Should national election day be moved to the weekend or made a holiday?

Should national election day be moved ?

  • It should stay where its at

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Should be moved to a weekend

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Should stay where its at but be made into a national holiday.

    Votes: 10 35.7%

  • Total voters
Polls are open at least 12 hours, most people only work 8.

The 12 hour shift is extremely common. Especially in industrial settings. Hospitals, too.

Want to try again at offering actual evidence, or are you going to keep resorting to making things up?
Evidence of what? That Saturday would be a more convenient day for most Americans to vote than Tuesday?

Any day the election is held is going to inconvenience someone.
I'm sorry but why shouldn't we hold our elections on the day most convenient for us? The people in 1845 who made election day Tueday chose Tuesday because it was the most convenient day for most of the people - why can't we choose the day most convenient to us? Is the answer "just because" ? That's BRILLIANT!

12 hour shifts are extremely uncommon, I should know.

You still have not answered the most basic question with anything other than anecdotal evidence. Why is Tuesday more inconvenient than Saturday? Give some actual data to back your position up.
Says the man who just accused me of not wanting stop lights.

I want a reason to change other than it is old.

I didn't say you didn't want stop lights.

I said - by your logic - we shouldn't need them. Is there anything wrong with stop signs?

My logic is simple, it if works we should leave it alone unless we actually find something better. You have provided no evidence that it is better.

Ever see a stop sign on a really busy intersection? Once you do you will never ask why we need stoplights again.

Saturday is better because it makes it easier for most people to get to the polls.


That's the same logic they used when they set it at Tuesday.
Election day should be moved to the day after tax day. And payroll tax deductions should be ended.

It would be interesting to see how people would vote the day after they had to send a big fat check to the fucking government.
Polls are open at least 12 hours, most people only work 8.

The 12 hour shift is extremely common. Especially in industrial settings. Hospitals, too.

Evidence of what? That Saturday would be a more convenient day for most Americans to vote than Tuesday?

Any day the election is held is going to inconvenience someone.
I'm sorry but why shouldn't we hold our elections on the day most convenient for us? The people in 1845 who made election day Tueday chose Tuesday because it was the most convenient day for most of the people - why can't we choose the day most convenient to us? Is the answer "just because" ? That's BRILLIANT!

12 hour shifts are extremely uncommon, I should know.

You still have not answered the most basic question with anything other than anecdotal evidence. Why is Tuesday more inconvenient than Saturday? Give some actual data to back your position up.

You want evidence that more people work on Tuesday than on Saturday?

I'm the post-doctoral researcher in astrophysics, I'M the one whose supposed to be disconnected from the "real world" !
Election day should be moved to the day after tax day. And payroll tax deductions should be ended.

It would be interesting to see how people would vote the day after they had to send a big fat check to the fucking government.

Most people over pay and get checks back from the government.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

It doesn't take a day to get from anywhere to a voting booth.

And farmers don't have days off.

Great. So no need to schedule voting day around the schedule of farmers. I'm glad we're agree.

only liberals would demand a day off to take 10 minutes to vote.
10 minutes?

It took 8 hours at the Xavier University of Louisiana polling precint in 2004. That's not 10 minutes. Its 480 minutes.

Then someone isn't doing their job properly.

everytime, the longest part is them finding my name.

Leave work, 10 - 20 to get too polling, 5 to find parking, 1 to walk in, 2 in line, 3 verifying who I am, 1 wait for booth, 3 to vote.

max = 35 minuts, 10 w/o drive time

I'd lodge a complaint if I was you
You can not be Penalized for Missing work to Vote,
What fantasy land you live in? That's like saying "You can't be murdered". Yes, there are laws against it - but it still happens!

Especially if you live in a so-called "right to work" state.

Wo do you think the judge will believe? The wage employee, who claims he was fired for taking time off work to vote - or the boss (who donates to his campaign fund) who says that he fired you for being lazy and insubordinate?

"right to work" means the boss has the "right to fire" you for just about ANYTHING - this means that it makes it all the more easier to fire you for the few things he's not allowed to fire you for.


Real world.

welcome to it!

What dumbass land are you from?

Polls open early and stay open late. No one needs to leave/skip work to vote.

wow, just fucking wow
It doesn't matter what the topic being discussed seems that nutters will always fall on the side of stupid.

It is nothing but pure common sense to make election day a national holiday.
It doesn't matter what the topic being discussed seems that nutters will always fall on the side of stupid.

It is nothing but pure common sense to make election day a national holiday.

The polls are open all day, at least 12 hours.

Only a lazy fuck would need to rest up after voting.

but hey, you're a liberal and hate working, so I guess you wanna get paid for that day off as well?
Check out TT.........wanting to flex his working man muscles! Cute.

FYI, dummy..........I write the checks around here. I give myself the time off to vote.
Election day ought to be a national holiday, and every person who votes ought to be given a choice of the handgun of their choice followed by an national interstate tailgating party with unlimited beer for all Americans.

That'll make for some interesting election results, let me tell yas.:lol:
Check out TT.........wanting to flex his working man muscles! Cute.

FYI, dummy..........I write the checks around here. I give myself the time off to vote.

So you would look forward to paying your workers to take the whole day off to vote?

knowing full well that they have plenty of time?

unless you're some asshole that works them 12 hour days...
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

EDIT: I should have added another option "leave it to the states to decide"

For me it is all about increasing voter turnout and I just don't see how making it a holiday will increase voter turnout. In fact, I see the opposite happening. Saturday, same thing.
Check out TT.........wanting to flex his working man muscles! Cute.

FYI, dummy..........I write the checks around here. I give myself the time off to vote.

So you would look forward to paying your workers to take the whole day off to vote?

knowing full well that they have plenty of time?

unless you're some asshole that works them 12 hour days...

Well, I must be honest. I used to have seven employees with my other business. I had to shut it down due to a lack of discretionary income in the hands of my key demographic.....middle class families. Funny, that.

The one I have been able to keep open is a one man show at the moment. And.....I often do work 12 hour days. Asshole.
Voting should be made mandatory (Like Jury Duty) and available online.
Election day isn't really election day anymore ... there is early voting everywhere and anyone can file for an absentee ballot these days. Voting has never been easier.
Unfortunately, many times the absentee ballots are not counted unless the election is close. This discourages many people who either work long hours or have a long commute to work from voting an absentee ballot that won't even be counted.

That is a myth.

Top Election Myths Debunked

In fact, voting should be extended to several days Nationwide, including weekends and workdays, such as a four-day voting period from Saturday ending Tuesday.

^^^^ This ^^^^

Early voting in California, which I believe should be a model for other states, starts 29 Days prior to the election. That's when Absentee ballots are mailed (except for overseas voters who get theirs 60 days in advance) and voting centers are available at all Elections Offices. Depending on the election, county registrars can open their voting centers on Saturdays (we were open the last two), but I think it should be mandatory on the Saturday before, just like mentioned above. Over 50% of our county are permanent Vote by Mail voters.

I am also a huge proponent of Same Day voter registration (which the CA legislature just passed as well).
Most of the states that insist on an excuse for absentee voting and do not allow early voting are traditionally Democratic.

Are you sure about that?

The states with no in person early voting allowed:

New Hampshire
Rhode Island

States that require an absentee "excuse":

New York
South Carolina
Early Voting Rules

Looks like a fair mix of both Democratic and Republican States...
I am also a huge proponent of Same Day voter registration (which the CA legislature just passed as well).

Same here. But even that is something that has to be defended. The newly Republican legislature and governor eliminated it in Maine in 2011, only to have the voters reinstate it via referendum last November.

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