Should Nancy Pelosi be the New Democratic House Speaker?

Such as...?

I really don’t know, but the old guard has not done well for the party and has repeatedly been outmaneuvered by the Republicans

I think we need the old guard to lead the fight on the Trump mafia. After that - put the kids in charge.

Pelosi knows all the ins and outs of Congressional maneuvering
She would be Trumps worst nightmare
Lol the bitch can’t remember to wipe her arse.

Strange......last Tuesday she remembered to kick Republican Ass to the tune of 30 plus seats

That's not kicking anyones ass in an offyear election.

That is underperforming.
The vote might be interesting. There's a whole lot of Democrats who dislike Pelosi almost as much as the rest of us.

Why do you and other NaziCons hate Pelosi so much?
I didn't say hate, you did. And as you well know she is DISLIKED by her own Party quite extensively.

Really? Why does she keep getting reelected?

Because she is willing to take it out of the hyde of anyone who defies her.

Don't get me wrong.

I want her front and center.

And I want Maxine next to her. I only wish Barbara Bullshit were still in office to join the trifecta.

We need their help.
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Nancy Pelosi is very talented and was an exceptional Speaker
That said, I would like to see new blood in Democratic leadership.
Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and company have been marginally successful in their direction of the party

The Democratic Party can do much better

Or they could do much worse. While I don't agree with Pelosi on probably anything I will say she does a better job as speaker for democrats than Ryan has for republicans.

I have said Pelosi is the most accomplished speaker in 30 years

Hastert (yuk), Boehner and Ryan are not even close
She wears the apron strings attached to the money, that is her one gig. Heck of a fund raiser in frisco.
Campaign money trumps everything.

And she uses her ability to raise funds to control those within her party.
TRUMP does that same with regard to things like NATO and countries we send aid to, while at the same time trying to change policies that allow other countries to much control over US economy with regard to things like trade.
The vote might be interesting. There's a whole lot of Democrats who dislike Pelosi almost as much as the rest of us.

Why do you and other NaziCons hate Pelosi so much?

People hate Pelosi ?


I can only figure that it's the left that hates her because she keeps helping the GOP to win and maintain control.

The GOP love her (secretly).
Pelosi did very well for her party

Most successful speaker in 30 years
The vote might be interesting. There's a whole lot of Democrats who dislike Pelosi almost as much as the rest of us.

Why do you and other NaziCons hate Pelosi so much?
I didn't say hate, you did. And as you well know she is DISLIKED by her own Party quite extensively.

Really? Why does she keep getting reelected?

Because she is willing to take it out of the hyde of anyone who defies her.

Don't get me wrong.

I want her front and center.

And I want Maxine next to her. I only wish Barbara Bullshit were still in office to join the trifecta.

We need their help.
This is going to be fun

Pelosi will drive Trump into a rage
She needs a couple of years more, to train one of the incoming youngsters with on the job training to pass the torch.
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Nancy Pelosi is very talented and was an exceptional Speaker
That said, I would like to see new blood in Democratic leadership.
Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and company have been marginally successful in their direction of the party

The Democratic Party can do much better
its called retirement....half of congress is people who have been there way to long...
New people come in every year

Just look at last weeks election
yea its too bad people like pelosi dont take the hint and be one of the ones retiring...

You mean like Mitch McConnell?
you betcha....he should go just for being useless....
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Nancy Pelosi is very talented and was an exceptional Speaker
That said, I would like to see new blood in Democratic leadership.
Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and company have been marginally successful in their direction of the party

The Democratic Party can do much better
its called retirement....half of congress is people who have been there way to long...
New people come in every year

Just look at last weeks election
yea its too bad people like pelosi dont take the hint and be one of the ones retiring...
Her district seems to be pleased with her
Those that weren’t sent their representative to the curb
her district has a lot of wealthy people ...congress people take care of the wealthy,so why wouldnt they be pleased with her?...but she is to old and should be sent out to pasture....
Nancy Pelosi is very talented and was an exceptional Speaker
That said, I would like to see new blood in Democratic leadership.
Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and company have been marginally successful in their direction of the party

The Democratic Party can do much better
its called retirement....half of congress is people who have been there way to long...
New people come in every year

Just look at last weeks election
yea its too bad people like pelosi dont take the hint and be one of the ones retiring...
Her district seems to be pleased with her
Those that weren’t sent their representative to the curb
her district has a lot of wealthy people ...congress people take care of the wealthy,so why wouldnt they be pleased with her?...but she is to old and should be sent out to pasture....

That’s Odd

Then why does Pelosi support increasing taxes on the wealthy?

Your claims of hypocrisy are falling flat
its called retirement....half of congress is people who have been there way to long...
New people come in every year

Just look at last weeks election
yea its too bad people like pelosi dont take the hint and be one of the ones retiring...
Her district seems to be pleased with her
Those that weren’t sent their representative to the curb
her district has a lot of wealthy people ...congress people take care of the wealthy,so why wouldnt they be pleased with her?...but she is to old and should be sent out to pasture....

That’s Odd

Then why does Pelosi support increasing taxes on the wealthy?

Your claims of hypocrisy are falling flat
you dont live out here you dont understand what im saying,,,raising taxes on the wealthy dont mean shit to them....its how she makes sure their neighborhoods get what they need....your ignorance is falling flat...
Please elect Nancy.

Heaven forbid they put someone reasonable in and actually protetct their gains.
New people come in every year

Just look at last weeks election
yea its too bad people like pelosi dont take the hint and be one of the ones retiring...
Her district seems to be pleased with her
Those that weren’t sent their representative to the curb
her district has a lot of wealthy people ...congress people take care of the wealthy,so why wouldnt they be pleased with her?...but she is to old and should be sent out to pasture....

That’s Odd

Then why does Pelosi support increasing taxes on the wealthy?

Your claims of hypocrisy are falling flat
you dont live out here you dont understand what im saying,,,raising taxes on the wealthy dont mean shit to them....its how she makes sure their neighborhoods get what they need....your ignorance is falling flat...
Show me

Show the Pelosi initiatives designed to help the wealthy
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

If the democrats you with her, they haven't learned anything and are still dinosaurs.

Well, NaziCon clowns still have asshole McConnell - but he is very effective for NaziCon agendas.

Whaddabout diversion noted.

Trump is the result of discontent on the Republican side. Will the democrats learn in time or disintegrate?

Who would you like as House Speaker?

I don't like democrats, so I don't really have an opinion. I do, however, note the political dynamic going on right now, and the democrats are facing the same pressures from their rank and file that in the Republicans produced Trump. It remains to be seen if the democrat power structure can see it or not. If they re-elect Pelosi, I think they're making a big mistake. Think about it, the last two years and the next two are prime opportunities for them to do some house cleaning and reorganization because no one with a greater than room temperature IQ expects them to get any agenda items through that Trump doesn't want.

I don't hold out any hope for them, however.
Ask a grassroot Repub. Would a sitting Repub Representative voting for an opponent of DingBat Pelosi and helping to dispose her -- hurt their re-election chances or make them a NATIONAL HERO worthy of parades and celebrations???

I think they would be a hero to the MAJORITY of American voters of many types. AND even tho the GOP can't use her as that red bull flag to their base -- there'd still be plenty of whackodoodles to use as targets in 2020..
Republicans always seem to find a new target of their vitriol

Can’t run against Hillary forever

Democrats just keep making targets of themselves.
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

If the democrats you with her, they haven't learned anything and are still dinosaurs.

Well, NaziCon clowns still have asshole McConnell - but he is very effective for NaziCon agendas.

Whaddabout diversion noted.

Trump is the result of discontent on the Republican side. Will the democrats learn in time or disintegrate?

Who would you like as House Speaker?

I don't like democrats, so I don't really have an opinion. I do, however, note the political dynamic going on right now, and the democrats are facing the same pressures from their rank and file that in the Republicans produced Trump. It remains to be seen if the democrat power structure can see it or not. If they re-elect Pelosi, I think they're making a big mistake. Think about it, the last two years and the next two are prime opportunities for them to do some house cleaning and reorganization because no one with a greater than room temperature IQ expects them to get any agenda items through that Trump doesn't want.

I don't hold out any hope for them, however.
Nothing will get through Congress in the next two years
That is the way our political system works

There is no compromise
Ask a grassroot Repub. Would a sitting Repub Representative voting for an opponent of DingBat Pelosi and helping to dispose her -- hurt their re-election chances or make them a NATIONAL HERO worthy of parades and celebrations???

I think they would be a hero to the MAJORITY of American voters of many types. AND even tho the GOP can't use her as that red bull flag to their base -- there'd still be plenty of whackodoodles to use as targets in 2020..
Republicans always seem to find a new target of their vitriol

Can’t run against Hillary forever

Democrats just keep making targets of themselves.
How so?
yea its too bad people like pelosi dont take the hint and be one of the ones retiring...
Her district seems to be pleased with her
Those that weren’t sent their representative to the curb
her district has a lot of wealthy people ...congress people take care of the wealthy,so why wouldnt they be pleased with her?...but she is to old and should be sent out to pasture....

That’s Odd

Then why does Pelosi support increasing taxes on the wealthy?

Your claims of hypocrisy are falling flat
you dont live out here you dont understand what im saying,,,raising taxes on the wealthy dont mean shit to them....its how she makes sure their neighborhoods get what they need....your ignorance is falling flat...
Show me

Show the Pelosi initiatives designed to help the wealthy
for a congress person to help their rich constituents they dont need no initiatives....they just make sure their roads stay paved and they have a sufficient police force....better schools....geezus even those dumb republicans you talk about know come you dont?....
I think so. I admit that she comes across as somewhat goofy in interviews - but she's experienced, smart, and very effective. She gets results. She remembers Nixon and Watergate. HOWEVER, I believe she should be forced to clarify her positions on how she will lead the House before she is voted on - especially on all things Trump.

What do you think?

Since it matters not to me, I’ll throw in my 2 cents and even try to do it without partisanship.

Whether she should be speaker or not depends on what her party wants to become. It seems to me that they have not figured it out. Nancy represents the old guard and I’m not sure that that is the way a lot of the democrats want to go anymore. But then is it the right time to go in the “Democratic Socialist” direction yet? I think that is where a growing majority of the party wants to go and I don’t think that Pelosi represents that direction no matter what she says.

It’s a good question and will be interesting to watch.

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