CDZ Should firearm training be free for the poor, or at least have a government program for free trainin

No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.
LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?
Then forgive me.You are completely right to oppose the restriction of gun purchases strictly because someone failed to balance their checkbook. Now, if you can just give me a link to prove that's all it was, we can put this whole silly thing behind us. Until then, it's just a bunch of made up right wing crap about a made up lie.
Nice job backpedaling, but then you stepped in it again. The fact remains the anti-gun mob of the LW are like you; seeking to ban guns from common people, if not completely, then for the slightest of reasons. OTOH, you staunchly support your right to advocating depriving rights from others because you have "free speech".

No back pedaling at all. I stand firmly by everything I have said. If a person has been declared incompetent, for any reason, he should not have a gun without proving to the court that he has a valid reason. On the other hand, if they are merely denying gun ownership to those that make the occasional mistake in their checkbook, as you claim, I'll need some proof that is the case.
You've seen the evidence. You've seen how the anti-gun mob keeps reaching and reaching. It used to be "we just need sensible gun laws" and many Americans agreed, but when the anti-gun mob took a mile for every inch given, a bond of trust was broken. Now we see the anti-gunners want to deny forever anyone who has ever had a mental medical issue.

No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.

Did you see the rulings from the 9th circuit...from the 4th circuit.......with obama appointed anti gun judges......the 4th just ruled that military guns are not protected by the second amendment...and guess what...every single type of gun was at one point a military gun....bolt action rifles, pump action shotguns, lever action rifles, semi auto pistols, and even 6 shot complete contradiction to the findings in the Supreme Court cases of Heller, Macdonald, Miller and obama is attacking gun rights even after leaving office...because of the anti gun judges he used to fill the federal bench......

No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.
LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?

If the 4th circuit opinion is allowed to stand, local and state governments can move forward and ban all of the guns I have mentioned...since they would no longer be protected by the 2nd Amendment......
No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.
LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.
You're just a punk liar, kid. You claimed "I thought Obama was going to take all your guns". I denied ever thinking or saying that. You then wimp out and claim I should look on Youtube. Your lies are tiresome, kid. Go play in the street.
No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.
LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which just defied the U.S. Supreme Court by saying that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.....which includes just about every gun owned by Americans.......of the 17 judges on the Circuit.....7 were put there by obama.....and 5 by clinton.....12 out of 17 anti gun judges......
No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.
LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.
You're just a punk liar, kid. You claimed "I thought Obama was going to take all your guns". I denied ever thinking or saying that. You then wimp out and claim I should look on Youtube. Your lies are tiresome, kid. Go play in the street.

As far as you, I meant you collectively, such as you right wingers. It is a common claim, and I'm amazed that you would try to deny it. Note that I said "try" because there is no way anyone on the right could possibly distance themselves from that.
No. I don't care what the NRA has brainwashed you to believe, but NO. I thought Obama was going to take all your guns. Isn't that what was claimed? If they keep you stirred up, they sell more guns. That's all it amounts to.
LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which just defied the U.S. Supreme Court by saying that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.....which includes just about every gun owned by Americans.......of the 17 judges on the Circuit.....7 were put there by obama.....and 5 by clinton.....12 out of 17 anti gun judges......

Call me when you hear the knock at your door. Until then, it's just your fearful imagination.
Back to training Americans how to shoot. Simple rifle marksmanship is a good skill. It teaches accuracy, firearm safety and instills confidence through accomplishment. It can be done with air rifles and, therefore, done both cheaply and without the need of a full on firing range. I'd keep the training strictly with rifles, not handguns.

As the anti-gun children have been whining about both their rights and taking away the rights of others, I've been researching how to modify one of my Mosin Nagants with an Archangel stock, Scout scope and bipod. I have two. One is mint, which I'll keep stock, and the other is more used, which'll be the one I'm sporterizing.

LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which just defied the U.S. Supreme Court by saying that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.....which includes just about every gun owned by Americans.......of the 17 judges on the Circuit.....7 were put there by obama.....and 5 by clinton.....12 out of 17 anti gun judges......

Call me when you hear the knock at your door. Until then, it's just your fearful imagination.

I pointed out the facts of the 4th Circuit Court ruling....and how it will be implemented if it is not addressed by the Supreme Court.....and you fail to answer it.....typical...
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Abortion is a constitutional right.

Murder is not.

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LOL. Uh, no. No brainwashing. No, Obama wasn't going to take our guns, he was just going to reinstitute Clinton's gun ban and a few other restrictions. It would take another Democrat President and Congress a few years down the line to ban all guns from private ownership since the only way they can make this happen is in steps due to the Second Amendment.

Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which just defied the U.S. Supreme Court by saying that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.....which includes just about every gun owned by Americans.......of the 17 judges on the Circuit.....7 were put there by obama.....and 5 by clinton.....12 out of 17 anti gun judges......

Call me when you hear the knock at your door. Until then, it's just your fearful imagination.

Apparently, some still believe President Obama is coming for our guns.

Well, actually, it would only be their guns. Since I voted for him (twice), he'd let me keep mine AND let me buy affordable health insurance to boot.

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So you are changing your stance to "incapacitated" for removing self-defense rights or simply dancing around the question about parent and balancing a checkbook?

I'm not sure why you would want to change the subject because balancing a checkbook is not a good comparison to what was being discussed. I'm sure lots of people have problems balancing their checkbook, and they hire accountants and such to do that for them. Hiring an accountant is not the same as having a court ordered guardian responsible for the person's affairs, financial and otherwise. If a parent is not capable of attending their own affairs, (which would include the decision to hire an accountant) he is not capable of caring for children.
the bill that you people are whining about allowed people to have their right to own a weapon taken away because they couldn't balance a checkbook

Then forgive me.You are completely right to oppose the restriction of gun purchases strictly because someone failed to balance their checkbook. Now, if you can just give me a link to prove that's all it was, we can put this whole silly thing behind us. Until then, it's just a bunch of made up right wing crap about a made up lie.
I never said that all it was

but the legislation was bad because it was too vague and it should have been rescinded.

That's exactly what you said it was.
no I said it allowed people who weren't actually mentally ill to have their right taken away

I used the balancing of a checkbook as an example of that
Apparently, some still believe President Obama is coming for our guns.

Well, actually, it would only be their guns. Since I voted for him (twice), he'd let me keep mine AND let me buy affordable health insurance to boot.

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As long as your gun is a pop-gun. ;)

I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Abortion is a constitutional right.

Murder is not.

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Abortion is matter how you try to pretend that it is not....
Bullshit. Go to youtube and type in "Obama to take guns" there are literally hundreds of videos of RWNJs making that claim at least as far back as his first election. It's a gun nut staple.

....he did, he is doing it with judges......he appointed the lower court federal judges who are making guns illegal...the 4th Circuit court of appeals just declared that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect military direct contradiction of rulings from the Supreme Court...and it did this with obama appointed judges....

He knew that he needed democrats in congress to pass obamacare, and he didn't want to jeopordize losing votes over gun control votes....the way bill clinton did during his he took the back door route, and the harder one to fight....he packed the federal bench with anti gun judges....that is why you have so many anti gun rulings at the appeals court level, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that say they can't do what they are doing....Heller, Macdonald, Miller, Caetano.......and they still do it....because he didn't appoint judges, he appointed left wing activists......

How many of your guns did he take?

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which just defied the U.S. Supreme Court by saying that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.....which includes just about every gun owned by Americans.......of the 17 judges on the Circuit.....7 were put there by obama.....and 5 by clinton.....12 out of 17 anti gun judges......

Call me when you hear the knock at your door. Until then, it's just your fearful imagination.

Apparently, some still believe President Obama is coming for our guns.

Well, actually, it would only be their guns. Since I voted for him (twice), he'd let me keep mine AND let me buy affordable health insurance to boot.

Sent from my iPad using don't understand the 4th Circuit court you....and the majority of the judges on that circuit are clinton and obama appointees...and they just gutted the 2nd Amendment with their ruling.....which is how obama planned it all along..and he isn't even in office anymore....which shows why the courts are so important....

And affordable health insurance? You really are funny....
I'm not sure why you would want to change the subject because balancing a checkbook is not a good comparison to what was being discussed. I'm sure lots of people have problems balancing their checkbook, and they hire accountants and such to do that for them. Hiring an accountant is not the same as having a court ordered guardian responsible for the person's affairs, financial and otherwise. If a parent is not capable of attending their own affairs, (which would include the decision to hire an accountant) he is not capable of caring for children.
the bill that you people are whining about allowed people to have their right to own a weapon taken away because they couldn't balance a checkbook

Then forgive me.You are completely right to oppose the restriction of gun purchases strictly because someone failed to balance their checkbook. Now, if you can just give me a link to prove that's all it was, we can put this whole silly thing behind us. Until then, it's just a bunch of made up right wing crap about a made up lie.
I never said that all it was

but the legislation was bad because it was too vague and it should have been rescinded.

That's exactly what you said it was.
no I said it allowed people who weren't actually mentally ill to have their right taken away

I used the balancing of a checkbook as an example of that

Exactly. Nobody would have their ability to own guns removed over a balanced checkbook, and making that claim is a blatant lie. Like most right wing claims, that one is manufactured.
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Abortion is a constitutional right.

Murder is not.

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Abortion is matter how you try to pretend that it is not....

Yes, We have known you believe that for a long time. Unfortunately, for you, that is not hat our laws say. That is not what the majority of the country believes.
the bill that you people are whining about allowed people to have their right to own a weapon taken away because they couldn't balance a checkbook

Then forgive me.You are completely right to oppose the restriction of gun purchases strictly because someone failed to balance their checkbook. Now, if you can just give me a link to prove that's all it was, we can put this whole silly thing behind us. Until then, it's just a bunch of made up right wing crap about a made up lie.
I never said that all it was

but the legislation was bad because it was too vague and it should have been rescinded.

That's exactly what you said it was.
no I said it allowed people who weren't actually mentally ill to have their right taken away

I used the balancing of a checkbook as an example of that

Exactly. Nobody would have their ability to own guns removed over a balanced checkbook, and making that claim is a blatant lie. Like most right wing claims, that one is manufactured.
the wording of the legislation allowed just that which is why it needed to be rescinded you may trust the fucking government not to do what a vague law allows it to do but the rest of us aren't as naive
Then forgive me.You are completely right to oppose the restriction of gun purchases strictly because someone failed to balance their checkbook. Now, if you can just give me a link to prove that's all it was, we can put this whole silly thing behind us. Until then, it's just a bunch of made up right wing crap about a made up lie.
I never said that all it was

but the legislation was bad because it was too vague and it should have been rescinded.

That's exactly what you said it was.
no I said it allowed people who weren't actually mentally ill to have their right taken away

I used the balancing of a checkbook as an example of that

Exactly. Nobody would have their ability to own guns removed over a balanced checkbook, and making that claim is a blatant lie. Like most right wing claims, that one is manufactured.
the wording of the legislation allowed just that which is why it needed to be rescinded you may trust the fucking government not to do what a vague law allows it to do but the rest of us aren't as naive

Democrats keep pushing the meme that Big Brother Government should be allowed to dominate us since they know best, but most Americans aren't buying it.

Trust in Government



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