Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

  • Total voters
even some the Left have taken notice and spoken out against obama's extr-Constitutional excesses

idiots and hypocrites
That is the question, since the call for it seems to be slowly but surely building steam.


Make your case for how you vote.

I said "no"....but can change mind if you've got some evidence to show us of some impeachable offense.

Benghazi attorney: What Obama just did absolutely illegal, impeachable

August 13, 2013 by Michael Dorstewitz

Former U.S. attorney Joe DiGenova, who currently represents several of the so-called “Benghazi whistleblowers,” affirmed that when President Obama told the White House Press Corps at his Friday news conference that “a sealed indictment” exists relative to the Benghazi attack, he committed an impeachable offense.

When the issue of the indictment was raised on WMAL’s Mornings On The Mall Monday during the DiGenova interview, he said the indictment “is indeed” supposed to remain under seal.

“We are now getting close to a series of statements by the president that puts him on the wrong road to impeachable offenses,” he said.

“At that news conference, the President of the United States violated a court order of the United States District Court for either the Eastern District of Virginia or the District of Columbia where this sealed indictment apparently exists,” DiGenova noted.

“He is not allowed to say that. A president can declassify a document, but he cannot unseal an indictment. Only a federal court can do that,” he explained. “Whoever is the chief judge of either one of those districts should issue a show cause order for the United States attorney for that district as to why the United States attorney or the president should not be held in contempt.”

The statement DiGenova is referring to is one Obama threw out to the press Friday.

‘‘There’s a sealed indictment,’’ Obama said at the White House news conference according to ABC News. ‘‘It’s sealed for a reason, but we are intent on capturing those who carried out this attack. And we’re going to stay on it until we get them.’’

DiGenova described that statement as “unbelievable,” and added, “This was from our professor-president — our so-called “constitutional scholar.” There’s just no doubt about it — it was illegal,” he emphasized.

“But the AP reporter, Julie Pace, who was on ‘Fox News Sunday’ said, ‘It was kind of unusual for the president to talk about a sealed indictment in a public setting.’ It wasn’t unusual; it was illegal.”

Listen to the full interview, courtesy of WMAL.

Benghazi attorney: What Obama just did absolutely illegal, impeachable - BizPac Review
I don't like anything that is being controlled by the Federal Government and I care about my freedoms from this fascist Federal Government program called, ObamaCare.... and I don't care to be LIED TOO or DUPED BY THEM
Evidently you don't mind either

You're clueless to such a degree that it borders on the unbelieveable, like a shill sent in to make conservatives look like dopes. Do you have any clue what insurance companies would do without gov't regulation?

They would take premiums while providing virtually nothing in terms of coverage or benefits.

They likely wouldn't keep enough money in reserve in order to pay claims.

They would declare bankruptcy if and when disasters or increased claims made it looked like a good business move.

There would be exclusions and exceptions in the fine print that you would never know about unless you had a claim OR a lawyer reviewed your policy before you signed, and you would have no recourse because there would be few, if any, laws to protect YOU the freedom-loving consumer from the politically well-connected insurance company which would likely be a major campaign contributor to BOTH Republicans and Democrats.

They would carve up territory (some already do this) in order to prevent competition so they wouldn't have to underbid each other for business.

That just scratches the surface.

what do I care about all that?
what I chose for insurance is my choice..but being duped by this government that ObamaCare sole purpose was to kill the insurance industry is all our concerns
and want to see a dope, look in a's ugly

Gov't regulations and regulators help prevent people like you from getting ripped off, and you're just too obtuse to see it.
Republicans don't have the balls

They got their asses handed to them last time when they overplayed their impeachment card

You're giving them too much credit.

And you're assuming they give a shit about the government.

They don't.
Better to give a shit about The People, than to give a shit about The Government.

That said, neither Party much gives a damn about either, by the look of it, except as means to an end.
The worse it looks for Obama the sillier the left gets. They drug Bush into it, now we are reaching all the way back to Nixon. Nixon screwed himself but it didn't cost me any money. Obama's lies directly effect many millions of Americans. No, he shouldn't be impeached, it won't work and Americans voted stupidly so we all have to pay the price. Obama doesn't have another term and we need both houses of Congress in November and need to start repairing the damage.

I pine for the days when the loony left marched in the streets with their juvenile posters and chanted mindless slogans. Let's bring back the good old days!
I don't like anything that is being controlled by the Federal Government and I care about my freedoms from this fascist Federal Government program called, ObamaCare.... and I don't care to be LIED TOO or DUPED BY THEM
Evidently you don't mind either

You're clueless to such a degree that it borders on the unbelieveable, like a shill sent in to make conservatives look like dopes. Do you have any clue what insurance companies would do without gov't regulation?

They would take premiums while providing virtually nothing in terms of coverage or benefits.

They likely wouldn't keep enough money in reserve in order to pay claims.

They would declare bankruptcy if and when disasters or increased claims made it looked like a good business move.

There would be exclusions and exceptions in the fine print that you would never know about unless you had a claim OR a lawyer reviewed your policy before you signed, and you would have no recourse because there would be few, if any, laws to protect YOU the freedom-loving consumer from the politically well-connected insurance company which would likely be a major campaign contributor to BOTH Republicans and Democrats.

They would carve up territory (some already do this) in order to prevent competition so they wouldn't have to underbid each other for business.

That just scratches the surface.

what do I care about all that?
what I chose for insurance is my choice..but being duped by this government that ObamaCare sole purpose was to kill the insurance industry is all our concerns
and want to see a dope, look in a's ugly

Just amazing..really.
Republicans don't have the balls

They got their asses handed to them last time when they overplayed their impeachment card

You're giving them too much credit.

And you're assuming they give a shit about the government.

They don't.
Better to give a shit about The People, than to give a shit about The Government.

That said, neither Party much gives a damn about either, by the look of it, except as means to an end.

The last thing conservatives give a shit about is people other than themselves.
Truly the stuff of Birthers, Benghazi-Truthers and losers.

You democrats are united in your opposition to truth about Benghazi. :thup:

Let's blame an internet video and throw the producer in prison for insulting Muhammad! It's the democrat way.


Yes this topic is right up your alley.

Cover for Mitt, throw a hissy fit.

How dare you claim there was a Protest that some Extremist used to launch their attack! How dare you claim that the video which was causing wide spread demonstrations throughout the Middle East had anything to do with why the Extremist attacked!
You're giving them too much credit.

And you're assuming they give a shit about the government.

They don't.
Better to give a shit about The People, than to give a shit about The Government.

That said, neither Party much gives a damn about either, by the look of it, except as means to an end.

The last thing conservatives give a shit about is people other than themselves.

I love how you Liberals define individualism.

Like it or not, its what made this country into the superpower it was before YOUR "president" took office....But, never fear, it will be back.:)
Talk of impeachment has become just another political process, sort of like writing a letter to the editor or expressing some sort of political indignation. The House could impeach tomorrow on any charges it might devise but instead Repubicans just talk of the terrible crimes the president has committed. Impeachment is a political process, not broken laws and Republicans on occassion trot it out as one of their desperation moves. The primary reason Republicans don't impeach is because it could bite them, so Republican just use impeachment as a threat. If the nation began impeaching presidents for acting as presidents the nation would be trouble. Not gonna happen.
By the way what is a "high crime"?
Talk of impeachment has become just another political process, sort of like writing a letter to the editor or expressing some sort of political indignation. The House could impeach tomorrow on any charges it might devise but instead Repubicans just talk of the terrible crimes the president has committed. Impeachment is a political process, not broken laws and Republicans on occassion trot it out as one of their desperation moves. The primary reason Republicans don't impeach is because it could bite them, so Republican just use impeachment as a threat. If the nation began impeaching presidents for acting as presidents the nation would be trouble. Not gonna happen.
By the way what is a "high crime"?

Bogarting that joint.

[ame=]Don't Bogart That Joint! - YouTube[/ame]
You're clueless to such a degree that it borders on the unbelieveable, like a shill sent in to make conservatives look like dopes. Do you have any clue what insurance companies would do without gov't regulation?

They would take premiums while providing virtually nothing in terms of coverage or benefits.

They likely wouldn't keep enough money in reserve in order to pay claims.

They would declare bankruptcy if and when disasters or increased claims made it looked like a good business move.

There would be exclusions and exceptions in the fine print that you would never know about unless you had a claim OR a lawyer reviewed your policy before you signed, and you would have no recourse because there would be few, if any, laws to protect YOU the freedom-loving consumer from the politically well-connected insurance company which would likely be a major campaign contributor to BOTH Republicans and Democrats.

They would carve up territory (some already do this) in order to prevent competition so they wouldn't have to underbid each other for business.

That just scratches the surface.

what do I care about all that?
what I chose for insurance is my choice..but being duped by this government that ObamaCare sole purpose was to kill the insurance industry is all our concerns
and want to see a dope, look in a's ugly

Just amazing..really.

LOL! It's mind-numbing.
He was impeached for covering up a breaking and entering.

Nixon broke and entered? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Zero facts....

The cover up of the burglary quickly faded. The Goldwater faction agreed to impeach PURELY based on the request to use the IRS - which Obama has not only attempted, but in fact done.

I love it when people try to re-write history.
It's very amusing.

I was there.

There were no tapes of IRS intrigue.
He was impeached for covering up a breaking and entering.

Nixon broke and entered? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Zero facts....

The cover up of the burglary quickly faded. The Goldwater faction agreed to impeach PURELY based on the request to use the IRS - which Obama has not only attempted, but in fact done.

Don't understand what a cover up is?

Zero facts? enough facts to make Nixon resign
Malarkey, the Republicans turned on Nixon only after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Nixon had to surrender the tapes. On the tapes he incriminates himself. It's all history

It is indeed all history, that you seek to rewrite.

Goldwater was the tipping point, and he agreed to impeach ONLY after it was revealed that Nixon had an enemies list he turned over to the IRS for persecution.

What a different time - thought I doubt the democrats would have acted honorably even then.

Of course Obama having an enemies list that the IRS persecutes will be defended to the end by people like you. Hey, you've worked hard to purge yourself of any lest vestige of integrity and ethics.

The GOP has nothing on AG Holder or President Obama. If they did they'd have used it by now.

Turn off Fox
Bad News for America

You hacks are such clowns.

Fast and Furious
Illegal wiretaps (Warrantless) on Fox News reporters
Illegal gathering of thousands of phone records from AP reporters....

Dude, just because you have no honor doesn't mean it didn't happen....
When other countries finally figure out that obama is behind the destabilizations of other governments impeachment will be the last thing we have to worry about. Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, agitators have destabilized these countries the same way American cities are destabilized. Professional agitators fomenting rebellion and overturning democratically elected leaders.

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