Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote?

Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • No

    Votes: 19 48.7%

  • Total voters
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts
No, but everyone should pay the same percentage of taxes. I know percentages is a difficult mathematical function for the left, but a percentage is a percentage. Everyone has a vested interest in America.
so, those who earn over $110 should pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on ALL of their income made each year that is above $110k?
No, however, filing both state and federal tax returns should be a prerequisite. No file no vote. Regardless if one owes or not federal and state law requires filing. As my old coach once said if you don't have skin in the game how the hell can you expect to play!
so paying social security taxes, medicare taxes, state sales taxes, property taxes, gas taxes both federal and state, liquor taxes, cigarette taxes etc etc etc,



you ALL are an embarrassment to our Nation and Constitution!
You earn $1 you pay the same percentage as the guy who made $100M.
Everyone has a vested interest in America and we should all support.
Weatherman, right now in our income tax, a couple earning $20k a year pay nothing in income tax on that 20k, but guess what? The millionaire does not pay a dime of tax on that $20k earned either. They pay the exact same income tax as the next guy on that first $20 k earned.....that guy paying nothing in taxes is not getting some sort of DEAL over and above the millionaire's deal, on that first 20k earned by him.

There is NOTHING AT ALL UNFAIR ABOUT THAT......nada, zilch, wrong with it.
Illogical. You pay taxes on an annual basis. It's an annual tax bracket. If I earn $200k this year I'm paying based upon that $200k, not $20k.

But that's not my point. A straight percentage is the best system as all Americans have a vested interest in America.
You must have never done your own taxes and pay to have them done by someone else???

Everyone pays the exact same percentage in tax on the taxable income they have earned in the various tax brackets of income.


Married filing jointly pay 10% tax, on their taxable income from $0-$18,450 (that's the poor guy only earning $20k and the millionaire couple earning $100M, for that first $18.4k earned)

Married filing jointly pay 15% tax, on their taxable income from $18,450 to $74,900 ( that's for the regular middle class couple earning up to $74.9k and the millionaire couple earning $100M, for the income they have earned in that tax bracket, they pay the exact same percentage as the next guy)

If you earned $200k in taxable income, you would pay 10% for your taxable income made up to $18.4k
Then 15% for the taxable income you earned between $18.4 to $74.9k
25% for the taxable income you earned over $74.9 up to $151.2k
Then 28% only on the taxable income you earned over $151.2k up to the $200k you've earned

YOU DO NOT PAY 28% on all of your income just because you have earned $200k,

YOU PAY the exact same amount as everyone else for the income in the various income brackets. You are not being taxed more than the next guy who earns less than you for that income in the lower tax brackets, you pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else making less than you for the income that falls in to the tax bracket.
Yes it should. I read the other day that 45% of the people pays NO Federal taxes.

Guess what Stooopid Stuff - There is no one in the US who does not pay taxes. Even you.

Just because you live off the taxes that others pay, does not mean you don't pay taxes yourself.
No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.

We need to stop policing the world and significantly scale back our military spending.

You are truly insane if you really believe that.
Honest to God friend, read a little history. If after WWII America went back to burying it's head in the sand you would be speaking Russian now. Or Chinese, or even Japanese.
In your community would you want to dramatically scale back your police force? Would you want there to be no 911 service? The ONLY reason you can sleep every night is because of law and order provided to you by police.
The ONLY reason western democratic civilization and the free market system beat communism and totalitarianism is because of the United States Military. PERIOD.

Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

There is no one who does not pay taxes.

No one "reduced the US military by half".
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts
No, but everyone should pay the same percentage of taxes. I know percentages is a difficult mathematical function for the left, but a percentage is a percentage. Everyone has a vested interest in America.
so, those who earn over $110 should pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on ALL of their income made each year that is above $110k?
No, however, filing both state and federal tax returns should be a prerequisite. No file no vote. Regardless if one owes or not federal and state law requires filing. As my old coach once said if you don't have skin in the game how the hell can you expect to play!
so paying social security taxes, medicare taxes, state sales taxes, property taxes, gas taxes both federal and state, liquor taxes, cigarette taxes etc etc etc,



you ALL are an embarrassment to our Nation and Constitution!
You earn $1 you pay the same percentage as the guy who made $100M.
Everyone has a vested interest in America and we should all support.
Weatherman, right now in our income tax, a couple earning $20k a year pay nothing in income tax on that 20k, but guess what? The millionaire does not pay a dime of tax on that $20k earned either. They pay the exact same income tax as the next guy on that first $20 k earned.....that guy paying nothing in taxes is not getting some sort of DEAL over and above the millionaire's deal, on that first 20k earned by him.

There is NOTHING AT ALL UNFAIR ABOUT THAT......nada, zilch, wrong with it.
Illogical. You pay taxes on an annual basis. It's an annual tax bracket. If I earn $200k this year I'm paying based upon that $200k, not $20k.

But that's not my point. A straight percentage is the best system as all Americans have a vested interest in America.

You pay the same rate on the first 20 grand as anyone else.
Yes it should. I read the other day that 45% of the people pays NO Federal taxes.

Not federal taxes--income taxes. Nearly half of our population doesn't pay income tax. SS and Medicare taxes are technically federal taxes because the federal runs those programs. FICA is just a cute name for Social Security.
I guess all of these Republicans supporting this measure of disenfranchising CITIZENS of their votes are NOT Trump supporters? They are RNC establishment voters, the same ones trying to disenfranchise citizens of their votes for Trump??? Trump is out there saying every citizen's vote should count while Frankie and all the rest of you are saying every citizen's vote should NOT count....???
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts

As if money hasn't already taken over politics enough. Everybody pays tax in some form. What a stupid idea.
There are two things that make us eligible to vote in the Constitution, being 18, and being a citizen.

Let's see a constitutional amendment to change that....
I can see the progression of this. First only people who pay income taxe. Then only people who pay a lot of income taxes. Then we are back to kings and queens. What an unamerican idea.
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts

As if money hasn't already taken over politics enough. Everybody pays tax in some form. What a stupid idea.

Obama has 1/2 the country collecting assistance, why should they vote?
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts

As if money hasn't already taken over politics enough. Everybody pays tax in some form. What a stupid idea.

Obama has 1/2 the country collecting assistance, why should they vote?

Clear conflict of interest when they are voting themselves other people's money
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts

As if money hasn't already taken over politics enough. Everybody pays tax in some form. What a stupid idea.

Obama has 1/2 the country collecting assistance, why should they vote?

Because they are US citizens. It is the failure of government that they are collecting assistance. Obama? Repubs control congress and do nothing. Both sides have failed these people. The founding fathers would slap the hell out of you for such a dumb idea.
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts

As if money hasn't already taken over politics enough. Everybody pays tax in some form. What a stupid idea.

Obama has 1/2 the country collecting assistance, why should they vote?

Clear conflict of interest when they are voting themselves other people's money

The rich spend a lot on politics to make themselves richer and hose everyone else. We already have too much crony capitalism, this would only make it worse.
Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc


Just plain nuts

No, you should not have to pay taxes, but you shouldn't be getting a check of other people's money. That's a clear conflict of interest, the opportunity to vote yourself money. But I see no reason someone self sufficient who doesn't take government money or give government money should be cut out of the process
Many seniors pay no income taxes....Yet they never get a govt. check for welfare..You want to alienate them also?

Of course they get welfare checks, social security and medicare
Social security is not welfare...Medicare is paid through a monthly payment by the seniors...

Actually, Medicare is paid by everyone, not just seniors.
There are two things that make us eligible to vote in the Constitution, being 18, and being a citizen.

Let's see a constitutional amendment to change that....

That's not in the Constitution

You are right, you DON'T have to be a least it appears that way....?

Of the fifteen post-Civil War constitutional amendments, four in particular were ratified to extend voting rights to different groups of citizens. These extensions state that voting rights cannot be denied or abridged based on the following:

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Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts

As if money hasn't already taken over politics enough. Everybody pays tax in some form. What a stupid idea.

Obama has 1/2 the country collecting assistance, why should they vote?

Clear conflict of interest when they are voting themselves other people's money

The rich spend a lot on politics to make themselves richer and hose everyone else. We already have too much crony capitalism, this would only make it worse.

Yeah, millions more people wanting other people's money certainly improves the self centered voting problem, thanks for that delusional insight

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