Should Gishlane Maxwell get a reduction in sentencing IF she names names including pilots,, drivers, etc., etc?

This is the guy you voted for and worship. Fact. And a BFF of Epstein and Maxwell.
Lots of smoke usually indicates a fire.
No it doesn't, Biden, Clinton and Trump there is tons of smoke and I doubt any of the three are pedos. What we have are tons of partisan morons making up accusations based on nothing. This is a reason we have such a divide in this country, the partisan whackadoodles have taken over.
None of the posts prove Trump or Clinton were involved in raping young girls, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan Clinton and Trump were all unfaithful to their mates, that doesn't mean any of them raped any young girls. Can the partisan BS just stop?
Indeed. Let's not forget that Epstein "suicided" while in the care of the trump/Barr Federal Prison system.
Indeed. Let’s not forget you’re nothing but a fat troll trying to derail another thread. Pathetic deflection attempt. Get back on topic.
Dead Epsteins Tell No Tales
Time to slap you with the truth again. Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein in Florida. Don’t try to lie and say that lawyer made a deal. Brad Edwards made no deal with Epstein. That was the man Trump talked to. Trump was the ONLY one to answer a subpoena. Funny how nothing came out then.....
wasnt it when jeffery hit on the daughter of a mars largo club member?
There was a girl however at this time she was older and she met Clinton at a function and said Clinton was the perfect gentleman. The distortion and lies that we keeping hearing are getting boring and redundant with no proof of any vile behavior, anyone that participated in raping young girls should go to prison for life.
That was over a real estate deal gone bad......:heehee:
Bzzt...wrong. Trump spotted Epstein as a Leftie pervert long before others did. Democrats didn't care, as long as Epstein kept sending them money and inviting them to rape underage girls on Epstein's Island.

Jeffrey Epstein turned Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago into another of his hunting grounds for young girls, leading Trump to bar him from the Florida resort, court papers claim.

“Trump allegedly banned Epstein from his Maralago Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted a girl at the club,” according to the papers, filed in the Sunshine State as part of an ongoing legal battle between Epstein and Bradley Edwards, who represented many of Epstein’s underage accusers in civil suits against him.

The filing is dated April 2011, well before Trump ascended to the presidency.

The same filing also cites an underage Jane Doe’s allegation that Epstein’s girlfriend-turned-pal Ghislane Maxwell recruited her at Mar-a-Lago to be the couple’s “sex slave.”

Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after he hit on teenage girl​

Both political groups point the finger at each other as if they are saints, respond by throwing rocks at each other’s glass houses, however, conveniently distract away from and miss the central point, sex trafficking, underage sex, with vulnerable children, is inexcusable and needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, regardless of political affiliation. Both parties claim to represent women yet their actions indicate otherwise.
wasnt it when jeffery hit on the daughter of a mars largo club member?

Yes. Trump is also the ONLY person who actually helped the victims of epslime. The victims lawyers were profuse in their thanks for his help in getting the civil litigation going. The ONLY person who helped. Not one democrat did. Not one.
you really wanna play Questionable cabinet assignments?

no you do not. you just want to bash Trump.
Sure, go ahead. When you explain why Trump gave a cabinet post to the DA who let Epstein off the hook in Florida.
Should Gishlane Maxwell get a reduction in sentencing IF she names, names including pilots,, drivers, etc., etc?

HUNDREDS of people participated in and cooperated in this outrageous violation of our most vulnerable. As with Michael Jackson, parents too either looked the other way or cooperated.

Start lining them up for prosecution. Hundreds of people should be quaking in their stylish boots.
No, she should get a guarantee she won't be suicided.

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