you ignore anything that contradicts what you choose to believe. Any study, any poll, any source, any methodology, any country.

But no rational person would ignore what you do. And the courts certainly don't. Rendering your desperate, willful ignorance gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of any court case.

4 Months until the USSC ruling, Silo.
What just like they ignored the voters in Cali on Prop 8 ? Now who is ignoring who again ?

The federal judiciary ruled Prop 8 violated constitutional guarantees. With the courts putting individual rights above state powers.

Exactly as they are supposed to.
I note you picked the date "since 2011".. (even though gay marriage was going on before that).

I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Surged with the US public. Until today its a majority position:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

With supporters outpacing opposition by about 13 points. With numerous other polls putting it between 12 and 19 points. All of which you ignore. Just like you ignore anything that contradicts what you choose to believe. Any study, any poll, any source, any methodology, any country.

But no rational person would ignore what you do. And the courts certainly don't. Rendering your desperate, willful ignorance gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of any court case.

4 Months until the USSC ruling, Silo.
What just like they ignored the voters in Cali on Prop 8 ? Now who is ignoring who again ?

The federal judiciary ruled Prop 8 violated constitutional guarantees. With the courts putting individual rights above state powers.

Exactly as they are supposed to.
An individuals right to what exactly ? There are many things guaranteed under our Constitution for sure, but are some of these supposed things in which people are coming up with or rather that they are thinking of today actually covered or should they be ? Otherwise are some things truly covered in the interpretation of the constitution as it was written back then or are many things just being adapted to it or added to it somehow in hopes of being covered these days, and this even though the original intent was not intended to cover the things in which people are trying to have covered under the founding documents today ?
I picked that year since that's when the support for gay marriage began to surge dramatically.

Surge with whom? Have you seen the results at the top (the most popular poll in USMB history)?

Surged with the US public. Until today its a majority position:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

With supporters outpacing opposition by about 13 points. With numerous other polls putting it between 12 and 19 points. All of which you ignore. Just like you ignore anything that contradicts what you choose to believe. Any study, any poll, any source, any methodology, any country.

But no rational person would ignore what you do. And the courts certainly don't. Rendering your desperate, willful ignorance gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of any court case.

4 Months until the USSC ruling, Silo.
What just like they ignored the voters in Cali on Prop 8 ? Now who is ignoring who again ?

The federal judiciary ruled Prop 8 violated constitutional guarantees. With the courts putting individual rights above state powers.

Exactly as they are supposed to.
An individuals right to what exactly ?

Liberty and equal protection under the law, specifically. If you're genuinely curious, look at the specific legal questions being answered by the courts.
Yes, legal protection under the law, except if your a Child, then it is the Courts who decide and force Orphaned Children into Homosexual Lifestyles against their will.

It is more important for Homosexual's to have what they desire, the Orphaned Children have zero choice.
One, why would you want to force anyone to attend your wedding, especially if you knew they would find it offensive? Who does that? Put aside all blabber about "rights" and "born that way." Just as a matter of basic human decency and tolerance, why would you want to force anyone to attend your wedding against their will? Why?

Two, whatever happened to the often-repeated guarantee that "if you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you"? Hey? What happened to that line? Now we're finding out that gay rights activists are trying to use gay marriage laws to force churches and Christian businesses to host/service gay ceremonies against their will. Gee, what about "tolerance" and "live and let live"?

Just as a matter of basic human decency and respect for others' beliefs, why don't gays just use the many liberal churches and secular businesses that would be glad to host or service their sick little ceremonies?
..Just as a matter of basic human decency and respect for others' beliefs, why don't gays just use the many liberal churches and secular businesses that would be glad to host or service their sick little ceremonies?

Because the legal system allows them to force people to particpate in their cult. If you discard the premise that LGBT is a cult, then your wonderings make sense. If you embrace that LGBT is a cult that seeks to replace common mores with their own bacchanal-think, then you understand quite clearly why LGBTs are trying to force others who reject their dogma into participation. That's what cults do, they assimilate force if this case, using the courts to accomplish that goal..

They will force churches to provide gay weddings as soon as any ink is dry on their hope for a federal mandate of gay marriage across the 50 can set your watch by it.
Yes, legal protection under the law, except if your a Child, then it is the Courts who decide and force Orphaned Children into Homosexual Lifestyles against their will.

It is more important for Homosexual's to have what they desire, the Orphaned Children have zero choice.

Courts don't put any children in any households.

However, all children who are adopted are essentially put into homes 'against their will' i.e. adults decide for them.

But the lucky children who are adopted, end up with a home- too bad you are against that.
Yes, legal protection under the law, except if your a Child, then it is the Courts who decide and force Orphaned Children into Homosexual Lifestyles against their will.

It is more important for Homosexual's to have what they desire, the Orphaned Children have zero choice.

With the 'homosexual lifestyle' just being every day life. Having lunch. Doing laundry. Watching TV. Attending birthday parties. The occasional funeral. Watching the Superbowl. Save that you're gay while you do it.

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