Should DC become a state and get 2 Senators and voting rights for residents?

They do not. But they play the system. The system is designed to not want to leave if you can survive and have a pulse. I do understand what you say. The way from the 1960's has to change. It has peaked out. What ever success has been maxed and now they are going to enforce quotas called equity even worse. We can not compete and the costs are higher and higher.
They sure do play the system
While the Super Wealthy NEVER do
Its about socialism pushed by a sell out political class to the elites and globalists. When empowered they have a reputation to not take any shit. And in the end they will reduce resources to those they made promises to as the nation continues its decline. We are now condemning parents who complain to Progressive Socialist Globalist school boards that they can not defend their raped children in schools as they will be domestic terrorists. There was a time that a father would take a rifle into one of these places and clean it out. We all are diminished because of the insanity you promote. And in the end you will get it the worst. Not as a threat, but out of necessity.
^Nothing to do with my post, not a single bit of it.
DC agreed they would NOT become a "State" -- beyond absurd to give the Federal Government Statehood as well
It's a good thing nobody wants to make D.C. a state. Some of you should really read up on the subject before commenting.
Again, DC should be treated as Australia 1st was - as a penal colony for criminals...
Here's valid argument: You're full of shit. The whole reason for this thread is the fact that douchebags like you want two more Dim senators.
And again, not a single solid argument for denying Americans equal representation.
It's a good thing nobody wants to make D.C. a state. Some of you should really read up on the subject before commenting.
DC AGREED not to become a state?

Great idea since the Constitution gave them no option to do so.

If they want to vote, that's what they can do.

Force themselves on Maryland? OK, that doesn't work.

Here's a thought, what if the rest of the country doesn't WANT to create a new state out of a few square miles of real estate?

It's not up to the rest of the country. Just Congress and the citizens of D.C. . However a plurality of Americans want statehood.

Would the new state have the best interests of the rest of the country at heart? Not bloody likely.

Whatever that means.

The District was never supposed to be a state and shouldn't be.

No evidence the district was meant to deny what amounts to over 25% of the population at the time the District was formed. Plus, there will still be a District of Columbia that serves he same purpose.

If people want to live in the city and still vote, they can move or petition a state to let them be a virtual resident and pay state taxes so they can vote.

Nobody wants to do that including other states.

Has anyone explained to the residents of DC that want to be a state that they would have to start paying state taxes? It's not very likely that a brand new state that is essentially only part of a city is not going to pass up the chance to force new taxes on the people. Then, the SALT wouldn't be deductible, so they would have to pay those taxes plus the federal. I have a feeling a lot of people haven't really thought this through.
DC residents pay some of the highest federal income taxes already and they also have local taxes as well. Pretty sure they know what they are getting into but thanks for your 'concern'.
DC absolutely can and should be a state. They have a larger population than several states and no representation
Be honest, if it were reverse you would totally oppose it. You just want free Senators and however many congressmen they would get. Your lie is shallow and obvious. All your lies are
They already have their one Congressperson, it's just now that person could actually vote.

It's like you guys can't stop admitting the only reason you don't want a 51st (or 52nd) state is pure politics.

If there were hundreds of thousands of Americans who did not have the ability to vote due to the piece of land found on American soil not being considered a state and that was the only thing blocking them from access to equal representation I would be all in on welcoming in a new state.
I understand it's the reason you don't want 700k Americans to enjoy the same representation as you do.
they are free to live in a state and not the federal district they decided to live in….most of them actually moved into
They already have their one Congressperson, it's just now that person could actually vote.

It's like you guys can't stop admitting the only reason you don't want a 51st (or 52nd) state is pure politics.

If there were hundreds of thousands of Americans who did not have the ability to vote due to the piece of land found on American soil not being considered a state and that was the only thing blocking them from access to equal representation I would be all in on welcoming in a new state.
i personally have no problem with more states.
they are free to live in a state and not the federal district they decided to live in….most of them actually moved into

That's awesome. Most are born there many have families. homes and a life right where they are at.

Maybe that's what the British should have told us. Move.
the easiest thing to do for DC residence, that would not take a Constitutional amendment…is to simply excempt then from federal taxes
Post it.

It's pretty much like any other state except Congress just needs to change the boundaries of DC. to include just federal buildings. The Constitution's only requirement is that DC is no larger than 10 sq. miles.
gerrymander in more votes.

got it.

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