Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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I fully support conservatives who want to show the country what they're made of and what they're all about when it comes to Republicans instroducing Articles of Impeachment.

The only question is what the charge would be. How 'bout being president while Black? After all, he's guilty of that for sure.

I'm thinking either bowing or teleprompter reading

Are you kidding. The LOVE it when Obama bows down. It shows that he's at least aware of his station in life.
I fully support conservatives who want to show the country what they're made of and what they're all about when it comes to Republicans instroducing Articles of Impeachment.

The only question is what the charge would be. How 'bout being president while Black? After all, he's guilty of that for sure.

I'm thinking either bowing or teleprompter reading

Are you kidding. The LOVE it when Obama bows down. It shows that he's at least aware of his station in life.

this is part of the reason Obama's disapprovals are where they are^^^^^^

people like you should be proud you've had hand in it..

the people are sick of having this kind of crap shoved in their faces
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Truly the stuff of Birthers, Benghazi-Truthers and losers.

I wish they would suspend the idiots who start OPs like this for 24-36 hours
. Nothing Obama has done has come close to the realm of being considered impeachable.

Just like a liberal to want to take away the freedom of speech.

Die hard cult members don't care what they have to do to protect their Dear Leader

she should of been on this board during Booooooooooooooooooooooosh

they had him in jail, impeached, hung from the highest trees..They were all big and bad then, now not so's waaaa
What - one more teabagger calls for impeachment to prove his credentials?

Major gain! Major gain! :lol:
This is how this administration duped you people...Now only they (the Federal Government) will be in charge of your Health Insurance
unbelievable...yet some think Obama shouldn't be impeached
Links and video at site


Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: “Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 9:00 AM

In November 2013, Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, a former adviser to the Obama White House, admitted that, if Democrats have their way, the individual insurance market is going away.

“Insurance companies don’t want, insurance companies don’t want the individual market as it’s constructed. They see the future. That individual market is going away. They don’t want to invest in it.”

That was their plan all along.
Via FOX News Sunday:
[ame=]Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: Insurance Companies See the Future - "The Individual Market Is Going Away" - YouTube[/ame]

This week Ezekiel Emanuel went a step further and wrote that insurance companies as we know them are about to die.
Emanuel penned this at The New Republic:

all of it here
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This is how this administration duped you people...Now only they (the Federal Government) will be in charge of your Health Insurance
unbelievable...yet some think Obama shouldn't be impeached
Links and video at site


Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: “Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 9:00 AM

In November 2013, Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, a former adviser to the Obama White House, admitted that, if Democrats have their way, the individual insurance market is going away.

“Insurance companies don’t want, insurance companies don’t want the individual market as it’s constructed. They see the future. That individual market is going away. They don’t want to invest in it.”

That was their plan all along.
Via FOX News Sunday:
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: Insurance Companies See the Future - "The Individual Market Is Going Away" - YouTube

This week Ezekiel Emanuel went a step further and wrote that insurance companies as we know them are about to die.
Emanuel penned this at The New Republic:

all of it here
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: ?Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die? | The Gateway Pundit

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Stephanie. She's the only person in America who likes insurance companies except for the people who make more money when they can find justifications for denying claims.
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This is how this administration duped you people...Now only they (the Federal Government) will be in charge of your Health Insurance
unbelievable...yet some think Obama shouldn't be impeached
Links and video at site


Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: “Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 9:00 AM

In November 2013, Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, a former adviser to the Obama White House, admitted that, if Democrats have their way, the individual insurance market is going away.

“Insurance companies don’t want, insurance companies don’t want the individual market as it’s constructed. They see the future. That individual market is going away. They don’t want to invest in it.”

That was their plan all along.
Via FOX News Sunday:
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: Insurance Companies See the Future - "The Individual Market Is Going Away" - YouTube

This week Ezekiel Emanuel went a step further and wrote that insurance companies as we know them are about to die.
Emanuel penned this at The New Republic:

all of it here
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: ?Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die? | The Gateway Pundit

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Stephanie. She's the only person in America who likes insurance companies except for the people who make money more money when they can find justifications for denying claims.

I don't like anything that is being controlled by the Federal Government and I care about my freedoms from this fascist Federal Government program called, ObamaCare.... and I don't care to be LIED TOO or DUPED BY THEM
Evidently you don't mind either
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Truly the stuff of Birthers, Benghazi-Truthers and losers.

You democrats are united in your opposition to truth about Benghazi. :thup:

Let's blame an internet video and throw the producer in prison for insulting Muhammad! It's the democrat way.

Absolutely not.

As a strong Conservative, I feel there is not better way to ensure a Republican victory in the midterms and in 2016 than leaving this idiot in power!;)

The joke that is "Liberalism" is being exposed more every minute that Obama is "president". The best thing Conservatives can do is let it self-destruct.

Enjoy the show!:D:D
I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

Impeaching Obama is a poor political strategy for the Republicans. As long as democrats hold the Senate, he cannot be removed from office. democrats serve their party and not the nation, no amount of evidence will ever sway them to do the honorable thing.

That said, back in 1973 this nation went through a crises. We had a president who believed himself above the law and asked that the IRS be used to attack his enemies. Even though his request was refused, the act of asking caused men of honor to pledge against their party and vow to impeach. Nixon resigned with a message that no one is above the law.

Now we have Obama, who with an openly criminal AG, has pissed all over our laws. Obama has done what Nixon failed at, and used the IRS to harass enemies of himself and the party. That democrats are without a shred of honor and will not act in an ethical manner doesn't change that Obama SHOULD be impeached. Holder belongs in prison - period. That Obama continues to allow this criminal to act as the top law enforcement official in the naiton is reason enough to remove Obama from office.
I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

Impeaching Obama is a poor political strategy for the Republicans. As long as democrats hold the Senate, he cannot be removed from office. democrats serve their party and not the nation, no amount of evidence will ever sway them to do the honorable thing.

That said, back in 1973 this nation went through a crises. We had a president who believed himself above the law and asked that the IRS be used to attack his enemies. Even though his request was refused, the act of asking caused men of honor to pledge against their party and vow to impeach. Nixon resigned with a message that no one is above the law.

Now we have Obama, who with an openly criminal AG, has pissed all over our laws. Obama has done what Nixon failed at, and used the IRS to harass enemies of himself and the party. That democrats are without a shred of honor and will not act in an ethical manner doesn't change that Obama SHOULD be impeached. Holder belongs in prison - period. That Obama continues to allow this criminal to act as the top law enforcement official in the naiton is reason enough to remove Obama from office.

As much as I'd like to see this whole bunch of corrupted evil people jailed, I agree with you...we have another two years of this lawless administration running over us and our Representation in Congress..It makes me ill
hat said, back in 1973 this nation went through a crises. We had a president who believed himself above the law and asked that the IRS be used to attack his enemies. Even though his request was refused, the act of asking caused men of honor to pledge against their party and vow to impeach.

He was impeached for covering up a breaking and entering.
This is how this administration duped you people...Now only they (the Federal Government) will be in charge of your Health Insurance
unbelievable...yet some think Obama shouldn't be impeached
Links and video at site


Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: “Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 9:00 AM

In November 2013, Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, a former adviser to the Obama White House, admitted that, if Democrats have their way, the individual insurance market is going away.

“Insurance companies don’t want, insurance companies don’t want the individual market as it’s constructed. They see the future. That individual market is going away. They don’t want to invest in it.”

That was their plan all along.
Via FOX News Sunday:
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: Insurance Companies See the Future - "The Individual Market Is Going Away" - YouTube

This week Ezekiel Emanuel went a step further and wrote that insurance companies as we know them are about to die.
Emanuel penned this at The New Republic:

all of it here
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: ?Insurance Companies As We Know Then Are About to Die? | The Gateway Pundit

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Stephanie. She's the only person in America who likes insurance companies except for the people who make money more money when they can find justifications for denying claims.

I don't like anything that is being controlled by the Federal Government and I care about my freedoms from this fascist Federal Government program called, ObamaCare.... and I don't care to be LIED TOO or DUPED BY THEM
Evidently you don't mind either

You're clueless to such a degree that it borders on the unbelieveable, like a shill sent in to make conservatives look like dopes. Do you have any clue what insurance companies would do without gov't regulation?

They would take premiums while providing virtually nothing in terms of coverage or benefits.

They likely wouldn't keep enough money in reserve in order to pay claims.

They would declare bankruptcy if and when disasters or increased claims made it looked like a good business move.

There would be exclusions and exceptions in the fine print that you would never know about unless you had a claim OR a lawyer reviewed your policy before you signed, and you would have no recourse because there would be few, if any, laws to protect YOU the freedom-loving consumer from the politically well-connected insurance company which would likely be a major campaign contributor to BOTH Republicans and Democrats.

They would carve up territory (some already do this) in order to prevent competition so they wouldn't have to underbid each other for business.

That just scratches the surface.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Stephanie. She's the only person in America who likes insurance companies except for the people who make money more money when they can find justifications for denying claims.

I don't like anything that is being controlled by the Federal Government and I care about my freedoms from this fascist Federal Government program called, ObamaCare.... and I don't care to be LIED TOO or DUPED BY THEM
Evidently you don't mind either

You're clueless to such a degree that it borders on the unbelieveable, like a shill sent in to make conservatives look like dopes. Do you have any clue what insurance companies would do without gov't regulation?

They would take premiums while providing virtually nothing in terms of coverage or benefits.

They likely wouldn't keep enough money in reserve in order to pay claims.

They would declare bankruptcy if and when disasters or increased claims made it looked like a good business move.

There would be exclusions and exceptions in the fine print that you would never know about unless you had a claim OR a lawyer reviewed your policy before you signed, and you would have no recourse because there would be few, if any, laws to protect YOU the freedom-loving consumer from the politically well-connected insurance company which would likely be a major campaign contributor to BOTH Republicans and Democrats.

They would carve up territory (some already do this) in order to prevent competition so they wouldn't have to underbid each other for business.

That just scratches the surface.

what do I care about all that?
what I chose for insurance is my choice..but being duped by this government that ObamaCare sole purpose was to kill the insurance industry is all our concerns
and want to see a dope, look in a's ugly
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I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

Impeaching Obama is a poor political strategy for the Republicans. As long as democrats hold the Senate, he cannot be removed from office. democrats serve their party and not the nation, no amount of evidence will ever sway them to do the honorable thing.

That said, back in 1973 this nation went through a crises. We had a president who believed himself above the law and asked that the IRS be used to attack his enemies. Even though his request was refused, the act of asking caused men of honor to pledge against their party and vow to impeach. Nixon resigned with a message that no one is above the law.

Now we have Obama, who with an openly criminal AG, has pissed all over our laws. Obama has done what Nixon failed at, and used the IRS to harass enemies of himself and the party. That democrats are without a shred of honor and will not act in an ethical manner doesn't change that Obama SHOULD be impeached. Holder belongs in prison - period. That Obama continues to allow this criminal to act as the top law enforcement official in the naiton is reason enough to remove Obama from office.

Malarkey, the Republicans turned on Nixon only after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Nixon had to surrender the tapes. On the tapes he incriminates himself. It's all history

The GOP has nothing on AG Holder or President Obama. If they did they'd have used it by now.

Turn off Fox
Bad News for America
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