Should Israel repair the Temple.

What Italians agree about what? Herod's temple was built during Roman rule and he was apponted by the Roman Senate, he was a civil servant of the government of Rome. It belonged to the Romans, they could do whatever they wanted with it. LOL

LOL and You don't see how You just shot Yourself in the leg?
Oh. So you are arguing that conquerors can charge the indigenous peoples for the costs of the conquest. Israel should get right on that. Perhaps by confiscating the Mosque and the Dome.

Also, too bad that there are no Jews left to "owe Rome", you know, since they are all just Europeans.

It think this should be emphasized. Sums up the hypocrisy.
Facts are inconvenient aren't they. Keep clown dancing.

:laugh::lmao: good one, good one. I told You should write comics.
You mean Montelatici's facts.

The facts are the facts. Not your Hasbara alternative facts.


You mean like the Palestinian sources that contradict what You say?
Advise- in order to find facts, try reading beyond the headlines.

I never "say". I provide the facts from authoritative sources. You propagate Hasbara propaganda. T
When PLO advisors and Palestinian institutes automatically turn into "Israeli propaganda",
looks kinda:
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Now back to the facts:

Treaty of Peace between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Israel

Article 9 - Places of Historical and Religious Significance and Interfaith Relations
1. Each Party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
2. In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.
3. The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

Should we look for another agreement? Or maybe another family (other than Husseni) to be in charge of the Muslim affairs on the mount?
There're shekihs and clans that are certainly more tolerating...Jordan is still weak in face their Palestinian majority.
What Italians agree about what? Herod's temple was built during Roman rule and he was apponted by the Roman Senate, he was a civil servant of the government of Rome. It belonged to the Romans, they could do whatever they wanted with it. LOL
More garbage propaganda. Wash, rinse, repeat. Not to mention he totally out his hoof in his mouth! Ha ha ha!

First he falsely claims "no evidence of a temple" followed by another falsehood totally putting his foot in his mouth. "Herod's temple was totally built during Roman rule".

These liars have a problem keeping track of their lies and bigotry. Ya gotta love it!
Construction of the Second Temple was completed under the leadership of the last three Jewish Prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi with Persian approval and financing.

The Trumpeting Place inscription, a stone (2.43x1 m) with Hebrew inscription "To the Trumpeting Place" excavated by Benjamin Mazar at the southern foot of the Temple Mount is believed to be a part of the Second Temple.
What Italians agree about what? Herod's temple was built during Roman rule and he was apponted by the Roman Senate, he was a civil servant of the government of Rome. It belonged to the Romans, they could do whatever they wanted with it. LOL

LOL and You don't see how You just shot Yourself in the leg?
Yeah, totally. He went from "no evidence of temple" to "the temple was built by Herod". They lie so much they can't keep track of their own bullshit. Ha ha ha!

Actually under Herod there was an expansion / restoration that was never completed, which led to the revolt., which led to destruction and looting of Jerusalem and the Temple by the invading Romans. The Romans then used 50,000 Jewish slaves and the loot from the Temple to build the Collosseum, which was then looted and stripped by the Church in order to build the Vatcan. Figures eh?
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What Italians agree about what? Herod's temple was built during Roman rule and he was apponted by the Roman Senate, he was a civil servant of the government of Rome. It belonged to the Romans, they could do whatever they wanted with it. LOL

LOL and You don't see how You just shot Yourself in the leg?
Yeah, totally. He went from "no evidence of temple" to "the temple was built by Herod". They lie so much they can't keep track of their own bullshit. Ha ha ha!

Actually under Herod there was an expansion / restoration that was never completed, which led to the revolt., which led to destruction and looting of Jerusalem and the Temple by the invading Romans. The Romans then used 50,000 Jewish slaves and the loot from the Temple to build the Collosseum, which was then looted and stripped by the Church in order to build the Vatcan. Figures eh?

Colosseum 'built with loot from sack of Jerusalem temple'

30 Interesting facts about the Roman Colosseum | Around Rome Tours

10.) The Colosseum only took 10 years to build starting in 70 AD and was completed in 80 AD using over 60,000 Jewish slaves.

10 interesting facts about the Colosseum - Top Tours in Italy - Private Guided Excursions From & To Rome by Nick Solipaca
  • Colosseum_exterior_inner_and_outer_wall_AvL.jpg
    6- The fall.
    Many natural disasters devastated the structure of the Colosseum, but it was the earthquakesof 847 AD and 1349 AD that caused most of the damage you see today. During the great earthquake in 1349, the outer South side, that lied on a less stable terrain, collapsed. Much of the tumbled stone was reused to build palaces, churches, hospitals and other buildings elsewhere in Rome. The marble façade and other parts of the Colosseum were also used for the construction of St Peter’s Basilica. During Middle Ages the interior of the amphitheater was extensively stripped of stone, reused elsewhere, or (in the case of the marble façade) burned to make quicklime. The bronze clamps which held the stonework together were pried or hacked out of the walls, leaving numerous pockmarks which still scar the building today.
What Italians agree about what? Herod's temple was built during Roman rule and he
They should rebuild it the way they want it since this arrogant condescending "the Jews still owe Rome" has carried over into the 21st century with those Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount & then make the Jews pay for it prior to 9/11, it obviously is tied to a hierarchy including the Federal Lynching state of hate that brought 9/11 to the US with their second coming jihad patriot act with KKK churchstate cops declaring there are drugs in a synagogue yet again; almost considered Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities evolved from PLO advisors and Palestinian institutes {which} automatically turn into "Israeli propaganda", {as it} looks kinda: like those West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate cops which dictate Jews have to pay the Catholic Church for being thieving JFK bereavement memorial arsonists in a Papal entourage which baptize eyes by urination & years later proclaim there was no bereavement memorial consisting of a JFK presented old glory for business excellence & an old testament, which they had already admitted to finding after denial of it 's existence like their denial of the JFK assassination to form another Reich so human sociopsychological human farming control would be under a "serve the Pope or die" bill of attainder as in the Christian Nation US master plan collecting from Jews for the Fourth Reich under the cross in addition to also having to pay for the Holocaust because American lives were lost saving them; while another edict of there is no evidence of any university level Holocaust research which was stolen during a gas space heater flame being extinguished leaving only the gas on; even if there were other copies elsewhere in addition to other items stolen including an absentee voting ballot, US Constitution, D.O.I., old glory, old torah & Israeli flag. Developed & derived from a photocopied receipt for 24 US Constitutions purchased at the National Archives which were stolen at university & in all probability burned; also burned in an ashtray by the FBI saying there is no evidence & that no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country; lying just as the supreme swastika up Uranus court Chief Justice super ego in immaculate drug trafficking conceptions prior to persons being conceived for birth for some master race slavery did a LOL while declaring it one nation under God with equal justice under law; to which sticking a swastika up Uranus & rotate to expose a churchstate Islam jihad of Christians on cassette following all the other taped godvernment plethora of rhetorical balderdash, being so cross conditioned way beyond therapy as PLO advisors & Palestinian institutes are obviously too with homicidal sociopsychopathic suicidal avoidance-acceptance cognitive dissonance disorder resulting in a vile compulsive-obsessive disorder certainly wouldn't want any Temple to be rebuilt in Israel.
The Temple Mount has been the source for endless headaches, the Arabs have used it as a flashpoint for both violence and incitement for far too long.

Should the Israelis simply bull doze whatever Arab structures are not historic, ban Muslims from the Mount and rebuild the temple?

I say its a simple matter of tribal rights. The Muslim structures on the mount are NOT historical in nature or of any significant age that they deserve any special considerations. They represent revisionist history in that they are recent constructs designed to obscure the history of the mount and intended to erase the true cultural history of the TEMPLE MOUNT. Also by removing the flashpoint of so much violence the Judaic people would then have an opportunity to repair the temple structure. The base and foundations appear reasonably intact and construction could begin as soon as the scrape off is complete.

By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

It's in your article. Jordan may contribute funds, but has no TITLE to the land. It's held by the Waqf. It was "donated".. Jordan provides no legal jurisdiction or security or ability to enforce the Waqf..

All other Jordanian claims to "occupied" land have been renounced. They will NOT lift a finger for the Palestinians. It's all bad blood now...
The trust is the Jordanian Waqf not the Israeli Waqf or whatever Modern Hebrew the Israelis might invent for waqf in order to pretend that Jordan has no business expressing an opinion on the Noble Sanctuary.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

Sovereignty over the Temple Mount, the Old City, and indeed Jerusalem is absolutely clear, especially with consideration to Jordan. ...
Not a single country in the world, including the Pacific Island of Nauru, accepts that Israel has any claim on East Jerusalem and the Noble Sanctuary.
The Temple Mount has been the source for endless headaches, the Arabs have used it as a flashpoint for both violence and incitement for far too long.

Should the Israelis simply bull doze whatever Arab structures are not historic, ban Muslims from the Mount and rebuild the temple?

I say its a simple matter of tribal rights. The Muslim structures on the mount are NOT historical in nature or of any significant age that they deserve any special considerations. They represent revisionist history in that they are recent constructs designed to obscure the history of the mount and intended to erase the true cultural history of the TEMPLE MOUNT. Also by removing the flashpoint of so much violence the Judaic people would then have an opportunity to repair the temple structure. The base and foundations appear reasonably intact and construction could begin as soon as the scrape off is complete.

By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

It's in your article. Jordan may contribute funds, but has no TITLE to the land. It's held by the Waqf. It was "donated".. Jordan provides no legal jurisdiction or security or ability to enforce the Waqf..

All other Jordanian claims to "occupied" land have been renounced. They will NOT lift a finger for the Palestinians. It's all bad blood now...
The trust is the Jordanian Waqf not the Israeli Waqf or whatever Modern Hebrew the Israelis might invent for waqf in order to pretend that Jordan has no business expressing an opinion on the Noble Sanctuary.

It's not that Jordan has "no business" expressing an opinion on the Mount. It's that Jordan has no INTENTION of enforcing any of it or any interest in working with Palestinians not already incorporated into Jordan.

Best solution is for Israel to recognize (or be PRESSURED to recognize) the International nature of that Holy site to the world's top 3 religions. And to make a statement about coexistence by making it a safe place for ALL 3 religions to worship...
By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

It's in your article. Jordan may contribute funds, but has no TITLE to the land. It's held by the Waqf. It was "donated".. Jordan provides no legal jurisdiction or security or ability to enforce the Waqf..

All other Jordanian claims to "occupied" land have been renounced. They will NOT lift a finger for the Palestinians. It's all bad blood now...
The trust is the Jordanian Waqf not the Israeli Waqf or whatever Modern Hebrew the Israelis might invent for waqf in order to pretend that Jordan has no business expressing an opinion on the Noble Sanctuary.

It's not that Jordan has "no business" expressing an opinion on the Mount. It's that Jordan has no INTENTION of enforcing any of it or any interest in working with Palestinians not already incorporated into Jordan.

Best solution is for Israel to recognize (or be PRESSURED to recognize) the International nature of that Holy site to the world's top 3 religions. And to make a statement about coexistence by making it a safe place for ALL 3 religions to worship...

You may have missed it where Israel, from 1967 on, has had freedom of religion for everyone on the Mount.
Jordan was given management as an extension for peace. They did not need to do so, as it was the Hashemites who did not allow Jews or Christians to go visit their holy sites between 1948 and 1967.

It was agreed that all religions were allowed to visit, but Jews would not
be allowed to pray there.

Now, as we have seen for about a decade now, the Muslims are insisting that no Jew be allowed to visit the Temple Mount.
It is only for Muslims and Christians. Mostly for Muslims.

Facts do matter.
Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

It's in your article. Jordan may contribute funds, but has no TITLE to the land. It's held by the Waqf. It was "donated".. Jordan provides no legal jurisdiction or security or ability to enforce the Waqf..

All other Jordanian claims to "occupied" land have been renounced. They will NOT lift a finger for the Palestinians. It's all bad blood now...
The trust is the Jordanian Waqf not the Israeli Waqf or whatever Modern Hebrew the Israelis might invent for waqf in order to pretend that Jordan has no business expressing an opinion on the Noble Sanctuary.

It's not that Jordan has "no business" expressing an opinion on the Mount. It's that Jordan has no INTENTION of enforcing any of it or any interest in working with Palestinians not already incorporated into Jordan.

Best solution is for Israel to recognize (or be PRESSURED to recognize) the International nature of that Holy site to the world's top 3 religions. And to make a statement about coexistence by making it a safe place for ALL 3 religions to worship...

You may have missed it where Israel, from 1967 on, has had freedom of religion for everyone on the Mount.
Jordan was given management as an extension for peace. They did not need to do so, as it was the Hashemites who did not allow Jews or Christians to go visit their holy sites between 1948 and 1967.

It was agreed that all religions were allowed to visit, but Jews would not
be allowed to pray there.

Now, as we have seen for about a decade now, the Muslims are insisting that no Jew be allowed to visit the Temple Mount.
It is only for Muslims and Christians. Mostly for Muslims.

Facts do matter.

Well fine. Not disputing the facts. I'm proposing that BEST statement for Israel to make is freedom of worship for EVERYONE of the religions with a connection to the Holy Land. In accordance to the rules of visiting Israel and eligibility for entry.

It was DESIGNED as an easy place to secure. SECURE IT and open up the place for everyone.. If Christians and Jews have no problem with that and only Muslims want to be exclusive -- that's a problem for them. .
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

It's in your article. Jordan may contribute funds, but has no TITLE to the land. It's held by the Waqf. It was "donated".. Jordan provides no legal jurisdiction or security or ability to enforce the Waqf..

All other Jordanian claims to "occupied" land have been renounced. They will NOT lift a finger for the Palestinians. It's all bad blood now...
The trust is the Jordanian Waqf not the Israeli Waqf or whatever Modern Hebrew the Israelis might invent for waqf in order to pretend that Jordan has no business expressing an opinion on the Noble Sanctuary.

It's not that Jordan has "no business" expressing an opinion on the Mount. It's that Jordan has no INTENTION of enforcing any of it or any interest in working with Palestinians not already incorporated into Jordan.

Best solution is for Israel to recognize (or be PRESSURED to recognize) the International nature of that Holy site to the world's top 3 religions. And to make a statement about coexistence by making it a safe place for ALL 3 religions to worship...

You may have missed it where Israel, from 1967 on, has had freedom of religion for everyone on the Mount.
Jordan was given management as an extension for peace. They did not need to do so, as it was the Hashemites who did not allow Jews or Christians to go visit their holy sites between 1948 and 1967.

It was agreed that all religions were allowed to visit, but Jews would not
be allowed to pray there.

Now, as we have seen for about a decade now, the Muslims are insisting that no Jew be allowed to visit the Temple Mount.
It is only for Muslims and Christians. Mostly for Muslims.

Facts do matter.

Well fine. Not disputing the facts. I'm proposing that BEST statement for Israel to make is freedom of worship for EVERYONE of the religions with a connection to the Holy Land. In accordance to the rules of visiting Israel and eligibility for entry.

It was DESIGNED as an easy place to secure. SECURE IT and open up the place for everyone.. If Christians and Jews have no problem with that and only Muslims want to be exclusive -- that's a problem for them. .

Israel not only has made that statement, it practices it every day, at the cost of Jews not being allowed to visit the Mount if Muslims start to riot.

The agreement with the Hashemites makes it a bit difficult to close the Temple to the Muslims.
Look at what happened with the metal detectors after the Muslim attack.
A Jordanian attacked a guard in Jordan and the Hashemites wanted to basically to use him as a hostage to make Israel take the detectors down. And they are still insisting that the guard be put on trial by Israel.

Israel has a treaty with Jordan and Egypt. There are too many Muslims in those countries who want to tear those treaties up.
The Jordanian king, preoccupied with all the other groups within Jordan who want to see him gone is sweetening them by showing them how "tough" he can be with Israel.

In actuality, if Israel let Jordan be by itself, instead of helping it with security, business, water, would just fall apart.

This is the Arab tribe which got kicked out of Arabia around WWI, the British ended up giving it 77 % of the mandate for Palestine to become the recreation of the Jewish homeland, and the same tribe which had no problem attacking Israel in 1948 and taking Judea, Samaria and the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem wanting to annex them, Jewish free.

If we understand this tribe's past, we will understand what they are doing in the present.

The same goes to all Arab tribes.

Now we have the UN, the EU, etc, etc, etc.
Israel is not counting on them, but more and more Arab countries are depending on Israel for things like security, or against Iran.

The Temple Mount and Jerusalem are being used as a stepping stone to taking all of Israel.

Israel will not allow it. But can only do so much considering the treaties it has signed with the Jordanians and the PA.
Israel keeps its word. The Arabs do not, as they have always done.

So, it remains to be seen what will happen in the future.
Abbas will not live forever. The next leader remains to be seen and what he will want to do, unless Hamas takes over Abbas' leader role in the Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria.

It should have been simple in 1967 but Dayan and others allowed the Hashemites to become an issue with the Temple Mount. And things got worse from there.

I would like to see the Hashemite influence gone, myself. But it is up to the Israeli government to know which is best in the long run as long as
the Muslims do not attempt to take over and keep the Jews out as they keep demanding.
Not a single country in the world, including the Pacific Island of Nauru, accepts that Israel has any claim on East Jerusalem and the Noble Sanctuary.

1. International law is not a popularity contest. It matters not what bit what the "world" thinks.

2. We are discussing Jordanian claims to sovereignty over the Temple Mount. Jordan has NO sovereignty there. None. Zero. Zilch. In fact, Jordan NEVER had any sovereignty over territory beyond her borders. But even if she had -- she ceded that territory, by treaty, to ISRAEL. That's what peace treaties DO. They put an end to disputes of territory by agreeing who is sovereign over what territory.

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