Should Mateen's wife be charged?

You wouldn't be working for the government. You'd be helping a defenseless child. Charged with knowingly concealing a crime.

If it's required that I do something to aid a government interest, then I am working on behalf of the government. Your emotional arguments will not change that fact.
Lol, you are the one being emotional. It would be aiding the child's interest.
You wouldn't be working for the government. You'd be helping a defenseless child. Charged with knowingly concealing a crime.

If it's required that I do something to aid a government interest, then I am working on behalf of the government. Your emotional arguments will not change that fact.
Lol, you are the one being emotional. It would be aiding the child's interest.

Yes, that's it. I'm making an argument based on logic. You are, quite literally, arguing "But think of the children!" Therefore, I'm the one being emotional. :cuckoo:
He bought an assault weapon you moron.

Words have meanings. He bought an ASSAULT WEAPON. he did not buy an ASSAULT RIFLE, those are two different things. assault weapon. Like these:

You wouldn't be working for the government. You'd be helping a defenseless child. Charged with knowingly concealing a crime.

If it's required that I do something to aid a government interest, then I am working on behalf of the government. Your emotional arguments will not change that fact.

Preventing the death of 50 fucking people isn't a governmental interest you buffoon, it's a humane one.

All emotion, no logic. No rational thought. You're full of fear and anger, and that's the extent of it. You're no better than the conservatives who use this incident to argue hatred towards Muslims.
Yes or no?
Lock that Palestinian whore up. She knew what he was up to and tried to talk him out of it, while she joined him in casing several potential target locations? Really? She had a responsibility to report that animal, and because she didn't all these people have been murdered. Who knows, being a Palestinian, she may have actually poured gasoline on the flames and actually encouraged it.

Again, she joined him in CASING that very location.

Tried to talk him out of it? Ya sure, and I have a used car for sale. The animal was her husband, she knew exactly what was about to happen.
When has any Muslim, male or subjugated wife, ever spoken up against terror attacks against infidels?
A muslim wife is never going to betray her husband. It's ridiculous to even think so.
CNN reports that she was with him when he purchased ammunition for the terror attack. Arrest the Palestinian bitch.
If she was aware that he was planning something or assisted in any way to help him prepare, then yes, she is guilty of conspiracy to commit murder. I haven't heard evidence that she knew anything so, until more is known, can't answer yes or no.

"Aware." "Something." "Planning." These are inherently vague. For example...

Mateen: One day, I'm going to give those fags what they deserve. I'm serious. I'm going to do it.

Saying this to his wife means that the wife was "aware" that he was "planning" "something."

You should know the person well enough to know whether they are blowing off steam or have a habit of actually doing these things.

If the wife had confided in a third party that she was concerned that he was going to murder people, that would mean there are witnesses that she knew.

It would be hard to prove unless she talked to others. She likely won't admit it if she knew what he was planning.
CNN reports that she was with him when he purchased ammunition for the terror attack. Arrest the Palestinian bitch.

Purchasing ammo is illegal?
If you know the ammo is going to be used in a crime then yes of course buying that ammo is a crime.

If you know a vehicle is going to be used in a bank robbery and you fuel it up prior to the crime. You are also guilty of a crime. Further if someone is killed during that robbery that all you did was fill up the gas tank. Youre on the hook for murder
You should know the person well enough to know whether they are blowing off steam or have a habit of actually doing these things.

So now we're going to prosecute people for not adequately being inside their spouse's head?
You should know the person well enough to know whether they are blowing off steam or have a habit of actually doing these things.

So now we're going to prosecute people for not adequately being inside their spouse's head?

I said that IF she had mentioned such concerns to a third party, we'd know that she knew. As it is, unless she did know and admits it, I don't see how she can be prosecuted.

You ignored most of my post where I focused on the need for proof before charging anyone. Pretty selective on your part to focus on one thing. Maybe you have no idea what your spouse is capable of, but I venture to say most would have a clue.

We don't know if the guy acted normal or had a bad temper. When past terrorists have been investigated, it was learned that many of them spent time chatting with other radicals, constantly talk of killing infidels or there were other indications.

I am saying that if there is some proof she knew what he was planning, then she should be charged. No need for you to be so defensive here.

I do find it difficult to believe someone could live with a guy who has such radical views and not have any idea, but if the guy was never violent toward her or others, maybe she didn't know he'd go this far.
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You ignored most of my post where I focused on the need for proof before charging anyone. Pretty selective on your part to focus on one thing.

It's not that I'm ignoring it. But I am trying to focus on a particular component to this whole thing that I think needs to be highlighted. About 99.9% of all reaction to this incident, as tends to be the case with similar incidents, reaches into deep, dark places. In our hindsight we cast some severe, retrospective demands. For example, "knowing someone well enough to know if they're blowing off steam or they are serious" seems fine and dandy. But really, it's a demand for perfection. Maybe she didn't know him well enough. Maybe she thought she did. Maybe she was mistaken in thinking he was blowing off steam. Maybe she really didn't know how serious he was. Maybe her own bias interfered with her judgement.

Bad things happen all the time, done by seemingly good people, shocking everyone who knows the guilty party. How many times have we seen the "Friends and Family Stunned Shooter Had A Dark Side" headlines over the years? It's so common it's cliche. But the Orlando incident is about 1) Muslims, 2) Gay people, 3) Guns. It's a perfect storm, hitting all of the most emotionally charged raw nerves. The public's reactionarism is thrice as dangerous as if it was only one of the above. And it's thrice as irrational.

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