Should fed/st government workers be paid median salary, with no benefits or vacation

Should Fed/State workers be paid median income (no benefits, vacation, etc)

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 75.0%

  • Total voters
As in life, you get what you pay for

Government is no different

Funny I don't get anywhere near the value from government for my money that I get from the private sector.

In fact I have to pay way more for the exact same shit for which other people pay much less or nothing at all.

So I really don't get what I pay for when government is concerned. In fact I am paying for what other people get.

You would be surprised

Median salary in this country is around $35,000

You want a $35,000 government lawyer to go into court against a $1,000,000 corporate lawfirm?
You want to be operated on by a $35,000 government doctor?
You want $35,000 government engineers approving hundred million dollar construction and defense projects?

Government doctors? Government Engineers? Government lawyers?

You're so needy.

Funny I don't get anywhere near the value from government for my money that I get from the private sector.

In fact I have to pay way more for the exact same shit for which other people pay much less or nothing at all.

So I really don't get what I pay for when government is concerned. In fact I am paying for what other people get.

You would be surprised

Median salary in this country is around $35,000

You want a $35,000 government lawyer to go into court against a $1,000,000 corporate lawfirm?
You want to be operated on by a $35,000 government doctor?
You want $35,000 government engineers approving hundred million dollar construction and defense projects?

Government doctors? Government Engineers? Government lawyers?

You're so needy.


Government jobs should be bid by mail with maybe the three lowest bids with none more than 5% above the lowest bid from qualified applicants getting interviewed and from which pool the hire is made. Government worker unions are an abomination against reason and the nation. Vacations should be standardized and pension amount should be over a career and not to exceed the average pension in the district the pensioner earned in or lives in, whichever is lower.

Tendering government contracts is the worst idea possible. It doesn't work in getting outside suppliers to do work and it won't work for employees either.
As in life, you get what you pay for

Government is no different

Funny I don't get anywhere near the value from government for my money that I get from the private sector.

In fact I have to pay way more for the exact same shit for which other people pay much less or nothing at all.

So I really don't get what I pay for when government is concerned. In fact I am paying for what other people get.

You would be surprised

Median salary in this country is around $35,000

You want a $35,000 government lawyer to go into court against a $1,000,000 corporate lawfirm?
You want to be operated on by a $35,000 government doctor?
You want $35,000 government engineers approving hundred million dollar construction and defense projects?

For one I never said I agreed with the OP did I?

I said that I do not get what I pay for as far as government is concerned.

And since I will most likely never need a public defender I really don't care what kind of representation some scum bag gets.
Funny I don't get anywhere near the value from government for my money that I get from the private sector.

In fact I have to pay way more for the exact same shit for which other people pay much less or nothing at all.

So I really don't get what I pay for when government is concerned. In fact I am paying for what other people get.

You would be surprised

Median salary in this country is around $35,000

You want a $35,000 government lawyer to go into court against a $1,000,000 corporate lawfirm?
You want to be operated on by a $35,000 government doctor?
You want $35,000 government engineers approving hundred million dollar construction and defense projects?

For one I never said I agreed with the OP did I?

I said that I do not get what I pay for as far as government is concerned.

And since I will most likely never need a public defender I really don't care what kind of representation some scum bag gets.

Government Lawyers represent the Government on legal issues
You would be surprised

Median salary in this country is around $35,000

You want a $35,000 government lawyer to go into court against a $1,000,000 corporate lawfirm?
You want to be operated on by a $35,000 government doctor?
You want $35,000 government engineers approving hundred million dollar construction and defense projects?

For one I never said I agreed with the OP did I?

I said that I do not get what I pay for as far as government is concerned.

And since I will most likely never need a public defender I really don't care what kind of representation some scum bag gets.

Government Lawyers represent the Government on legal issues

And the government has the money to hire private lawyers should the need arise. there is no need to keep them on salary.
Government jobs should be bid by mail with maybe the three lowest bids with none more than 5% above the lowest bid from qualified applicants getting interviewed and from which pool the hire is made. Government worker unions are an abomination against reason and the nation. Vacations should be standardized and pension amount should be over a career and not to exceed the average pension in the district the pensioner earned in or lives in, whichever is lower.

Tendering government contracts is the worst idea possible. It doesn't work in getting outside suppliers to do work and it won't work for employees either.

No one but you is talking contract. The bid is by individuals for permanent positions.

The bid process works anywhere strong management groups exist and everywhere target labor pools are large. A HUGE upside is it eliminates whining about pay and until a hire's pay rate is normalized (at five years) by which time individuals tend to have found their path.

On contract employers/employees: since the mid 1980s I have filled somewhere north of a thousand permanent positions from contractors' ranks, some individuals and groups of as many as fifty at a time. For strong managers contractors offer a low cost path to high quality permanent employees and an almost idiot-proof way to sack losers without complications. So again, my experience and the experience of this Fortune 100 employer is that using contract service groups as probationary full time workers with no guarantees gives us plenty of time to scout and train. I wouldn't use any other system. Today.

While I loathe government unions, my preference has always been to manage union operations. It tickles me that halfwits fear and/or resent unions. The truth is that with few exceptions (physical thuggery sorts of things) unions offer significant benefits in policing safety and conduct. Again it takes strong management, which is where it breaks down in government and some private sector businesses.
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For one I never said I agreed with the OP did I?

I said that I do not get what I pay for as far as government is concerned.

And since I will most likely never need a public defender I really don't care what kind of representation some scum bag gets.

Government Lawyers represent the Government on legal issues

And the government has the money to hire private lawyers should the need arise. there is no need to keep them on salary.

At any given time, the federal government is involved with hundreds, if not thousands of legal disputes. There is always a "need".
For one I never said I agreed with the OP did I?

I said that I do not get what I pay for as far as government is concerned.

And since I will most likely never need a public defender I really don't care what kind of representation some scum bag gets.

Government Lawyers represent the Government on legal issues

And the government has the money to hire private lawyers should the need arise. there is no need to keep them on salary.

Different issue unrelated to the OP, but the Government does both. Government lawyers are empowered to speak on behalf of the US Government, private lawyers are not.

Also, the private lawyers cost a hell of a lot more
Government Lawyers represent the Government on legal issues

And the government has the money to hire private lawyers should the need arise. there is no need to keep them on salary.

Different issue unrelated to the OP, but the Government does both. Government lawyers are empowered to speak on behalf of the US Government, private lawyers are not.

Also, the private lawyers cost a hell of a lot more

95% of lawyers give the rest a bad reputation. This country has 100 times too many lawyers, and that is one of the major sources of our fiscal and economic problems----------as Shakespere said "first thing we do is kill all the lawyers"
And the government has the money to hire private lawyers should the need arise. there is no need to keep them on salary.

Different issue unrelated to the OP, but the Government does both. Government lawyers are empowered to speak on behalf of the US Government, private lawyers are not.

Also, the private lawyers cost a hell of a lot more

95% of lawyers give the rest a bad reputation. This country has 100 times too many lawyers, and that is one of the major sources of our fiscal and economic problems----------as Shakespere said "first thing we do is kill all the lawyers"

Everyone says that, right up until the day they really need a good lawyer.
We should mandate a one month paid vacation after one year of work, like every other modern country excep Canada. And raise the min wage to $11 for all over 21, rises to follow inflation. Proven NOT to hurt the economy.
They should be paid the best pay that they can negotiate on their own, with all bureaucrat unions strictly prohibited.

on their own?....what do you mean by that OB?.....

Anarchy boy has no trouble with Gubmint or Corporations "collectively" bargaining what people make.

But he does have a problem with labor.

Go figure.


he explained the management part.....but not the guys who actually work....
How about we get rid of the Federal work force that serves no Constitutionally valid purpose and go from there?
We should mandate a one month paid vacation after one year of work, like every other modern country excep Canada. And raise the min wage to $11 for all over 21, rises to follow inflation. Proven NOT to hurt the economy.

one month after a year?.....come on get that kind of stuff you USUALLY have to put in a few about 2 weeks......
We should mandate a one month paid vacation after one year of work, like every other modern country excep Canada. And raise the min wage to $11 for all over 21, rises to follow inflation. Proven NOT to hurt the economy.

If not working a month doesn't hurt the economy, then that person wasn't doing any work to improve the economy and should find a useful job.
They should be paid the best pay that they can negotiate on their own, with all bureaucrat unions strictly prohibited.

Even FDR and George Meany recognized that unionization of government employees was a bad move.

“It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”

That wasn’t Newt Gingrich, or Ron Paul, or Ronald Reagan talking. That was George Meany -- the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O -- in 1955. Government unions are unremarkable today, but the labor movement once thought the idea absurd.

The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they help create. Government workers, however, don’t generate profits. They merely negotiate for more tax money. When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.”

Government collective bargaining means voters do not have the final say on public policy. Instead their elected representatives must negotiate spending and policy decisions with unions. That is not exactly democratic – a fact that unions once recognized.

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions - Room for Debate -

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