Should Nancy Pelosi be the New Democratic House Speaker?

She may able to work with both parties to get things done.

She has not yet demonstrated that ability.

Well, she worked with President George W. Bush - and protected him from impeachment.


Yeah, she threatened to not wear make-up if they tried.

End of story.
Most people don't understand how becoming the Speaker works. First off, Pelosi is calling in favors and $chits to gain the position from Dims already in the House. She's also calling on PACs and lobbyists to put pressure on Reps to elect her to the seat.

Her problem is going to be with the newcomers who have not yet been sworn in Jan 3, 2019. Before that, the newcomers will go to DC for indoctrination, a different one for each party. At that time, Pelosi and her assistants will try to pressure the newcomers into voting for her and them. To see who they are, go to Congressional Institute.

2. How is the Speaker of the House elected?

Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states, "The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers."

Although the Constitution does not require the Speaker to be a Member of the House, all Speakers have been Members.

When a Congress convenes for the first time, each major party conference or caucus nominates a candidate for Speaker. Members customarily elect the Speaker by roll call vote. A Member usually votes for the candidate from his or her own party conference or caucus but can vote for anyone, whether that person has been nominated or not.

To be elected, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes cast—which may be less than a majority of the full House because of vacancies, absentee Members, or Members who vote "present." If no candidate receives the majority of votes, the roll call is repeated until a majority is reached and the Speaker is elected.

In other words, ALL members of the House, both GOP AND DemocRAT vote for the speaker. With 435 seats, that means Pelosi would have to receive 219 votes to be elected. There will be 228 Dims [TBD] and 198 GOP [TBD}. We all know that not a single Republican will vote for her so that leaves her needing almost every single Dim vote to win. A number of newcomers and some hold-overs have already said they're going to oppose her.
If the Democrats are smart they will elect a new Speaker of the House, preferably someone a bit younger and with a bit more charisma; however, they are not and will make her Speaker anyway.

I agree. They need to vote in someone younger who is better liked and can do the job.

Pelosi should retire and go enjoy the millions she's made since she took that $174 thousand a year cushy post.
If the Democrats are smart they will elect a new Speaker of the House, preferably someone a bit younger and with a bit more charisma; however, they are not and will make her Speaker anyway.

I agree. They need to vote in someone younger who is better liked and can do the job.

Pelosi should retire and go enjoy the millions she's made since she took that $174 thousand a year cushy post.

To be fair, I have a sneaking suspicion you’re going hate whomever they pick as Speaker regardless.
If the Democrats are smart they will elect a new Speaker of the House, preferably someone a bit younger and with a bit more charisma; however, they are not and will make her Speaker anyway.

I agree. They need to vote in someone younger who is better liked and can do the job.

Pelosi should retire and go enjoy the millions she's made since she took that $174 thousand a year cushy post.

To be fair, I have a sneaking suspicion you’re going hate whomever they pick as Speaker regardless.

Nope. I don't hate Pelosi.

She ain't worth hating.

She's just and old hag who should have retired long ago.

Don't have any respect for her what so ever.
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Oh without a doubt.

It will work out beautifully...for the Republicans.
And you people say republicans like to live in the past

Why not get some new blood in the gene pool?
Sounds like Pelosi will be challenged.
I think she’ll probably end up being speaker. But I personally am a firm believer in mentoring. And I think there are some in the house that would make great speakers. Joaquin Castro or Eric Swalwell.
She is 78 years old and will be 80 years old in 2020. Now is the time to mentor younger Congress people. At least that’s how I see things.
I don’t think anyone should complain about Nancy Pelosi when they’re reelecting a lying slime ball like Mitch McConnell.
Sounds like Pelosi will be challenged.
I think she’ll probably end up being speaker. But I personally am a firm believer in mentoring. And I think there are some in the house that would make great speakers. Joaquin Castro or Eric Swalwell.
She is 78 years old and will be 80 years old in 2020. Now is the time to mentor younger Congress people. At least that’s how I see things.

Swalwell is planning to run for president in 2020 - so I doubt he's interested in being Speaker.
Sounds like Pelosi will be challenged.
I think she’ll probably end up being speaker. But I personally am a firm believer in mentoring. And I think there are some in the house that would make great speakers. Joaquin Castro or Eric Swalwell.
She is 78 years old and will be 80 years old in 2020. Now is the time to mentor younger Congress people. At least that’s how I see things.

Swalwell is planning to run for president in 2020 - so I doubt he's interested in being Speaker.
You democrats are so funny. You claim to be so inclusive and diverse, but your party is run by a few old white straight people. Pelosi, Hillary, Biden and Sanders. You keep your blacks under tight control. You let them out in the spotlight to gather the minority vote, then you keep them under the thumbs of the old white leadership. Hypocrites.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t even follow the Constitution. We’ve seen that.

And he put out a choice between helping 9 million disabled children or 900,000 doca children who have grown up here in this country. He’s just a creep.

Unfortunately he’s a perfect Republican. He represents the party unbelievably perfect. The meanness the awfulness is totally Republican.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t even follow the Constitution. We’ve seen that.

And he put out a choice between helping 9 million disabled children or 900,000 doca children who have grown up here in this country. He’s just a creep.

Unfortunately he’s a perfect Republican. He represents the party unbelievably perfect. The meanness the awfulness is totally Republican.
Explain how McConnell violated the Constitution.
Sounds like Pelosi will be challenged.
I think she’ll probably end up being speaker. But I personally am a firm believer in mentoring. And I think there are some in the house that would make great speakers. Joaquin Castro or Eric Swalwell.
She is 78 years old and will be 80 years old in 2020. Now is the time to mentor younger Congress people. At least that’s how I see things.

Swalwell is planning to run for president in 2020 - so I doubt he's interested in being Speaker.
You democrats are so funny. You claim to be so inclusive and diverse, but your party is run by a few old white straight people. Pelosi, Hillary, Biden and Sanders. You keep your blacks under tight control. You let them out in the spotlight to gather the minority vote, then you keep them under the thumbs of the old white leadership. Hypocrites.
So you think they controlled Obama and control Kamila Harris and Cory Booker? You are kind of stupid you know.
Zero debate on whether or not to elect Mitch McConnell. Nancy has to fight through dozens of Democrats if she’s going to retain her seat.

Do you see the difference. One side actually has a debate that’s Democrats, and the other side is just a bunch of fuking lemmings, that would be Republicans.

Get the picture?
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Absolutely yes! And then the Butt Hurt Progs should spend the next two years protesting her leadership and constantly disrupting House proceedings! That's a surefire Winning Stragegery!

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