Should our Constitution's 2nd Amendment be amended ... ?

Again Reader, the key to defeating Leftists in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to SPEAK!
... For instance, the musket was once the state of the art military firearm. We could also compare the cross bow, or the long sword... with the musket... with the state of the art service rifle.

You argument is foolish. But no doubt it gets many nods of assurance where you live.

A drone and a nuclear weapon are also state of the art. Me owning either is not a good idea.

And if you can't be trusted with a Nuclear Warhead, you can't be trusted: PERIOD.

And absent trust, you are not suited to live among free people.
So true.

As for god-given rights, there is no such thing....

I see... and that explains why you are unworthy of trust.
Not really. He's not ruled by superstition.

What you are also incapable of understanding, is that while you are unworthy of trust, because you lack the means to trust others, your disordered mental state, also provides that you've no right to your life and anyone who finds your life to be an inconvenience, is entitled to squelch such, with impunity.
So sayeth the Lord. According the various shamans who dictate faith to the faithful.

It's quite a paradox, which sadly, falls well beyond you limited intellectual means... but it falls beyond the means of any and all Relativists. Which is why you creatures are a menace to society, on the whole and why you fuck up everything on which you have the slightest influence.
Again Reader, the key to defeating Leftists in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to SPEAK!
Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!
... For instance, the musket was once the state of the art military firearm. We could also compare the cross bow, or the long sword... with the musket... with the state of the art service rifle.

You argument is foolish. But no doubt it gets many nods of assurance where you live.

A drone and a nuclear weapon are also state of the art. Me owning either is not a good idea.

And if you can't be trusted with a Nuclear Warhead, you can't be trusted: PERIOD.

And absent trust, you are not suited to live among free people.
So true.

Of course it's true. There's no potential for it to be anything else.

As for god-given rights, there is no such thing....

I see... and that explains why you are unworthy of trust.
Not really. He's not ruled by superstition.

It's reality... which you choose to term as a superstition and he, you and I are all ruled by 'it' with 'it' being God.

That you choose to deny God's existence, in NO WAY alter's your being entirely subject to God's law. As, again... such is that which is otherwise conveyed through the word: Reality.

What you are also incapable of understanding, is that while you are unworthy of trust, because you lack the means to trust others, your disordered mental state, also provides that you've no right to your life and anyone who finds your life to be an inconvenience, is entitled to squelch such, with impunity.
So sayeth the Lord. According the various shamans who dictate faith to the faithful.

Reality... it's not even a debatable point.

It's quite a paradox, which sadly, falls well beyond you limited intellectual means... but it falls beyond the means of any and all Relativists. Which is why you creatures are a menace to society, on the whole and why you fuck up everything on which you have the slightest influence.

How so? And please... be as SPECIFIC as your intellectual limitations allow.
Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

And THAT Reader is a demonstration of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder, that defines the Ideological Left.

Which of course explains the degenerative nature of such, and why where ever they are found, there is a culture in rapid, irreversible decay.

The reason for such being that they are incapable of objectivity... they quite literally deny the very existence of such. Thus, their reasoning is limited to that which serves their own subjective needs, therein crippling the means of the culture to serve any of the plethora of concerns which fall beyond their would-be needs... the consequences range from run away spending, producing crushing debt, amorality creating a lack of respect for the interests of others and the subsequent anarchy intrinsic to such, immoral behavior across the board, from unsound economic practices to unsound societal constructs, which inevitably lead to the untethering of humanity from any sense of viability... therefore, we can know it for what it is: EVIL!
God is irrelevant to the concept of rights.

The reality of rights is in no way contingent upon the superstions of men; that are only used as rationaliations for the deprivations of other people's rights.

Rationalizations are irrelevant to tangential reality. As a rationalization is a feckless means to turn from the tangent, in search of an easier way.

Absent God, there are no human rights. Absent human rights, there is no governance that is not slavery, absent self governance, humanity is merely livestock and society a slaughterhouse.


Now... the Founding Fathers reasoned America.., founded upon the laws of nature wherein the individual was sovereign and responsible for their own well being, this resulted in the single most prosperous, influential nation in the history of humanity; freeing more human beings from bondage than all other previous and existing nations on earth.

YOUR THESIS is the tyranny from which the Founders FREED US.

See how that works?
What's really funny? You forgot having your ass handed to you.

You see sis, bringing your "vague 'feeling' with no real basis in actual fact" to this as proof of your assertion . . . well Cupcake, it's you that just never had a chance. Absent any contest to the contrary argument provided, the assertion that in the absence of God, HUMAN RIGHTS CANNOT EXIST, has been demonstrated to be FALSE.
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God is irrelevant to the concept of rights.

The reality of rights is in no way contingent upon the superstions of men; that are only used as rationaliations for the deprivations of other people's rights.

Rationalizations are irrelevant to tangential reality. As a rationalization is a feckless means to turn from the tangent, in search of an easier way.

Absent God, there are no human rights. Absent human rights, there is no governance that is not slavery, absent self governance, humanity is merely livestock and society a slaughterhouse.


Now... the Founding Fathers reasoned America.., founded upon the laws of nature wherein the individual was sovereign and responsible for their own well being, this resulted in the single most prosperous, influential nation in the history of humanity; freeing more human beings from bondage than all other previous and existing nations on earth.

YOUR THESIS is the tyranny from which the Founders FREED US.

See how that works?

Natural Rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions.

The problem is, socialism requires social morals for free.
Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

And THAT Reader is a demonstration of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder, that defines the Ideological Left.

Which of course explains the degenerative nature of such, and why where ever they are found, there is a culture in rapid, irreversible decay.

The reason for such being that they are incapable of objectivity... they quite literally deny the very existence of such. Thus, their reasoning is limited to that which serves their own subjective needs, therein crippling the means of the culture to serve any of the plethora of concerns which fall beyond their would-be needs... the consequences range from run away spending, producing crushing debt, amorality creating a lack of respect for the interests of others and the subsequent anarchy intrinsic to such, immoral behavior across the board, from unsound economic practices to unsound societal constructs, which inevitably lead to the untethering of humanity from any sense of viability... therefore, we can know it for what it is: EVIL!
In the Absence of God; Human rights cannot exist.
Finally, and this is the very, very best of ironies, that fully exposes you mendacious rationalizing; if your argument here is at all valid (which it's not) and you were at all intellectualy honest (which you most obviously are not) you'd explicitly admit that your own ". . . insignificance in terms of intelligence and scope of life . . .", and the insight ". . . that in contrast with the scope of the God Almighty your existence is something vastly beyond indescribable . . ." and, ". . . by virtue of nothing more than the limited scope of your perspective... you've absolutely no means by which to judge God . . ." as being GOOD.

Thus, if you were intellectually honest, you'd admit that ". . . your conclusion that god is [GOOD], is without A VALID BASIS!; meaning that it is BASELESS... intellectually without value, utterly worthless."

I predict no such honesty will be forthcoming.
*mic drop*
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Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

And THAT Reader is a demonstration of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder, that defines the Ideological Left.

Which of course explains the degenerative nature of such, and why where ever they are found, there is a culture in rapid, irreversible decay.

The reason for such being that they are incapable of objectivity... they quite literally deny the very existence of such. Thus, their reasoning is limited to that which serves their own subjective needs, therein crippling the means of the culture to serve any of the plethora of concerns which fall beyond their would-be needs... the consequences range from run away spending, producing crushing debt, amorality creating a lack of respect for the interests of others and the subsequent anarchy intrinsic to such, immoral behavior across the board, from unsound economic practices to unsound societal constructs, which inevitably lead to the untethering of humanity from any sense of viability... therefore, we can know it for what it is: EVIL!
In the Absence of God; Human rights cannot exist.

*mic drop*

You second concession to the same standing point(s), is again DULY NOTED AND SUMMARILY ACCEPTED!
So what doesn't change over time? The bible? Nope, changed many, many times. The constitution? Nope, changed 27 times. So what doesn't change, well, aside from your underwear. :D

Natural law does not change, as natural law is not relevant to time. Again... if you had the slightest understanding of what time is... you wouldn't be prone to these humiliating spasms of hysteria.
So you have a natural law to own a killing machine? I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

(which, btw, you have no proof that natural laws don't change, and the Big Bang is proof that space and time change).
You suffer from delusions if you think that an invisible superbeing endowed you with anything...

Ah... so you're working on the premise that your senses are capable of sensing all that exist in the universe?

Interesting... . Will you snap a photo of the next quark that passes through you?

If that's not possible, please snap a recording of what gravity sound like... .

Can't do that, then offer me an explanation for the consequences, wherein an individual chooses to satisfy their every immediate whim, only to find that their life is unsatisfying?

You can't see, taste, hear or touch ANY of those realities... yet each are an immutable fact of nature.

So tell me now about why it is that these invisible realities exist, and you're
here demanding that if something is beyond the scope of human senses, that it cannot exist?
I'm saying that you have NO PROOF that it exists.
Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

And THAT Reader is a demonstration of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder, that defines the Ideological Left.

Which of course explains the degenerative nature of such, and why where ever they are found, there is a culture in rapid, irreversible decay.

The reason for such being that they are incapable of objectivity... they quite literally deny the very existence of such. Thus, their reasoning is limited to that which serves their own subjective needs, therein crippling the means of the culture to serve any of the plethora of concerns which fall beyond their would-be needs... the consequences range from run away spending, producing crushing debt, amorality creating a lack of respect for the interests of others and the subsequent anarchy intrinsic to such, immoral behavior across the board, from unsound economic practices to unsound societal constructs, which inevitably lead to the untethering of humanity from any sense of viability... therefore, we can know it for what it is: EVIL!
In the Absence of God; Human rights cannot exist.

*mic drop*

You second concession to the same standing point(s), is again DULY NOTED AND SUMMARILY ACCEPTED!
Superstitious delusion AND irony! How charming!
Again Reader, the key to defeating Leftists in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to SPEAK!
Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!
Ya know... you're getting your butt kicked up around your shoulders in this thread.. don't ya... ?
You suffer from delusions if you think that an invisible superbeing endowed you with anything...

Ah... so you're working on the premise that your senses are capable of sensing all that exist in the universe?

Interesting... . Will you snap a photo of the next quark that passes through you?

If that's not possible, please snap a recording of what gravity sound like... .

Can't do that, then offer me an explanation for the consequences, wherein an individual chooses to satisfy their every immediate whim, only to find that their life is unsatisfying?

You can't see, taste, hear or touch ANY of those realities... yet each are an immutable fact of nature.

So tell me now about why it is that these invisible realities exist, and you're
here demanding that if something is beyond the scope of human senses, that it cannot exist?
I'm saying that you have NO PROOF that it exists.
And you have NO PROOF it DOESN'T exist... now what?
So what doesn't change over time? The bible? Nope, changed many, many times. The constitution? Nope, changed 27 times. So what doesn't change, well, aside from your underwear. :D

Natural law does not change, as natural law is not relevant to time. Again... if you had the slightest understanding of what time is... you wouldn't be prone to these humiliating spasms of hysteria.
So you have a natural law to own a killing machine? I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

(which, btw, you have no proof that natural laws don't change, and the Big Bang is proof that space and time change).
A "killing machine?" You mean like a GAS CHAMBER? Or is killing machine your new progtard buzz phrase?
What's really funny? You forgot having your ass handed to you.

You see sis, bringing your "vague 'feeling' with no real basis in actual fact" to this as proof of your assertion . . . well Cupcake, it's you that just never had a chance. Absent any contest to the contrary argument provided, the assertion that in the absence of God, HUMAN RIGHTS CANNOT EXIST, has been demonstrated to be FALSE.

A wonderful demonstration of how time has no relevance to God's law, OKA: Sound Principle... The brilliance of that contributor, stands even in their absence.

The simple, but immutable truth is: In the Absence of God, there can be no such thing as Human Rights.

And that is because in the absence of God... The origin of all things... the supreme authority in the universe, Rights are merely whatever the individual claims them to be, or whatever the governing body claims them to be, thus... because people are inherently subjective in their reasoning, and because their needs change, so will their sense of what that to which they are entitled.

And this without regard to the consequences of such, to another.

And here we see, in indisputable evidence of that truth, an individual who rejects God's law, demanding that rights are whatever they 'believe' rights to be.

And this without even the slightest understanding of human rights, what they are, how they work, or the responsibilities that are intrinsic to rights.

What the above cited would-be 'contributor' is advancing, is the formula for Anarchy. Plain and simple: Idiocy.
Again Reader, the key to defeating Leftists in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to SPEAK!
Again Reader, the key to defeating superstitious retards in any intellectual exercise, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a superstitious retard.

2- Get them to SPEAK!
Ya know... you're getting your butt kicked up around your shoulders in this thread.. don't ya... ?

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