Should DC become a state and get 2 Senators and voting rights for residents?

Can't win on the merits of a debate so what better to do than whine about the motive.
It's a legitimate argument. You all want to portray this concern about all these people not having representation, but, if it was guaranteed to give 2 republican Senators, the left would be the ones arguing against it. Your argument isnt about representation, that's just what you say to make it sound good. It's all about those Senators.
It would be interesting to see DC try to survive as a state. It has no industry or tax base. Since it’s inception, DC’s expenses have been directly funded by congress. If DC becomes a state, that funding will have to stop and DC will have to support itself, pay for its own schools, police, fire, medical care and government. In months the citizens of the new state will either be moving out, or begging to have statehood rescinded.

Good point
How they choose to fund their state I guess would be up to them, right? Much better than an elected body they have no input in. Right?

Damn, did you just walk right smack into that or what?
Yes, it would be up to them, but, in order to fund the programs needed to maintain a state, how are they going to pay for it? Sure, there is a lot of income tax, but without a sustainable tax base, it would be difficult for dc to operate on its own.
It's a legitimate argument. You all want to portray this concern about all these people not having representation, but, if it was guaranteed to give 2 republican Senators, the left would be the ones arguing against it. Your argument isnt about representation, that's just what you say to make it sound good. It's all about those Senators.
So then what would be the “motive” of the people of DC wanting the right to vote?
Would they want to vote if they were Republican?
I say make it a gated community. Lock it in. And not allow any visitors anymore. Put up signs like Hazardous waste no entry.

Maybe China will clean the place up. Hell they own most of it already
The District’s special status affects its ability to raise revenue and provide public services. First, although it is not a state, it must perform the functions of a state as well as those of a city government. Besides providing local services, such as schools, police and fire, it is responsible for motor vehicle services, Medicaid and mental health services, as well as higher education and other functions normally handled at the state level. Second, despite its state-like responsibilities, the District does not have full state taxing authority. Congress expressly prohibited the District from taxing the income earned within its borders by non-residents, a power that all states have. State income taxes apply to income earned in the state, by residents and non-residents alike. A few cities also have commuter taxes that apply to income earned by commuters in the city, but these are normally small. It is the lack of a state-level income tax on non-resident income that depresses the District’s revenue-raising capacity significantly. Third, the city’s largest employer, the federal government, uses city services, but does not pay property, sales or income taxes. The same is true of embassies and international institutions.
So then what would be the “motive” of the people of DC wanting the right to vote?
Would they want to vote if they were Republican?
I'm not referring to the motive of the residents, I'm referring to the reasons so many on the left are adamant about it, but wouldn't be if it didn't work to their favor. Again, for the left, this isn't about representation, its about senate seats.
The District’s special status affects its ability to raise revenue and provide public services. First, although it is not a state, it must perform the functions of a state as well as those of a city government. Besides providing local services, such as schools, police and fire, it is responsible for motor vehicle services, Medicaid and mental health services, as well as higher education and other functions normally handled at the state level. Second, despite its state-like responsibilities, the District does not have full state taxing authority. Congress expressly prohibited the District from taxing the income earned within its borders by non-residents, a power that all states have. State income taxes apply to income earned in the state, by residents and non-residents alike. A few cities also have commuter taxes that apply to income earned by commuters in the city, but these are normally small. It is the lack of a state-level income tax on non-resident income that depresses the District’s revenue-raising capacity significantly. Third, the city’s largest employer, the federal government, uses city services, but does not pay property, sales or income taxes. The same is true of embassies and international institutions.
awe. poor things..........Well we will have to just improve the Zoo conditions then.
I'm not referring to the motive of the residents, I'm referring to the reasons so many on the left are adamant about it, but wouldn't be if it didn't work to their favor. Again, for the left, this isn't about representation, its about senate seats.
Isnt that all that matters?
The rights of the “people” of DC?
The District’s special status affects its ability to raise revenue and provide public services. First, although it is not a state, it must perform the functions of a state as well as those of a city government. Besides providing local services, such as schools, police and fire, it is responsible for motor vehicle services, Medicaid and mental health services, as well as higher education and other functions normally handled at the state level. Second, despite its state-like responsibilities, the District does not have full state taxing authority. Congress expressly prohibited the District from taxing the income earned within its borders by non-residents, a power that all states have. State income taxes apply to income earned in the state, by residents and non-residents alike. A few cities also have commuter taxes that apply to income earned by commuters in the city, but these are normally small. It is the lack of a state-level income tax on non-resident income that depresses the District’s revenue-raising capacity significantly. Third, the city’s largest employer, the federal government, uses city services, but does not pay property, sales or income taxes. The same is true of embassies and international institutions.
Congress expressly prohibited the District from taxing the income earned within its borders by non-residents

Correct, because non residents would already be taxed by their state in which they ARE a resident. For dc to also tax them would be a double tax. There are many people who live in dc that are residents of other states.

It is the lack of a state-level income tax on non-resident income that depresses the District’s revenue-raising capacity significantly

I don't see how this would change, non resident income cannot be taxed inside dc if the employee is already being taxed by their state.

Am I misunderstanding your article?
Isnt that all that matters?
The rights of the “people” of DC?
Absolutely. I'm not arguing against the rights of the residents of dc having representation, I'm arguing against the left reasons for wanting it. And the fac that if it wasn't for the dem Senators, you wouldn't be arguing for it
Yes, it would be up to them, but, in order to fund the programs needed to maintain a state, how are they going to pay for it? Sure, there is a lot of income tax, but without a sustainable tax base, it would be difficult for dc to operate on its own.
I would assume some sort of tax. Maybe they would call them state taxes. They also have a sustainable tax base
Absolutely. I'm not arguing against the rights of the residents of dc having representation, I'm arguing against the left reasons for wanting it. And the fac that if it wasn't for the dem Senators, you wouldn't be arguing for it
And if they tell you otherwise, they're lying.
Yes, it would be up to them, but, in order to fund the programs needed to maintain a state, how are they going to pay for it? Sure, there is a lot of income tax, but without a sustainable tax base, it would be difficult for dc to operate on its own.
That structure is already in place. They already pay DC taxes. So, got anything else, but this fake concern for the well being of the DC infrastructure?
Meh, just reattach the district’s 700k population back to Maryland for the purposes of congressional representation.

In that scenario Maryland will gain one more seat in the house, thus increasing its electoral college votes from 10 to 11. But, since DC’s three EC votes would no longer be in play, it would be a net loss of 2 votes for the Democrats. They’d be better off keeping it as is.

Under no circumstances should DC be granted statehood or its own senators. That’s just ridiculous.
Rhode Island was a founding State as I recall.
Actually Rhode Island did not ratify the Constitution (1790) until well after George Washington was elected (1789) . It was one of the 13 colonies and one of the first 13 states. They sent no delegates to the Constitutional Convention, opposing it because it placed too much power in a central government.
Meh, just reattach the district’s 700k population back to Maryland for the purposes of congressional representation.

In that scenario Maryland will gain one more seat in the house, thus increasing its electoral college votes from 10 to 11. But, since DC’s three EC votes would no longer be in play, it would be a net loss of 2 votes for the Democrats. They’d be better off keeping it as is.

Under no circumstances should DC be granted statehood or its own senators. That’s just ridiculous.

Neither Maryland, nor the residents of DC would approve your plan.

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