Should I Be Paid To Not Break The Law?

Do you think paying thugs not to commit crimes is a great idea?

  • Yes.....just please stop the beatings..I can't take it anymore

  • No....dumbest solution the left ever came up with

  • No....I think we should pay thugs to commit crimes instead

  • Undecided

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

NYC is talking about paying thugs money to keep them from attacking people. Do you think this is wise idea? This is an idea Bill DeBlasio came up with a couple of years ago....but now they're talking about it again.

"Wait…I haven’t committed a violent crime. Where’s my money?"

Don't you think this might encourage more people to break the law just so they can get some free cash?
What would be some of the qualifications for such payments?
  • Have you stolen a car in the last 6 months
  • Have you broken into a Walgreens in the last year
  • Have you ganged up and did a ghetto stomp-down of a white guy or an old Asian woman in the last month
  • Have you shot up a school in 2023
Christ almighty....this has got to be the dumbest idea I've seen from the left in at least the last 30 mins.


This is like the black teenager, about thirty years ago, who came up to me as I was dining outside at a BBQ joint in the "dark" part of town, and asked me to buy one of his candy bars. I asked him what my purchase would be supporting, and he said "Keeping me off the street".

I recognized the brand of chocolate bar, commonly sold by school children as a fund raiser, and bought one just to get rid of him.

There it was, decades ago.


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