Should MSM be shut down for pushing fake conspiracy theories?

Should CNN and MNSBC be censored by FB and Twitter for conspiracy theories?

  • Yes

  • No

  • No, but everyone who they censored in the past should be restored.

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013

The author (maker) of this video says it best: The MSM, social media giants, etc went after "conspiracy theorists promoting dangerous and divisive ideas,' shutting down down and censoring thousands of youtube, twitter accounts.

Btw, where the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and Susan Wojcicki need to take action against the biggest conspiracy theory peddlers MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, and the New York Times.

FB ,Twitter, and YouTube better be removing every form of the mainstream media other than Fox. If they don’t needs to be a class action suit against them. Google needs to be included. CNN is totally conspiracy theories.

They could have caused a god damn fucking CIVIL WAR with the shit they spewed day after day.
The firing of lib talking heads will begin in about a week or two....
If we insist on shutting down the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, then we're no better than the scum who want to completely ignore the 2nd Amendment.

Well, that's not true.

Anybody's better than leftists. Except maybe for child molesters. But that's a close one since they're the people who fought for and defended NAMBLA

So let's see...... Who is worse than leftists?


I can't think of anything..... Nazi's? Nah, they were leftists, too.

The Mongols? Now there's a start. Locusts? Yeah, leftists might be a little better than they are. Excpet locusts can make decent fish bait and leftists just rot and stink up the place when they die.

I give up.

dimocraps are scum
Yes. Shutdown the New York Times. Infowars is the only news outlet not peddling conspiracy theories. :113:
You mean shut down them and Facebook and Twitter for allowing people to spread such crap.

No, I’m joking, I’m joking. I can at least dream! Lol
Hahahaha. Stupid question.

Did they shut down Alex Jones's site yet?

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