Should Either Political Side in the U.S. Object to this Statement by Trump, Re: Tarrifs on Companies that send Jobs out of the Country?

I hope Mike Johnson cuts spending. I doubt he'll raise taxes, but maybe there is a compromise that can be reached? We'll see which party is more responsible.

What we will get is two irresponsible parties still.

That has nothing to do with Trump using Mexican (or Chinese or Vietnamize) labor to produce product instead of hiring American's to make product.

NAFTA has to do with "trade" not offshoring manufacturing. It lifted tariffs (for signature countries) making it EASIER to off shore jobs.

Oh ya - none fuckwits know this. But you don't, so...

Word Salad.

Typical leftist bullshit. Not worth engaging.
And at the time, what were people like you saying?

I was saying NO. Go back and look.

That he had to…By snaking in things that dems wanted was the only way to do anything, all the while scheming to deny him credit for anything…

He didn't have to do anything he didn't want to do. No one forced him to sign anything.
Except I'm not a leftist.

I'm a right of center voter voting Republican from 1980 through 2016. Think of me more as an Anti-Trumper GOP.

Have a nice day.

Well..... Anything, and I mean ANYTHING is better than a leftist so, I offer my apologies for insulting you.

But you are wrong. The Textile Industry in this Country is almost gone. Yes, we export a lot of 'Textiles' but the labor intensive manufacturing of them is usually done in other Countries with lower labor costs. That is accepted practice. It helps everybody. It especially helps the poor in underdeveloped Countries. Without those textiles, the people would -- I don't know but it wouldn't be good.

What we export is usually, but not always, specialty equipment...... Medical. Protective 'Clothing' and industrial textiles. Not Underwear.

We export 22 Billion and import 128 Billion. So I don't think that importing Trump's dress pants are a threat to the nation's industrial base.

But what Justin Castreau's Canuckville does -- Is. And so is China. And so is Japan.

I knew a guy one time that exported a bunch of Agricultural products to Japan one time. At a time when Japan theoretically had to accept them because of a 'trade agreement' we had with them.

The Japanese insisted on inspecting the freighter. They did -- Six Months later. By then, all the Soybeans had rotted and they were rejected. So they emptied millions of dollars of beans into the Pacific.

Japan, China, Mexico and ESPECIALLY Canada don't play fair. We've been complaining about it for 50 years and our political types don't seem to care.

If we don't get a handle on it, our young people won't have anywhere to work. They don't have it easy now. Where does a kid out of High School go to find a job? WHERE??

When I was in Cleveland (I didn't 'grow up' there, my Father was an engineer and he moved there while I was in the Army so when I got out....) But when I was there, Big Companies Like Gould, TRW, GM, Fisher Body, Terex, White Motors, etc were actively recruiting High School kids.

Now, you have to inherit a job to get in there. And most of those Companies are gone to Germany, Japan, China, etc. It takes 'pull' get into what's left. Unless you're lucky.

Hundreds of thousands of jobs were eliminated when they moved everything overseas -- Steel, Cars, everything.

But not Trump's underwear. I don't think we lost a lot of jobs over that. But you keep on keepin' on about it. We appreciate your concern
1. The system is the system. A 3rd party has even less power to change anything. At least we have FNC to hear real news.

2. If Biden wins we are toast. If Trump wins there is some hope for the future. At least he would deport the migrants, but I doubt he would fix the Budget. That's why I'm voting for Nikki.

3. No. Elected pols make the budgets, and set tax rates. In a democracy that's how it works.

4. You are not making any argument for a 3rd party, you just whine about Rs and Ds. There is no 3rd party any better than Rs and Ds, if there was we'd see commercials about their wonderful new policies.

1. We the people pick the system, and you all have chosen the one we have. That you find FNC to have "real news" speaks much about you.

2. We are toast no matter who wins between Trump and Biden, there is no winning choice for the American people.

3. And you vote for them, and then keep on doing so, giving them your stamp of approval for their actions and inactions.

4. I have no need to try and change the mind of people like you, it is a fools games you all are too damn dedicated to your side of the duopoly.
So you think somebody making $500 a month, should have $50 taken from them each month?

They already don't make enough to eat, no less pay for shelter.

Meanwhile somebody making $1,000,000 a month, wouldn't even miss $100,000 if his accountant didn't tell him about it.
I already gave you my reasons

Nothing will change by repeating ourselves
With what Trump charges for Mar-a-lago ($200K plus $14K annual) why is he hiring H2-B workers from Nicaragua?
I dont think trump spends much time micro managing personnel at his resorts

H2-b workers are scandal that involves both sides

Its a clear abuse of the system

One year Disney handed out pink slips to Americans and then forced them to train their eastern european replacements
An interesting point. It made me think, and look into it. Thanks!

It is more complicated, but I would not advocate making an exception for parts to be assembled in the U.S. by American workers.. The point of the tax/tariff is to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., not just final assembly jobs.

Many "American cars" are cars made of parts made elsewhere and given final assembly in the states. My fear would be that politicians on both sides, beholden to Corporations, would write in loopholes that would allow a car to be completely assembled, but for one part, such as the right side mirror, which would be put on in El Paso, San Diego, or some other border down right after it moves tariff free across the border.
A tariff isn’t going to cause Ford or Carrier or Acme Widgets to bring a factory back to the US. The reason. Wall Street wants profits and could care less where the cars, air conditioners or widgets are made. While it is true that tariffs can cut into profits, its a drop in the bucket compared to paying workers a living wage, benefits, compliance with regulations, etc...
Trump was doing the same thing every other businessmsn was doing
Yeah but the head of every other business isn’t asking you to vote for him. He could have accepted less profit and hired Americans. But he didn’t. It came down to pennies or people...he chose pennies.

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