Should Gov't have Limits?


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
Let's cut to the chase - should the gov't have the power to force you to buy something, anything, or not buy it? Do they have the power to decide for you what's good for you and what isn't, a decision you have no say in? For example, should they be able to determine the conditions for who gets what medical treatment, based on cost analysis by a bunch of bureaucrats?

And let's not change the subject by bitching about the private insurance system. Separate issue, please stick to the basic question. Should the gov't have any limits at all?

My take: the gov't has no business making personal decisions for it's citizens. Nor does it have a responsibility to assist those who make the wrong choices. Gov't should be restricted to ONLY those functions that individual cannot do by themselves, such as national defense.
No, governments should not have the power to force anyone to buy anything. Especially if they will not be forcing EVERYONE to buy it.

So, yes.... governments should always have limits.

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Should the government have the power to protect its citizens from exploitation? You seem to think it should not.
Let's cut to the chase - should the gov't have the power to force you to buy something, anything, or not buy it? Do they have the power to decide for you what's good for you and what isn't, a decision you have no say in? For example, should they be able to determine the conditions for who gets what medical treatment, based on cost analysis by a bunch of bureaucrats?

And let's not change the subject by bitching about the private insurance system. Separate issue, please stick to the basic question. Should the gov't have any limits at all?

My take: the gov't has no business making personal decisions for it's citizens. Nor does it have a responsibility to assist those who make the wrong choices. Gov't should be restricted to ONLY those functions that individual cannot do by themselves, such as national defense.

Many questions there.

Should the gov't have the power to force you to buy something, anything, or not buy it? Depends on what it is.

Do they have the power to decide for you what's good for you and what isn't, a decision you have no say in? Only so far as it affects other people.

Should they be able to determine the conditions for who gets what medical treatment, based on cost analysis by a bunch of bureaucrats? No. But they are free to decide what they will pay for with tax payer money.

Should the gov't have any limits at all? Yes, and they do.
Let's cut to the chase - should the gov't have the power to force you to buy something, anything, or not buy it? Do they have the power to decide for you what's good for you and what isn't, a decision you have no say in? For example, should they be able to determine the conditions for who gets what medical treatment, based on cost analysis by a bunch of bureaucrats?

And let's not change the subject by bitching about the private insurance system. Separate issue, please stick to the basic question. Should the gov't have any limits at all?

My take: the gov't has no business making personal decisions for it's citizens. Nor does it have a responsibility to assist those who make the wrong choices. Gov't should be restricted to ONLY those functions that individual cannot do by themselves, such as national defense.

You mean like Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution?
Government tells you what you can and can't do all the time. There are no smoking laws. Laws tell people to put on their seat belt. They tell you to drive 35 MPH. Government decided to install handicapped ramps on every corner in most places. When doesn't government direct your life.
They tell you in some states that you must have auto insurance. They legislate the age to drink, marry, and when to send your children to school. They also force parents to buy car seats for their children. These are all positions the government takes where they are involved in a person's private life.
You are taxed to pay for things and services you do not use or in some cases do not support. Government controls many of life's actions. Where do you suggest one would draw the line.
Government tells you what you can and can't do all the time. There are no smoking laws. Laws tell people to put on their seat belt. They tell you to drive 35 MPH. Government decided to install handicapped ramps on every corner in most places. When doesn't government direct your life.
They tell you in some states that you must have auto insurance. They legislate the age to drink, marry, and when to send your children to school. They also force parents to buy car seats for their children. These are all positions the government takes where they are involved in a person's private life.
You are taxed to pay for things and services you do not use or in some cases do not support. Government controls many of life's actions. Where do you suggest one would draw the line.

So in other words? Government has determined that they are the final arbitors of individual liberty?
Should the government have the power to protect its citizens from exploitation? You seem to think it should not.

How do you propose the government of this?

??? Do you mean "How do you propose the government do this"? The old fashioned way, by making bad things illegal.
Left to which government(s)? State, Federal, or both?

In fairness? *I* will give you a hint... 9th and 10th Amendments...:eusa_whistle:
Should Gov't have Limits?

The number of dead people at the hands of governments kind if answers the question all on its own.
Government tells you what you can and can't do all the time. There are no smoking laws. Laws tell people to put on their seat belt. They tell you to drive 35 MPH. Government decided to install handicapped ramps on every corner in most places. When doesn't government direct your life.
They tell you in some states that you must have auto insurance. They legislate the age to drink, marry, and when to send your children to school. They also force parents to buy car seats for their children. These are all positions the government takes where they are involved in a person's private life.
You are taxed to pay for things and services you do not use or in some cases do not support. Government controls many of life's actions. Where do you suggest one would draw the line.

So in other words? Government has determined that they are the final arbitors of individual liberty?

No. We have given them that ability. It would be pure chaos if all of us defended our own liberties every chance we got. That's not how a civilized society works.
How do you propose the government of this?

??? Do you mean "How do you propose the government do this"? The old fashioned way, by making bad things illegal.
Left to which government(s)? State, Federal, or both?

In fairness? *I* will give you a hint... 9th and 10th Amendments...:eusa_whistle:

Which of course doesn't or ever say what you think it says. The Constitution is supreme. Legislation that has not been made at a federal level, like the prohibition of prostitution or left to the states to decide.
How do you propose the government of this?

??? Do you mean "How do you propose the government do this"? The old fashioned way, by making bad things illegal.

But then it comes down to personal opinion of what is bad. And therein lies the problem.

Yes you are right, some people do not think it is a bad thing to dump people from their health insurance or run them into bankruptcy or any of the other horrible side effects of a for profit health system, their opinion seems to matter more than their customers who have paid for a service and end up screwed anyway or those who cannot even afford to buy insurance.
??? Do you mean "How do you propose the government do this"? The old fashioned way, by making bad things illegal.
Left to which government(s)? State, Federal, or both?

In fairness? *I* will give you a hint... 9th and 10th Amendments...:eusa_whistle:

Which of course doesn't or ever say what you think it says. The Constitution is supreme. Legislation that has not been made at a federal level, like the prohibition of prostitution or left to the states to decide.

As is the BOR oaf. It describes exactly what the Federal Government may NOT do and is left to the States whom in thier own right are soverign as is every individual American citizen.

YOU didn't pay attention is Civics class, did you? And that is assuming it was taught at all.
Government tells you what you can and can't do all the time. There are no smoking laws. Laws tell people to put on their seat belt. They tell you to drive 35 MPH. Government decided to install handicapped ramps on every corner in most places. When doesn't government direct your life.
They tell you in some states that you must have auto insurance. They legislate the age to drink, marry, and when to send your children to school. They also force parents to buy car seats for their children. These are all positions the government takes where they are involved in a person's private life.
You are taxed to pay for things and services you do not use or in some cases do not support. Government controls many of life's actions. Where do you suggest one would draw the line.

So in other words? Government has determined that they are the final arbitors of individual liberty?

I'm not certain they determined this on their own. It seems to me that every time a law is imposed that takes away personal freedom, people just get in line and follow along. How many people protested the seat belt laws? How many people protested the laws forcing a family to buy a car seat for their children? Did you hear any group of people fighting against the need for every corner to have four handicapped ramps instead of just one?
When it comes to the smoking ban they are actually legislating what you can do inside a privately owned business. The ordinance seems good to some as they don't smoke. So it floats by and comes into law. They never realized that government just forced itself into their lives again.
People allow government to take their rights and never say a word. Someone said and I don't recall who at the moment that the US government would take away it's peoples rights by inches and the citizens will just let them.
Every time any of these laws come into being people should be out in the streets fighting against the loss of freedom. Whether a particular law seems good or not. But people really don't give a damn. They don't care enough or even realize that that government stepped on their toes again and will continue the practice.
??? Do you mean "How do you propose the government do this"? The old fashioned way, by making bad things illegal.
Left to which government(s)? State, Federal, or both?

In fairness? *I* will give you a hint... 9th and 10th Amendments...:eusa_whistle:

Which of course doesn't or ever say what you think it says. The Constitution is supreme. Legislation that has not been made at a federal level, like the prohibition of prostitution or left to the states to decide.

Unless there is a new ammendment supported by 3/4 of the States' assembled governing bodies.

Civics should be taught in elementry school. The lesson on how to put a condom on a cucumber is trivial. The kids already know how.
Left to which government(s)? State, Federal, or both?

In fairness? *I* will give you a hint... 9th and 10th Amendments...:eusa_whistle:

Which of course doesn't or ever say what you think it says. The Constitution is supreme. Legislation that has not been made at a federal level, like the prohibition of prostitution or left to the states to decide.

As is the BOR oaf. It describes exactly what the Federal Government may NOT do and is left to the States whom in thier own right are soverign as is every individual American citizen.

YOU didn't pay attention is Civics class, did you? And that is assuming it was taught at all.

If the Bill of Rights does not say that the Government cannot do something, do you think they then have the power to do it?

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