Should DC become a state and get 2 Senators and voting rights for residents?

It would be interesting to see DC try to survive as a state. It has no industry or tax base. Since it’s inception, DC’s expenses have been directly funded by congress. If DC becomes a state, that funding will have to stop and DC will have to support itself, pay for its own schools, police, fire, medical care and government. In months the citizens of the new state will either be moving out, or begging to have statehood rescinded.
DC residents pay more in federal taxes per capita than most if not all other states.

GDP - looks like D.C. is 18th for 2021. 1st for GDP per capita.

You're from Arizona? So how do they compare you should be asking. AZ is 20th for nominal GDP and 37th for GDP per capita. But sure, let's keep robbing these people from proper representation.

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It would be interesting to see DC try to survive as a state. It has no industry or tax base. Since it’s inception, DC’s expenses have been directly funded by congress. If DC becomes a state, that funding will have to stop and DC will have to support itself, pay for its own schools, police, fire, medical care and government. In months the citizens of the new state will either be moving out, or begging to have statehood rescinded.
Seriously, it's a district that is a small city. It should remain that way.
You mean those parasites who pay more in federal taxes than anyone else?

That's really your best argument against statehood? Pretty lame.
Did you even bother reading your article? DC residents pay higher taxes because the work for the government and get higher pay and better benefits that the citizens of the states. According to your article, they have fewer defendants as well. In other words they are government drones sucking on the taxpayer’s teat, mostly doing jobs that don’t need to be done.
Did you even bother reading your article? DC residents pay higher taxes because the work for the government and get higher pay and better benefits that the citizens of the states. According to your article, they have fewer defendants as well. In other words they are government drones sucking on the taxpayer’s teat, mostly doing jobs that don’t need to be done.

I see. So, you want to make anyone who gets paid more than you and has health insurance a second class citizen? They pay more in taxes, yes because they make more money, that doesn't do anything against my argument.
No real good reason to make it a state either. The people who live there are not prisoners, they can move a few miles and become citizens of states.

Sure, let's inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people because you don't like the way they vote.
Sure, let's inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people because you don't like the way they vote.
Of course we could always saddle them with the total responsibility to fund their state like everyone else has to. DC is supposed to be a district, not a state, on purpose.
Of course we could always saddle them with the total responsibility to fund their state like everyone else has to. DC is supposed to be a district, not a state, on purpose.
How they choose to fund their state I guess would be up to them, right? Much better than an elected body they have no input in. Right?

Damn, did you just walk right smack into that or what?
How they choose to fund their state I guess would be up to them, right? Much better than an elected body they have no input in. Right?

Damn, did you just walk right smack into that or what?
Like I said, it's not hard to get citizenship in a (very) nearby state. They are, for all intents and purposes, citizens of the federal government, and should stay that way.
Federal Taxes are not given to a State but to the Federal Government. The new State of DC would need ots own revenue sources as right now they do not have any.
Like I said, it's not hard to get citizenship in a (very) nearby state. They are, for all intents and purposes, citizens of the federal government, and should stay that way.

That's a great way to economically crater a community especially those that cannot afford to move or have a job or own businesses nearby.
Federal Taxes are not given to a State but to the Federal Government. The new State of DC would need ots own revenue sources as right now they do not have any.
But that's okay, because they would have 2 new Senators, and that's all that matters.
Federal Taxes are not given to a State but to the Federal Government. The new State of DC would need ots own revenue sources as right now they do not have any.
Yes and again that would be up to the state to control their own expenses which they do not have that control now. Is this really difficult for you guys? Taxation w/out representation is just fine right?
Like I said, it's not hard to get citizenship in a (very) nearby state. They are, for all intents and purposes, citizens of the federal government, and should stay that way.
If you choose to not live in one of the 50 states, you choose to have no representation in Congress.
Yes and again that would be up to the state to control their own expenses which they do not have that control now. Is this really difficult for you guys? Taxation w/out representation is just fine right?
Other then federal taxes what tax do they pay?

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