Should Israel repair the Temple.

Maybe you should ask yourself what is wrong with you, Achmed? I provided clear evidence that the wall is the remains of the second temple and that is what the Jews have believed for thousands of years.

Hahaha, it's explained to you that the Western Wall is a retaining wall built after and separately from the Temple, and you still think it's part of the actual temple.
Maybe you should ask yourself what is wrong with you, Achmed? I provided clear evidence that the wall is the remains of the second temple and that is what the Jews have believed for thousands of years.

Hahaha, it's explained to you that the Western Wall is a retaining wall built after and separately from the Temple, and you still think it's part of the actual temple.
Archeologists contradict your claim. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is what the followers think. When you Muslims can prove that Mohammad's spirit actually traveled on that flying donkey and the "far away mosque" meant the mosque in Jerusalem, then you guys can start criticising what other faiths believe.
Maybe you should ask yourself what is wrong with you, Achmed? I provided clear evidence that the wall is the remains of the second temple and that is what the Jews have believed for thousands of years.

Hahaha, it's explained to you that the Western Wall is a retaining wall built after and separately from the Temple, and you still think it's part of the actual temple.
Archeologists contradict your claim. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is what the followers think. When you Muslims can prove that Mohammad's spirit actually traveled on that flying donkey and the "far away mosque" meant the mosque in Jerusalem, then you guys can start criticising what other faiths believe.

Yup, what really matters is the propaganda that the ZioNazis believe. You said it.
Maybe you should ask yourself what is wrong with you, Achmed? I provided clear evidence that the wall is the remains of the second temple and that is what the Jews have believed for thousands of years.

Hahaha, it's explained to you that the Western Wall is a retaining wall built after and separately from the Temple, and you still think it's part of the actual temple.
Archeologists contradict your claim. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is what the followers think. When you Muslims can prove that Mohammad's spirit actually traveled on that flying donkey and the "far away mosque" meant the mosque in Jerusalem, then you guys can start criticising what other faiths believe.

Yup, what really matters is the propaganda that the ZioNazis believe. You said it.
Surely you must have thousands of your fellow ex-military friends who agree with you.
Why not invite them to join in?
Sorry, God's Word differs from your insane proclamation!
The reality is, Gods Word is infallible, make no mistake about it!

Zionist Evangelicals are exceedingly ignorant. You believe lies about what the Bible teaches. You believe lies about what Jews are. The reality is, God's Word is infallible, make no mistake about it: God's word says to the Jews, "you are of your father the devil". And, to Isreal, "you are not my people, and I am not your God." And, those people you call Jews are nothing but Antichrist Talmudists.
Eat a bowl of alphabet soup before you post, huh...
this way you'll shit out something that makes sense!

In the Precious name of Jesus, I command you
and according to the Word of God, which compels you,
away with you demon!

The temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount,
let God be true and every man a liar! Amen
Archeologists contradict your claim. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is what the followers think. When you Muslims can prove that Mohammad's spirit actually traveled on that flying donkey and the "far away mosque" meant the mosque in Jerusalem, then you guys can start criticising what other faiths believe.

You're full of sh1t. There's no dispute about what the Western wall is, a retaining wall started by Herod. No archaeologist claims it was part of the temple building. Do you just enjoy saying being stupid? What's in it for you to make such a fool of yourself?
Sorry, God's Word differs from your insane proclamation!
The reality is, Gods Word is infallible, make no mistake about it!

Zionist Evangelicals are exceedingly ignorant. You believe lies about what the Bible teaches. You believe lies about what Jews are. The reality is, God's Word is infallible, make no mistake about it: God's word says to the Jews, "you are of your father the devil". And, to Isreal, "you are not my people, and I am not your God." And, those people you call Jews are nothing but Antichrist Talmudists.
Eat a bowl of alphabet soup before you post, huh...
this way you'll shit out something that makes sense!

In the Precious name of Jesus, I command you
and according to the Word of God, which compels you,
away with you demon!

The temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount,
let God be true and every man a liar! Amen

Jesus told the Jews that they're the children of the devil. The Jews responded by accusing Jesus of having a demon. I quote the Bible and you accuse me of having a demon. You appear to be every bit as damned as those Jews.
Sorry, God's Word differs from your insane proclamation!
The reality is, Gods Word is infallible, make no mistake about it!

Zionist Evangelicals are exceedingly ignorant. You believe lies about what the Bible teaches. You believe lies about what Jews are. The reality is, God's Word is infallible, make no mistake about it: God's word says to the Jews, "you are of your father the devil". And, to Isreal, "you are not my people, and I am not your God." And, those people you call Jews are nothing but Antichrist Talmudists.
Eat a bowl of alphabet soup before you post, huh...
this way you'll shit out something that makes sense!

In the Precious name of Jesus, I command you
and according to the Word of God, which compels you,
away with you demon!

The temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount,
let God be true and every man a liar! Amen

Jesus told the Jews that they're the children of the devil. The Jews responded by accusing Jesus of having a demon. I quote the Bible and you accuse me of having a demon. You appear to be every bit as damned as those Jews.

You are quoting, if indeed you are, the "New Testament" which has nothing to do with Judaism as it was written by non-Jews.

Your writing gets more and more curious........

Now, how to make some Muslims (and some Christians) stop behaving as they do, and allow the Jews to ascend their holiest site without without being attacked every time?
Sorry, God's Word differs from your insane proclamation!
The reality is, Gods Word is infallible, make no mistake about it!
You are quoting, if indeed you are, the "New Testament" which has nothing to do with Judaism as it was written by non-Jews.
Your writing gets more and more curious........
Now, how to make some Muslims (and some Christians) stop behaving as they do, and allow the Jews to ascend their holiest site without without being attacked every time?

Since it's been about 40 years since another old torah was stolen & in all probability burned in what is supposedly one nation under God as a list of the anti-Israel agenda seems no longer limited by "Never Again" after WW II, it's only fitting to rebuild the Temple as an 'in your face' since Palestinians, Arabs & Islam gave limited assistance if any at all finding Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 conspiring with the drug trafficking Christian Nation of the US, which did nothing to stop running it's obsessive-compulsive second coming of Christ 21st century Fourth Reich making "serve the Pope or die" law of the land to further the space race pyramid scheme survival of the fittest fascists IslamoNazi security; where space is the place for the human race, fried & freeze dried all over the place from radiation; which is not all that different from decades old KKK churchstate preplanned nuclear destruction of Israel rendering it a nuclear wasteland just as a Papal entourage of Islam Christiananality pedophiles which steal & burn a bereavement memorial to JFK then baptize eyes by urinations & is higher than SCOTUS, which chose to hold nuclear extermination over Israel for 6 million plus lost in the Holocaust with a Rosenberg syndrome decision creating a supreme swastika up Uranus crusade as "man is God" to steal & burn old testaments so their race for space master plan of stealing & burning US Constitutions & old glories would only be controlled by an Islamidiotocracy Reichquest of immaculate conceptions & fabricated misnomer pseudo science for yet another master race of it's only business; just to put religion in their cross conditioned way beyond therapy for centuries & thousands of years suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopaths leaving their status quo still celebrating deaths thru controlling ancient ruins while continuing a megalomaniacal sociopsychological human farming practice evolved from Pharaohs building flying rock pyramids to the stars; now just a one sided Islam-Christiananality pedophile mentality of nuclear destruction for all by radiation as a Christian sanctioned business death to the infidels Islam jihad national religion in a not so mutual destruction as if they don't get their way more lynching enforcement.
You are quoting, if indeed you are, the "New Testament" which has nothing to do with Judaism as it was written by non-Jews.

Wasn't Jesus a Jew? And, wasn't the author of the Gospel of John a Jew?

You are indeed ignorant and antichrist. God said to Israel, "You are not my people, and I am not your God." That's a quote from the Old Testament.

Now, how to make some Muslims (and some Christians) stop behaving as they do, and allow the Jews to ascend their holiest site without without being attacked every time?

Jews should be outlawed, and then there won't be a problem with Jews being attacked as by trying to descrate the holy site with their demonic presence.
You are quoting, if indeed you are, the "New Testament" which has nothing to do with Judaism as it was written by non-Jews.

Wasn't Jesus a Jew? And, wasn't the author of the Gospel of John a Jew?

You are indeed ignorant and antichrist. God said to Israel, "You are not my people, and I am not your God." That's a quote from the Old Testament.

Now, how to make some Muslims (and some Christians) stop behaving as they do, and allow the Jews to ascend their holiest site without without being attacked every time?

Jews should be outlawed, and then there won't be a problem with Jews being attacked as by trying to descrate the holy site with their demonic presence.

This cross conditioned way beyond therapy of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities is so arrogantly condescending lame.
The Temple Mount has been the source for endless headaches, the Arabs have used it as a flashpoint for both violence and incitement for far too long.

Should the Israelis simply bull doze whatever Arab structures are not historic, ban Muslims from the Mount and rebuild the temple?

I say its a simple matter of tribal rights. The Muslim structures on the mount are NOT historical in nature or of any significant age that they deserve any special considerations. They represent revisionist history in that they are recent constructs designed to obscure the history of the mount and intended to erase the true cultural history of the TEMPLE MOUNT. Also by removing the flashpoint of so much violence the Judaic people would then have an opportunity to repair the temple structure. The base and foundations appear reasonably intact and construction could begin as soon as the scrape off is complete.

By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.
The Temple Mount has been the source for endless headaches, the Arabs have used it as a flashpoint for both violence and incitement for far too long.

Should the Israelis simply bull doze whatever Arab structures are not historic, ban Muslims from the Mount and rebuild the temple?

I say its a simple matter of tribal rights. The Muslim structures on the mount are NOT historical in nature or of any significant age that they deserve any special considerations. They represent revisionist history in that they are recent constructs designed to obscure the history of the mount and intended to erase the true cultural history of the TEMPLE MOUNT. Also by removing the flashpoint of so much violence the Judaic people would then have an opportunity to repair the temple structure. The base and foundations appear reasonably intact and construction could begin as soon as the scrape off is complete.

By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

Really? Does the agreement justify discrimination against Jews?
My guess is You didn't even read the document.
The Temple Mount has been the source for endless headaches, the Arabs have used it as a flashpoint for both violence and incitement for far too long.

Should the Israelis simply bull doze whatever Arab structures are not historic, ban Muslims from the Mount and rebuild the temple?

I say its a simple matter of tribal rights. The Muslim structures on the mount are NOT historical in nature or of any significant age that they deserve any special considerations. They represent revisionist history in that they are recent constructs designed to obscure the history of the mount and intended to erase the true cultural history of the TEMPLE MOUNT. Also by removing the flashpoint of so much violence the Judaic people would then have an opportunity to repair the temple structure. The base and foundations appear reasonably intact and construction could begin as soon as the scrape off is complete.

By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

Jordan renounced any claims or stewardship of the West Bank area long ago. Because they washed THEIR hands of any Palestinian problems. Doesn't WANT that job anymore. Which is part of the bigger issue here with the deposition of the "occupied" land.
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

It's in your article. Jordan may contribute funds, but has no TITLE to the land. It's held by the Waqf. It was "donated".. Jordan provides no legal jurisdiction or security or ability to enforce the Waqf..

All other Jordanian claims to "occupied" land have been renounced. They will NOT lift a finger for the Palestinians. It's all bad blood now...
You, and the person who agreed with you, are misinformed.
Since 1967, Jordan and Israel agreed that the Jordanian Waqf, which I explained in my post previous to this, would have control over matters inside the compound, while Israel would control external security. "The Waqf is entirely controlled and funded by the Jordanian government. It administers daily life on the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, archaeological sites, museums and schools."
Amid Temple Mount tumult, the who, what and why of its Waqf rulers
Please give a citation to support your claim that Jordan has renounced the authority of its Waqf to control the Noble Sanctuary.

Sovereignty over the Temple Mount, the Old City, and indeed Jerusalem is absolutely clear, especially with consideration to Jordan. Jordan has entered into a peace treaty with Israel defining Jordan's territory and Israel's territory. Temple Mount, the Old City and Jerusalem lie, without doubt, in Israel according to treaty, and therefore international law. Jordan has absolutely NO claim to any sort of legal or political sovereignty over Temple Mount.

Israel has graciously, as a courtesy, extended special consideration to Jordan on behalf of the Muslim community. Article 9 of the Treaty of Peace between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Israel (posted for the 3rd time on this thread) reads:

Article 9 - Places of Historical and Religious Significance and Interfaith Relations
1. Each Party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
2. In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.
3. The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

This is the FULL EXTENT of the legal agreements between Jordan and Israel concerning the places of historical and religious signficance. Israel, the clear sovereign, respects the special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Muslim Holy shrines and promises to give that special role a priority in permanent negotiations. Everything else is a courtesy extended to Jordan. The Waqf itself is simply a representative of Jordan and holds absolutely zero authority or legal standing of its own.

Note also that the agreement (treaty, international law) states that Jordan must ensure freedom of access to the Temple Mount and must ensure freedom of religious worship.
I am going to further add that Israeli law (law of the sovereign) states that all people have the right to freedom of worship, including on the Temple Mount, and the ONLY reason this right is curtailed for Jews is because of security concerns -- essentially that the right to life and security trump the right to worship.
AND, let's get down to the meat of the matter and shove aside all this nonsense about who does or should "legally" control the Holy place.

ALL people have the right of freedom of worship at places of historical and religious significance? YES or NO?
AND, let's get down to the meat of the matter and shove aside all this nonsense about who does or should "legally" control the Holy place.

ALL people have the right of freedom of worship at places of historical and religious significance? YES or NO?

Of course. And if Israel wanted to REALLY make that point, The Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock SHOULD be turned into an INTERNATIONAL heritage site with EVERYONE praying up there in their own accommodations.

Demilitarize it -- Install the necessary access and security, invite EVERY faith that shares the Holy Land to come. Don't split the baby into pieces..

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