Should God's Law be the Law of the Land?

and what and whose ten commandments would this be

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5. Honour thy father and thy mother

6. Thou shalt not kill.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

10. Thou shalt not covet.

The first four commandments have nothing to do with morals, ethics or anything of that nature. Those commandments have more to do with a jealous god; an egotistical god. Since commandments 1 through 4 don't really lay a foundation for good, moral standards, we'll throw those out. Now we have the Six Commandments.

My Ten Commandments

1. Thou shalt not kill.

2. Thou shalt not steal.

3. Thou shalt not abuse children.

4. Thou shalt not abuse your spouse.

5. Thou shalt not molest children.

6. Thou shalt not rape.

7. Thou shalt not destroy the property of someone else.

8. Be respectful of your fellow humans; bring no harm to them.

9. Take responsibility for your own actions.

10. Thou shalt not enslave another human.

1. Love the spiritual and not the material.

2. Do not play God, you will not impress God or anyone else.

3. Do not curse --- you'll only display ignorance.

4. Give life a break at least once a week, then everyone can get it together.

5. Honour parenthood.

6. Do not murder.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Don't take what belongs to someone else.

9. Always express the truth.

10. Don't lust after things you do not have.

Those are good ones.

We could just simplify them to:

Do not harm others.
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5. Honour thy father and thy mother

6. Thou shalt not kill.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

10. Thou shalt not covet.

The first four commandments have nothing to do with morals, ethics or anything of that nature. Those commandments have more to do with a jealous god; an egotistical god. Since commandments 1 through 4 don't really lay a foundation for good, moral standards, we'll throw those out. Now we have the Six Commandments.

My Ten Commandments

1. Thou shalt not kill.

2. Thou shalt not steal.

3. Thou shalt not abuse children.

4. Thou shalt not abuse your spouse.

5. Thou shalt not molest children.

6. Thou shalt not rape.

7. Thou shalt not destroy the property of someone else.

8. Be respectful of your fellow humans; bring no harm to them.

9. Take responsibility for your own actions.

10. Thou shalt not enslave another human.

1. Love the spiritual and not the material.

2. Do not play God, you will not impress God or anyone else.

3. Do not curse --- you'll only display ignorance.

4. Give life a break at least once a week, then everyone can get it together.

5. Honour parenthood.

6. Do not murder.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Don't take what belongs to someone else.

9. Always express the truth.

10. Don't lust after things you do not have.

Those are good ones.

We could just simplify them to:

Do not harm others.

Love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul and all your might, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Nobody is capable of knowing God or His ways. But we can draw some assumptions, and my assumption is that God's law makes legal all that is not sin. And sin is defined as that which is harmful in any way to ourselves and/or other whether intended or not, whether out of knowledge or ignorance. The Bible was never intended to be a 'rule book' but rather can give us insights into the benefits of hearing and obeying God's voice and the consequences for ignoring it or failing to seek it.

A reasonable and admirable position, imho.

But, with that in mind, would behavior that does not do harm be illegal i.e. same sex marriage, because the Bible does not condone it?

Under our Constitution, the Bible has no legal jurisdiction, and even if it did, it does not address the issue of same sex marriage.

So in an effort to obey God's law as best as we can, we may conclude there is no harm in two people of the same sex loving each other and forming a permanent union, but to change the definition of traditional marriage would put children at even higher risk than they already are. You can't change the definition of something without making it different from what it is. If we look to the Bible for clues, it is pretty explicit that any who would harm those little ones is not obeying God's law and are in fact in serous danger of His wrath.

So, you balance the two things and it is fairly easy to come to the conclusion that the best thing for all is to keep traditional marriage intact as it is for the benefit of any children that may result from the union, but also accommodate the need of the same sex couple for extra protection and legal rights.

I think those who want the best solution will agree to that. I think those who have different motives won't.


Same-sex couples seek access to marriage law exactly as it exists today, they do not wish to ‘redefine’ it and indeed endeavor to strengthen the institution.

Further, there is no evidence that children in a same-sex family are at ‘greater risk’ than children in any other family configuration.

It’s this very animus toward a class of citizens predicated on religious arrogance and discrimination that the Framers sought to prevent when they codified the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
I believe it shouldn't be because I think government should be completely secular and not influenced by religious institutions or doctrines. So I strongly disagree with the thought that "God's law" should be the basis of our nation's law.

the only way to do that is to elect people that have been atheist all their lives and have never been exposed to religion ever
The founders' were all religious and spiritual men, all of some Christian and deist or infidel belief.

Thus their religious values influenced them, as they do most of us today. Tis what tis.
Assume that we elected some people a lot crazier than the ones running the government now and they decide that yes we should adopt God's law and somehow got it into the constitution, there is still a basic problem. How would you ever get all the religions to agree on what is God's law. The Jews would be unlikely to accept any Christian spin. The Muslims would certainly want their say in the matter. Then there's the Buddhist, Hindus, and whatever.

Imagine what the Supreme Court could do with the first four commandments.
If one believes in God, then God's law is like the laws of physics; i.e., they are necessarily the laws of all countries. Can Congress declare gravity illegal? Yes, but that doesn't change the reality.

If one doesn't believe in God, the point is moot.

There is no discussion.
Many who believe in the absolute truth of the Christian faith seem to believe that God's Laws should be the law or basis of the law in the US.

What think you?

So I'm conflicted on how to handle a domestic issue, and the absolutely universal law of God is not making it clear how I should proceed. Here's my conflict, from Leviticus 25:45-46

"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession."

Here's my problem. One of the 4 year old children of the heathens around me actually has converted to Judaism. Now, technically he is still heathen, at least by blood. Can I buy this child anyway, or does the conversion override the bloodline issue? I suspect that a 4 year old isn't old enough to make such a decision regarding their status, so I can buy and enslave him anyway.

Can you enlighten me on how the bible resolves such a conflict?

Many who believe in the absolute truth of the Christian faith seem to believe that God's Laws should be the law or basis of the law in the US.

"Many?" Define many.

And exactly which "absolute truths" are you referring to? Without being more specific, you are nothing more than a demagog. Apparently, that does not bother you?
Many who believe in the absolute truth of the Christian faith seem to believe that God's Laws should be the law or basis of the law in the US.

What think you?

Who believes that? Give us an example.

Because I maintain that you're full of shit.
This is one of those "community organizing" mob memes...take a crap slogan, pose it as a fact, get it circulating.
It might be impossible to craft a law that doesn't follow God's law but does the same thing.
Many who believe in the absolute truth of the Christian faith seem to believe that God's Laws should be the law or basis of the law in the US.

What think you?

So I'm conflicted on how to handle a domestic issue, and the absolutely universal law of God is not making it clear how I should proceed. Here's my conflict, from Leviticus 25:45-46

"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession."

Here's my problem. One of the 4 year old children of the heathens around me actually has converted to Judaism. Now, technically he is still heathen, at least by blood. Can I buy this child anyway, or does the conversion override the bloodline issue? I suspect that a 4 year old isn't old enough to make such a decision regarding their status, so I can buy and enslave him anyway.

Can you enlighten me on how the bible resolves such a conflict?


Have you looked for the answer in the bible?

Why do you want other people to do your work for you? Look it up. It's in there.
Apparently you've only read the naughty bits of the bible. I highly recommend you read the whole thing before jeering.
Many who believe in the absolute truth of the Christian faith seem to believe that God's Laws should be the law or basis of the law in the US.

"Many?" Define many.

And exactly which "absolute truths" are you referring to? Without being more specific, you are nothing more than a demagog. Apparently, that does not bother you?

More than a few.

The absolute truths that Christians believe in regards to their religion.

Why are you so defensive?
Should God's Law be the Law of the Land?

Oh absolutely!

The moment that I and ONLY I, get to be the person who decides what GODS LAW SAYS.

Can't I help?


ONLY me.

Only I have the ear of GOD.

Only I speak on his behalf.

Its' all about me, dude.

I AM the perfect Randian Believer.

The rest of you guys are merely soulless robots God put here for my amusement.

Solopsism thy name is EGO

Name them. You won't, because you can't. You have no idea what you're spouting.

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