Should Parents Who Teach Kids to Be Thugs Be Charged with Child Abuse?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
Yes. No matter the color, if they are idiot parents teaching kids to be idiots like them...yup.
And they wonder why are prisons are full of them.
Someone posted a vid of some black guy tazing a black chick for getting in his face in front of a store. I guess he was a security guard. The woman mouthing off...that did not surprise me. What did, though, was her kids mimicing everything she was doing. Little thugs...all prepped and ready to be just like Mama.
a shocking video to say the least but how far into parenting styles are we as a society willing to govern parents? teaching a child to be a thug is wrong but how is teaching a child to be a religious extremist any better? when did we as a society decide that it is okay to just be judge fucking mental of everyone else? does the 3 year old have any concept of what they are really saying? but yea its a bunch of sick ass adults who do this.....but do you really want to start removing kids from bad parents? what you gonna do with them? is this not simply wanting to start incarcerating blacks even younger? and what about white trash parents?
and let us remember in this society we no longer think the wee ones need an ass sad....i see all this bs about someone cancelling christmas for their kids and how shocked people are....more of that needs to be done...

hard core parenting is not something i have ever back down from...its easy to be a shitty much effort and time does that take? it is much harder to be a good parent...that takes a lot of time and effort

and this is hardly a black issue....
If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?

The parent, I use singular here, is a product of government slavery. They reap what they ........ never mind

If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
So, when did you start believing that the state is better equipped to raise children?

What constitutes 'thuggery.' Leave it to the state to decide and you will likely not be happy with the result. No thank you - I dont need big brother evaluating weather or not my parenting is 'sufficient' for them or not - they can just get out of the way. There are going to be bad parents and I really do feel for those children. ALL children deserve loving homes with parents that are involved and raising them properly. Unfortunately, that is a pipe dream as all utopian ideas are and we have to deal with the hands that are dealt to us. The one entity that I KNOW is a piss poor parent though is the state and only under the most dire situation do I advocate that the state come in and tear a family apart because they are usually worse.

One can only hope that the crappy parents realize they are crappy and give their children to better equipped family members or adoptive parents.
If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
So, when did you start believing that the state is better equipped to raise children?

What constitutes 'thuggery.' Leave it to the state to decide and you will likely not be happy with the result. No thank you - I dont need big brother evaluating weather or not my parenting is 'sufficient' for them or not - they can just get out of the way. There are going to be bad parents and I really do feel for those children. ALL children deserve loving homes with parents that are involved and raising them properly. Unfortunately, that is a pipe dream as all utopian ideas are and we have to deal with the hands that are dealt to us. The one entity that I KNOW is a piss poor parent though is the state and only under the most dire situation do I advocate that the state come in and tear a family apart because they are usually worse.

One can only hope that the crappy parents realize they are crappy and give their children to better equipped family members or adoptive parents.

Abusing a child emotionally or physically is already against the law. In some extreme cases, such as the ones in the OP, the parents are teaching the child to be violent. Covering a child in gang tattoos, even if fake ones, and teaching them such foul language and violence is abuse. They are robbing the child of a future if they continue this way. Those parents aren't raising a child. They see the kid as some sort of toy that they can dress up and force to act like a gang member. I don't like government taking over the role of parents, but there have been and should be exceptions to parents who don't take care of their children.

We already have government teaching our children things that parents don't agree with. They've already stepped in, through our schools, and are slowly taking over the role of parenting. They seek to shape them into liberals. Funny how liberals would quickly remove children from homes where the parents are Christian or gun owners, but when they see toddlers covered in gang tattoos spouting the most violent stuff, they do nothing.

I was more curious to see what the left thought about this since they have no qualms about suspending children who play cops and robbers at school and would love to visit people's homes to make sure the parents aren't raising another Republican or Christian.

The people in the video are robbing that little boy of his childhood. Instead of learning the alphabet, playing or watching cartoons, the kid is learning how to threaten people.
No problem...Universal, taxpayer funded pre-school can absolve these non parents of their responsibilities....
It takes a communist village sandinistas !
Judge orders Texas teen Ethan Couch to rehab for driving drunk, killing 4
How about charging parents like this thug also with child abuse!!
State District Judge Jean Boyd had already decided the Texas teenager would serve no jail time. He was sentenced last year to 10 years' probation.

His story made national headlines after a witness claimed Couch was a victim of "affluenza" -- the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy.

If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
So, when did you start believing that the state is better equipped to raise children?

What constitutes 'thuggery.' Leave it to the state to decide and you will likely not be happy with the result. No thank you - I dont need big brother evaluating weather or not my parenting is 'sufficient' for them or not - they can just get out of the way. There are going to be bad parents and I really do feel for those children. ALL children deserve loving homes with parents that are involved and raising them properly. Unfortunately, that is a pipe dream as all utopian ideas are and we have to deal with the hands that are dealt to us. The one entity that I KNOW is a piss poor parent though is the state and only under the most dire situation do I advocate that the state come in and tear a family apart because they are usually worse.

One can only hope that the crappy parents realize they are crappy and give their children to better equipped family members or adoptive parents.

Abusing a child emotionally or physically is already against the law. In some extreme cases, such as the ones in the OP, the parents are teaching the child to be violent. Covering a child in gang tattoos, even if fake ones, and teaching them such foul language and violence is abuse. They are robbing the child of a future if they continue this way. Those parents aren't raising a child. They see the kid as some sort of toy that they can dress up and force to act like a gang member. I don't like government taking over the role of parents, but there have been and should be exceptions to parents who don't take care of their children.

We already have government teaching our children things that parents don't agree with. They've already stepped in, through our schools, and are slowly taking over the role of parenting. They seek to shape them into liberals. Funny how liberals would quickly remove children from homes where the parents are Christian or gun owners, but when they see toddlers covered in gang tattoos spouting the most violent stuff, they do nothing.

I was more curious to see what the left thought about this since they have no qualms about suspending children who play cops and robbers at school and would love to visit people's homes to make sure the parents aren't raising another Republican or Christian.

The people in the video are robbing that little boy of his childhood. Instead of learning the alphabet, playing or watching cartoons, the kid is learning how to threaten people.

What if you teach your child that if you don't like the government, you have a god given right to take up arms against it?

That's the core theme of the Declaration of Independence.
a shocking video to say the least but how far into parenting styles are we as a society willing to govern parents? teaching a child to be a thug is wrong but how is teaching a child to be a religious extremist any better? when did we as a society decide that it is okay to just be judge fucking mental of everyone else? does the 3 year old have any concept of what they are really saying? but yea its a bunch of sick ass adults who do this.....but do you really want to start removing kids from bad parents? what you gonna do with them? is this not simply wanting to start incarcerating blacks even younger? and what about white trash parents?
The OP could have balanced his post with some little white Miley Cyrus/Lady Gagme sluts in training, or some little Justin Bieber wannabe with his ass crack showing.

Other than that, yes, parents should be held responsible in some way when their kids turn out to be little shits.

A kid that enters kindergarten knowing about, well, no need to actual list some of the things kids come to pre-K and K knowing and saying, perversions, let's say, and not knowing basic colors and having some sense of numbers, well, that child has been abused.
If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
So, when did you start believing that the state is better equipped to raise children?

What constitutes 'thuggery.' Leave it to the state to decide and you will likely not be happy with the result. No thank you - I dont need big brother evaluating weather or not my parenting is 'sufficient' for them or not - they can just get out of the way. There are going to be bad parents and I really do feel for those children. ALL children deserve loving homes with parents that are involved and raising them properly. Unfortunately, that is a pipe dream as all utopian ideas are and we have to deal with the hands that are dealt to us. The one entity that I KNOW is a piss poor parent though is the state and only under the most dire situation do I advocate that the state come in and tear a family apart because they are usually worse.

One can only hope that the crappy parents realize they are crappy and give their children to better equipped family members or adoptive parents.

Abusing a child emotionally or physically is already against the law. In some extreme cases, such as the ones in the OP, the parents are teaching the child to be violent. Covering a child in gang tattoos, even if fake ones, and teaching them such foul language and violence is abuse. They are robbing the child of a future if they continue this way. Those parents aren't raising a child. They see the kid as some sort of toy that they can dress up and force to act like a gang member. I don't like government taking over the role of parents, but there have been and should be exceptions to parents who don't take care of their children.

We already have government teaching our children things that parents don't agree with. They've already stepped in, through our schools, and are slowly taking over the role of parenting. They seek to shape them into liberals. Funny how liberals would quickly remove children from homes where the parents are Christian or gun owners, but when they see toddlers covered in gang tattoos spouting the most violent stuff, they do nothing.

I was more curious to see what the left thought about this since they have no qualms about suspending children who play cops and robbers at school and would love to visit people's homes to make sure the parents aren't raising another Republican or Christian.

The people in the video are robbing that little boy of his childhood. Instead of learning the alphabet, playing or watching cartoons, the kid is learning how to threaten people.

What if you teach your child that if you don't like the government, you have a god given right to take up arms against it?

That's the core theme of the Declaration of Independence.
Case in point Clementine.

I understand that things like the video can be considered abuse but you really don't want the government to start making value judgments about what is and is not acceptable to teach children or I guarantee you the above will be far more important to Uncle Sam than the video.

The answer to the government already encroaching on parenting is not more encroaching government.
Judge orders Texas teen Ethan Couch to rehab for driving drunk, killing 4
How about charging parents like this thug also with child abuse!!
State District Judge Jean Boyd had already decided the Texas teenager would serve no jail time. He was sentenced last year to 10 years' probation.

His story made national headlines after a witness claimed Couch was a victim of "affluenza" -- the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy.

If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?


That was insane! Parents do bear responsibility for raising idiots. That kid should have done time since he needs a wake up call. This way, the system carries on the practice of spoiling the kid just like the parents have.

I hate the thought of the state taking control, but realize that sometimes it's necessary when parents completely drop the ball. I guess there's a fine line between a safety net for abused children and government taking too much control over parenting. They don't know when to stop and they are like pushy people. Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile.

If any of those children go to school with their underwear sticking out, using foul language or sporting gang tattoos, they should be dealt with, or more like the parents should be dealt with. Bad attitudes spread like disease. We have kids expelled for playing cops and robbers or biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun and not a peep from the left against it. If kids use profanity and hate speech, that is far more likely to result in violence at some point because only thug parents would allow that shit. Kids tend to copy their parents, so removing them from homes run by ignorant thugs would probably be a good idea. Normal people don't draw gang tattoos on their toddlers and teach them language that would make a sailor blush. That is a definite sign that something is horribly wrong in that household, though the left won't say anything because they don't have a current agenda that requires discussion on gang members raising more gang members.
If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?
So, when did you start believing that the state is better equipped to raise children?

What constitutes 'thuggery.' Leave it to the state to decide and you will likely not be happy with the result. No thank you - I dont need big brother evaluating weather or not my parenting is 'sufficient' for them or not - they can just get out of the way. There are going to be bad parents and I really do feel for those children. ALL children deserve loving homes with parents that are involved and raising them properly. Unfortunately, that is a pipe dream as all utopian ideas are and we have to deal with the hands that are dealt to us. The one entity that I KNOW is a piss poor parent though is the state and only under the most dire situation do I advocate that the state come in and tear a family apart because they are usually worse.

One can only hope that the crappy parents realize they are crappy and give their children to better equipped family members or adoptive parents.

Abusing a child emotionally or physically is already against the law. In some extreme cases, such as the ones in the OP, the parents are teaching the child to be violent. Covering a child in gang tattoos, even if fake ones, and teaching them such foul language and violence is abuse. They are robbing the child of a future if they continue this way. Those parents aren't raising a child. They see the kid as some sort of toy that they can dress up and force to act like a gang member. I don't like government taking over the role of parents, but there have been and should be exceptions to parents who don't take care of their children.

We already have government teaching our children things that parents don't agree with. They've already stepped in, through our schools, and are slowly taking over the role of parenting. They seek to shape them into liberals. Funny how liberals would quickly remove children from homes where the parents are Christian or gun owners, but when they see toddlers covered in gang tattoos spouting the most violent stuff, they do nothing.

I was more curious to see what the left thought about this since they have no qualms about suspending children who play cops and robbers at school and would love to visit people's homes to make sure the parents aren't raising another Republican or Christian.

The people in the video are robbing that little boy of his childhood. Instead of learning the alphabet, playing or watching cartoons, the kid is learning how to threaten people.

What if you teach your child that if you don't like the government, you have a god given right to take up arms against it?

That's the core theme of the Declaration of Independence.
Case in point Clementine.

I understand that things like the video can be considered abuse but you really don't want the government to start making value judgments about what is and is not acceptable to teach children or I guarantee you the above will be far more important to Uncle Sam than the video.

The answer to the government already encroaching on parenting is not more encroaching government.

I understand exactly what you mean. It's because the government does not practice common sense and they tend to view certain things more harshly depending on their agenda. Kids who even talk about toy guns will continue to get targeted, along with their parents. Kids who imitate gang members are ignored.

At the same time, zero tolerance should include gang clothing, talk or tattoos. Being raised in that manner ensures a future criminal. Playing cops and robbers rarely resulted in criminal behavior.

The authorities could at least be consistent.
I appreciate you guys sharing an honest and thoughtful opinion. I just wanted to ask the question to see what kind of responses would come. I agree that we can't let government decide what is and isn't acceptable. We could pretty much guess how that would go.

At the same time, I do think schools should have rules that make sense. I can't see suspending little children for ridiculous things, like pretending to play with guns unless they are bullying or otherwise being threatening to other students. I also think children who come to school with gang clothing should be sent home until parents can dress them appropriately. Same goes for language. If children are cussing and talking about violence in school, call the parents and have them pick the kid up. There are parents who need to get their act together and start teaching their kids respect. They can't do that if they aren't mature themselves. At some point, pressure should be put on parents to get control of their kids. Of course, liberals see that as telling children that guns are evil and you should never even talk about them. Meanwhile, children wearing patriotic t-shirts or NRA t-shirts are told to remove them. No shirt allowed that show our rights, but kids dress like gang bangers and get by with it. What sense does that make? The 2nd amendment does not represent violence. Gangs do. Yet look at the way they are treated differently.

Maybe schools could just get real and recognize actual signs of potential problems, like depressed or anti-social children or those who routinely echo parents in a manner that is troubling, such as gang talk.

Idiots think that suspending kids for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns will somehow make the other students safer when they ignore the kid who shows signs of being a loner or seems depressed or too quiet. Kids that get bullied can turn violent if pushed enough.

Schools need to smarten up before they can properly teach children. I am just so sick of all the rhetoric and garbage being pushed as facts. Suspending a kid for talking about a BB gun is what liberals think is a solution to school violence. All it does is causes undo fear in students and they will grow up fearing the wrong things. It's people we should fear, not weapons. And schools have a long way to go before they can start recognizing students who pose a potential danger. Until they wake up and get real, nothing will change except to get worse.

Seeing the little boy in the video should make us all realize that parents are the biggest problem with youth today. If this is what kids are being taught, we are doomed. My kids had BB guns. They grew up to be good people. Kids who are taught to hate others will grow up to be dangerous people. People with no respect for life are dangerous, with or without guns. Good people are good people, with or without guns.
Now, after reflecting on the situations and problems described here, one can see how teaching in a classroom with young adults and adolescents becomes a very difficult situation.
Trying to not only educate students but also dealing with the outside influences or lack their of.
Thank you for your post.

Judge orders Texas teen Ethan Couch to rehab for driving drunk, killing 4
How about charging parents like this thug also with child abuse!!
State District Judge Jean Boyd had already decided the Texas teenager would serve no jail time. He was sentenced last year to 10 years' probation.

His story made national headlines after a witness claimed Couch was a victim of "affluenza" -- the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy.

If parents dress their young children like thugs and teach them to act like little gang members, should they be charged with child abuse? Look at these pictures and video and ask what kind of future these youngsters have with such idiot parents. Looks like a tutorial on how to raise a thug.

Look at the video of a 3 year old with (hopefully fake) tattoos of gang symbols who is wielding a toy gun and spouting profanities. More pics of a toddler with his pants worn to show underwear. What the hell is wrong with some parents?

That was insane! Parents do bear responsibility for raising idiots. That kid should have done time since he needs a wake up call. This way, the system carries on the practice of spoiling the kid just like the parents have.

I hate the thought of the state taking control, but realize that sometimes it's necessary when parents completely drop the ball. I guess there's a fine line between a safety net for abused children and government taking too much control over parenting. They don't know when to stop and they are like pushy people. Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile.

If any of those children go to school with their underwear sticking out, using foul language or sporting gang tattoos, they should be dealt with, or more like the parents should be dealt with. Bad attitudes spread like disease. We have kids expelled for playing cops and robbers or biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun and not a peep from the left against it. If kids use profanity and hate speech, that is far more likely to result in violence at some point because only thug parents would allow that shit. Kids tend to copy their parents, so removing them from homes run by ignorant thugs would probably be a good idea. Normal people don't draw gang tattoos on their toddlers and teach them language that would make a sailor blush. That is a definite sign that something is horribly wrong in that household, though the left won't say anything because they don't have a current agenda that requires discussion on gang members raising more gang members.

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