Should FOX be sponsoring GOP debates?

The likely moderators for the debate will be Bret Bair and Megyn Kelly who have legitimate journalist backgrounds and reputations for being fair if the moderators were going to be Dana Perino and Sean Hannity you might have a point. Since were asking if FOX should be doing this debate should George Stephanopoulos of ABC be doing any coverage of the Democratic primary or any political coverage of the upcoming Presidential race at all given his long realtionship with the Clintons and the fact Hillary is all but assured to be the Democratic nominee?
What does the word "sponsoring" mean in a media political sense? Is it the same as covering? The radical left had no problems with Georgie Stephanopolis being in charge of a political debate when Georgie was Bubba Bill's right hand (or should I say left hand) man and was a big (secret) contributor to the Clinton foundation.
The likely moderators for the debate will be Bret Bair and Megyn Kelly who have legitimate journalist backgrounds and reputations for being fair if the moderators were going to be Dana Perino and Sean Hannity you might have a point. Since were asking if FOX should be doing this debate should George Stephanopoulos of ABC be doing any coverage of the Democratic primary or any political coverage of the upcoming Presidential race at all given his long realtionship with the Clintons and the fact Hillary is all but assured to be the Democratic nominee?
Megyn Kelly doesn't have a very long resume in broadcasting, and virtually none in "journalism" She's a hottie for sure. I used to love her more when she appeared on O'Reilly occasionally as a legal analyst. She used to put Bill in his place regularly. She only worked for a ABC affiliate for about a year before coming to Fox News. She's a lawyer by trade.

Brett Baier worked for an ABC affiliate for 3 years before coming to Fox News, He graduated college in 1991, and Fox doesn't allow him to be proud of his prior work between college graduation, and them, at an NBC affiliate, and for PBS!...what a commie!

Baier and Kelly are "toe the line" Fox News Republicans, for all intents and purposes now. It's arguable that their backgrounds are in journalism, but certainly not "legitimate" in ways that would make them any more fair than Perino and Hannity.

I don't think it'll matter much unless the GOP nominates someone like Marco Rubio, and he runs his campaign like he did his interview last Sunday with Chris Wallace. I loved what I heard.
Fox should sponsor a Democrat debate and have Limbaugh as moderator
I agree it is very one-sided for Fox News to have only a GOP primary debate. They should also have a Democratic primary debate.

You want Rush as moderator for the Democratic one? Fine. As long as Rachel Maddow can moderate the GOP debate.
Too late. NBC already used Olberman and Matthews to 'moderate' a republican president debate.
Now, before being subjected to the "moral outrage" of my fellow right wing posters on here, I'd like to remind them of one important factor (also known as typical right wing hypocrisy.)

It is common knowledge that right wingers often make the claim that the media is made up of just about ALL leftist. communist, Muslim-loving, gay-lesbian sympathizers and ISIS apologists whose only objective is to destroy America (and take away right wingers' guns and their Bibles)....

Then, by the above "definition," FOX is NOT a media source prompting me to ask again...."Should FOX be sponsoring GOP presidential debates that are, after all, media events?"

You just broke the mold. You just spoke outside the Cult. You will be an outcast "liberal".
Fox should sponsor a Democrat debate and have Limbaugh as moderator

I'm all for ANY AND ALL information.

What bothers me is that Fox News never wants actual debate. They have people on and when they start losing their either raise their voice over the other person "stomping" on their perspective, or they simply edit the education out.

Which part of this is smart? Watch "The Five". 4 Right Wingers and 1 paid heavily Left Winger who never let him speak. It has to be a 4-1 ratio against the dullest Left Wing perspective on the planet?

Bob Beckel is not alone. He's a Fox News Contributor. He's a paid to pretend to be Left Winger. He's there to show false perspective of what Left Wingers are.


The best Left Wing information is from TYT, Jon Stewart, and Colbert.
Now, before being subjected to the "moral outrage" of my fellow right wing posters on here, I'd like to remind them of one important factor (also known as typical right wing hypocrisy.)

It is common knowledge that right wingers often make the claim that the media is made up of just about ALL leftist. communist, Muslim-loving, gay-lesbian sympathizers and ISIS apologists whose only objective is to destroy America (and take away right wingers' guns and their Bibles)....

Then, by the above "definition," FOX is NOT a media source prompting me to ask again...."Should FOX be sponsoring GOP presidential debates that are, after all, media events?"

Last I heard Fox News said they would not sponsor the informational debates if other channels ran a documentary on Hillary.

It was a Corporation refusing to sponsor information if they could not control the situation.
We appear to be stuck with both Fox and MSNBC, sadly.

On the other hand, most people who watch either are probably aware (at least at some level) of what they are, so that kind of mitigates it.


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