Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
1. You force babies to die, want to also kill the old, infirm, weak, and confused...

3. and you force us to subsidize a huge population of disgusting, criminal, and diseased freaks.

4. I think your days of forcing need to come to an end. It is time you were brought to heel. As humans, we abide by a code of honor and behavior..if you do not wish to abide by it...then by all means, remove yourself from our society. Create your own. Elsewhere. With your own kind.

1. No, I believe in the woman's right to abortion. Forcing a mother to have a baby will not work.

2. No, people who are very ill and are in a lot of pain who know that they will die in 3 weeks should have the right to end their suffering. Nobody forces them to die, it's their own choice. It's more humane than forcing the ill to stay alive and suffer.

3. No, just giving the same rights to a group of people, I don't like discrimination.

4. Totally BS, I don't force anyone anything. Instead, I support freedom to let people decide their own lifes and do not support a theocracy that decides how people should live their lifes. Your group of religious fundamentalists who want to their force their values onto the rest of society are by far a minority.

1. So you coerce and kill the mothers, and kill the babies. Killing an innocent is *force*
2. Killing.
3. Stealing from one group to support another group that is needy because it make bad choices.
4. If we refuse to marry loons in our churches, that is not force. Loons may go elsewhere.

This is not *religious fundamentalism* and it is not the minority. The majority of the US feels this way. The extremist whackos are the ones who kill babies, want to kill the old and vulnerable, and want to eliminate religious freedom.

Yes, it "is not *religious fundamentalism"* and yes, "it is [in the vast] the minority."

This is a lie: "So you coerce and kill the mothers, and kill the babies. Killing an innocent is *force*"

It is not "Killing."

It is not "Stealing from one group to support another group that is needy because it make bad choices."

If you follow the law, then you may "refuse to marry loons in our churches,".
Exibit: A ^^^^^^^^^

Exibit: B ^^^^^^^^^


Have you decided to make your coming out announcement yet fake jake? I bet the ensuing party will just be spectacular. Queer & liberal, just admit it

Grampa, your attitude is what led to your felony.

You are not as clever as others, and you just have not grown up.

The TeaP peep defeat in Mississippi, along with all of the others, excluding Brat (who is really libertarian) and Patrick (who merely wants Cruz's seat when the time comes) makes it clear that the party does not want to go to the far right.

The American people certainly want nothing to do with the bad far right.
Exibit: B ^^^^^^^^^


Have you decided to make your coming out announcement yet fake jake? I bet the ensuing party will just be spectacular. Queer & liberal, just admit it

Grampa, your attitude is what led to your felony.

You are not as clever as others, and you just have not grown up.

The TeaP peep defeat in Mississippi, along with all of the others, excluding Brat (who is really libertarian) and Patrick (who merely wants Cruz's seat when the time comes) makes it clear that the party does not want to go to the far right.

The American people certainly want nothing to do with the bad far right.

You just shouldn't try to insult others jake. As a fake gay liberal black man you are just awful at it.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

Only in their worship rituals.

How about against racial minorities as well?

A Church can close the doors to the church building itself based on race. If they open up a hospital, they may not close those doors based on race.

pretty simply stuff
Refusing to provide a service that someone demands, when the person who demands it is welcome to find another provider for the same service, is not *forcing* our values on anybody.

It's like progressive pigs have never been told "no" in their lives, the little creeps.
When the state seeks to impose its will upon the churches of the land, bloodshed is a heartbeat away.

No. In our country, the state does not have the authority to dictate what the church must *allow*.

So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

Except for the fact that race, which is different from LGBT behaviors/cult, is protected by the 14th. The LGBT cult is not.
As long as someone has a church building, a bible, and a cross, the left heathen creatures will believe Christianity is being forced upon them. They're very insecure sensitive creatures.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

What part of "The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions" did you not get?

Which of those words, do you need to be further defined?

If my church says that absolutely no one without a Tuxedo, and blue suede shoes, is allowed.... not the government, nor the public, has any right to say otherwise. Period. End of discussion.

We live in a land based on freedom. Not government regulation. No one has the right to 'impose' themselves on others. At all. Period. The end.

Thanks for stopping by.
And religion is separate from the state.

The state has no authority over it.
As long as someone has a church building, a bible, and a cross, the left heathen creatures will believe Christianity is being forced upon them. They're very insecure sensitive creatures.

I have to admit, this has been one of the more confusing aspects of Athiests.

Athiests..... do not believe in G-d. More than just 'not believe', but reject the entire concept.

How can something that does not exist..... offend an Athiest? Do tooth fairies and easter bunnies also offend them? Do you hear them talk about how Santa Clause and the elves are being 'forced' on them? If they truly believe that G-d is just as mythical as elves, faries, and the like.... why is it they don't seem to have a problem with any other mythical things?

I'm convinced the answer is at some level deep inside, they must know that G-d, unlike elves and faries, is in fact real, and they hate that, and thus they lash out at those who love G-d.

I can't think of any other logical explanation. Can you?
Exibit: B ^^^^^^^^^


Have you decided to make your coming out announcement yet fake jake? I bet the ensuing party will just be spectacular. Queer & liberal, just admit it

Grampa, your attitude is what led to your felony.

You are not as clever as others, and you just have not grown up.

The TeaP peep defeat in Mississippi, along with all of the others, excluding Brat (who is really libertarian) and Patrick (who merely wants Cruz's seat when the time comes) makes it clear that the party does not want to go to the far right.

The American people certainly want nothing to do with the bad far right.

The Tea Party should move more libertarian. Social cons are becoming less and less popular in this country. I would support them if they turned away from the social conservatives
They covet what they cannot have, and they seek to destroy those who are different from themselves.

It's nothing more complicated than that. They hate Christians and Christianity because they are an obstacle to their vision of a completely depraved, disgusting world. These people are the enemy of freedom, liberty and humanity. Of course they want to eliminate God, and the people who love him.
Last edited:

Have you decided to make your coming out announcement yet fake jake? I bet the ensuing party will just be spectacular. Queer & liberal, just admit it

Grampa, your attitude is what led to your felony.

You are not as clever as others, and you just have not grown up.

The TeaP peep defeat in Mississippi, along with all of the others, excluding Brat (who is really libertarian) and Patrick (who merely wants Cruz's seat when the time comes) makes it clear that the party does not want to go to the far right.

The American people certainly want nothing to do with the bad far right.

The Tea Party should move more libertarian. Social cons are becoming less and less popular in this country. I would support them if they turned away from the social conservatives
Ayup the religious right and war hawk authoritarians mucked up the republican party. If the republicans don't boot em the folks that love liberty should move to the libertarian party.

Democrats who flooded our ranks in the 70s-80s destroyed our party. The Republican Party now is what the Democrat Party was in the 60s (and many of the same people) and the Dems are straight up progressive pigs.
Grampa, your attitude is what led to your felony. You are not as clever as others, and you just have not grown up. The TeaP peep defeat in Mississippi, along with all of the others, excluding Brat (who is really libertarian) and Patrick (who merely wants Cruz's seat when the time comes) makes it clear that the party does not want to go to the far right. The American people certainly want nothing to do with the bad far right.
The Tea Party should move more libertarian. Social cons are becomingless and less popular in this country. I would support them if they turned away from the social conservatives
Ayup the religious right and war hawk authoritarians mucked up the republican party. If the republicans don't boot em the folks that love liberty should move to the libertarian party.

The 10th Circuit Court just threw out Utah's appeal.

Moving to libertarian economic principles, socially liberal and economically conservative, would help the GOP immeasurably.
As long as someone has a church building, a bible, and a cross, the left heathen creatures will believe Christianity is being forced upon them. They're very insecure sensitive creatures.

I have to admit, this has been one of the more confusing aspects of Athiests.

Athiests..... do not believe in G-d. More than just 'not believe', but reject the entire concept.

How can something that does not exist..... offend an Athiest? Do tooth fairies and easter bunnies also offend them? Do you hear them talk about how Santa Clause and the elves are being 'forced' on them? If they truly believe that G-d is just as mythical as elves, faries, and the like.... why is it they don't seem to have a problem with any other mythical things?

I'm convinced the answer is at some level deep inside, they must know that G-d, unlike elves and faries, is in fact real, and they hate that, and thus they lash out at those who love G-d.

I can't think of any other logical explanation. Can you?

It's an internal battle each athiest is waging with themselves. Their soul vs their intellect.

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