Should Michigan Democrat Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib be Impeached for Dual Loyalties?

She refers to herself as a "Palestinian".

What's a "Palestinian" doing in Congress? Isn't membership limited to Americans?
I refer to myself as Italian.
I know a guy whose parents were from Germany who calls himself German. I know a guy whose parents were from India who says he’s Indian. I know a guy whose parents were from Nigeria and he calls himself African-American. WTF are you talking about?
You are right. There are no more Americans. We are tribalized.
Thank you. How did I miss this??
3 Flags Democrats Loved At The DNC, And 3 They Hated

They flew the Palestinian, North Korean and a Soviet flags.
They did not fly the US flag. And burned the Israeli flag.

She refers to herself as a "Palestinian".

What's a "Palestinian" doing in Congress? Isn't membership limited to Americans?
Well, the Palestinian flag was the only flag flying at the Democratic National convention, wasn't it?
Dual loyalties--loyalty to two countries instead of one should not ever be tolerated by any political party in this country. If she even issued the slightest apology for calling the President of the United States the most crudely taboo label, I would now question the motive she would have for apologizing.

Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). She and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the first two DSA members to serve in Congress.[7] Tlaib has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration and advocated impeachment. On foreign affairs, she has sharply criticized the Israeli government, called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign. Rashida Tlaib - Wikipedia
We Americans need to decide whether the Democrat party wishes to foist the hatred and malicious intent of this woman's background of incendiary hatred of Jews into American experience. Her Juris Doctor degree from Western Michigan University's Cooley Law School did nothing, apparently, to ameliorate her family's severe hatred of people based on religion and four thousand years of past hatred since Abraham sent Ishmael off to appease his first wife Sarah's horror at her treatment at the hands of a former servant of hers to give Abraham an heir in case she couldn't, (which earned her a laughable shot at motherhood when she was 99 years old.)

Puh-leeze. Four thousand years ago, and an education in America cannot abolish racial hatred after a bloody civil war over the enslavement based on skin color was fought and won? Which of the inmates in the sanitarium of Cooley Law school is responsible for this woman's incendiary remarks against her fellow Americans in the executive branch and in the general population which consists of tolerance not only for Jews, but several thousand sects of various belief systems.

If her first tirade is going to include taboo speech in the very man America picked for President, what's she gonna do when America takes another hit from Palestinians, who incited the murder of Jews in Europe in the numbers of 6 million. She is pissed off at President Trump because he unlike Hitler, will not allow this nation to engage in annihilation of her enemies the Jews? Is that it?

Why is her hatred of Jewish people as indicated in her antisemitic attitude more important than her education in an American Law school in Miciigan? Are they teaching hatred for Jewish-extraction Americans more than law?

Inquiring minds want to know! :cranky: :deal: :pout: :hmpf: :icon_rolleyes: :icon_cry: :nono: :sigh2: o_O

I love idiots who have know clue about how our government works......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
She refers to herself as a "Palestinian".

What's a "Palestinian" doing in Congress? Isn't membership limited to Americans?
I refer to myself as Italian.
I know a guy whose parents were from Germany who calls himself German. I know a guy whose parents were from India who says he’s Indian. I know a guy whose parents were from Nigeria and he calls himself African-American. WTF are you talking about?

My parents are American. My great-grandparents were American. My great-great grandparents were American, and so on back seven generations before mine.

I refer to myself as American, nothing more. I have no ties to any other country.
That's you...but many other people are PROUD of their heritage of origin.
Thank you. How did I miss this??
3 Flags Democrats Loved At The DNC, And 3 They Hated

They flew the Palestinian, North Korean and a Soviet flags.
They did not fly the US flag. And burned the Israeli flag.

She refers to herself as a "Palestinian".

What's a "Palestinian" doing in Congress? Isn't membership limited to Americans?
Well, the Palestinian flag was the only flag flying at the Democratic National convention, wasn't it?
Lies fall so glibly from CRCs these days.
New Democrats are condemning 'dual loyalty' Republicans while Tlaib herself seems to have dual loyalties between the US and Palestine....hitting her on this is an intriguing idea...if Democrat hypocrisy was not expected in this day and age. Besides, she would probably just use their new anti-Anti-Semitism Bill to claim hate speech against her for even suggesting such a thing...

Dual loyalties--loyalty to two countries instead of one should not ever be tolerated by any political party in this country.
So let me get this straight.

Because someone expresses her desire to not kowtow to Israel, you are saying she has dual loyalties!?!?

How the fuck does THAT work?!?
Thanks for that info. Now I get it. They displayed the American flag during the anthem and pledge, according to snopes.


Thank you. How did I miss this??
3 Flags Democrats Loved At The DNC, And 3 They Hated

They flew the Palestinian, North Korean and a Soviet flags.
They did not fly the US flag. And burned the Israeli flag.

She refers to herself as a "Palestinian".

What's a "Palestinian" doing in Congress? Isn't membership limited to Americans?
Well, the Palestinian flag was the only flag flying at the Democratic National convention, wasn't it?
Lies fall so glibly from CRCs these days.
Let me show you what dual loyalties look like:

"And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters."

"I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be".


Giuliani Said on ABC That President Knew Cohen Pushed Trump Tower Moscow ‘Up To November 2016’

Is floating a $50 million Trump Tower penthouse for Vladimir Putin illegal?

All through the 2016 election cycle, Trump:
“I have nothing to do with Russia. I never did.”

Trump has put his personal interests ahead of America's national security and America's interests.

Dual loyalties--loyalty to two countries instead of one should not ever be tolerated by any political party in this country.
So let me get this straight.

Because someone expresses her desire to not kowtow to Israel, you are saying she has dual loyalties!?!?

How the fuck does THAT work?!?

Not quite, but no one accuses her of being a Palestinian firster
She refers to herself as a "Palestinian".

What's a "Palestinian" doing in Congress? Isn't membership limited to Americans?
I refer to myself as Italian.
I know a guy whose parents were from Germany who calls himself German. I know a guy whose parents were from India who says he’s Indian. I know a guy whose parents were from Nigeria and he calls himself African-American. WTF are you talking about?

My parents are American. My great-grandparents were American. My great-great grandparents were American, and so on back seven generations before mine.

I refer to myself as American, nothing more. I have no ties to any other country.
That's you...but many other people are PROUD of their heritage of origin.

Then take it home.
Dual loyalties--loyalty to two countries instead of one should not ever be tolerated by any political party in this country. If she even issued the slightest apology for calling the President of the United States the most crudely taboo label, I would now question the motive she would have for apologizing.

Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). She and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the first two DSA members to serve in Congress.[7] Tlaib has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration and advocated impeachment. On foreign affairs, she has sharply criticized the Israeli government, called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign. Rashida Tlaib - Wikipedia
We Americans need to decide whether the Democrat party wishes to foist the hatred and malicious intent of this woman's background of incendiary hatred of Jews into American experience. Her Juris Doctor degree from Western Michigan University's Cooley Law School did nothing, apparently, to ameliorate her family's severe hatred of people based on religion and four thousand years of past hatred since Abraham sent Ishmael off to appease his first wife Sarah's horror at her treatment at the hands of a former servant of hers to give Abraham an heir in case she couldn't, (which earned her a laughable shot at motherhood when she was 99 years old.)

Puh-leeze. Four thousand years ago, and an education in America cannot abolish racial hatred after a bloody civil war over the enslavement based on skin color was fought and won? Which of the inmates in the sanitarium of Cooley Law school is responsible for this woman's incendiary remarks against her fellow Americans in the executive branch and in the general population which consists of tolerance not only for Jews, but several thousand sects of various belief systems.

If her first tirade is going to include taboo speech in the very man America picked for President, what's she gonna do when America takes another hit from Palestinians, who incited the murder of Jews in Europe in the numbers of 6 million. She is pissed off at President Trump because he unlike Hitler, will not allow this nation to engage in annihilation of her enemies the Jews? Is that it?

Why is her hatred of Jewish people as indicated in her antisemitic attitude more important than her education in an American Law school in Miciigan? Are they teaching hatred for Jewish-extraction Americans more than law?

Inquiring minds want to know! :cranky: :deal: :pout: :hmpf: :icon_rolleyes: :icon_cry: :nono: :sigh2: o_O

Dunno but her voters should be lined up and summarily executed along with ANY tard that supports her now

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