Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?

How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
Sure but passengers should be able to know who will be piloting their planes and then choose which flights they want to buy tickets for
Customers can ask who the pilot is already, can't they?
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
Sure but passengers should be able to know who will be piloting their planes and then choose which flights they want to buy tickets for
Customers can ask who the pilot is already, can't they?
This misses the point.
To want to ask in the first place is hateful idiocy.
How about Germans? Should they be allowed to be pilots?
Yes they should, because not all pilots that have deliberately crashed an airline has been german.
They were Muslim either.

"However, there have been three incidents in the past 30 years in which suicide was blamed for a crash – and one had eerie similarities to the circumstance that are now being discussed in connection with the Germanwings tragedy."

Read more: Pilot suicides are uncommon but there have been several in the past 30 years - Business Insider

This whole thread doesn't make much sense.
Don't be silly. These idiots are trying to help terrorists terrorize.
Better proposal to letting Muslims be pilots is perhaps not letting religious people be pilots period.

Isn't the science of flight and belief in gods mutually exclusive? :)
This has got to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever read.

In order to pilot a plane there has to have been many hours of training and actual experience. That would be a good tip off as to whether the pilot would intentionally crash the plane.

"The Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday said it was making final a rule that says all commercial airline pilots hired by U.S. carriers will be required to have at least 1,500 hours of flight time.

The Air Line Pilots Association, which praised the new rule, said it goes into effect Aug. 1.

The FAA, in announcing that the rule will be published soon, said the new requirements were adopted in reaction to the crash of a Colgan Air airplane near Buffalo, N.Y., in 2009, in which both the captain and first officer were relatively inexperienced.

The rule gives first officers a stronger foundation of aeronautical knowledge and experience before they fly for an air carrier,” FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said in the agency’s announcement. “With this rule and our efforts to address pilot fatigue – both initiatives championed by the families of Colgan flight 3407 – we’re making a safe system even safer.

Before, a first officer had to have only a commercial pilot license, which requires a minimum of 250 hours of flying. The new rule requires the ATP license and the 1,500 hours.

In addition, the FAA now requires a pilot to have at least 1,000 as an airline first officer before flying as captain. The minimum age for an ATP license is 23 years."
FAA will require airline pilots to have at least 1 500 flight hours Dallas Morning News

Having said all that, religion is no real barrier or indicator as to whether the pilot would act prudently. Tell you what OP why don't you become the test crash dummy for every plane flown by a Muslim and tell us your experiences and if you are correct you can become a human skywriter while you plane goes down.
Yes. Muslims should be allowed to be airline pilots. lol
Islam may be dangerous to your life. About question - definetly not. Islam is like a mental desease, so everyone with such problems should be isolated from the society.
This has got to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever read.

In order to pilot a plane there has to have been many hours of training and actual experience. That would be a good tip off as to whether the pilot would intentionally crash the plane.

"The Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday said it was making final a rule that says all commercial airline pilots hired by U.S. carriers will be required to have at least 1,500 hours of flight time.

The Air Line Pilots Association, which praised the new rule, said it goes into effect Aug. 1.

The FAA, in announcing that the rule will be published soon, said the new requirements were adopted in reaction to the crash of a Colgan Air airplane near Buffalo, N.Y., in 2009, in which both the captain and first officer were relatively inexperienced.

The rule gives first officers a stronger foundation of aeronautical knowledge and experience before they fly for an air carrier,” FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said in the agency’s announcement. “With this rule and our efforts to address pilot fatigue – both initiatives championed by the families of Colgan flight 3407 – we’re making a safe system even safer.

Before, a first officer had to have only a commercial pilot license, which requires a minimum of 250 hours of flying. The new rule requires the ATP license and the 1,500 hours.

In addition, the FAA now requires a pilot to have at least 1,000 as an airline first officer before flying as captain. The minimum age for an ATP license is 23 years."
FAA will require airline pilots to have at least 1 500 flight hours Dallas Morning News

Having said all that, religion is no real barrier or indicator as to whether the pilot would act prudently. Tell you what OP why don't you become the test crash dummy for every plane flown by a Muslim and tell us your experiences and if you are correct you can become a human skywriter while you plane goes down.

"Having said all that, religion is no real barrier or indicator as to whether the pilot would act prudently. Tell you what OP why don't you become the test crash dummy for every plane flown by a Muslim and tell us your experiences and if you are correct you can become a human skywriter while you plane goes down."

I don't want ANYONE who believes in an afterlife in charge of whether I live or die thanks. :)
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?

This is the same sort of foolish knee-jerk reaction following incidents of gun violence where someone proposes we ban the gun involved or all guns. As with that, it's revealing a basic ignorance on the part of the person proposing such a thing.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, on a suicide mission, or a threat to public safety.

True, not all of them.
Should muslims [sic] be allowed to be airline pilots?


No doubt you demand they be allowed to bring explosives on planes.

For those of us who are NOT traitors though, there is this...

The co-pilot, 28, took control, Robin said, and the accelerated descent was made manually.

Whatever Lubitz's motivation, Germamwings initially took exception to the prosecutor's comments, tweeting this morning, "We are shocked by the statements from French authorities that the co-pilot deliberately crashed the aircraft."

But at a news conference later in Cologne, Carsten Spohr, CEO of Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings, said, “We have to accept that the plane was crashed on purpose.” He added, “It seems to be true that the co-pilot denied the pilot access to the cockpit.”

He asked people not to rush to judgment, however, which he called "speculation" about the co-pilot's intentions, adding, "the motivation could be of various nature."}

Germanwings Co-Pilot Appeared to Want to Destroy the Plane Prosecutor - ABC News

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