Should Nancy Pelosi be the New Democratic House Speaker?

The OP is correct.

Republicans etc. want the weakest possible Speaker.

Pelosi is a VERY effective Speaker of the House

Yep. She shepherded the ACA through the House, and kept her caucus together even though they knew they'd be bloodied for it. She's the most effective lawmaker there is, by a light year, and she knows that emulating Republican obstruction tactics is a losing strategy for the Dems.

Of course, McConnell is 76, and he looks as if he fell off his rocking chair, entering vegetative state, years ago. You hear Republicans calling for younger guns? Crickets.

You bet, there's misogyny at work throughout, the Democrats' Five White Guys (or whatever boorish name they gave themselves) very much included. My guess would be, Pelosi will deliver a rock solid ass-kicking. That's going to be fun.
You summed it up better than I can and I say they are screwing up but they have been know to mess up on a regular basis.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...
/——/ Nothing compared to democRATs finding ballots long after polls closed
that's simply right wing propaganda... dirty politics played by your fellow republicans, they know what to make up, and when to make it up and how to spread it like wildfire through your conservative media....

just pay attention, for a decade.... you'll wake up and see, your chain is being yanked, to where they want you yanked.
Been look for some conservative media. Please list me a few. Not been able to find any.
The OP is correct.

Republicans etc. want the weakest possible Speaker.

Pelosi is a VERY effective Speaker of the House

Yep. She shepherded the ACA through the House, and kept her caucus together even though they knew they'd be bloodied for it. She's the most effective lawmaker there is, by a light year, and she knows that emulating Republican obstruction tactics is a losing strategy for the Dems.

Of course, McConnell is 76, and he looks as if he fell off his rocking chair, entering vegetative state, years ago. You hear Republicans calling for younger guns? Crickets.

You bet, there's misogyny at work throughout, the Democrats' Five White Guys (or whatever boorish name they gave themselves) very much included. My guess would be, Pelosi will deliver a rock solid ass-kicking. That's going to be fun.
You summed it up better than I can and I say they are screwing up but they have been know to mess up on a regular basis.
With the senate, White House and the courts becoming increasingly conservative populist All Pelosi can hope for is to mitigate the damage to the D base and that won't be good enough.
PRESIDENT Trump has publicly stated that he will get Nancy all the votes she needs to be confirmed, if she will agree to act like a sane person and work with the Republicans in a bi-partisan way.

For what it's worth.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

If Pelosi cared about he Party, she would step aside and allow the Party to have another face. Her brand of liberalism is not what should be front and center for the Party going forward. The supposed choice between having her as the speaker and having access to her experience, fund raising, contacts, skill, talents etc… AND not having her as speaker and not having access to all of that is a false one. What will happen if she doesn’t get the appointment? Does she take her ball and go home? If so, she doesn’t care about the Party anyway.

This is one of the reasons I laugh heartily when there is the mention of wide spread Democratic voter fraud. Like this Party could organize a 2 car parade….
But who?

Who is your choice? Do they want to run? Are they running?

as far as I know their are about 5 MEN that are interested and none are really progressive....?
Nancy Pelosi must be the new House Speaker! She can also train the kids in the meantime for leadership positions.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

If Pelosi cared about he Party, she would step aside and allow the Party to have another face. Her brand of liberalism is not what should be front and center for the Party going forward. The supposed choice between having her as the speaker and having access to her experience, fund raising, contacts, skill, talents etc… AND not having her as speaker and not having access to all of that is a false one. What will happen if she doesn’t get the appointment? Does she take her ball and go home? If so, she doesn’t care about the Party anyway.

This is one of the reasons I laugh heartily when there is the mention of wide spread Democratic voter fraud. Like this Party could organize a 2 car parade….
But who?

Who is your choice? Do they want to run? Are they running?

as far as I know their are about 5 MEN that are interested and none are really progressive....?

That is a good question. I don't have a candidate (I'm not a democrat).
If Pelosi cared about he Party, she would step aside and allow the Party to have another face. Her brand of liberalism is not what should be front and center for the Party going forward. The supposed choice between having her as the speaker and having access to her experience, fund raising, contacts, skill, talents etc… AND not having her as speaker and not having access to all of that is a false one. What will happen if she doesn’t get the appointment? Does she take her ball and go home? If so, she doesn’t care about the Party anyway.

Start from the position that it takes both Pelosi's immense skills, and the speakership (leadership of the Democratic caucus), for those networks to be available to her, and for her to be able to deliver the goods.

With that in hand, go over your deliberation again.


It would follow that whoever has the speakership would have the same availability.
I don’t think anyone should complain about Nancy Pelosi when they’re reelecting a lying slime ball like Mitch McConnell.

Complaining? No. Simply noting that the democrats have a chance to reinvigorate their party and show their base that they are paying attention.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t even follow the Constitution. We’ve seen that.

And he put out a choice between helping 9 million disabled children or 900,000 doca children who have grown up here in this country. He’s just a creep.

Unfortunately he’s a perfect Republican. He represents the party unbelievably perfect. The meanness the awfulness is totally Republican.

Which has zero to do with the OP. Weak deflection attempt noted.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....

Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....

Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
I'm not certain you can actually say that.... What has the base or the new House members put up as proposals that she has not tried to put in or differed with them on?
This push for another speaker other than Pelosi....

It is a mistake, it is being pushed by conservatives and Russian bots behind the scenes and promoted much like the "walk Away" bull crap.

PAY ATTENTION Democrats....

THIS crap is what got us Donald Trump

Divide and conquer

Just like this conservative dirty tactic and Russian, by dividing Bernie voters with Hillary voters... you all were fooled in to believing Bernie came close to beating her but he really didn't, by millions the popular vote went to Hillary over Bernie....

You Bernie supporters may think it was yourselves that went against Hillary, but it wasn't....

it was a tactic used on you by scummy, dirty, politicking....

don't be fooled again.

If you let this happen, you will end up with the Republican, Kevin McCarthy as your Speaker of the House.

Everyone votes for Speaker, both Republicans and Democrats

If the Republicans succeed in using our differences in the party, they have a shot, for this Speaker position.

Anybody can be Speaker, even someone who is not in a political office, if they are voted in....

FOR A CHANGE, let us outsmart the Dirty politics of the R's and stand united, not divided.

United we stand, Divided we Fall....

THEN, we can work on transferring power to the younger, green generation...

You had several years out of power to set up a peaceful transition and reinvigorate your party, but you choose to go insane over Trump instead. Elect Pelosi and watch your base turn away from the dinosaurs.
She's a very smart cookie and knows what it takes to unite them....
the Republican full court press, painting Nancy as the wicked witch of the west for 12 years has hurt her, no doubt... but Trump and wimpy do nothing Republicans, scare them more....

Electing her speaker sends the inevitable and clear message that they are paying no attention to their base and have learned nothing from the Hillary fiasco.
I'm not certain you can actually say that.... What has the base or the new House members put up as proposals that she has not tried to put in or differed with them on?

I think I can, because she represents yesterday, not today or even tomorrow.
Democrats would be foolish not to elect Nancy Pelosi.

Trading perceived short term gains for long term loss.

What short term gains?

What long term loss?

Get Trump all day every day at the expense of more losses in 2 years.

Are you suggesting that Speaker Pelosi couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time? Investigating Trump and pushing worthwhile legislation for the American people?

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