Should fed/st government workers be paid median salary, with no benefits or vacation

Should Fed/State workers be paid median income (no benefits, vacation, etc)

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 75.0%

  • Total voters
Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

What do you want more stupid people representing us then we already have? I remember when Lee Iacocca was asked about a white house run, he said hell no the job dont pay enough.
Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

Wouldn't that make it hard to raise an army?

Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

What do you want more stupid people representing us then we already have? I remember when Lee Iacocca was asked about a white house run, he said hell no the job dont pay enough.

That isn't what happens.

But more to the point, how do you like the results today? In my opinion the quality of government services and the deference of government workers to taxpayers declined precipitously after 1980.

Maybe they need another raise? Reagan raised federal pay more than any president before Junebug Bush, so the nutball element seem to really dig big government making more money than middle level industrial managers. Am I wrong? If government improved with pay increases where is the proof? Where is even a sliver of evidence. Teachers here average about $50k a year yet the quality of the product they deliver sucks. Education here is good by test standards, but worthless on the hiring line and the kids have no guts. It is something.

The nutball schizoid thing always confused me. A bobbleheaded B actor preaching against government while growing it and increasing its pay rates, and his acolytes and disciples going around bragging that they "know for sure" the gipper is doing the opposite. Can anyone speak for the nutball element? What the fuck do they want? What they say they want? Or what they vote for? The two are so different it confuses those of us with rational minds.
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Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

What do you want more stupid people representing us then we already have? I remember when Lee Iacocca was asked about a white house run, he said hell no the job dont pay enough.

That isn't what happens.

But more to the point, how do you like the results today? Maybe they need another raise? Reagan raised federal pay more than any president before Junebug Bush, so the nutball element seem to really dig big government making more money than middle level industrial managers.

That always confused me. A bobbleheaded B actor preaching against government while growing it and increasing its pay rates, and his acolytes and disciples going around bragging that they "know for sure" the gipper is doing the opposite. Can anyone speak for the nutball element? What the fuck do they want? What they say they want? Or what they vote for? The two are so different it confuses those of us with rational minds.

heck if you ask me it doesnt even pay enough, $400 grand for president? and what is is to be a senator? I wouldnt waste my time just to get thrown under the buss for a few hundred grand a year.... no thanks.
Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

Wouldn't that make it hard to raise an army?


Cut the pay.
Restore the draft.

By itself that will end the prospect of any more wars like Iraq.
That's easy to answer, we're printing hundreds of billions of dollars, causing massive inflation. It just so happens that government workers get a raise in respect to inflation, while the rest of us don't... it's like they are some sort of Nobility...(read below about Nobility)

Read the news. Gov workers have not had a pay raise or COLA in over 3 years. Retirement folks do however.

House votes to extend pay freeze for federal workers | Fox News

And since sequester hit even the merit promotions have been eliminated


Government jobs should be bid by mail with maybe the three lowest bids with none more than 5% above the lowest bid from qualified applicants getting interviewed and from which pool the hire is made. Government worker unions are an abomination against reason and the nation. Vacations should be standardized and pension amount should be over a career and not to exceed the average pension in the district the pensioner earned in or lives in, whichever is lower.

Ronald Reagan was a fool in about every way I know about, and signing those pay parity bills that made government jobs a safe haven for fat assed losers fits right into the bobbleheaded moron's legacy.

Your impression of government workers is uninformed

Read the news. Gov workers have not had a pay raise or COLA in over 3 years. Retirement folks do however.

House votes to extend pay freeze for federal workers | Fox News

And since sequester hit even the merit promotions have been eliminated


Government jobs should be bid by mail with maybe the three lowest bids with none more than 5% above the lowest bid from qualified applicants getting interviewed and from which pool the hire is made. Government worker unions are an abomination against reason and the nation. Vacations should be standardized and pension amount should be over a career and not to exceed the average pension in the district the pensioner earned in or lives in, whichever is lower.

Ronald Reagan was a fool in about every way I know about, and signing those pay parity bills that made government jobs a safe haven for fat assed losers fits right into the bobbleheaded moron's legacy.

Your impression of government workers is uninformed


In what way?
Be specific.
Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

I think that would be in violation of current labor laws. But I get your drift. Civil service should not be a highly paid vocation. They should make roughly the same as their civilian counterparts and should have the same kinds of benefits.
Federal and State Government workers, this means ALL of them, get paid the Median salary, no benefits, no vacation.

We're leaving local government workers out of the equation, like police and teachers, since that's a separate debate. Federal and State only.

Wouldn't that make it hard to raise an army?


Cut the pay.
Restore the draft.

By itself that will end the prospect of any more wars like Iraq.

Are you trying to be stupid? Cut the pay of service men and women who don't get paid nearly what they deserve? Instate a draft unnecessarily and degrade the greatest professional military in the history of the world? All because YOU - some random idiot on the internet - disagreed with a foreign policy decision? You'd rather our nation be less secure and prepared for the conflicts of the future just so YOU can punish your betters and promote your partisan politics? You're no American.
heck if you ask me it doesnt even pay enough, $400 grand for president? and what is is to be a senator? I wouldnt waste my time just to get thrown under the buss for a few hundred grand a year.... no thanks.


I don't' want any President who is doing it for the money.
Are you trying to be stupid? Cut the pay of service men and women who don't get paid nearly what they deserve? Instate a draft unnecessarily and degrade the greatest professional military in the history of the world? All because YOU - some random idiot on the internet - disagreed with a foreign policy decision? You'd rather our nation be less secure and prepared for the conflicts of the future just so YOU can punish your betters and promote your partisan politics? You're no American.

Apparently you enjoy being the world's police man (I mean imperialism...)
heck if you ask me it doesnt even pay enough, $400 grand for president? and what is is to be a senator? I wouldnt waste my time just to get thrown under the buss for a few hundred grand a year.... no thanks.


I don't' want any President who is doing it for the money.

Our founding fathers actually believed that people would deem it an honor to serve their country. Now they are more worried about the pay and perks and the good of the country is last on their priority list.

Maybe they could just serve a few years and do something positive, then go back to the private sector and make the big bucks. Serving one's country shouldn't be a get rich quick scheme. Funny how most come out with way more than their salaries.

I think we should have some really nice apartments for them to live in while they serve. They would have the best security. They should get paid a decent salary and benefits. They should not be allowed to vote themselves raises and more perks. They should follow every single law they pass for the rest of us, like Obamacare and no insider trading, etc. No accepting any gifts from lobbyists.

Our military suffer through horrible conditions and some never make it home, yet they get paid a small fraction of what the politicians do. I think those willing to risk their lives to serve their country should be paid more than politicians.

All bills should be read thoroughly and the public should have the ability to read them prior to a vote. If a bill is named 'military funding' or 'education bill', they should not be allowed to add so much pork that the actual original bill is a tiny part of the whole thing. I get tired of some being accused of being against our military or against our school children simply because they refuse to support a bill that has more pork than substance. The Monsanto protection act was hidden in a farm bill. They sneak shit in and it shouldn't be allowed. Same with Obamacare. That was a military bill for tax breaks and they gutted it and added the power grab called health care reform. Underhanded tactics need to be stopped and if an elected official cannot perform their jobs as promised, they should be sent packing.

Campaign promises need to be written contracts. Even if they cannot achieve them, we must insist that they try and that they aren't just saying what the public wants to hear in order to get elected. Why do people dismiss the lies during campaigns as if it's a game and that is how it's played. Words mean nothing anymore. Look at the incredible speeches given in the past and the many wise words that get repeated to this day. We just don't see that kind of integrity anymore.

Too many politicians are seeking fortune and celebrity status when they enter politics. It becomes about acting and not sincerity. I want public servants who feel privileged to serve this great country and who hold a great respect for the people.
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Are you trying to be stupid? Cut the pay of service men and women who don't get paid nearly what they deserve? Instate a draft unnecessarily and degrade the greatest professional military in the history of the world? All because YOU - some random idiot on the internet - disagreed with a foreign policy decision? You'd rather our nation be less secure and prepared for the conflicts of the future just so YOU can punish your betters and promote your partisan politics? You're no American.

Apparently you enjoy being the world's police man (I mean imperialism...)

Apparently, you don't know the meaning of the words you are trying to use.
Are you trying to be stupid? Cut the pay of service men and women who don't get paid nearly what they deserve? Instate a draft unnecessarily and degrade the greatest professional military in the history of the world? All because YOU - some random idiot on the internet - disagreed with a foreign policy decision? You'd rather our nation be less secure and prepared for the conflicts of the future just so YOU can punish your betters and promote your partisan politics? You're no American.

Apparently you enjoy being the world's police man (I mean imperialism...)

that has nothing to do with what Unk said.....they can get sent somewhere no matter what they are paid...............
As in life, you get what you pay for

Government is no different
All workers should have a right to a minimum two week paid vacation, annually, or pay in lieu of. I personally would fire anyone who didn't take a vacation. It increases productivity and worker health.

You fire someone for not taking a vacation and you'll get your ass sued.
As in life, you get what you pay for

Government is no different

Funny I don't get anywhere near the value from government for my money that I get from the private sector.

In fact I have to pay way more for the exact same shit for which other people pay much less or nothing at all.

So I really don't get what I pay for when government is concerned. In fact I am paying for what other people get.
I think any actual employee should negotiate to get whatever they can in pay and benefits... just like you do in the private sector

As for ELECTED officials... no benefits, no retirement
As in life, you get what you pay for

Government is no different

Funny I don't get anywhere near the value from government for my money that I get from the private sector.

In fact I have to pay way more for the exact same shit for which other people pay much less or nothing at all.

So I really don't get what I pay for when government is concerned. In fact I am paying for what other people get.

You would be surprised

Median salary in this country is around $35,000

You want a $35,000 government lawyer to go into court against a $1,000,000 corporate lawfirm?
You want to be operated on by a $35,000 government doctor?
You want $35,000 government engineers approving hundred million dollar construction and defense projects?

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