Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

Americans will probably 'bend' the Constitution enough to make them 'more safe', as we have done in the past.
I read the constitution, I don't recall where it says muslims have the right to be airline pilots.
Nope, it says they have the right to be treated like everyone else. Is there another religion not allowed to be pilots?
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?

Not only is that not true, it is against federal law to discriminate in the workplace and in job placement based on one's religious affiliation. It is unconstitutional.

We'll need to make an exception for Muzzies.
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?

Not only is that not true, it is against federal law to discriminate in the workplace and in job placement based on one's religious affiliation. It is unconstitutional.

We'll need to make an exception for Muzzies.
Good luck with that my little infant, and it wouldn't have saved these people now would it since he was probably a Christian.
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
Sure but passengers should be able to know who will be piloting their planes and then choose which flights they want to buy tickets for
All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots.
... not true
Can you please cite an example of a AIRLINE that was deliberately crashed, and piloted by a non-muslim?
"However, there have been three incidents in the past 30 years in which suicide was blamed for a crash – and one had eerie similarities to the circumstance that are now being discussed in connection with the Germanwings tragedy."

Read more: Pilot suicides are uncommon but there have been several in the past 30 years - Business Insider
How about Germans? Should they be allowed to be pilots?
Yes they should, because not all pilots that have deliberately crashed an airline has been german.
They were Muslim either.

"However, there have been three incidents in the past 30 years in which suicide was blamed for a crash – and one had eerie similarities to the circumstance that are now being discussed in connection with the Germanwings tragedy."

Read more: Pilot suicides are uncommon but there have been several in the past 30 years - Business Insider
It's one thing to take a chance on flying having to deal with weather,mechanical failure or what have you.
Then we need to consider a muslim or muslim wanna be going Allar Arkbar on our asses and flying the plane into the side of a mountain
because he heeds the call of Islam....

Maybe that does not apply here but it has to make people wonder the next time they board their plane...
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Americans will probably 'bend' the Constitution enough to make them 'more safe', as we have done in the past.
I read the constitution, I don't recall where it says muslims have the right to be airline pilots.

Due process and equal protection of the law are in the Constitution.
And the Commerce Clause authorizes regulatory measures such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination based on religion.
Hmmm. My inclination is to say no. Why? For the same reasons of what SJ just said. BUT...on the other hand, not all muslims are murderers or extremists. Then again, the risk that one IS an extremist and has such a weapon in his hands...but then thats painting all of them with a very broad brush....however, is the glass half empty or half full?

Difficult question. I'm not sure how to answer because I just flat don't know the answer to it.

This is the easiest question you will ever have to answer - your religious beliefs are not subject to arbitrary governmental oversight - PERIOD. Do you also want the constitution simply done away with?
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

If we are doing (or allowing) something that is extremely dangerous and detrimental to the public safety, a way will be found to squash it.

Even if it means bending the rules a bit in order to shoehorn-in the legal mechanism(s) by which that squashing would be accomplished.


Because, when safety and Constitutionality are in conflict in times of extremis, safety wins, nearly every time.

Don't believe that?

Just ask the Japanese-Americans of our West Coast during the 1941-1945 time frame - still within Living Memory.

Or those incarcerated by the LIncoln Administration in the 1860s during the Civil War, after the suspension of habeus corpus, once the shooting started.

Shit happens.

We can continue to hope that that particular type of shit does not manifest.

But we should not fool ourselves that The Nation and The People would not act, should the situation worsen to that point of extreme danger.
Those are the words of a true your case the terrorists have already won.
Due process and equal protection of the law are in the Constitution.
And the Commerce Clause authorizes regulatory measures such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination based on religion.
Instead of some mumbo-jumbo, could you just quote where the constitution says muslims have the right to be airline pilots? The civil rights act of 1964 is not part of the constitution, or am I mistaken?
It's one thing to take a chance on flying having to deal with weather,mechanical failure or what have you.
Then we need to consider a muslim or muslim wanna be going Allar Arkbar on our asses and flying the plane into the side of a mountain
because he heeds the call of Islam....

Maybe that does not apply here but it has to make people wonder the next time they board their plane...
It's this sort of ignorance, hate, and stupidly that render anti discrimination measures necessary and proper.
Due process and equal protection of the law are in the Constitution.
And the Commerce Clause authorizes regulatory measures such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination based on religion.
Instead of some mumbo-jumbo, could you just quote where the constitution says muslims have the right to be airline pilots? The civil rights act of 1964 is not part of the constitution, or am I mistaken?
You're mistaken, ignorant, and wrong.
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
How about the ones that didn't crash piloted by a pilot that practices a religion called Islam?

Go fly with them if you feel so comfy with them. Because koranimals never do crazy shit.
I see that the Terrorists have successfully terrorized you.
How about Germans? Should they be allowed to be pilots?
Yes they should, because not all pilots that have deliberately crashed an airline has been german.
They were Muslim either.

"However, there have been three incidents in the past 30 years in which suicide was blamed for a crash – and one had eerie similarities to the circumstance that are now being discussed in connection with the Germanwings tragedy."

Read more: Pilot suicides are uncommon but there have been several in the past 30 years - Business Insider

This whole thread doesn't make much sense.

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