Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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I never expected much from a black liberal other than increasing welfare and other give a ways, but Obama has been worse than I thought! The lying, bi-sexual, non-transparent, unpatriotic POS deserves being in front of a firing squad!
I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.
Republicans don't have the balls

They got their asses handed to them last time when they overplayed their impeachment card

They've got two and a have years to grow a pair, and I guarantee you, after you libroids get your asses handed to you in the November elections, I think they will.

Barry is skating on VERY thin ice as it is, one tiny little shift in power and his ass is grass, and the Tea Party is the lawn mower.

Republicans lack the balls

They will not dare impeach in an election year and if they try the same bullshit in 2015, they will blow any chance they have at the White House in 2016
OH quite contrar my little brain washed libroid.

Maybe that's what you obamabots would like to believe, but the impeachment of that disgusting, radical, kenyan turd would fire up the conservative base like nothing other. When doesn't matter.
I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

And right there is the DO NOTHING ATTITUDE that all true conservatives are SICK OF.

Thanks for the GUTLESS illustration of the right wing. I would have expected such APATHY from you anyway.
Lets see....what tools do Republicans have against Obama?

1. Impeachment
2.Government Shutdown
3. Default on the National Debt

When are you guys going to expand your toolbox?
They've got two and a have years to grow a pair, and I guarantee you, after you libroids get your asses handed to you in the November elections, I think they will.

Barry is skating on VERY thin ice as it is, one tiny little shift in power and his ass is grass, and the Tea Party is the lawn mower.

Republicans lack the balls

They will not dare impeach in an election year and if they try the same bullshit in 2015, they will blow any chance they have at the White House in 2016
OH quite contrar my little brain washed libroid.

Maybe that's what you obamabots would like to believe, but the impeachment of that disgusting, radical, kenyan turd would fire up the conservative base like nothing other. When doesn't matter.

The conservative base isn't big enough to win a presidential election. Impeachment would guarantee the GOP isn't in the White House until 2021 at the earliest.
I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

And right there is the DO NOTHING ATTITUDE that all true conservatives are SICK OF.

Thanks for the GUTLESS illustration of the right wing. I would have expected such APATHY from you anyway.
I prefer to think of it as HAVING A BRAIN. Impeach Obama and you give the keys to the whitehouse to Hillary.
While true 007 the conservative base won't swing any elections. Moderates do that.

If that were true, we'd be saying "President Romney" right now.

The moderate vote does not swing elections, the CONSERVATIVE vote does.

And nothing makes the conservatives stay home more than a DO NOTHING bunch of gutless politicians masquerading as conservatives.
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While true 007 the conservative base won't swing any elections. Moderates do that.

If that were true, we'd be saying "President Romney" right now.

The moderate vote does not swing elections, the CONSERVATIVE vote does.

And nothing makes the conservatives stay home more than a DO NOTHING bunch of gutless politicians masquerading as conservatives.

Except moderates didn't vote for Romney. Why can't you guys keep your eye on the prize? You've got such a hard on for Obama you can't see anything else.

Now im sure this is where you all start calling me a liberal and thats fine I suppose. Many of you have no history of rational judgement anyways.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.
While true 007 the conservative base won't swing any elections. Moderates do that.

If that were true, we'd be saying "President Romney" right now.

The moderate vote does not swing elections, the CONSERVATIVE vote does.

And nothing makes the conservatives stay home more than a DO NOTHING bunch of gutless politicians masquerading as conservatives.

WRONG. If Romney would have won the moderates, he would have won the election.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

The first thing Republicans will do if they take te Senate is to change the filibuster rules back to a 50% vote

Even the Republican Senators are not dumb enough to impeach Obama <OK maybe Ted Cruz is>
There's another reason why Obama should be impeached: he has violated the law as written in ObamaCare with his illegal delays and changes.
Republicans don't have the balls

They got their asses handed to them last time when they overplayed their impeachment card

Back then the Senate was packed with sanctimonious yahoos and former KKK Grand Wizards like Robert Byrd who talked the talk, but in typical liberal fashion refused walk the walk, or just plain was too much of a chicken to walk the walk.

A Republican House and a Republican Senate will see that the job is done this time.
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I am undecided.

I do not have a List of Charges in front of me, comprised of charges that would be likely to 'stick' in either a court of law or the pseudo-court proceedings associated with the Impeachment process.

I also suspect that any Impeachment by the House would result in an Acquittal in the Senate unless the Charges are particularly odious.

I also suspect that some of our colleagues posting here are right, in speculating that a successful Impeachment would mean (1) defeat at the Polls in 2016 and (2) putting Biden in charge; neither of which I find acceptable.

But, in all fairness, I need to see the Charges before I lock-in my decision, so...

I am undecided.
While true 007 the conservative base won't swing any elections. Moderates do that.

If that were true, we'd be saying "President Romney" right now.

The moderate vote does not swing elections, the CONSERVATIVE vote does.

And nothing makes the conservatives stay home more than a DO NOTHING bunch of gutless politicians masquerading as conservatives.

WRONG. If Romney would have won the moderates, he would have won the election.

Wrong, Romney was a RINO and did win the moderate vote. Conservatives stayed home and now we have obama.

When you people going to get that throw your thick skulls? You're believing what the LIBERAL LEFT wants you to believe, not the truth.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

The first thing Republicans will do if they take te Senate is to change the filibuster rules back to a 50% vote

Even the Republican Senators are not dumb enough to impeach Obama <OK maybe Ted Cruz is>

It ain't just Cruz, and this idea isn't new...

Stockman has arranged for all 435 members of the House to receive a copy of Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott. The books have been donated by the publisher, WND Books. Klein has described the book as "the first draft of articles of impeachment." The long list of charges it describes include the shipment of guns to Mexican drug cartels in the Justice Department's "Fast and Furious" operation; the U.S. and NATO 2011 bombing campaign in Libya without congressional approval; granting de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens by executive order; and the use of Department of Homeland Security's Fusion Centers, together with the National Security Agency's collection of e-mails and phone call records, to put the nation under surveillance.

... not to mention illegally changing/not enforcing the very law that he signed into law, ovomitcare, ramming it down the throats of Americans against the majority's will...

House Republicans Ponder the "I-Word" (Impeachment) for Obama
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