Should Fines Be Imposed on Anyone Who Makes False Claims/Statements of Fact on TV?

Should Fines Be Imposed on Anyone Who Makes False Claims/Statements of Fact on TV?

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Can't happen, what with this little thing we call the First Amendment.

So you think the first amendment extends to the press manipulating the public into believing falsehoods for their own gain?

We aren't talking about people here. We are talking major news outlets that people rely on for accuracy and honesty to make informed decisions upon. They need to be held to a higher standard.
Yes, the first amendment protects liars provided those lies do not constitute libel or scandal.

If a lie is big enough and repeated often enough, it will be believed.
All that's required is a regressive-receptor.....


"He thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was......the more they would believe it."
So you think the first amendment extends to the press manipulating the public into believing falsehoods for their own gain?

We aren't talking about people here. We are talking major news outlets that people rely on for accuracy and honesty to make informed decisions upon. They need to be held to a higher standard.
Yes, the first amendment protects liars provided those lies do not constitute libel or scandal.

What is more scandalous than what lies have done to this country lately? 'bout the fact they (even) merited.....

Personally, I'm sick of it. Most people won't put up with it in their real lives if and when they discover it. They'll just toss it out of their lives even if it means ending the relationships with the people who are being dishonest with them.

Would you suggest then, appointing George Soros as "Minister of Truth," to pass judgment on what can or cannot be broadcast?

You leftists have a plan....
Amazing how lazy people are nowadays. They expect the government to determine what's true rather than doing the homework and researching themselves.

No wonder they will end up losing their liberty.
Personally, I'm sick of it. Most people won't put up with it in their real lives if and when they discover it. They'll just toss it out of their lives even if it means ending the relationships with the people who are being dishonest with them.

Would you suggest then, appointing George Soros as "Minister of Truth," to pass judgment on what can or cannot be broadcast?

You leftists have a plan....

You have a penchant for absurdity. That's great in comedy. Not so great if you want to be taken seriously.
Amazing how lazy people are nowadays. They expect the government to determine what's true rather than doing the homework and researching themselves.

No wonder they will end up losing their liberty.

What are you talking about? Are you suggesting that this idea does not work out just fine under the likes of Kim Jong-il and Castro or in the glory days of the USSR with Pravda "truth" and their various dictators?

Not sure I wanna follow you out on that very slim limb man. :razz::razz:
Why would anyone let the government have the final say as to what "truth" is?

Quite simply, it's laziness.

If you decide what's true....for risk being the odd-man-out.....outta-step with the Majority. Then, you might (actually) have to defend your position/truth....and, that would require you think...and, explain how you arrived at your position/truth!!!!


For too-many's much-less stressful running-with-the-herd......



....and, there's no thinking any (other) garden-variety lynch-mob.


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Henry Fonda: The Ox-Bow Incident ("Conscience") Monologue‬‏[/ame]
Does the 1st Amendment protect lying? I don't think so. Libel is illegal. So is slander. So is lying to the police. If the 1st Amendment protected lying and liars, those laws could not hold up to a Constitutional challenge.

You can't slander and you can't lie under oath.. other than that.. you can say pretty much what you want.... about Conservatives that is.


take a tenant to court and watch them lie right to the judge, prove they lied to the judge and then watch as the judge does nothing. This is how it works, lying is only a crime if someone in power was lied to.
You forgot to say..."I GUARANTEE YOU.....".

Personally, I'm sick of it. Most people won't put up with it in their real lives if and when they discover it. They'll just toss it out of their lives even if it means ending the relationships with the people who are being dishonest with them.

Would you suggest then, appointing George Soros as "Minister of Truth," to pass judgment on what can or cannot be broadcast?

You leftists have a plan....

You have a penchant for absurdity. That's great in comedy. Not so great if you want to be taken seriously.

It's easy to be absurd with absurd propositions.

Who exactly gets to decide what is a lie or not?
I think a good case could be made that lying about matters of public policy on TV shows intent to defraud the public from the truth in order to make informed decisions. It actually undermines our republic.

I agree.
And I can think of one guy who stands out above all others in this department:

"Now I want you to listen to me, I never had sexual relations with that woman, not a single time"

I know this was uttered to a TV audience, but a statement very similar was said to a Federal Grand Jury. It was A LIE, and was made to DEFRAUD THE PUBLIC FROM THE TRUTH IN ORDER TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS.

This was the basis for an impeachment trial in the senate, and it was voted down.

One more lie.

Big Black Dog, LaterTrader, Steelplate, uscitizen, westwall

^ The retards who voted yes.
Should Fines Be Imposed on Anyone Who Makes False Claims/Statements of Fact on TV?

You mean if they claim to be a natural 38DDD and they really are not? :eek:

Who's going to measure?
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To summarize this thread:


Well, actually, 2 of the 5 people who support this idea are "Conservatives", and as many "Liberals" voted "no" as did "yes".

But you wouldn't want facts to get in the way of a good partisan rant, right?
Would you suggest then, appointing George Soros as "Minister of Truth," to pass judgment on what can or cannot be broadcast?

You leftists have a plan....

You have a penchant for absurdity. That's great in comedy. Not so great if you want to be taken seriously.

It's easy to be absurd with absurd propositions.

Who exactly gets to decide what is a lie or not?

I didn't use the word, lie, in the subject line or in the poll question. I also indicated that not all lies are created equal.

So, if a person lies on the air about his favorite color, who am I to care? But if a politician or a political commentator lies about what specifically is in a piece of legislation (just as an example), that's a false claim or a false statement of fact. Either the person making that statement is knowingly giving false information because of various possible motivations, or he doesn't know what he's talking about, and better start researching the topics to which he's passing himself off as being knowledgeable, considering that he's on the air and speaking to hundreds of thousands of people at any given moment.

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