Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Why would any couple want their wedding performed by a Church that was forced to do it....
Or why would they want a Christian to photograph them or bake them a wedding cake if an agenda isn't on their mind? They would'nt, so why are they doing it, and then acting as if they are surprised when the resistance comes?

They aren't surprised, and everyone including them knows this, but they got to play it out.

And by 'agenda' you mean being treated like everyone else?

But that's not really what they're asking for. 'Everyone else' risks being discriminated against every day. Instead of being treated like everyone else, they're asking to be added to the list of groups covered by 'protected classes' legislation. They're asking for the special privilege of forcing people who don't approve of their sexuality to server them regardless.

They most certainly do want to be treated like everyone else. They just want to be able to go into a place of business and not have to think about or worry about whether or not they will be served. JUST LIKE YOU

It is those who believe that they have the right to discriminate in the name of god who want a special privilege to do so.

And they can do so anywhere, with very few, if any exceptions.

What they can NOT do, is to demand that people accept their behavior, where that behavior sets out to codify deviancy, through the public celebration of such, wherein they set themselves within institutions which are by natural design the exclusive domain of the HETERO-SEXUAL.

See how that works?

See, I can go into the Miami Football Stadium and be treated just like everyone else. What I can't do is to expect that I should be welcomed into the locker room, to suit up as a starting linebacker.

And this is because I am not qualified to BE a starting Linebacker. I don't have the skills, the speed, or a contract.

Ya see, to get a contract, ya have to have the qualifications... and since I'm not qualified for a contract, it's not reasonable for me to expect that I'll be allowed to get one.

Anything getttin' through here?

I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

Anything getting through there?
You mean like this? Which one is you?

I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

And Negroes should seek out and buy their lunch from places that don't object to serving Negroes.
It makes sense.
Would you rather eat at a place that welcomes you with open arms, or one that throws food at you?
Or do you just want to sue someone?

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......
Or why would they want a Christian to photograph them or bake them a wedding cake if an agenda isn't on their mind? They would'nt, so why are they doing it, and then acting as if they are surprised when the resistance comes?

They aren't surprised, and everyone including them knows this, but they got to play it out.

And by 'agenda' you mean being treated like everyone else?

But that's not really what they're asking for. 'Everyone else' risks being discriminated against every day. Instead of being treated like everyone else, they're asking to be added to the list of groups covered by 'protected classes' legislation. They're asking for the special privilege of forcing people who don't approve of their sexuality to server them regardless.

They most certainly do want to be treated like everyone else. They just want to be able to go into a place of business and not have to think about or worry about whether or not they will be served. JUST LIKE YOU

It is those who believe that they have the right to discriminate in the name of god who want a special privilege to do so.

And they can do so anywhere, with very few, if any exceptions.

What they can NOT do, is to demand that people accept their behavior, where that behavior sets out to codify deviancy, through the public celebration of such, wherein they set themselves within institutions which are by natural design the exclusive domain of the HETERO-SEXUAL.

See how that works?

See, I can go into the Miami Football Stadium and be treated just like everyone else. What I can't do is to expect that I should be welcomed into the locker room, to suit up as a starting linebacker.

And this is because I am not qualified to BE a starting Linebacker. I don't have the skills, the speed, or a contract.

Ya see, to get a contract, ya have to have the qualifications... and since I'm not qualified for a contract, it's not reasonable for me to expect that I'll be allowed to get one.

Anything getttin' through here?

I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

If you're chatting with Keyes.....get used to those.
Force me to do something against my will and you sure as hell aren't getting my best effort.

You mean like this? Which one is you?

I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

Gays should be able to buy from anyone doing business with the public. As ordering a cake from a person who sells cake is a reasonable act. Denying cake because of the sexual orientation of the person ordering it isn't.
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?
Why would you want to force someone who is not motivated to do his best work to serve you?
It makes no sense.
I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

And Negroes should seek out and buy their lunch from places that don't object to serving Negroes.
It makes sense.
Would you rather eat at a place that welcomes you with open arms, or one that throws food at you?
Or do you just want to sue someone?

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......
So you refuse to answer a direct question. OK. Fine.
And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

And Negroes should seek out and buy their lunch from places that don't object to serving Negroes.
It makes sense.
Would you rather eat at a place that welcomes you with open arms, or one that throws food at you?
Or do you just want to sue someone?

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......
So you refuse to answer a direct question. OK. Fine.

Here is the thing.

If a shop refused to do business with me- say because I was Jewish or because I was gay or because I was a veteran- I would probably do what you say- because I am generally an easy going kind of guy.

If a shop refused to do business with my wife or daughter- say because they were Jewish or gay or veterans- I would gladly sue the hell out the business. Because that would piss me off enough to take action.
You mean like this? Which one is you?

I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

Gays should be able to buy from anyone doing business with the public. As ordering a cake from a person who sells cake is a reasonable act. Denying cake because of the sexual orientation of the person ordering it isn't.
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?

Why should they have to hunt for a baker that isn't going to project his religious bigotry upon them? Again, the actions of the gays and lesbians in question are completely reasonable: order a cake from a person that sells cake. The response they face isn't reasonable.

You're insisting its the responsibility of the gays and lesbians to remedy someone *else's* religiously motivated bigotry. I disagree. Gays and lesbians are not responsible for the bigotry they face. And Its not their responsibility to remedy it.

Not rationally, and not under the law.
Force me to do something against my will and you sure as hell aren't getting my best effort.

You mean like this? Which one is you?


My Lord...

The poor Negro...

Man! They can NOT catch a BREAK!

The First Black President is a dead center RINGER for the absolute WORST of every racial stereotype... fast talkin', shiftless individual of low character, of who there is NO potential for any reasonable person to trust.

And NOW... the Degenerates are glomming on..., claiming their twisted kinks to be the sexual expression of 'being black.'

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......


Whatta shame... .
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

And Negroes should seek out and buy their lunch from places that don't object to serving Negroes.
It makes sense.
Would you rather eat at a place that welcomes you with open arms, or one that throws food at you?
Or do you just want to sue someone?

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......
So you refuse to answer a direct question. OK. Fine.

Here is the thing.

If a shop refused to do business with me- say because I was Jewish or because I was gay or because I was a veteran- I would probably do what you say- because I am generally an easy going kind of guy.

If a shop refused to do business with my wife or daughter- say because they were Jewish or gay or veterans- I would gladly sue the hell out the business. Because that would piss me off enough to take action.

Send your homosexual wife into my shop... I'll give ya something to sue over.
And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

And Negroes should seek out and buy their lunch from places that don't object to serving Negroes.
It makes sense.
Would you rather eat at a place that welcomes you with open arms, or one that throws food at you?
Or do you just want to sue someone?

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......
So you refuse to answer a direct question. OK. Fine.

They can't answer directly... because to do so is to expose the deceit inherent in their position.
I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

The absolutely COOLEST thing about the word "Bigotry", is that the very application OF the word is, by definition: A demonstration of Bigotry.

And I do not seem to be able to get my fill of watching people here, fall victim to that delightful little trap, BY THE GROSS!


And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

Anything getting through there?

Football players are human beings and I am a human being and I don't GET to BE a Football Player just because I 'identify' as a FOOTBALL PLAYER. But that is only because I DO NOT QUALIFY TO BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER. Because I don't practice, I don't want to put in the time or expose myself to the pain of BEING such.

It's true tho', that I'm NOT a football player. Of course in my defense I never claimed TO BE ONE.

And still I do not demand that I should be accepted as one, despite that I think it would be cool to be a super celebrity with loads of cash and flash... and all the trappings that come with it... .

But I don't pretend to BE a Football player, BECAUSE I AM NOT DELUDED!

Such is the case for Homosexuals who do not pretend to be NORMAL... thus they do not demand to be provided access to institutions which nature designed exclusively AROUND NORMALITY.

No one here has a beef with those people... Come, shop, spend your money... we're happy to have you in our store... because you're people who behave within the scope of normality, you're not creating a scene or embarrassing other people through deviant, abnormal behavior, so... why would there be a reason to discriminate against you?

However for those of you sexual deviants looking to get into the heterosexual locker room... who expect to be starters within the heterosexual team... we're going to have to ask you to shut the fuck up, get back to your seat and sit down, or... if need be, we'll happily show you through the door.

And FYI: we're good either way... .
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?

They did, then filed a complaint with the appropriate state agency. You know it takes months and sometimes years for complaints to be investigated and resolved right?

You mean like this? Which one is you?

I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

Gays should be able to buy from anyone doing business with the public. As ordering a cake from a person who sells cake is a reasonable act. Denying cake because of the sexual orientation of the person ordering it isn't.
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?
Why would you want to force someone who is not motivated to do his best work to serve you?
It makes no sense.
I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

The absolutely COOLEST thing about the word "Bigotry", is that the very application OF the word is, by definition: A demonstration of Bigotry.

And I do not seem to be able to get my fill of watching people here, fall victim to that delightful little trap, BY THE GROSS!


And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

Anything getting through there?

Football players are human beings and I am a human being and I don't GET to BE a Football Player just because I 'identify' as a FOOTBALL PLAYER. But that is only because I DO NOT QUALIFY TO BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER. Because I don't practice, I don't want to put in the time or expose myself to the pain of BEING such.

It's true tho', that I'm NOT a football player. Of course in my defense I never claimed TO BE ONE.

And still I do not demand that I should be accepted as one, despite that I think it would be cool to be a super celebrity with loads of cash and flash... and all the trappings that come with it... .

But I don't pretend to BE a Football player, BECAUSE I AM NOT DELUDED!

Such is the case for Homosexuals who do not pretend to be NORMAL... thus they do not demand to be provided access to institutions which nature designed exclusively AROUND NORMALITY.

No one here has a beef with those people... Come, shop, spend your money... we're happy to have you in our store... because you're people who behave within the scope of normality, you're not creating a scene or embarrassing other people through deviant, abnormal behavior, so... why would there be a reason to discriminate against you?

However for those of you sexual deviants looking to get into the heterosexual locker room... who expect to be starters within the heterosexual team... we're going to have to ask you to shut the fuck up and sit down, or... if need be, we'll happily show you through the door.

And FYI: we're good either way... .

Well it's pretty apparent that you are anything but normal unless being a pig headed bigot is what you call normal. It apparent that you have no intention of having a rational discussion of the issue so you will now be ignored
I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

The absolutely COOLEST thing about the word "Bigotry", is that the very application OF the word is, by definition: A demonstration of Bigotry.

We've been through this. Your definitions of bigotry don't match the actual definitions. Which is very typically the case when you start trying to argue definitions.

Remember that little piece of hopeless relativism in demanding that 'homo' meant 'self', and homophobic meant 'fear of self'? You citing yourself on the meaning of words has no objective meaning.

Such is the case for Homosexuals who do not pretend to be NORMAL... thus they do not demand to be provided access to institutions which nature designed exclusively AROUND NORMALITY.

Nature didn't design marriage. We did. Marriage doesn't exist outside human societies for exactly that reason. And marriage means whatever we say it does.

We clearly recognized a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with procreation or children. As all the infertile and childless couples being married or being allowed to stay married demonstrates. If procreation was the sole valid basis of marriage, this wouldn't be possible. Worse, your marriage would disolve the moment you stopped having kids.

Back in reality, no one is required to have kids or be able to have them in order to marry. Eliminating procreation as a requirement of any marriage. And eliminating it as the sole valid basis of marriage.
I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

Gays should be able to buy from anyone doing business with the public. As ordering a cake from a person who sells cake is a reasonable act. Denying cake because of the sexual orientation of the person ordering it isn't.
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?
Why would you want to force someone who is not motivated to do his best work to serve you?
It makes no sense.
I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

The absolutely COOLEST thing about the word "Bigotry", is that the very application OF the word is, by definition: A demonstration of Bigotry.

And I do not seem to be able to get my fill of watching people here, fall victim to that delightful little trap, BY THE GROSS!


And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

Anything getting through there?

Football players are human beings and I am a human being and I don't GET to BE a Football Player just because I 'identify' as a FOOTBALL PLAYER. But that is only because I DO NOT QUALIFY TO BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER. Because I don't practice, I don't want to put in the time or expose myself to the pain of BEING such.

It's true tho', that I'm NOT a football player. Of course in my defense I never claimed TO BE ONE.

And still I do not demand that I should be accepted as one, despite that I think it would be cool to be a super celebrity with loads of cash and flash... and all the trappings that come with it... .

But I don't pretend to BE a Football player, BECAUSE I AM NOT DELUDED!

Such is the case for Homosexuals who do not pretend to be NORMAL... thus they do not demand to be provided access to institutions which nature designed exclusively AROUND NORMALITY.

No one here has a beef with those people... Come, shop, spend your money... we're happy to have you in our store... because you're people who behave within the scope of normality, you're not creating a scene or embarrassing other people through deviant, abnormal behavior, so... why would there be a reason to discriminate against you?

However for those of you sexual deviants looking to get into the heterosexual locker room... who expect to be starters within the heterosexual team... we're going to have to ask you to shut the fuck up and sit down, or... if need be, we'll happily show you through the door.

And FYI: we're good either way... .

Well it's pretty apparent that you are anything but normal unless being a pig headed bigot is what you call normal. It apparent that you have no intention of having a rational discussion of the issue so you will now be ignored
Who are you talking to?
And Negroes should seek out and buy their lunch from places that don't object to serving Negroes.
It makes sense.
Would you rather eat at a place that welcomes you with open arms, or one that throws food at you?
Or do you just want to sue someone?

Yep- those blacks at the lunch counter were just being offensive......
So you refuse to answer a direct question. OK. Fine.

Here is the thing.

If a shop refused to do business with me- say because I was Jewish or because I was gay or because I was a veteran- I would probably do what you say- because I am generally an easy going kind of guy.

If a shop refused to do business with my wife or daughter- say because they were Jewish or gay or veterans- I would gladly sue the hell out the business. Because that would piss me off enough to take action.

Send your homosexual wife into my shop... I'll give ya something to sue over.

Oh I am sure in your imagination you would be all over hitting her with your walker.
I see nothing in my religious beliefs that says a negro sitting at a lunch counter is sinful.

And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

Gays should be able to buy from anyone doing business with the public. As ordering a cake from a person who sells cake is a reasonable act. Denying cake because of the sexual orientation of the person ordering it isn't.
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?

Why should they have to hunt for a baker that isn't going to project his religious bigotry upon them? Again, the actions of the gays and lesbians in question are completely reasonable: order a cake from a person that sells cake. The response they face isn't reasonable.

You're insisting its the responsibility of the gays and lesbians to remedy someone *else's* religiously motivated bigotry. I disagree. Gays and lesbians are not responsible for the bigotry they face. And Its not their responsibility to remedy it.

Not rationally, and not under the law.
You can't answer a direct question......
You asses try to boycott some businesses that don't support your cause. Why not boycott those that would rather you did? if it's not about your pocketbook?
I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

The absolutely COOLEST thing about the word "Bigotry", is that the very application OF the word is, by definition: A demonstration of Bigotry.

And I do not seem to be able to get my fill of watching people here, fall victim to that delightful little trap, BY THE GROSS!


And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

Anything getting through there?

But I don't pretend to BE a Football player, BECAUSE I AM NOT DELUDED!


The irony is hilarious.
And many Christians see nothing in their religious beliefs that says selling a wedding cake is sinful.
Agreed. Gays should seek them out and buy their cakes there.

Gays should be able to buy from anyone doing business with the public. As ordering a cake from a person who sells cake is a reasonable act. Denying cake because of the sexual orientation of the person ordering it isn't.
Why the hell not just go to a different bakery that would be happy to serve you?
Why would you want to force someone who is not motivated to do his best work to serve you?
It makes no sense.
I think that bigotry, and praying to an imaginary friend in the sky is deviant behavior.

The absolutely COOLEST thing about the word "Bigotry", is that the very application OF the word is, by definition: A demonstration of Bigotry.

And I do not seem to be able to get my fill of watching people here, fall victim to that delightful little trap, BY THE GROSS!


And, gay people are human beings and should be treated as such. You are not a freakin football player, so that is a false analogy........a logical fallacy

Anything getting through there?

Football players are human beings and I am a human being and I don't GET to BE a Football Player just because I 'identify' as a FOOTBALL PLAYER. But that is only because I DO NOT QUALIFY TO BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER. Because I don't practice, I don't want to put in the time or expose myself to the pain of BEING such.

It's true tho', that I'm NOT a football player. Of course in my defense I never claimed TO BE ONE.

And still I do not demand that I should be accepted as one, despite that I think it would be cool to be a super celebrity with loads of cash and flash... and all the trappings that come with it... .

But I don't pretend to BE a Football player, BECAUSE I AM NOT DELUDED!

Such is the case for Homosexuals who do not pretend to be NORMAL... thus they do not demand to be provided access to institutions which nature designed exclusively AROUND NORMALITY.

No one here has a beef with those people... Come, shop, spend your money... we're happy to have you in our store... because you're people who behave within the scope of normality, you're not creating a scene or embarrassing other people through deviant, abnormal behavior, so... why would there be a reason to discriminate against you?

However for those of you sexual deviants looking to get into the heterosexual locker room... who expect to be starters within the heterosexual team... we're going to have to ask you to shut the fuck up and sit down, or... if need be, we'll happily show you through the door.

And FYI: we're good either way... .

Well it's pretty apparent that you are anything but normal unless being a pig headed bigot is what you call normal. It apparent that you have no intention of having a rational discussion of the issue so you will now be ignored
Who are you talking to?

Keys. Did something go wrong there?

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