Should Nancy Pelosi be the New Democratic House Speaker?

This is coming from the person that scolded me for commenting on a news story that had a touch of right wing conspiracy and now they break out with this silly unsubstantiated opinion?

What garbage.
This isn't some news article or conspiracy theory put out by the media.

It’s a conspiracy theory,and a silly one that. Thanks for the laugh.

Pelosi going semi-catatonic during a speech or ginning up the rent a riot mob, which would be worse? WTH the Ds can do both and get their activists on criminal data bases, run baby run
It's being pushed by the far left Socialists of the Democratic Party and has nothing to do with Conservatives or Russia bots.

So you think!

And Bernie voters thought.

It's bigger than that, and the sooner these young-guns recognize that...the better!

It''s a play book out of dirty politics, for anyone who has been around in politics, and watched over the decades.
And President Trump saying he would love her to be Speaker... is simply another political move, much like pushing do you want Hillary who has Wall Street's support or Bernie?

If Trump supports Pelosi, then WE CAN'T is right out of the playbook to divide Democrats

There is absolutely no one that could be Speaker of the house, there are plenty that are leadership quality.
It's being pushed by the far left Socialists of the Democratic Party and has nothing to do with Conservatives or Russia bots.

So you think!

And Bernie voters thought.

It's bigger than that, and the sooner these young-guns recognize that...the better!

It''s a play book out of dirty politics, for anyone who has been around in politics, and watched over the decades.
And President Trump saying he would love her to be Speaker... is simply another political move, much like pushing do you want Hillary who has Wall Street's support or Bernie?

If Trump supports Pelosi, then WE CAN'T is right out of the playbook to divide Democrats

There is absolutely no one that could be Speaker of the house, there are plenty that are leadership quality.

Yes there is corruption in both Parties .
We the people need to vote them out,
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...
/——/ Nothing compared to democRATs finding ballots long after polls closed
that's simply right wing propaganda... dirty politics played by your fellow republicans, they know what to make up, and when to make it up and how to spread it like wildfire through your conservative media....

just pay attention, for a decade.... you'll wake up and see, your chain is being yanked, to where they want you yanked.
/----/ Fu**ing democRATS can't win on the merits of their agenda so they resort to stealing elections: Shocking Video Footage Shows Florida Ballots Transported By Private Vehicles Being Transferred Into A Rental Truck On Election Night
Dem's trying to SUPPRESS THE VOTE for candidates other than Pelosi, should we sue them in court? Every vote must be counted. How dare they try to suppress the vote.

I thought it was democrats wanting younger blood pushing for it.

but they are not ready to be the top of the Leadership, before being in Leadership..... they will be given leadership positions, being given seats on committees and be given the experience they need, to take on YOU.... Republicans.

this ain't no willy nilly game and easy peasey.... It's a game of chess, where every move is a move for the next move....

Republicans are not to be underestimate just because we kicked ass in one election.

Tell that to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other Dems who don't want Pelosi as speaker.
This is Dems not Repub's.
Has nothing to do with Repub's.
17 of them, and I am speaking to them and their supporters.... they are being played like a violin, to the Republicans advantage on this.....

It's great to have all of these new thinking minds, but we have to be careful not to be outplayed.

I thought it was democrats wanting younger blood pushing for it.

but they are not ready to be the top of the Leadership, before being in Leadership..... they will be given leadership positions, being given seats on committees and be given the experience they need, to take on YOU.... Republicans.

this ain't no willy nilly game and easy peasey.... It's a game of chess, where every move is a move for the next move....

Republicans are not to be underestimate just because we kicked ass in one election.

Tell that to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other Dems who don't want Pelosi as speaker.
This is Dems not Repub's.
Has nothing to do with Repub's.
17 of them, and I am speaking to them and their supporters.... they are being played like a violin, to the Republicans advantage on this.....

It's great to have all of these new thinking minds, but we have to be careful not to be outplayed.

Ms Cortez is going to be very upset when she finds out the lowly committees that she's going to be appointed in as a first year.:)

I thought it was democrats wanting younger blood pushing for it.

but they are not ready to be the top of the Leadership, before being in Leadership..... they will be given leadership positions, being given seats on committees and be given the experience they need, to take on YOU.... Republicans.

this ain't no willy nilly game and easy peasey.... It's a game of chess, where every move is a move for the next move....

Republicans are not to be underestimate just because we kicked ass in one election.

Tell that to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other Dems who don't want Pelosi as speaker.
This is Dems not Repub's.
Has nothing to do with Repub's.
17 of them, and I am speaking to them and their supporters.... they are being played like a violin, to the Republicans advantage on this.....

It's great to have all of these new thinking minds, but we have to be careful not to be outplayed.

I thought it was democrats wanting younger blood pushing for it.

but they are not ready to be the top of the Leadership, before being in Leadership..... they will be given leadership positions, being given seats on committees and be given the experience they need, to take on YOU.... Republicans.

this ain't no willy nilly game and easy peasey.... It's a game of chess, where every move is a move for the next move....

Republicans are not to be underestimate just because we kicked ass in one election.

Tell that to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other Dems who don't want Pelosi as speaker.
This is Dems not Repub's.
Has nothing to do with Repub's.
17 of them, and I am speaking to them and their supporters.... they are being played like a violin, to the Republicans advantage on this.....

It's great to have all of these new thinking minds, but we have to be careful not to be outplayed.

Ms Cortez is going to be very upset when she finds out the lowly committees that she's going to be appointed in as a first year.:)

After protesting Pelosi she won't be on any committees and her office will be a windowless basement cubical.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...
/——/ Nothing compared to democRATs finding ballots long after polls closed
that's simply right wing propaganda... dirty politics played by your fellow republicans, they know what to make up, and when to make it up and how to spread it like wildfire through your conservative media....

just pay attention, for a decade.... you'll wake up and see, your chain is being yanked, to where they want you yanked.
/----/ Fu**ing democRATS can't win on the merits of their agenda so they resort to stealing elections: Shocking Video Footage Shows Florida Ballots Transported By Private Vehicles Being Transferred Into A Rental Truck On Election Night
that was procedure... the truck was in the voting precinct parking lot... the zip locked ballot bags were invoiced inside and checked off invoice when truck is loaded and sealed, and checked off invoice again when they arrive at the counting center....

conspirators causing trouble... count on you all being ignorant of the process...
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

That’s good stuff! I love satire.

Dems are generally the ones who out smart and out trick the Republicans. Pelosi being Speaker is good for Republicans and will leave the “younger, greener generation” disillusioned that an old wrinkled tired influence peddler is leading the House.

Did you hear Trump endorsed Pelosi for speaker? What does that tell you?
Trump: "I would help Nancy Pelosi" if she needs votes for speaker of the House - CBS News
Trump: "I would help Nancy Pelosi" if she needs votes for speaker of the House
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

That’s good stuff! I love satire.

Dems are generally the ones who out smart and out trick the Republicans. Pelosi being Speaker is good for Republicans and will leave the “younger, greener generation” disillusioned that an old wrinkled tired influence peddler is leading the House.

Did you hear Trump endorsed Pelosi for speaker? What does that tell you?
Trump: "I would help Nancy Pelosi" if she needs votes for speaker of the House - CBS News
Trump: "I would help Nancy Pelosi" if she needs votes for speaker of the House
yes, he wants Dems to think he likes her, so other Dems will feel strongly that if this is true, they won't support her....

he's trying to scare democrats...........

in no way, does he really support having her over someone inexperienced that he could mow down...
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...
/——/ Nothing compared to democRATs finding ballots long after polls closed
that's simply right wing propaganda... dirty politics played by your fellow republicans, they know what to make up, and when to make it up and how to spread it like wildfire through your conservative media....

just pay attention, for a decade.... you'll wake up and see, your chain is being yanked, to where they want you yanked.

Just like this thread is leftwing propaganda, what is the issue?
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

That’s good stuff! I love satire.

Dems are generally the ones who out smart and out trick the Republicans. Pelosi being Speaker is good for Republicans and will leave the “younger, greener generation” disillusioned that an old wrinkled tired influence peddler is leading the House.

Did you hear Trump endorsed Pelosi for speaker? What does that tell you?
Trump: "I would help Nancy Pelosi" if she needs votes for speaker of the House - CBS News
Trump: "I would help Nancy Pelosi" if she needs votes for speaker of the House
yes, he wants Dems to think he likes her, so other Dems will feel strongly that if this is true, they won't support her....

he's trying to scare democrats...........

in no way, does he really support having her over someone inexperienced that he could mow down...

Guess’s pretty funny.....but the giant orange clown owns your brain.....bwhahahhaha
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

If Pelosi cared about he Party, she would step aside and allow the Party to have another face. Her brand of liberalism is not what should be front and center for the Party going forward. The supposed choice between having her as the speaker and having access to her experience, fund raising, contacts, skill, talents etc… AND not having her as speaker and not having access to all of that is a false one. What will happen if she doesn’t get the appointment? Does she take her ball and go home? If so, she doesn’t care about the Party anyway.

This is one of the reasons I laugh heartily when there is the mention of wide spread Democratic voter fraud. Like this Party could organize a 2 car parade….
The OP is correct.

Republicans etc. want the weakest possible Speaker.

Pelosi is a VERY effective Speaker of the House

Yep. She shepherded the ACA through the House, and kept her caucus together even though they knew they'd be bloodied for it. She's the most effective lawmaker there is, by a light year, and she knows that emulating Republican obstruction tactics is a losing strategy for the Dems.

Of course, McConnell is 76, and he looks as if he fell off his rocking chair, entering vegetative state, years ago. You hear Republicans calling for younger guns? Crickets.

You bet, there's misogyny at work throughout, the Democrats' Five White Guys (or whatever boorish name they gave themselves) very much included. My guess would be, Pelosi will deliver a rock solid ass-kicking. That's going to be fun.
If Pelosi cared about he Party, she would step aside and allow the Party to have another face. Her brand of liberalism is not what should be front and center for the Party going forward. The supposed choice between having her as the speaker and having access to her experience, fund raising, contacts, skill, talents etc… AND not having her as speaker and not having access to all of that is a false one. What will happen if she doesn’t get the appointment? Does she take her ball and go home? If so, she doesn’t care about the Party anyway.

Start from the position that it takes both Pelosi's immense skills, and the speakership (leadership of the Democratic caucus), for those networks to be available to her, and for her to be able to deliver the goods.

With that in hand, go over your deliberation again.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...
Face the fact, Hilly was suppose to win the primary, she was promised this by Soros and the DNC when she stepped aside for Obama to take the primary and she set out for eight years. When it was her turn she needed someone to run against that she could beat. The DNC went shopping and was having problems finding a shill to stand in and lose. Well they got Bernie to take the job. No chance Bernie would win, after all he is a self declared Commie, Socialist perfect. They hit the road but problems start of occur Bernie started to look good to young Commie taught young people. Hilly did not like that it was off topic. Now she has to deal with two messages and she has a problem with the message that does not make her look like a crazy woman. She had to fight Trump and keep the Loser guy in line. She lost more votes during the Primary than during the regular election. There were two losers Bernie who was setup.(ref: reading the Clinton Emails) and Hilly herself who got sold out by her own party. This is just part of the story to understand just read the emails between her and the DNC and news reports. I still feel she got sold out by her own friends and the DNC.


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