Should food handlers be required to wash their hands?

This is the subject of another thread. The whole thing was made up. Tillis never said any such thing.


You're not just a drunk. You're also an idiot.

Here's a choice for you. You can watch the video at the Washington Post or, if you prefer, watch it on c-span.

Senator says restaurant employees shouldn 8217 t be required to wash their hands - The Washington Post

Tillis hands Video

Ok, I kind of half-way defended the guy yesterday or the day before and said (although I rarely defend a Rightie) that he claims he never said this stuff. Now I see the video and clearly he DID, which now means that Thom Tillis is also a fucking neanderthal liar who is not even smart enough to know that in this day and age of everything being videoed, he can't deny it.

This is just too rich.
I am a Southerner.

When I piss in a public place, I kick the door open, and pee, and then go to my truck and use hand sanitizer.

I don't touch any thing in a public RR but my dick.

It is clean, and I know where it has been, and my momma taught me not to piss on my hands.

I cannot imagine the germs you would pick up washing your hands in a public rest room.

Of course, I am a bit OCD and carry little antibacterial hand wipes with me.

Yuck.......I hope you don't handle food for others and I'd hate to shake your hand.
The marketplace will take care of it.

How many people would patronize a restaurant that didn't require basic hygiene from their employees.

Liberals might, but that's only because they can't think for themselves and require instruction for even the most basic human activities

You are really ignorant if you think any restaurant owner is going to be stupid enough to post a sign saying "We don't care if our employees wash their hands after they use the bathroom" - only ignorant conservatives can come up with such idiotic suggestions.

That's not how it would work.

Liberal restaurants would maximize their profits by reheating yesterdays leftovers in toilet water and serving it as Today's Chef Specials.

Conservative restaurants would been known for their cleanliness, attention to detail and maniacal devotion to quality and customer service.

^ My favorite restaurant, Bravo Gianni (RIP)

That's why your economies always end in breadlines

^ Progressive Mecca where government feeds you

Yeah.....conservative restaurants are going to have this sign posted at the entrance.


Which Starbucks is going to post that sign?

Obviously, not one of them. That is sort of the point.

Do they seriously need a freaking LAW to make them wash their hands?
I think the objection is to nanny state, not hand washing. Lefties don't believe the average food handler has the intelligence to wash his or her hands...and they don't think the average restaurant owner should have the authority to require them to as a condition of their employment. ONLY THE STATE IS ALLOWED TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT TO DO!

Lol. I'm assuming that here in Oregon we already have this stupid law, because there are stupid signs in every public restroom where food is served that says FOOD HANDLERS WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK.

What a lot of money wasted on nothing except more leftist state involvement with what we do with our private parts, and how we manage them.

You are so ignorant....obviously you've never worked with teenagers. And, based on your inane comments, you'd opt for a restaurant posting a sign saying they don't require their employees to wash their hands. You'd be comfortable at such an establishment because you probably don't even wash your hands, you're like Roadrunner....he just uses sanitizer.....
I am a Southerner.

When I piss in a public place, I kick the door open, and pee, and then go to my truck and use hand sanitizer.

I don't touch any thing in a public RR but my dick.

It is clean, and I know where it has been, and my momma taught me not to piss on my hands.

I cannot imagine the germs you would pick up washing your hands in a public rest room.

Of course, I am a bit OCD and carry little antibacterial hand wipes with me.

FYI: Hand Sanitizers vs. Soap and Water

Since you naturally use hand sanitizers to cleanse your hands, the assumption is that 99.9 percent of harmful germs are killed by the sanitizers. Research studies suggest that this is not the case.
How Do Hand Sanitizers Work?
Hand sanitizers work by stripping away the outer layer of oil on the skin . This usually prevents bacteria present in the body from coming to the surface of the hand. However, these bacteria that are normally present in the body are generally not the kinds of bacteria that will make us sick. In a review of the research, Barbara Almanza, an associate professor at Purdue University who teaches safe sanitation practices to workers, came to an interesting conclusion. She notes that the research shows that hand sanitizers do not significantly reduce the number of bacteria on the hand and in some cases may potentially increase the amount of bacteria on the hand. So the question arises, how can the manufacturers make the 99.9 percent claim?
Here's the onerous regulation that the RWNJs object to:

6-301.14 Handwashing Signage.

A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees.

What is going to happen when they find out that restaurants must provide clean soap and water to their employees?????????????????????
But, yeah, this issue is much more important than any other issue anyone in the GOP ever brings up. Nitpicking little bullshit is all they have.
I urge you all to start boycotting restaurants that comply with this fascist regulation. You will know who they are if you look above their sinks.
Here's the onerous regulation that the RWNJs object to:

6-301.14 Handwashing Signage.

A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees.

What is going to happen when they find out that restaurants must provide clean soap and water to their employees?????????????????????

Us RWNJ anarchist hippies have an anti-sign agenda and anti-sign song. You LWMBs only have government control arguments. Why do you want to oppress the people?


The marketplace will take care of it.

How many people would patronize a restaurant that didn't require basic hygiene from their employees.

Liberals might, but that's only because they can't think for themselves and require instruction for even the most basic human activities

You are really ignorant if you think any restaurant owner is going to be stupid enough to post a sign saying "We don't care if our employees wash their hands after they use the bathroom" - only ignorant conservatives can come up with such idiotic suggestions.

That's not how it would work.

Liberal restaurants would maximize their profits by reheating yesterdays leftovers in toilet water and serving it as Today's Chef Specials.

Conservative restaurants would been known for their cleanliness, attention to detail and maniacal devotion to quality and customer service.

^ My favorite restaurant, Bravo Gianni (RIP)

That's why your economies always end in breadlines

^ Progressive Mecca where government feeds you

Yeah.....conservative restaurants are going to have this sign posted at the entrance.


Which Starbucks is going to post that sign?

Obviously, not one of them. That is sort of the point.


Tillis was the one that suggested that restaurant owners would instead post a sign saying they don't mandate their employees to wash their hands.

Without a sign, restaurants cannot be held accountable if someone comes down with salmonella or some other illness due to unsanitary measures. I don't know about you, but I've seen plenty of teenagers walk out of a bathroom stall and walk right out of the bathroom. I've seen adults do it. So, if you think everyone washes their hands of their own volition, you are in lalaland. Look at "Roadrunner" - he just admitted he touches his penis and then doesn't wash his hands, he just uses sanitizer when he gets to his truck....yuck, if you should run into him before he reaches his truck and he opts to shake your hand!
Here's the onerous regulation that the RWNJs object to:

6-301.14 Handwashing Signage.

A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees.

What is going to happen when they find out that restaurants must provide clean soap and water to their employees?????????????????????

Us RWNJ anarchist hippies have an anti-sign agenda and anti-sign song. You LWMBs only have government control arguments. Why do you want to oppress the people?



OMG! Reminding you that you must wash your hands is oppressing you? Poor thing.
Here's the onerous regulation that the RWNJs object to:

6-301.14 Handwashing Signage.

A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees.

What is going to happen when they find out that restaurants must provide clean soap and water to their employees?????????????????????

Us RWNJ anarchist hippies have an anti-sign agenda and anti-sign song. You LWMBs only have government control arguments. Why do you want to oppress the people?



OMG! Reminding you that you must wash your hands is oppressing you? Poor thing.

Now we are a member of the 1%.....
The marketplace will take care of it.

How many people would patronize a restaurant that didn't require basic hygiene from their employees.

Liberals might, but that's only because they can't think for themselves and require instruction for even the most basic human activities

You are really ignorant if you think any restaurant owner is going to be stupid enough to post a sign saying "We don't care if our employees wash their hands after they use the bathroom" - only ignorant conservatives can come up with such idiotic suggestions.

That's not how it would work.

Liberal restaurants would maximize their profits by reheating yesterdays leftovers in toilet water and serving it as Today's Chef Specials.

Conservative restaurants would been known for their cleanliness, attention to detail and maniacal devotion to quality and customer service.

^ My favorite restaurant, Bravo Gianni (RIP)

That's why your economies always end in breadlines

^ Progressive Mecca where government feeds you

Yeah.....conservative restaurants are going to have this sign posted at the entrance.


Which Starbucks is going to post that sign?

Obviously, not one of them. That is sort of the point.


Tillis was the one that suggested that restaurant owners would instead post a sign saying they don't mandate their employees to wash their hands.

Without a sign, restaurants cannot be held accountable if someone comes down with salmonella or some other illness due to unsanitary measures. I don't know about you, but I've seen plenty of teenagers walk out of a bathroom stall and walk right out of the bathroom. I've seen adults do it. So, if you think everyone washes their hands of their own volition, you are in lalaland. Look at "Roadrunner" - he just admitted he touches his penis and then doesn't wash his hands, he just uses sanitizer when he gets to his truck....yuck, if you should run into him before he reaches his truck and he opts to shake your hand! are emphatic about agreeing with me. That is always good to hear.


Why must it go past the local level? I believe that is the point. Why are the feds getting involved, when there are much more pressing matters at hand. Unless, of course, the dems hope to take away local and state sovereignty. No wonder our fed legislators never get anything of real value done. Perhaps this guy has the right idea-keep us out of it unless it can't be a local concern. The aybe they might actually get something done, as well as save us tax payers a few dollars.
When locals already have ordinances for such things, ojr local taxes pay to enforce it. Then to add state dollars to enforce what is already being enforced, and then add the feds into the mix? Does anyone not understand the waste of our hard earned dollars here? Not to mention the bureaucracy built into each layer, all working toward the same outcome and and waste of time spent in Congress on such matters.

I fully understand his point. And the business owners.

It is the government's responsibility to insure the safety of every American citizen. You can't leave it up to states, because red states would then exercise their ignorance and not require food handlers to wash their hands. As it is, I would be willing to be that many food handlers don't wash their hands.....however, because the restaurants have posted the signs, the restaurant is not held they can't follow the employees into the bathroom to make sure they wash their hands.

It's really in the best interest of the restaurant owner that they post the signs, but most conservatives, who consider themselves such business advocates are too dumb to see it and would opt for the government staying out of it and letting restaurant owners get the hell sued out of them.....tsk, tsk, you can't fix stupid.

When cooking in a commercial kitchen it is important to leave your own kitchen habits at home. As a restaurant owner or employee, you have a responsibility to ensure that the food coming off the kitchen line is safe for customers to eat. Bend food safety rules and you risk not only contamination issues but a PR nightmare if your restaurant is associated with any kind of food poisioning.
All About HACCP For Restaurant Kitchens
Do they seriously need a freaking LAW to make them wash their hands?
I think the objection is to nanny state, not hand washing. Lefties don't believe the average food handler has the intelligence to wash his or her hands...and they don't think the average restaurant owner should have the authority to require them to as a condition of their employment. ONLY THE STATE IS ALLOWED TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT TO DO!

Lol. I'm assuming that here in Oregon we already have this stupid law, because there are stupid signs in every public restroom where food is served that says FOOD HANDLERS WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK.

What a lot of money wasted on nothing except more leftist state involvement with what we do with our private parts, and how we manage them.

You are so ignorant....obviously you've never worked with teenagers. And, based on your inane comments, you'd opt for a restaurant posting a sign saying they don't require their employees to wash their hands. You'd be comfortable at such an establishment because you probably don't even wash your hands, you're like Roadrunner....he just uses sanitizer.....


You are really ignorant if you think any restaurant owner is going to be stupid enough to post a sign saying "We don't care if our employees wash their hands after they use the bathroom" - only ignorant conservatives can come up with such idiotic suggestions.

That's not how it would work.

Liberal restaurants would maximize their profits by reheating yesterdays leftovers in toilet water and serving it as Today's Chef Specials.

Conservative restaurants would been known for their cleanliness, attention to detail and maniacal devotion to quality and customer service.

^ My favorite restaurant, Bravo Gianni (RIP)

That's why your economies always end in breadlines

^ Progressive Mecca where government feeds you

Yeah.....conservative restaurants are going to have this sign posted at the entrance.


Which Starbucks is going to post that sign?

Obviously, not one of them. That is sort of the point.


Tillis was the one that suggested that restaurant owners would instead post a sign saying they don't mandate their employees to wash their hands.

Without a sign, restaurants cannot be held accountable if someone comes down with salmonella or some other illness due to unsanitary measures. I don't know about you, but I've seen plenty of teenagers walk out of a bathroom stall and walk right out of the bathroom. I've seen adults do it. So, if you think everyone washes their hands of their own volition, you are in lalaland. Look at "Roadrunner" - he just admitted he touches his penis and then doesn't wash his hands, he just uses sanitizer when he gets to his truck....yuck, if you should run into him before he reaches his truck and he opts to shake your hand! are emphatic about agreeing with me. That is always good to hear.


I seriously doubt that we are agreeing. You're having comprehension problems if you think I am agreeing with you.

I know that no smart responsible restaurant owner would post such a sign....but Tillis, a Republican politician is suggesting they do. The restaurant, in order to avoid a law suit must post one that says they require their employees to wash their hands, because if someone gets sick due to a server not washing their hands, the restaurant has obeyed the law, which I am in full agreement with.

You on the other hand, are arguing that they don't have to post either sign, which begs the question, how then, are we agreeing?
Washing your hands before handling food. Doesn't get more basic than that.

And yet the tee potty RWs are against requiring restaurant servers to do that.

You fools need to be grateful for progressive liberals. If not for us, you'd still be fighting the plague and having surgery done with dirty hands.
Do they seriously need a freaking LAW to make them wash their hands?
I think the objection is to nanny state, not hand washing. Lefties don't believe the average food handler has the intelligence to wash his or her hands...and they don't think the average restaurant owner should have the authority to require them to as a condition of their employment. ONLY THE STATE IS ALLOWED TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT TO DO!

Lol. I'm assuming that here in Oregon we already have this stupid law, because there are stupid signs in every public restroom where food is served that says FOOD HANDLERS WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK.

What a lot of money wasted on nothing except more leftist state involvement with what we do with our private parts, and how we manage them.

You are so ignorant....obviously you've never worked with teenagers. And, based on your inane comments, you'd opt for a restaurant posting a sign saying they don't require their employees to wash their hands. You'd be comfortable at such an establishment because you probably don't even wash your hands, you're like Roadrunner....he just uses sanitizer.....



Only an ignorant person would be okay with a restaurant not expecting that of their employees....:eek:
Here's the onerous regulation that the RWNJs object to:

6-301.14 Handwashing Signage.

A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees.

What is going to happen when they find out that restaurants must provide clean soap and water to their employees?????????????????????

Us RWNJ anarchist hippies have an anti-sign agenda and anti-sign song. You LWMBs only have government control arguments. Why do you want to oppress the people?



OMG! Reminding you that you must wash your hands is oppressing you? Poor thing.

Now we are a member of the 1%.....

Okie dokie, if you say so.........;)

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