Should Mateen's wife be charged?

public opinion is the new lynch mob.

A protected group or member of it is harmed, someone must be a bigot and must go to prison.

facts be damned.

what FACTS..?? :lol:

you think the grand jury is basing their investigation on PUBLIC OPINION?

of course you'd like to THINK that cuz it fits all your fantasia talking points. :itsok:

What did the wife know?

Salman, Mateen's second wife, has been cooperating with various law enforcement agencies.

Salman told investigators that Mateen told her he had interest in carrying out a jihadist attack -- but she denied knowing of any specific plans, according to two law enforcement officials.

She initially denied that when Mateen left the house Saturday that she had any idea he was going to do something violent.

But in subsequent statements, Salman conceded she had a suspicion he might be planning an attack, perhaps on Pulse, the officials said. According to one official, she knew "for a while" Mateen had thoughts of wanting to do something violent. He had been talking about it for months, if not years.

According to the second official, Salman told investigators that on Saturday she said she tried to tell him not to commit violence. But she didn't call police.

Sources: Grand jury to investigate Orlando shooter's widow -
Big tip off: He rented a car to drive to Pulse that night. Left honey the car because he knew that vehicle would be impounded for evidence. He had just armed himself to the teeth. Made several visits to Pulse. She knew.
public opinion is the new lynch mob.

A protected group or member of it is harmed, someone must be a bigot and must go to prison.

facts be damned.

what FACTS..?? :lol:

you think the grand jury is basing their investigation on PUBLIC OPINION?

of course you'd like to THINK that cuz it fits all your fantasia talking points. :itsok:

What did the wife know?

Salman, Mateen's second wife, has been cooperating with various law enforcement agencies.

Salman told investigators that Mateen told her he had interest in carrying out a jihadist attack -- but she denied knowing of any specific plans, according to two law enforcement officials.

She initially denied that when Mateen left the house Saturday that she had any idea he was going to do something violent.

But in subsequent statements, Salman conceded she had a suspicion he might be planning an attack, perhaps on Pulse, the officials said. According to one official, she knew "for a while" Mateen had thoughts of wanting to do something violent. He had been talking about it for months, if not years.

According to the second official, Salman told investigators that on Saturday she said she tried to tell him not to commit violence. But she didn't call police.

Sources: Grand jury to investigate Orlando shooter's widow -
Big tip off: He rented a car to drive to Pulse that night. Left honey the car because he knew that vehicle would be impounded for evidence. He had just armed himself to the teeth. Made several visits to Pulse. She knew.

I think it's more than she knew. I think she approved. I can't even imagine knowing your spouse was going to do something like this and not reporting it UNLESS you wanted it to happen. Spare me the usual bullshit deniers (not you oldlady , obviously) this woman wasn't afraid to report her husband to the police. She CHOSE not to.
If you see someone committing a felony or have knowledge that they are going to do so you should report it and if you don't you are complicit in the crime.

So then we should charge people for failing to turn themselves in before they commit a crime.
public opinion is the new lynch mob.

A protected group or member of it is harmed, someone must be a bigot and must go to prison.

facts be damned.
Are you saying that if this woman is complicit she should face no consequences because the victims were gay?
How the fuck did you come up with that?

If there's no, or not enough evidence to arrest, she will get a pass, b/c she's protected, she's in one of the medias protected groups.
If someone pushes for her to be arrested on little evidence, that person will be vilified by the left and the media.

gays are learning, or have the chance to learn, that the left and he dnc really don't give a fuck about them. If yall did, you'd put the blame where it belongs and do something about it.

but you can't, b/c it's a protected group killing members of another protected group, so you have to place the blame elsewhere.
Idiot. You consider me the left and I say if she had knowledge she should be charged.
English is your first language, so your confusion is b/c you're stewpud.

I never said she shouldn't be charged, I said she should be investigated.

If there's evidence enough, she should be charged.


since she's in 3 of the lefts victim classes (female, brown and muslim) she won't be unless there's a LOT of evidence.

your leaders, your media, will protect her, at all cost.


They blamed the nra, christians, cons, the gop, etc, etc trump.

everyone but him, and the fact he's a muslim nutbar.

you will not see justice.
You are a fool. I had forgotten that.
you made a wrong assumption, about me, I corrected you, you stayed with being wrong

but I'm the fool.

have a free thought today.

do it standing up, so when you fall from the shock you can buttdial 911

You have them on speed dial, right?

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