Should national election day be moved to the weekend or made a holiday?

Should national election day be moved ?

  • It should stay where its at

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Should be moved to a weekend

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Should stay where its at but be made into a national holiday.

    Votes: 10 35.7%

  • Total voters
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.
The GOP have been blocking both options for years. They know most Dems have jobs that conflict with voting and more republicans are lazy slackers, just look at the size of their leader's audience in the middle of the work day. Their MessiahRushie claims at times to have more than 40 million listeners only 20% of whom he says are Libs. That's a lot of "non-working eaters" as he likes to call them, who have no conflict between voting and a job.

As long as the GOP can filibuster, voting will never be a national holiday or get moved to the weekend.

Yes, of course elections should be moved to the weekend; but as correctly noted, the right would fight such a move aggressively.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

Why change it? Do you have something against farmers voting in elections? Do you think more people will show up if it is a weekend? People travel on weekends, they aren't going to not travel simply because there is an election.

Making it a holiday is even dumber than moving it to a weekend. Sotres would start having election day sales and people would go shopping instead.

It might not suit your enlightened point of view, but it fracking works, so leave it the frack alone.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.
The GOP have been blocking both options for years. They know most Dems have jobs that conflict with voting and more republicans are lazy slackers, just look at the size of their leader's audience in the middle of the work day. Their MessiahRushie claims at times to have more than 40 million listeners only 20% of whom he says are Libs. That's a lot of "non-working eaters" as he likes to call them, who have no conflict between voting and a job.

As long as the GOP can filibuster, voting will never be a national holiday or get moved to the weekend.

When are you going to stop being a hack and live up to the name you picked?
The last thing we (IMO) is something else to eat away from what little time off people (who work) already have. Forget voting on the weekend.

So you don't believe in your civic duty...

Having it on a weekend makes total of the more weird things about the US political system....
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

Nothing wrong with Tuesday being election day.

But if it OK to have a ONE DAY election day it should be OK to have a ONE DAY primary day. All states having primaries/caucuses on the same day, let's say the first Tuesday in August.

That would leave three months till election and plenty of time for a convention.

Imagine all the money that could be saved! Imagine all the sanity that could be preserved!

Imagine Rick Perry being the Republican nominee because no one finds out how stupid he is until after the primary is over.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

GOP would never allow this because low voter turnout usually means more GOP victories.

How does the election being on Tuesday lower turnout?
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

Why change it? Do you have something against farmers voting in elections? Do you think more people will show up if it is a weekend? People travel on weekends, they aren't going to not travel simply because there is an election.

Making it a holiday is even dumber than moving it to a weekend. Sotres would start having election day sales and people would go shopping instead.

It might not suit your enlightened point of view, but it fracking works, so leave it the frack alone.

Wow, talk about drawing long bows. What a load of having it during the week helps those who are doing long shifts or can't get to the polls? In Aus and NZ is it on a Sat...much bigger turn out....having it during the working week is just stupid. Mind you, a huge chunk of your political system is there ya go....:cool:
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.


It should be a week long election so that any "irregularities" can be investigated while the election is underway. It also allows for bad weather to be averted.

Someone had the idea of making it the Saturday after April 15....I like the idea.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

GOP would never allow this because low voter turnout usually means more GOP victories.

How does the election being on Tuesday lower turnout?

How can it not? People's first priority is putting food on the table and earning a living. You think somebody who lives in a right to work state, gets a window of opportunity to either have to work, or vote, he'll not take the option that keeps his job? Sure people work on a Sat, but most don't. Makes total sense....
True Lewe, but I still think one day should be a national holiday; I know some people who say they could not vote due to their work schedules.

They lie. I know firefighters that are on 24 hour call that manage to vote. There are precincts every few blocks in most cities. If you move it to a weekend those same people will tell you they couldn't vote because they had to take care of the kids.
True Lewe, but I still think one day should be a national holiday; I know some people who say they could not vote due to their work schedules.

Then they are either to stupid to vote, to lazy to vote or LYING. I don't know a single State that does not allow early voting or absentee ballots. Since they are your friends one would assume they are lefties which means the third choice is probably the correct one.

Well, there are more than a dozen that have neither early voting nor no-excuse absentee voting. Not to mention the efforts this year and last in multiple states--mostly turned back by the voters, I believe--to curtail those practices.

Your link clearly says every single state has some form of absentee balloting. Nice of you to try and twist that to make it look like some states don't.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.
The GOP have been blocking both options for years. They know most Dems have jobs that conflict with voting and more republicans are lazy slackers, just look at the size of their leader's audience in the middle of the work day. Their MessiahRushie claims at times to have more than 40 million listeners only 20% of whom he says are Libs. That's a lot of "non-working eaters" as he likes to call them, who have no conflict between voting and a job.

As long as the GOP can filibuster, voting will never be a national holiday or get moved to the weekend.

Yes, of course elections should be moved to the weekend; but as correctly noted, the right would fight such a move aggressively.

The Left would never do that, would they?
True Lewe, but I still think one day should be a national holiday; I know some people who say they could not vote due to their work schedules.

They lie. I know firefighters that are on 24 hour call that manage to vote. There are precincts every few blocks in most cities. If you move it to a weekend those same people will tell you they couldn't vote because they had to take care of the kids.

Yes, as I posted, some people cannot be "bothered". I see & read of those who risk their lives trying to vote in other nations, and do not understand why Americans are not thrilled to vote. In graduate school, my fiance* did not register because he did not want to serve on a jury, and possibly miss a good surfing day. (I am NOT joking.) We did not marry.

I was pleased when I able to serve on a Grand Jury, and did not mind the lost revenue one bit.
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

Why change it? Do you have something against farmers voting in elections? Do you think more people will show up if it is a weekend? People travel on weekends, they aren't going to not travel simply because there is an election.

Making it a holiday is even dumber than moving it to a weekend. Sotres would start having election day sales and people would go shopping instead.

It might not suit your enlightened point of view, but it fracking works, so leave it the frack alone.

Wow, talk about drawing long bows. What a load of having it during the week helps those who are doing long shifts or can't get to the polls? In Aus and NZ is it on a Sat...much bigger turn out....having it during the working week is just stupid. Mind you, a huge chunk of your political system is there ya go....:cool:

And yet, in Britain, it's always on a weekday - but they don't have a set date for it.... although the coalition government has tried to change that by announcing the date of the next election already.

Also, I find it fascinating how easily you challenge any right wing perspective and yet give a total pass to the asinine remarks from the left. Why is that? They make shit up and you just stroll past... the right say anything and you're all over it like white on rice. Pity... you're a logical person... it would be cool if you could apply that logic to the left as well as you do the right.
Election day isn't really election day anymore ... there is early voting everywhere and anyone can file for an absentee ballot these days. Voting has never been easier.
Unfortunately, many times the absentee ballots are not counted unless the election is close. This discourages many people who either work long hours or have a long commute to work from voting an absentee ballot that won't even be counted.
Why change it? Do you have something against farmers voting in elections? Do you think more people will show up if it is a weekend? People travel on weekends, they aren't going to not travel simply because there is an election.

Making it a holiday is even dumber than moving it to a weekend. Sotres would start having election day sales and people would go shopping instead.

It might not suit your enlightened point of view, but it fracking works, so leave it the frack alone.

Wow, talk about drawing long bows. What a load of having it during the week helps those who are doing long shifts or can't get to the polls? In Aus and NZ is it on a Sat...much bigger turn out....having it during the working week is just stupid. Mind you, a huge chunk of your political system is there ya go....:cool:

And yet, in Britain, it's always on a weekday - but they don't have a set date for it.... although the coalition government has tried to change that by announcing the date of the next election already.

Also, I find it fascinating how easily you challenge any right wing perspective and yet give a total pass to the asinine remarks from the left. Why is that? They make shit up and you just stroll past... the right say anything and you're all over it like white on rice. Pity... you're a logical person... it would be cool if you could apply that logic to the left as well as you do the right.

Yep, it's a dumb idea in Britain too..
Because, generally MOST (not all) lefties and I are on a similar page, and I come on these boards to debate right wing politicos, not left wing ones...;o)

And the extreme lefties I totally ignore, like I do most of the extreme righties. You see me never interacting with TM or NYCarb or Eots for a reason. Ditto Ukatore or Chesswar
Should national election day be moved to the weekend?

Poll pending....

explain answer.

MY response:

YES. Tuesday as national voting day is way out dated. Sorry but how many of you live on farms? How many of you that do live on farms require more than a day to get to the nearest voting booth?

Voting day should obviously be on a Saturday - or at least made a national holiday.

Why change it? Do you have something against farmers voting in elections? Do you think more people will show up if it is a weekend? People travel on weekends, they aren't going to not travel simply because there is an election.

Making it a holiday is even dumber than moving it to a weekend. Sotres would start having election day sales and people would go shopping instead.

It might not suit your enlightened point of view, but it fracking works, so leave it the frack alone.

Wow, talk about drawing long bows. What a load of having it during the week helps those who are doing long shifts or can't get to the polls? In Aus and NZ is it on a Sat...much bigger turn out....having it during the working week is just stupid. Mind you, a huge chunk of your political system is there ya go....:cool:

Did I say it helps? What I said is that his arguments for having it on the weekend are bullshit. Every shift job I ever worked required me to work rotating weekends, so moving it to a weekend wouldn't make a bit of difference to that portion of the population. New Zealand and Australia both have compulsory voting, my guess is that contributes to the larger turnout more than it being on Saturday, but I am willing to watch you make a fool out of yourself by trying to prove me wrong.

Or did you think I was so stupid I didn't know that little fact?
Elections a "HOLYDAY" Gracie?

Look up the root of the word.

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