Zone1 Should college professors be committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in order to be hired by a university?

The Democrat Party exploited resentment of the rich and the business community during the Roosevelt administration. As a result Roosevelt was re elected three times. The United States also recovered from the Great Depression during that time, and helped to win the Second World War.
So what you’re saying is that it’s a good campaign tactic for the Dems to make people jealous and resentful of people who are rich. Obviously. But what is a good campaign tactic is not necessarily a good thing for Americans. Look at how the Dems are not only exploiting, but promoting, resentment of whites.
So what you’re saying is that it’s a good campaign tactic for the Dems to make people jealous and resentful of people who are rich. Obviously. But what is a good campaign tactic is not necessarily a good thing for Americans. Look at how the Dems are not only exploiting, but promoting, resentment of whites.
I would rather the Democrats exploit resentment of the rich. It is ridiculous for the Democrats not to exploit the strongest issue they have. How have most Americans have benefited from Republican tax cuts for the rich?

These are messages that will win elections for the Democrats.


Think about this. In Norway, CEOs make 11x more than their average worker. In the United States, CEOs make 351x more than their average worker. Does anybody seriously believe CEOs in this country work 351 times harder than the average American worker? I don't think so.

- Bernie Sanders
So what you’re saying is that it’s a good campaign tactic for the Dems to make people jealous and resentful of people who are rich.
Yes. That is just exactly what I am saying. Because of Republican tax cuts for the rich the the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product ( GDP) is higher than it was at the end of the Second World War, and higher than ever before in American history. That is scandalous. How have most Americans benefited from it?

Republican tax cuts for the rich have not only benefited the rich and the nearly rich, they have harmed most Americans and the Democrat Party. They make it difficult for the Democrats to fund programs to benefit their constituencies.

When white blue collar workers think, "The Democrats have never done me any good. At least the Republicans won't take my guns," they either vote Republican or they stop voting.

As you should have figured out by now, I do not care at all about the vast majority of people on welfare, especially if they have illegitimate children.

My concern is for the working poor. I define the working poor as those who earn minimum wage or little more, and who have no health and retire benefits from their employers. They play the game by the rules, but they win none of the prizes.

They would benefit from a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by extremely progressive taxation. There is nothing radical and un American about high taxes on the rich and the nearly rich. That is the way things were from the administrations of Franklin Roosevelt to that of Jimmy Carter.
Attributing my low opinion of the Negro race to what you believe about my character is an example of the ad hominem fallacy. You also excel at name calling and the use of obscene words, but you are not good at fact based arguments.

Guy, we've already established some black person did something bad to you once... probably something he feels really bad about today as he got older and more mature. He'd feel really bad if he saw what a Nazi Mutant you've turned into.

Seriously, I would recommend psychological counseling, but I can't think of a therapist I dislike enough to inflict you on.

Diversity statements stir campus debate. by​


New York Times

September 9, 2023​

Diversity statements are a new flashpoint on campus, just as the Supreme Court has driven a stake through race-conscious admissions. Nearly half the large universities in America require that job applicants write such statements, part of the rapid growth in DEI programs. Many University of California departments now require that faculty members seeking promotions and tenure also write such statements.​

Diversity statements tend to run about a page or so long and ask candidates to describe how they would contribute to campus diversity, often seeking examples of how the faculty member has fostered an inclusive or anti-racist learning environment.​


Requiring college professors to be committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity reminds me of the loyalty oaths required of many during the McCarthy Era. They strike me as a violation of academic freedom.​

What do you think?​

Depends on how they define the terms and what exactly this "commitment" is required to look like. Unfortunately, these terms in practice are Orwellian these days.
Guy, we've already established some black person did something bad to you once... probably something he feels really bad about today as he got older and more mature. He'd feel really bad if he saw what a Nazi Mutant you've turned into.

Seriously, I would recommend psychological counseling, but I can't think of a therapist I dislike enough to inflict you on.
More insults from someone who is unable to present fact based arguments.
Your perverted racism is beneath contempt, but I'm happy to show my contempt for it anyway.

Again, man, you need therapy.
My racism consists of and limited to evaluating Negroes as individuals using the same criteria I use in evaluating whites as individuals.

Your perverted anti racism consists of making excuses for black social pathology, and trying to prevent people like me to drawing attention to it.

Would a therapist cause me to blame black social pathology on what happened to the ancestors of Negroes one and two centuries ago, even though black social pathology has gotten worse since the civil rights laws were passed and the War on Poverty was declared?
My racism consists of and limited to evaluating Negroes as individuals using the same criteria I use in evaluating whites as individuals.

If you evaluated people as individuals, their race would never enter into it.

Your perverted anti racism consists of making excuses for black social pathology, and trying to prevent people like me to drawing attention to it.

Or I realize that we have problems we need to fix. If the black community is broken, it was white folks who broke it. We can either choose to help fix it, or choose to keep living with it.

What we can't do is let a bunch of racist douchenoodles try to absolve themselves of responsibility by using junk science and Social Darwinism for an excuse for their social pathology.
Or I realize that we have problems we need to fix. If the black community is broken, it was white folks who broke it. We can either choose to help fix it, or choose to keep living with it.
The Negro race is broken, but we did not break it. Everywhere Negroes live, and always throughout history they have been known for low average intelligence, and high rates of crime and illegitimacy. Human evolution has not prepared most colored people for the demands of civilization.
The Negro race is broken, but we did not break it. Everywhere Negroes live,

Okay, buddy, you are starting to sound like a broken record. Look, man, whatever Jamal did to you in your youth, you need to get over it... this stuff is really toxic.
Somehow, I don't think you talk to people in real life like this.
Okay, buddy, you are starting to sound like a broken record. Look, man, whatever Jamal did to you in your youth, you need to get over it... this stuff is really toxic.
Somehow, I don't think you talk to people in real life like this.
The truth does not change. I have never known anyone named Jamal. He is your friend. Have you asked him if he knows who his father is yet?

I can tell if someone is willing to listen to the truth about Negroes. Many are. Expressions of hostility for that race have been suppress. The hostility has not gone away because black social pathology has actually gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was passed.
I can tell if someone is willing to listen to the truth about Negroes. Many are. Expressions of hostility for that race have been suppress. The hostility has not gone away because black social pathology has actually gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was passed.

Oh, I'm sure that there are bigots who are still offended that black people get in line ahead of them if they were there first.

To continue perceiving extreme racism as normative and not pathologic is to lend it legitimacy. Clearly, anyone who scapegoats a whole group of people and seeks to eliminate them to resolve his or her internal conflicts meets criteria for a delusional disorder, a major psychiatric illness.

Extreme racists' violence should be considered in the context of behavior described by Allport in The Nature of Prejudice.2 Allport's 5-point scale categorizes increasingly dangerous acts. It begins with verbal expression of antagonism, progresses to avoidance of members of disliked groups, then to active discrimination against them, to physical attack, and finally to extermination (lynchings, massacres, genocide). That fifth point on the scale, the acting out of extermination fantasies, is readily classifiable as delusional behavior.

Diversity statements stir campus debate. by​


New York Times

September 9, 2023​

Diversity statements are a new flashpoint on campus, just as the Supreme Court has driven a stake through race-conscious admissions. Nearly half the large universities in America require that job applicants write such statements, part of the rapid growth in DEI programs. Many University of California departments now require that faculty members seeking promotions and tenure also write such statements.​

Diversity statements tend to run about a page or so long and ask candidates to describe how they would contribute to campus diversity, often seeking examples of how the faculty member has fostered an inclusive or anti-racist learning environment.​


Requiring college professors to be committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity reminds me of the loyalty oaths required of many during the McCarthy Era. They strike me as a violation of academic freedom.​

What do you think?​

They should be against it and want to promote performance and excellence REGARDLESs of anything else
Oh, I'm sure that there are bigots who are still offended that black people get in line ahead of them if they were there first.

To continue perceiving extreme racism as normative and not pathologic is to lend it legitimacy. Clearly, anyone who scapegoats a whole group of people and seeks to eliminate them to resolve his or her internal conflicts meets criteria for a delusional disorder, a major psychiatric illness.

Extreme racists' violence should be considered in the context of behavior described by Allport in The Nature of Prejudice.2 Allport's 5-point scale categorizes increasingly dangerous acts. It begins with verbal expression of antagonism, progresses to avoidance of members of disliked groups, then to active discrimination against them, to physical attack, and finally to extermination (lynchings, massacres, genocide). That fifth point on the scale, the acting out of extermination fantasies, is readily classifiable as delusional behavior.
If we are talking about violence, Negroes are more likely to be guilty of violence against whites than whites are likely to be guilty of violence against blacks.

blackcrime 4.jpg

Now, because Negroes are characterized by high rates of violent crime, I do not think there is anything pathological about trying to avoid them.
You just answered your own question and didn't understand it.
That takes a special kind of stupid.
you got nothing do you. No explanation. no thinking going on in that punkin head of yours....and the sign is...all you got is ........insult. How very INTELLECTUALLY honest of you. LOLOL
you got nothing do you. No explanation. no thinking going on in that punkin head of yours....and the sign is...all you got is ........insult. How very INTELLECTUALLY honest of you. LOLOL
JoeB131 has nothing to offer important discussions about complex and controversial topics but insults and name calling. These are the lowest form of discourse.
If we are talking about violence, Negroes are more likely to be guilty of violence against whites than whites are likely to be guilty of violence against blacks.

Again, you reap what you sow. You oppress a people for hundreds of years, you are going to have the occasional acting out. From Nat Turner to George Floyd.
If blacks openly rebelled, this country wouldn't last a year.

Now, because Negroes are characterized by high rates of violent crime, I do not think there is anything pathological about trying to avoid them.

Um, not really.

First and foremost, blacks get prison, whites get probation. When whites get treated the same way by the Prison Industrial complex that blacks are, you can come back and talk to me about "Crime".

JoeB131 has nothing to offer important discussions about complex and controversial topics but insults and name calling. These are the lowest form of discourse.
I'm perfectly fine having a polite discourse with someone who isn't a filthy racist. Sadly, message boards are the only place people like you can exist, because you all have to keep your mouths shut in the real world.

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