Should Either Political Side in the U.S. Object to this Statement by Trump, Re: Tarrifs on Companies that send Jobs out of the Country?

everyone should pay the same TAX RATE no matter what their income is
How would that be fair? Since (turning it into a math problem) everybody has certain minimum expenses, like food, shelter, clothing etc.

According to the most recent report issued in January 2023, the poverty threshold for a family of four is $29,960. For an individual, the poverty threshold is $14,891.

Any income tax on someone at or below the poverty level, is money that has to come from their everyday expenses, like food. Someone making more than the poverty level actually has the surplus available for discretionary spending (and income tax). The further above the poverty level the greater the discretionary income available for taxes.

So the tax rate to be equitable would be (Income - poverty level) X standard tax rate.
As you suggest we do again.

And you'll never find me defending Hillary over anything.
I hope Mike Johnson cuts spending. I doubt he'll raise taxes, but maybe there is a compromise that can be reached? We'll see which party is more responsible.
1. Yet you support the system that keeps giving us worse choices.
2. We will not be fine no matter who wins the White House as both have been to not be up to the job.
3. Yet you support it with all your being and with your every vote. Does that not make you responsible for said debt?
4. Yet you keep voting for people that will not do what you think needs done, and the worst part of all is you are happy with the system and spend your days defending it.
1. The system is the system. A 3rd party has even less power to change anything. At least we have FNC to hear real news.

2. If Biden wins we are toast. If Trump wins there is some hope for the future. At least he would deport the migrants, but I doubt he would fix the Budget. That's why I'm voting for Nikki.

3. No. Elected pols make the budgets, and set tax rates. In a democracy that's how it works.

4. You are not making any argument for a 3rd party, you just whine about Rs and Ds. There is no 3rd party any better than Rs and Ds, if there was we'd see commercials about their wonderful new policies.
How would that be fair? Since (turning it into a math problem) everybody has certain minimum expenses, like food, shelter, clothing etc.

According to the most recent report issued in January 2023, the poverty threshold for a family of four is $29,960. For an individual, the poverty threshold is $14,891.

Any income tax on someone at or below the poverty level, is money that has to come from their everyday expenses, like food. Someone making more than the poverty level actually has the surplus available for discretionary spending (and income tax). The further above the poverty level the greater the discretionary income available for taxes.

So the tax rate to be equitable would be (Income - poverty level) X standard tax rate.
I dont expect government to serve as the Nanny State

Low income citizens expect government to give them free stuff and they expect someone else to pay for it

So they use the power of their vote accordingly

I think its better to have a single tax rate for everyone

That way voters cannot raise taxes for others without raising taxes for themselves also
Trump offshores to stay in business

Its the same reason so many American companies moved production to china or mexico

Its because of competition from other companies
Trump is on the high end of the market, whether it's his hotels, or his golf courses.

The Mar-a-Lago Club
The fee returned to $200,000 in January 2017 after Trump was elected president, with $14,000 annual dues.

Tax companies who layoff Americans to move their jobs to other countries whose workers are less expensive due to their standard of living being so much lower. Tax them on goods they turn around to sell back to Americans, that is.

It seems that both political sides would support that. But, maybe I'm missing something. If you have a legitimate objection to the idea, I'd love to read it and discuss it.

Since he knows nothing about the topic, logic would dictate taking his opinion with quite a large grain of salt.
1. The system is the system. A 3rd party has even less power to change anything. At least we have FNC to hear real news.

2. If Biden wins we are toast. If Trump wins there is some hope for the future. At least he would deport the migrants, but I doubt he would fix the Budget. That's why I'm voting for Nikki.

3. No. Elected pols make the budgets, and set tax rates. In a democracy that's how it works.

4. You are not making any argument for a 3rd party, you just whine about Rs and Ds. There is no 3rd party any better than Rs and Ds, if there was we'd see commercials about their wonderful new policies.
The vast majority of third party voters are people that are totally disgusted with dimocrap scum but are brainwashed into believing Republicans are bad because they're rich or some other stupid bullshit. (EVERY Top Ten Corp in America is dimocrap scum, BTW).

Those who push a third party are dimocrap FILTH trying to take votes away from Republicans. Period.

Kennedy is just an idiot that can't get a foothold in either party. If he could, he'd drop his 3rd party bullshit in a heart beat.

Same with all of them. Bernie was a devout Socialist -- Until he got accepted into the dimocrap FILTH party as a candidate for POTUS. Now he's back to being a Independent because, well...... I've been to Vermont and those people are just simply FUCKING STUPID. No shit. They really are. Most of them are displaced Codfish or Trust Fund children.
No objection at all to the simple part of that debate. Acme Inc of Elkhart Indiana moves their widget factory to Chad and exports items to the US. They should pay a tax.

But you have to be smart about it in my view. If you want to put a tariff on widgets like pocket combs...good idea. If you want to put a tariff on components that fit inside other devices (think of transistors for radios just for an easy example), that is more complicated. Assembly lines may shut down waiting for a key part that is now being exported by Acme to Korea instead of the US because they make more money doing that.
An interesting point. It made me think, and look into it. Thanks!

It is more complicated, but I would not advocate making an exception for parts to be assembled in the U.S. by American workers.. The point of the tax/tariff is to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., not just final assembly jobs.

Many "American cars" are cars made of parts made elsewhere and given final assembly in the states. My fear would be that politicians on both sides, beholden to Corporations, would write in loopholes that would allow a car to be completely assembled, but for one part, such as the right side mirror, which would be put on in El Paso, San Diego, or some other border down right after it moves tariff free across the border.
Tarriffs are not a free hit. The other guy can impose his own tarriff.
They already were when Trump made that statement

Talk is cheap. Why didn't Trump do it when he and the republicans completely controlled the federal government.

Just sayin'

Note Trump is talking about replacing Obamacare again. Like it was so easy the first time.
He had four years to do this and did nothing. Trump likes to talk and that's all he can do.

The Trump administration imposed several rounds of tariffs, amounting to an $80 billion tax increase on $380 billion worth of imports (based on 2018 values), ranging from thousands of products from China to steel and aluminum and washing machines and solar panels.

Tracking the Economic Impact of U.S. Tariffs and Retaliatory ...​

Tax Foundation › Research › Research
Its been explained to you

If you cant understand that's your fault
This is how dimocrap FILTH debate. They will lock onto a minor point and beat it to death. They won't address the main topic. They will ALWAYS- ALWAYS, ALWAYS lock onto one minor unimportant, usually tertiary, point where they think they have an advantage and won't move from it.

They are scum. ALL of them. They are not worth two seconds of your time. Ignore them and continue to march. You can't change them and even if you could (you can't) they have nothing to offer.
Trump is on the high end of the market, whether it's his hotels, or his golf courses.

The Mar-a-Lago Club
The fee returned to $200,000 in January 2017 after Trump was elected president, with $14,000 annual dues.
Yes, trump gear is more high-end so he could probably afford to make less on each product

But lib trump haters will not send donations to Trump Towers when he loses money so they are pretty hypocritical too
I think its better to have a single tax rate for everyone

That way voters cannot raise taxes for others without raising taxes for themselves also

So you think somebody making $500 a month, should have $50 taken from them each month?

They already don't make enough to eat, no less pay for shelter.

Meanwhile somebody making $1,000,000 a month, wouldn't even miss $100,000 if his accountant didn't tell him about it.
We have a Free Trade Agreement with Mexico fuckwit. It's called NAFTA.



That has nothing to do with Trump using Mexican (or Chinese or Vietnamize) labor to produce product instead of hiring American's to make product.

NAFTA has to do with "trade" not offshoring manufacturing. It lifted tariffs (for signature countries) making it EASIER to off shore jobs.

Oh ya - none fuckwits know this. But you don't, so...

Yes, trump gear is more high-end so he could probably afford to make less on each product

But lib trump haters will not send donations to Trump Towers when he loses money so they are pretty hypocritical too
I wouldna give Trump the sweat off my balls if he was dying of thirst in the dessert.
Yes, trump gear is more high-end so he could probably afford to make less on each product

But lib trump haters will not send donations to Trump Towers when he loses money so they are pretty hypocritical too
With what Trump charges for Mar-a-lago ($200K plus $14K annual) why is he hiring H2-B workers from Nicaragua?
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