Should Herman Cain's accusers go public?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
I say absolutely not after what happened to Anita Hill.

Don't Out Cain's Accusers

By Michelle Goldberg

Conservatives are calling for Herman Cain's harassment accusers to come forward. But Michelle Goldberg says their anonymity shouldn't be compromised just because he's running for president.

It’s probably only a matter of time before the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s are outed. Already, the conservative media is braying for their names and setting up justifications for identifying them. “See, a little bird told Politico that something scandalous happened a while back, but they’re not going to tell us who said so or even what exactly is supposed to have happened,” wrote The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher on Friday. “If you didn’t know better, you’d think they were indulging in the lowest sort of rumormongering while hiding behind a tissue-thin veil of journalistic integrity.”

Unlike Anita Hill, they haven’t made a choice to become involved in a big national political battle.

And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

More: Herman Cain's Sexual-Harassment Accusers Shouldn't Be Outed - The Daily Beast

I never thought they should go public, even when Lawrence O'Donnell publicly offered to pay all their legal fees and penalties. If any of these women step forward, their lives will never be the same. It would also impact their families. Righties would hound them unmercifully.
I never thought they should go public, even when Lawrence O'Donnell publicly offered to pay all their legal fees and penalties. If any of these women step forward, their lives will never be the same. It would also impact their families. Righties would hound them unmercifully.

Just like Cain you can't keep your stories straight. Here are your words from another thread you started .......

" Just heard him say it on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell. Thank you, Lawrence!"

At least Cains memory lapse is 2 decades old. Your so pathetic you can't even keep your daily hackery straight.
By the way............about Lawrence O'Donnell.

Has anybody ever seen a more miserable, angry human being in their lives than this guy?

Just a public serviced announcement for conservatives on here. Tuning in MSNBC on election night next year is going to be cant miss TV. You want to see a far lefty look like he's sitting on a hot telephone pole for 4 hours? Watch O'Donnell that night...........gonna be a fcukking hoot!!
By the way............about Lawrence O'Donnell.

Has anybody ever seen a more miserable, angry human being in their lives than this guy?

Just a public serviced announcement for conservatives on here. Tuning in MSNBC on election night next year is going to be cant miss TV. You want to see a far lefty look like he's sitting on a hot telephone pole for 4 hours? Watch O'Donnell that night...........gonna be a fcukking hoot!!

Yeah, I'll be keeping a close eye on Hannity...
I say absolutely not after what happened to Anita Hill.

Don't Out Cain's Accusers

By Michelle Goldberg

Conservatives are calling for Herman Cain's harassment accusers to come forward. But Michelle Goldberg says their anonymity shouldn't be compromised just because he's running for president.

It’s probably only a matter of time before the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s are outed. Already, the conservative media is braying for their names and setting up justifications for identifying them. “See, a little bird told Politico that something scandalous happened a while back, but they’re not going to tell us who said so or even what exactly is supposed to have happened,” wrote The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher on Friday. “If you didn’t know better, you’d think they were indulging in the lowest sort of rumormongering while hiding behind a tissue-thin veil of journalistic integrity.”

Unlike Anita Hill, they haven’t made a choice to become involved in a big national political battle.

And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

More: Herman Cain's Sexual-Harassment Accusers Shouldn't Be Outed - The Daily Beast


Should they?

Not something you get a vote in, dipshit.

What they SHOULDN'T do is heed any advice from a punk ass bitch like you.

To say, "He told me my hair looked nice!!":D:D:boobies:

THATS the definition of sexual harrassment these days in America............

Maybe you should do a little EEOC research...

Dont need to s0n.......Im an admiinistrator for an organization that employs 1,800 people. Deal with the HR Dept all the time. Sexual harrassment complaints have become as pervasive as putting in a vacation form. "He stares at my boobs!!!"......."He told me I look pretty in my red dress"!!!

Yes..........:D............Yes:D:D ( conveyed in classic Denis Leary fashion)

Men are getting hosed on a daily basis all over America with this shit. If a man says the word "breast" these days..............IN ANY CONTEXT...........his ass is going down. Woman cuts her hair or changes her hair color............dont say shit............OR YOURE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I say absolutely not after what happened to Anita Hill.

Don't Out Cain's Accusers

By Michelle Goldberg

Conservatives are calling for Herman Cain's harassment accusers to come forward. But Michelle Goldberg says their anonymity shouldn't be compromised just because he's running for president.

It’s probably only a matter of time before the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s are outed. Already, the conservative media is braying for their names and setting up justifications for identifying them. “See, a little bird told Politico that something scandalous happened a while back, but they’re not going to tell us who said so or even what exactly is supposed to have happened,” wrote The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher on Friday. “If you didn’t know better, you’d think they were indulging in the lowest sort of rumormongering while hiding behind a tissue-thin veil of journalistic integrity.”

Unlike Anita Hill, they haven’t made a choice to become involved in a big national political battle.

And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

More: Herman Cain's Sexual-Harassment Accusers Shouldn't Be Outed - The Daily Beast


Yes, If they wish to continue to make accusations publicly, and attempt to Damage His Campaign, then yes they absolutely should be released for the Confidentiality Agreement, and either have to put up or shut up.

These woman could very well be telling the truth, but we can not let our Political Process stoop to the level where you can end Candidacies before they even get started, with 2nd hand vague Accusations by Unknown Accusers.
I say absolutely not after what happened to Anita Hill.

More: Herman Cain's Sexual-Harassment Accusers Shouldn't Be Outed - The Daily Beast


Yes, If they wish to continue to make accusations publicly, and attempt to Damage His Campaign, then yes they absolutely should be released for the Confidentiality Agreement, and either have to put up or shut up.

These woman could very well be telling the truth, but we can not let our Political Process stoop to the level where you can end Candidacies before they even get started, with 2nd hand vague Accusations by Unknown Accusers.

Yes because Cain, the NRA and these "made up, Magically women are all in on it together in some grand scheme....

Seriously do you people even try to use your brains ever?

Hey asshole. Yeah, plasmaball-less, that means you.

There is nothing magical involved, you imbecile.

Some women may have felt inclined to make some dopey complaints against Mr. Cain a dozen years ago.

That doesn't mean that they were accurate or honest. you moron.

In order to try to use a brain, you'd have to have one first, you fucking idiot.

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