Should Nancy Pelosi be the New Democratic House Speaker?

This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....

Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
I'm not certain you can actually say that.... What has the base or the new House members put up as proposals that she has not tried to put in or differed with them on?

I think I can, because she represents yesterday, not today or even tomorrow.
but what is yesterday on policies that's different for today or tomorrow? Lasting change comes with time, and patience...

Quick moves evaporate as quickly as they come... lot's of Trump's knee jerk changes will be reversed as quickly as he made them with his executive orders.... whereas working with Congress to get bi-partisan support and legislation would have taken time, but it would have been lasting imo....

It's not that I disagree with you that the progressives seem to be impatient and want what they want, lickety split.... even though they can't even express what it is that they really want that Nancy wouldn't work with them on...!!
Would like to see Pelosi promote someone else, would be ok if she picked who it would be, as she works hard & raises the money. wont matter if Bernie runs his backers will help cause another loss, most people are getting tired of really old & men's views rooted in a past world. Bernie should stay where he is, seems to be doing ok with the job he has.
Democrats would be foolish not to elect Nancy Pelosi.

Trading perceived short term gains for long term loss.

What short term gains?

What long term loss?

Get Trump all day every day at the expense of more losses in 2 years.

Are you suggesting that Speaker Pelosi couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time? Investigating Trump and pushing worthwhile legislation for the American people?

Pretty much, yes.
Nancy Pelosi is smart, Nancy Pelosi is a woman, Nancy Pelosi knows how to unify the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi will go down in history as the greatest president in the history of the United States after Trump and Pence are IMPEACHED!
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As I said in another thread Pelosi, Schiff, Waters et al are the R opposition dream team. What I didn't write there but did write elsewhere is that the big problem for the Ds is that the SALT cap and Supreme Court is a massive block to D victory in 2020 or further on. The Ds need to give away the store to get a shot at maintaining/retaining their base but that will cause another leftward lurch that will lead to further R consolidation. Hillary drinking when she should have been campaigning is leaving a long shadow.
Nancy Pelosi is smart, Nancy Pelosi is a woman, Nancy Pelosi knows how to unify the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi will go down in history as the greatest president in the history of the United States after Trump and Pence are IMPEACHED!

Total bull. If, in your wild fantasy, Trump is removed from office, the first thing Pence does is appoint his VP, and Pelosi only sees the inside of the oval office by invitation.
You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....

Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
I'm not certain you can actually say that.... What has the base or the new House members put up as proposals that she has not tried to put in or differed with them on?

I think I can, because she represents yesterday, not today or even tomorrow.
but what is yesterday on policies that's different for today or tomorrow? Lasting change comes with time, and patience...

Quick moves evaporate as quickly as they come... lot's of Trump's knee jerk changes will be reversed as quickly as he made them with his executive orders.... whereas working with Congress to get bi-partisan support and legislation would have taken time, but it would have been lasting imo....

It's not that I disagree with you that the progressives seem to be impatient and want what they want, lickety split.... even though they can't even express what it is that they really want that Nancy wouldn't work with them on...!!

There is a lot of dissatisfaction right now with the dinosaurs. It's what gave us Trump. Where is the democrat's Trump?
Nancy Pelosi is smart, Nancy Pelosi is a woman, Nancy Pelosi knows how to unify the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi will go down in history as the greatest president in the history of the United States after Trump and Pence are IMPEACHED!

Total bull. If, in your wild fantasy, Trump is removed from office, the first thing Pence does is appoint his VP, and Pelosi only sees the inside of the oval office by invitation.

I think that was sarcasm.
I led you to water - but it's up to you whether you drink or not.

Yeah, I'm sorry if i sounded unappreciative or otherwrise obtuse. It was very insensitive of me.

Admittedly,though, I'm not a fan of Snopes fact checking practices, particularly their presentation of the facts, they always exclude relevance. I'm not confident that their fact checkers understand the relevance and scope of some of the things they fact check . Their terms of controversy are way too shallow in my view. So, that's why I stopped reading their fact checks years ago. And even then, the only reason I read them because I wanted to see how deep their fact checking was .

For instance, I did go back and read your link, I kind of felt bad about afterward. The thing is that Snopes, and other sites like it, actually it's their fact checkers, they're unqualified, they don't tell their readers why it's important that we don't vote on legislation that the electorate hasn't seen. That we're not supposed to, that it's not how our form of government is supposed to work. Young people need to learn and know that stuff before hearing any controversy related to it.
I led you to water - but it's up to you whether you drink or not.

Yeah, I'm sorry if i sounded unappreciative or otherwrise obtuse. It was very insensitive of me.

Admittedly,though, I'm not a fan of Snopes fact checking practices, particularly their presentation of the facts, they always exclude relevance. I'm not confident that their fact checkers understand the relevance and scope of some of the things they fact check . Their terms of controversy are way too shallow in my view. So, that's why I stopped reading their fact checks years ago. And even then, the only reason I read them because I wanted to see how deep their fact checking was .

For instance, I did go back and read your link, I kind of felt bad about afterward. The thing is that Snopes, and other sites like it, actually it's their fact checkers, they're unqualified, they don't tell their readers why it's important that we don't vote on legislation that the electorate hasn't seen. That we're not supposed to, that it's not how our form of government is supposed to work. Young people need to learn and know that stuff before hearing any controversy related to it.
View attachment 229576

This is why we need Speaker Pelosi. She scares the shit out of NaziCons. She should...
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Somewhat goofy? You've got to be kidding.
She lost me at we need to pass this bill so we can see what's in it.

She's got no business teaching anyone about functions of government.
It really was not as bad as you think or the right wing made it out to be....

the house had already passed their health care the house members not only got to read it, but also participated in creating it or amending it.We, the public also got the gazillion plus page bill after they passed it....

the senate ALSO passed their version of the bill, which was also available for us to see and read and the house members got to read and see it....

the bill that Nancy said they had to pass it, and then be able to read it was the reconciled bill.... which was the house bill we all saw, the senate bill passed we all saw, combined together, the reconciliation bill....

Oh yeah, that's right. That is how it went down. Thanks for the refresher.

Even if we let Nancy skate, the House still shouldn't have passed anything without the electorate seeing it.

So, I'll compromise with you and Lakhota fitty fitty and Let Nancy slide. Conceded on Nancy. But I'm still raising the black flag about the vote on the House bill.
The house was not voting on the house bill, they had already passed the house bill, everyone saw it before voting....


the House does their thing, and votes on it

then the Senate does their thing, and votes on it

but if there are any differences between the house's bill and the Senate's bill.... it goes to a committee made up of house members and senate members called the RECONCILIATION committee....

and their job is to combine the house and senate bills together and reconcile their differences... because some times the Senate has things in their's that the house didn't really want, and sometimes the house has something in their bill that the senator's didn't want

in the RECONCILIATION of the two different bills, the committee decides what those compromises will be, and writes ONE NEW BILL, that has all those compromised things in it.

When this happens, that Reconciliation Bill for health care in this case, has to be voted on AGAIN because it will be slightly different than their original bills and the House has to pass this health care bill again with the compromises in it, and the Senators will alo have to vote on the healthcare bill again, with those changes in it from their original bill.

IF let's say the house passes legislation on something, and the Senate agrees with everything in the house bill... the Senate can just pass the Senate's copy of the House bill, with NO CHANGES, and since no compromise is needed because the house and senate bills are the same....

it does NOT NEED to go through the reconciliation process, and be voted on a second time.... only if there are differences in the house and senate bills does it have to be reconciled and voted on AGAIN.

sorry if that is all a tongue twister!!!
They saw it but never got a chance to read it and understand it.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....

Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
I'm not certain you can actually say that.... What has the base or the new House members put up as proposals that she has not tried to put in or differed with them on?

I think I can, because she represents yesterday, not today or even tomorrow.
but what is yesterday on policies that's different for today or tomorrow? Lasting change comes with time, and patience...

Quick moves evaporate as quickly as they come... lot's of Trump's knee jerk changes will be reversed as quickly as he made them with his executive orders.... whereas working with Congress to get bi-partisan support and legislation would have taken time, but it would have been lasting imo....

It's not that I disagree with you that the progressives seem to be impatient and want what they want, lickety split.... even though they can't even express what it is that they really want that Nancy wouldn't work with them on...!!

There is a lot of dissatisfaction right now with the dinosaurs. It's what gave us Trump. Where is the democrat's Trump?
I'm sorry Hadit but I thank God, there is no Democratic candidate or person, that is our "Trump".... he's destroyed the office of the presidency imo, and our democratic republic, for which we stand, and we as a Nation may never in my lifetime, recover from him and his antics and lawlessness and division that he sows! :eek:
Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
I'm not certain you can actually say that.... What has the base or the new House members put up as proposals that she has not tried to put in or differed with them on?

I think I can, because she represents yesterday, not today or even tomorrow.
but what is yesterday on policies that's different for today or tomorrow? Lasting change comes with time, and patience...

Quick moves evaporate as quickly as they come... lot's of Trump's knee jerk changes will be reversed as quickly as he made them with his executive orders.... whereas working with Congress to get bi-partisan support and legislation would have taken time, but it would have been lasting imo....

It's not that I disagree with you that the progressives seem to be impatient and want what they want, lickety split.... even though they can't even express what it is that they really want that Nancy wouldn't work with them on...!!

There is a lot of dissatisfaction right now with the dinosaurs. It's what gave us Trump. Where is the democrat's Trump?
I'm sorry Hadit but I thank God, there is no Democratic candidate or person, that is our "Trump".... he's destroyed the office of the presidency imo, and our democratic republic, for which we stand, and we as a Nation may never in my lifetime, recover from him and his antics and lawlessness and division that he sows! :eek:

Wow, how exactly did he destroy the presidency and our democratic republic?
BTW, sorry to hear you may never recover....have you tried to get professional help?
After surviving 8 years of Obama bringing back the PC racism of genocide Jackson, your party's founder you owe an apology to actual NAZIs for your conduct prior to Trump.
Maxine Waters would do a much better job representing the Democrats.

View attachment 227863
Maxine Waters for Speaker?




No, Nancy Pelosi should NOT be Speaker.

It's time for the Old Guard to give way to the New.

New blood... fresh ideas... free of the baggage of the past.

Yes, she should and will be Speaker of the House, at least for the next 2 years.... new blood will be put in to leadership, committees.... they will get experience, and then take over....

no way do we need someone green going up against a Republican Senate and Trump! Unlike Ryan, Pelosi knows how to count votes, and she knows how to bring different factions within the party together, to get things passed...

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