Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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That is the question, since the call for it seems to be slowly but surely building steam.


Make your case for how you vote.

I voted no and I'll tell you why.

For one thing, he is the perfect embodiment of a dimocrap.... Gutless, cowardly, without honor, selfish, self-serving, traitorous, conniving, unreliable and of questionable sexual orientation.

And those are his good points.

But more importantly...... The scum on the left would lionize him if we impeach and remove him.

Look at what they did to JFK...? A mediocre president at best. His greatest achievement was in pushing back Russian Missiles going to Cuba.. Which wouldn't have happend under a Republican and only happened because Kruschev thought he could get away with it.

He didn't.

Other than that.... JFK was an abysmal failure. And we can thank him to this day for allowing Public Service employees to Unionize.... Something even FDR was against.

Look at MLK.. :dunno: Had he lived, had he not been shot, he would have been recognized as the man eho sold his people out for a few pieces of silver. Instead of being hailed as the saviour of Black People everywhere, he would have been recognized for what he was -- A well-meaning buffoon who got taken, along with his people, to the cleaners by dimocrap scum.

How about Bobby Kennedy? He went out of his way to go to Canada to give blood on a ship that was heading for North Viet Nam to deliver the blood and MILLIONS of dollars of other medical supplies to the communists who were trying to, and succeeding in, killing our Soldiers....... Including me.

I won on that account. By a pretty wide margin.

dimocrap scum take people who were either killed or died in office (FDR) and turn them into martyrs. In fact, if one of them were brought back to life, dimocrap scum would have to kill him immediately because he wouldn't have the faintest idea what they were giving him credit for.

Didn't JFK personally fly to the Moon and save the astronauts on Apollo 11?

Think so.

They make shit about them that isn't even close to the truth and if you contest what they say about the 'heroic JFK' or the 'magnificent MLK' or the wonderfully progressive FDR you are labelled a jerk for shitting on the corpse of one of their heroes.

Which most of them richly deserve.

You impeach the lying cocksucker-in-chief and they'll do the same thing. They'll build a shrine to him and make him out to have saved everything from the Titanic to the American Way of Life.

Better to let these scumbags keep on keepin' on.

Let them prove to the world what scumbags they are. It's better that way, trust me
Better to give a shit about The People, than to give a shit about The Government.

That said, neither Party much gives a damn about either, by the look of it, except as means to an end.

Shallow, like all democrats, believes that the people exist to serve the government - not the other way around.

"People are looking at Palin as one who offers nice words and seems to admire a former KGB man who many see as a modern-day dictator of Russia while she looks at her own president and can't seem to find anything nice to say about him and so criticizes him when comparing him to Vladimir Putin." - Mustang
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

Why? Impeachment is done in the House not the Senate. Furthermore it only takes a simple majority vote too. Of course you'd have to have 67 Senate votes to convict and remove the President from office.

Impeachment starts in the House. That's why Clinton was impeached by the House but not the Senate.
What should happen is that some other country should recognize what obama is doing, which is an act of war, and then act on it. After the community organizing obama has done in Ukraine, Russia has an absolute right to declare war and demand regime change.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

Why? Impeachment is done in the House not the Senate. Furthermore it only takes a simple majority vote too. Of course you'd have to have 67 Senate votes to convict and remove the President from office.

Impeachment starts in the House. That's why Clinton was impeached by the House but not the Senate.

The House Impeaches, the Senate Convicts.

Bill the rapist Clinton was one of only two presidents to ever be impeached..... Both of them dimocraps.
I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

Impeaching Obama is a poor political strategy for the Republicans. As long as democrats hold the Senate, he cannot be removed from office. democrats serve their party and not the nation, no amount of evidence will ever sway them to do the honorable thing.

That said, back in 1973 this nation went through a crises. We had a president who believed himself above the law and asked that the IRS be used to attack his enemies. Even though his request was refused, the act of asking caused men of honor to pledge against their party and vow to impeach. Nixon resigned with a message that no one is above the law.

Now we have Obama, who with an openly criminal AG, has pissed all over our laws. Obama has done what Nixon failed at, and used the IRS to harass enemies of himself and the party. That democrats are without a shred of honor and will not act in an ethical manner doesn't change that Obama SHOULD be impeached. Holder belongs in prison - period. That Obama continues to allow this criminal to act as the top law enforcement official in the naiton is reason enough to remove Obama from office.

As much as I'd like to see this whole bunch of corrupted evil people jailed, I agree with you...we have another two years of this lawless administration running over us and our Representation in Congress..It makes me ill

I'm against impeaching the Idiot in Chief. A Republican Senate this November is imperative. Once Reid has been rendered impotent, we can begin fundamentally transforming this once great nation back to what it was before Progressives mucked it up. We should be well on our way by the time we inaugurate a Republican President in January 2017.
Malarkey, the Republicans turned on Nixon only after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Nixon had to surrender the tapes. On the tapes he incriminates himself. It's all history

It is indeed all history, that you seek to rewrite.

Goldwater was the tipping point, and he agreed to impeach ONLY after it was revealed that Nixon had an enemies list he turned over to the IRS for persecution.

What a different time - thought I doubt the democrats would have acted honorably even then.

Of course Obama having an enemies list that the IRS persecutes will be defended to the end by people like you. Hey, you've worked hard to purge yourself of any lest vestige of integrity and ethics.

The GOP has nothing on AG Holder or President Obama. If they did they'd have used it by now.

Turn off Fox
Bad News for America

You hacks are such clowns.

Fast and Furious
Illegal wiretaps (Warrantless) on Fox News reporters
Illegal gathering of thousands of phone records from AP reporters....

Dude, just because you have no honor doesn't mean it didn't happen....

Ah, the ECHO is deep and resounding within you.
After republicans take the Senate the first thing they should do is take up impeachment. Democrats know this. That's why they are in such a panic over the elections this year. The grounds for impeachment are a course of conduct exhibiting gross malfeasance in office.

Why? Impeachment is done in the House not the Senate. Furthermore it only takes a simple majority vote too. Of course you'd have to have 67 Senate votes to convict and remove the President from office.

Impeachment starts in the House. That's why Clinton was impeached by the House but not the Senate.

Impeachment starts and ends in the House. The Senate has a trial with the Chief Justice presiding. Clinton was Impeached by the House and the Senate acquitted him on all charges.
I love it when people try to re-write history.

I love it when hacks are utterly ignorant of history.

It's very amusing.

I was there.

I guess you were too stoned to grasp what was going on...

There were no tapes of IRS intrigue.


What hacks will make up to defend Obama...

{The White House tapes recorded Nixon urging aide John Ehrlichman in 1971 to get the IRS to dig into the tax returns of possible Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Edmund Muskie, Hubert Humphrey, and Ted Kennedy. "I can only hope that we are, frankly, doing a little persecuting," Nixon said. "There's a lot of gold in them thar hills." In 1969, the Nixon administration set up an IRS unit called the Special Service Staff, which used tax records to assemble dossiers on more than 11,000 groups and individuals. After the 1972 election, Nixon staffers gave the IRS a list of 576 supporters of Democrat George McGovern. In 1974, one of the articles of impeachment against Nixon charged him with seeking "confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law."}

The IRS's long history of scandal - The Week

This what sunk Nixon, moron.
Talk of impeachment has become just another political process, sort of like writing a letter to the editor or expressing some sort of political indignation. The House could impeach tomorrow on any charges it might devise but instead Repubicans just talk of the terrible crimes the president has committed. Impeachment is a political process, not broken laws and Republicans on occassion trot it out as one of their desperation moves. The primary reason Republicans don't impeach is because it could bite them, so Republican just use impeachment as a threat. If the nation began impeaching presidents for acting as presidents the nation would be trouble. Not gonna happen.
By the way what is a "high crime"?

When has this current president(s) [sic] acted as a President?
"People are looking at Palin as one who offers nice words and seems to admire a former KGB man who many see as a modern-day dictator of Russia while she looks at her own president and can't seem to find anything nice to say about him and so criticizes him when comparing him to Vladimir Putin." - Mustang

This Mustang fool you quote sounds like a complete fucking moron... :thup:
The House Impeaches, the Senate Convicts.

Bill the rapist Clinton was one of only two presidents to ever be impeached..... Both of them dimocraps.

Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one.

Blindboo and Rachel Maddow would praise him for his courage.
The House Impeaches, the Senate Convicts.

Bill the rapist Clinton was one of only two presidents to ever be impeached..... Both of them dimocraps.

Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one.

Blindboo and Rachel Maddow would praise him for his courage.

Yep, he can do no wrong in their loving eyes
and He is as clean as the first falling snow because he has no clue what his administration is doing under his rule
now I go barf...
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"People are looking at Palin as one who offers nice words and seems to admire a former KGB man who many see as a modern-day dictator of Russia while she looks at her own president and can't seem to find anything nice to say about him and so criticizes him when comparing him to Vladimir Putin." - Mustang

This Mustang fool you quote sounds like a complete fucking moron... :thup:

There's a reason for that. Mustang was mimicing Sarah Palin.
"People are looking at Palin as one who offers nice words and seems to admire a former KGB man who many see as a modern-day dictator of Russia while she looks at her own president and can't seem to find anything nice to say about him and so criticizes him when comparing him to Vladimir Putin." - Mustang

This Mustang fool you quote sounds like a complete fucking moron... :thup:

There's a reason for that. Mustang was mimicing Sarah Palin.

You were mincing Palin?

Oh, do you mean mimicking?

Mustang failed - yet again... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Brilliant idea. Please impeach. It worked really well last time. Goforit.
It's a no brainer...if there are grounds to impeach, it is our duty to impeach. The only problem I see is his ability to claim invincible ignorance. There is plenty of evidence to support that claim.

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