Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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If that were true, we'd be saying "President Romney" right now.

The moderate vote does not swing elections, the CONSERVATIVE vote does.

And nothing makes the conservatives stay home more than a DO NOTHING bunch of gutless politicians masquerading as conservatives.

WRONG. If Romney would have won the moderates, he would have won the election.

Wrong, Romney was a RINO and did win the moderate vote. Conservatives stayed home and now we have obama.

When you people going to get that throw your thick skulls? You're believing what the LIBERAL LEFT wants you to believe, not the truth.

Romney got crushed in the moderate vote 56-40. There are more people who are self identified conservatives than liberals so the GOP has a built in advantage there. They've gotten destroyed when it comes to moderates in the last 2 elections.

I don't expect someone who thought an internet poll was a predictor of this election to understand this information though.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

The first thing Republicans will do if they take te Senate is to change the filibuster rules back to a 50% vote

Even the Republican Senators are not dumb enough to impeach Obama <OK maybe Ted Cruz is>

It ain't just Cruz, and this idea isn't new...

Stockman has arranged for all 435 members of the House to receive a copy of Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott. The books have been donated by the publisher, WND Books. Klein has described the book as "the first draft of articles of impeachment." The long list of charges it describes include the shipment of guns to Mexican drug cartels in the Justice Department's "Fast and Furious" operation; the U.S. and NATO 2011 bombing campaign in Libya without congressional approval; granting de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens by executive order; and the use of Department of Homeland Security's Fusion Centers, together with the National Security Agency's collection of e-mails and phone call records, to put the nation under surveillance.

... not to mention illegally changing/not enforcing the very law that he signed into law, ovomitcare, ramming it down the throats of Americans against the majority's will...

House Republicans Ponder the "I-Word" (Impeachment) for Obama

Is that the Ted Nugent Stockman?
He should of been when it was found out he LIED to us about ObamaCare

and Pelosi saying we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it

He's not even legally qualified to serve - it's pretty well established that he's not even an American for Christs Sake - The evidence is overwhelming , yet libtards turn a blind eye !!

This shouldn't even be a partisan issue - he's not legally the President !!!!
The so called conservatives who stayed home on election day rather than vote for Romney gave the world a second Obama term, and in their idiocy will do the same again in 2014 for House and Senate and in 2016 for President as well.

They were the so called "Christians" who could not see a Mormon better than a Muslim.

They were the ones who demanded a PERFECT Republican to fill their vision of a perfect Republican.

They were the ones who decided that it is better to be completely right and lose than being partially right and WIN.

They are the ones who elected Obama by not voting. After all, it is more comfortable to sit on your fat ass and preach than go and do something about it.

Here is hoping that it won't happen again in 2014 and 2016.
He should of been when it was found out he LIED to us about ObamaCare

and Pelosi saying we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it

He's not even legally qualified to serve - it's pretty well established that he's not even an American for Christs Sake - The evidence is overwhelming , yet libtards turn a blind eye !!

This shouldn't even be a partisan issue - he's not legally the President !!!!

There is no place in the Constitution that authorizes impeachment of a Kenyan

Looks like you lose
He should of been when it was found out he LIED to us about ObamaCare

and Pelosi saying we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it

He's not even legally qualified to serve - it's pretty well established that he's not even an American for Christs Sake - The evidence is overwhelming , yet libtards turn a blind eye !!

This shouldn't even be a partisan issue - he's not legally the President !!!!

There is no place in the Constitution that authorizes impeachment of a Kenyan

Looks like you lose

Holy shit Norton - Pow Boom straight to the Moon .

I see you been spending too much time in the sewer again !
If the same standards as were used during the Nixon administration were applied to Obama he would have been looking for a job two years ago. Barry lied and people died.
The so called conservatives who stayed home on election day rather than vote for Romney gave the world a second Obama term, and in their idiocy will do the same again in 2014 for House and Senate and in 2016 for President as well.

They were the so called "Christians" who could not see a Mormon better than a Muslim.

They were the ones who demanded a PERFECT Republican to fill their vision of a perfect Republican.

They were the ones who decided that it is better to be completely right and lose than being partially right and WIN.

They are the ones who elected Obama by not voting. After all, it is more comfortable to sit on your fat ass and preach than go and do something about it.

Here is hoping that it won't happen again in 2014 and 2016.
Yep. We lost the governor's race here for the same reason and it looks like it will be a long time before the right gets another chance. If 200 more 3rd party not-right-wing-enough types had voted.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

Why? Impeachment is done in the House not the Senate. Furthermore it only takes a simple majority vote too. Of course you'd have to have 67 Senate votes to convict and remove the President from office.
I fully support conservatives who want to show the country what they're made of and what they're all about when it comes to Republicans introducing Articles of Impeachment.

The only question is what the charge would be. How 'bout being president while Black? After all, he's guilty of that for sure.
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I fully support conservatives who want to show the country what they're made of and what they're all about when it comes to Republicans instroducing Articles of Impeachment.

The only question is what the charge would be. How 'bout being president while Black? After all, he's guilty of that for sure.

I'm thinking either bowing or teleprompter reading
I fully support conservatives who want to show the country what they're made of and what they're all about when it comes to Republicans instroducing Articles of Impeachment.

The only question is what the charge would be. How 'bout being president while Black? After all, he's guilty of that for sure.

I'm thinking either bowing or teleprompter reading

Those would be tougher. After all, Reagan used a teleprompter, and Bush held hands with a Saudi prince.

No, being Black while President would work.

After the Impeachment (which is a fait acompli), imagine the trial in the Senate which most people would consider to be an uphill fight.

Here's a conservative summation:

Mr President (of the Senate), you can NOT deny that President Obama is, in FACT, Black. So, clearly he's guilty of the charge as outlined in the Articles of Impeachment sent over from the House. Therefore, this august body has no choice but to find the President GUILTY!

I rest my case!
When Michele Bachmann is the brains of the operation, well, say no more...

ummhmm, no comment as usual on the topic of the's insult another woman politician, or carry on the war on women you left have a lock on

There is no war on women from the left. There is only a war on idiots like Bachmann and Palin.

there should be one on you little Ace so called, grown up talking troll
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