Should Donald Trump drop out?

Should trump drop out?

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Pence is not VP yet, so succession would not apply. Next up in the convention vote would have the claim.
Yep. Kasich is next. Followed by Rubio...and I forget who comes after him. Carson I think? Christie has a few too.

Cruz is too busy ice fishing, drinking Molsen Ale and eating maple syrup to serve as POTUS. It just wouldn't fit into his busy schedule. Plus, it would be illegal.

I've said elsewhere that it would be an excellent idea for Kasich to pick a Hispanic from California to run with him. Tie both coasts together and steal a hella chunk of votes from HillBilly in Cali. Got a large electoral number in that state. Wouldn't be a bad idea to own the Rust Belt and Cali eh?. "Eh?" (no, I'm not talking to you in your native language
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If Hillary were shot and incapacitated or killed, Tim Kaine would win 90% of the vote.
Pence is not VP yet, so succession would not apply. Next up in the convention vote would have the claim.
Yep. Kasich is next. Followed by Rubio...and I forget who comes after him. Carson I think? Christie has a few too.

Cruz is too busy ice fishing, drinking Molsen Ale and eating maple syrup to serve as POTUS. It just wouldn't fit into his busy schedule. Plus, it would be illegal.

I've said elsewhere that it would be an excellent idea for Kasich to pick a Hispanic from California to run with him. Tie both coasts together and steal a hella chunk of votes from HillBilly in Cali. Got a large electoral number in that state. Wouldn't be a bad idea to own the Rust Belt and Cali eh?. "Eh?" (no, I'm not talking to you in your native language

I don't think you get it .. it isn't just Trump that's wrong, the entire Republican Party is wrong .. and the demographics don't add up to a republican win.

Politics in America is all about demographics.

Trump dropping out doesn't solve republican problems with the American people.
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No, the Republicans deserve to go down with the sinking ship.
You may think they deserve to. But ask any other country who fell under a one-party rule how fun it was. I'll let you check your history books for details. Might want to start with WWII

Meanwhile, the question is will they go down with Trump or will Trump's family ask him to step down?
CNN--Animal rights protester rushes Rodhill on stage and is taken down by Secret Service and is hauled away by police.
The Republicans have represented a core that is living in the past - retaining all ownership and control by a tiny minority. They've created a Frankenstein by recruiting morons en masse as it was the only way the could possibly win elections. Now that Frankenstein has turned on them - the morons have taken control of the Republican party.

The Repugs ought to just forget about politics for the next 6 years - they can regroup and reorg for the 2024 election.
The Republicans have represented a core that is living in the past - retaining all ownership and control by a tiny minority. They've created a Frankenstein by recruiting morons en masse as it was the only way the could possibly win elections. Now that Frankenstein has turned on them - the morons have taken control of the Republican party.

The Repugs ought to just forget about politics for the next 6 years - they can regroup and reorg for the 2024 election.


24 - 6 = 8.
I think it's wonderful that people who are so sure of a result need to get it out of their systems 1,000 times a day.
No, the Republicans deserve to go down with the sinking ship.
You may think they deserve to. But ask any other country who fell under a one-party rule how fun it was.
You mean like Bush's first term?

Not fun. Not fun at all. We doubled the national debt, started three wars, increased the size of the federal government, expanded the breadth and scope of government power astronomically, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, locked up American citizens without habeas corpus, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, harassed reporters and spied on them, lost guns in Mexico, suffered several attacks on diplomatic missions overseas, created a whole new Cabinet-level department with massive police powers, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.
The Republicans have represented a core that is living in the past - retaining all ownership and control by a tiny minority. They've created a Frankenstein by recruiting morons en masse as it was the only way the could possibly win elections. Now that Frankenstein has turned on them - the morons have taken control of the Republican party.

The Repugs ought to just forget about politics for the next 6 years - they can regroup and reorg for the 2024 election.


24 - 6 = 8.
The 2024 campaign will begin in 2022.
It won't be nearly as satisfying if he drops out. Watching him continue to embarrass himself, disgrace the GOP and lose to Hillary will be quite satisfying.
Well considering the "assassination" remark is a flat out lie, fuck the NY Daily and anyone who believes that stupid lie.


It's right there for anybody to see. How can you call it a lie? It's sad when right wing rhetoric is so consistently disgusting till Trump's remark is seen as nothing unusual.

Yet it's democrat supporters that are so often caught in acts of violence when they face those who openly favor Trump. I have yet to see a clash where a crowd of Trump supporters act like animals, burning Clinton campaign merchandise, pelting people with rocks or eggs, and inciting violence with hateful rhetoric that draws police.
Yet it's democrat supporters that are so often caught in acts of violence when they face those who openly favor Trump. I have yet to see a clash where a crowd of Trump supporters act like animals, burning Clinton campaign merchandise, pelting people with rocks or eggs, and inciting violence with hateful rhetoric that draws police.

Those people are a woeful and growing minority. You might have seen the news that even some of Trump's former backers are jumping off like fleas off a dying dog. The family will want at this point to preserve key relationships Trump's now alienating on BOTH sides of the aisle for the sake of their businesses; since it's now theoretically impossible for Trump to win.

They'll need to cut their losses and move on. One would assume they'll still need their businesses to thrive after November. It may be cool being in the limelight now, but people will remember the near destruction Trump almost caused our country with his endless manic divisive comments. Those people after November to the Trump family are not just voters, they are "potential customers". I guess the Trump family can consult with Target Stores about what the public does when it spots a traitor to the People..
Well considering the "assassination" remark is a flat out lie, fuck the NY Daily and anyone who believes that stupid lie.


It's right there for anybody to see. How can you call it a lie? It's sad when right wing rhetoric is so consistently disgusting till Trump's remark is seen as nothing unusual.

Yet it's democrat supporters that are so often caught in acts of violence when they face those who openly favor Trump. I have yet to see a clash where a crowd of Trump supporters act like animals, burning Clinton campaign merchandise, pelting people with rocks or eggs, and inciting violence with hateful rhetoric that draws police.

Sure. We've all seen how polite the tea party/trump supporters are. Google tea party at town hall meeting if you have forgotten. Don't even try to say they aren't all one and the same.
Yet it's democrat supporters that are so often caught in acts of violence when they face those who openly favor Trump. I have yet to see a clash where a crowd of Trump supporters act like animals, burning Clinton campaign merchandise, pelting people with rocks or eggs, and inciting violence with hateful rhetoric that draws police.

Those people are a woeful and growing minority. You might have seen the news that even some of Trump's former backers are jumping off like fleas off a dying dog. The family will want at this point to preserve key relationships Trump's now alienating on BOTH sides of the aisle for the sake of their businesses; since it's now theoretically impossible for Trump to win.

They'll need to cut their losses and move on. One would assume they'll still need their businesses to thrive after November. It may be cool being in the limelight now, but people will remember the near destruction Trump almost caused our country with his endless manic divisive comments. Those people after November to the Trump family are not just voters, they are "potential customers". I guess the Trump family can consult with Target Stores about what the public does when it spots a traitor to the People..

It becomes theoretically impossible unless you ask yourself what plan Hillary Clinton has publicly offered to encourage businesses to actually come back into this country and establish themselves here as opposed to overseas to create jobs. How does Hillary plan to keep us safe from extremists that threaten to kill Americans in this country? Obama hasn't been able to do a good job at it,,so what separates herself from what Obama has done? If it's not about the issues, you could join the Hillary band wagon and make your campaign about Trump, that's how you get out of having to come up with anything of substance worth debating on.

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