Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Hell yeah!

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This is why I don't give a fuck about how many times Trumpers feign outrage -- because they are full of shit...…stop worrying about how they will react -- they are always gonna react like a bunch of pussies no matter what..that is what they do...

And when they are exposed as being wrong on the very thing they are clutching their pearls about --- they will pretend it didn't happen....fuk em

"Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

Pay attention to the bolded words -- the words that your conservative handlers like Charlie Kirk intentionally omitted because they like to treat you like morons. Her copy isn't covered by that or any other statute because Trump never filed that copy with any clerk or any other official...when he handed her a copy it was political theater and when she tore it up, it was theater....

Now take a nap and wait for conservative Twitter to tell you what is the next thing to be mad at....
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.
A copy of it is, you imbecile. And it's required by law.

You're all for impeaching Trump if he doesn't wipe his ass the right way. But Nan Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, `Schiff, Biden, Comey, etc....enforcing the law isn't so important to you then.

A speech is not a federal document. It is not required by any law.

I am for impeaching Trump for wanting a foreign country to interfere in our elections by initiating a phony investigation. neither Pelosi, Clinton, Schiff, Biden, Comey etc have broken any laws. The DOJ does not even have enough to open a preliminary investigation.
Trump turns the SOTU into a partisan rally and you complain about Pelosi? Trump was the lunatic. You are as well.
Fuck off. lunatic. When Obama was running the show and using the SOTU address for his own aggrandizement through demagoguery, you never complained about how he moistened your panties so easily and thoroughly.

Now it's your turn to sit down and stfu!
This pointy headed legal expert says Pelosi broke no laws. No, Nancy Pelosi Didn’t Break the Law When Destroying Trump’s Speech

However my notion that Pelosi should be censured by Congress, at the very least, for her childish, churlish fit of anger at a very notable public meeting of all three branches of government, that demonstrates our government still functions
no matter how many times the democrats try to railroad Trump and illegally remove him from office, is still a very good idea.

When will the republicans take action to censure this bitter old crone?
Shut yo bitch ass up
This pointy headed legal expert says Pelosi broke no laws. No, Nancy Pelosi Didn’t Break the Law When Destroying Trump’s Speech

However my notion that Pelosi should be censured by Congress, at the very least, for her childish, churlish fit of anger at a very notable public meeting of all three branches of government, that demonstrates our government still functions
no matter how many times the democrats try to railroad Trump and illegally remove him from office, is still a very good idea.

When will the republicans take action to censure this bitter old crone?

What do you not understand about a majority vote requirement for censure?
I take it you are aware that Democrats currently hold the majority vote in the house. Otherwise we would not as a nation be suffering this current impeachment nonsense.

If you voted in the last election good for you, however if you sat on your ass and didn't vote then you certainly aided in bring this friggin nonsense about.
A speech is not a federal document. It is not required by any law.
Okay. This part is just plain wrong and shows your ignorance of the issue.
"The address fulfills the requirement in Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution for the President to periodically "give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."

Who is surprised you don't know what the hell you are talking about? No one!

I am for impeaching Trump for wanting a foreign country to interfere in our elections by initiating a phony investigation. neither Pelosi, Clinton, Schiff, Biden, Comey etc have broken any laws. The DOJ does not even have enough to open a preliminary investigation.
As for this I see you have been meeting with your friend Jim Beam, again.
Did his Old Grandad come along too?
What do you not understand about a majority vote requirement for censure?
I take it you are aware that Democrats currently hold the majority vote in the house. Otherwise we would not as a nation be suffering this current impeachment nonsense.
And I take it you understand the republicans likewise hold the majority in the Senate?

Do you also likewise know that in the House Pelosi is not all that popular and the chance to make an issue of this and
drag her through the mud, especially after the ignominious failures of the Russian and Ukrainian fiascos, would be
real gold in this election season and might further drive a wedge between Botox Nan and her underlings?

Or is all this lost on you? Bringing the matter up cannot hurt at all.

If you voted in the last election good for you, however if you sat on your ass and didn't vote then you certainly aided in bring this friggin nonsense about.
I voted for Trump, for all the good it did in this bastion of liberal idiocy where I reside.

I suggest you try stool softeners.
It might improve your needlessly contentious mood.
This pointy headed legal expert says Pelosi broke no laws. No, Nancy Pelosi Didn’t Break the Law When Destroying Trump’s Speech

However my notion that Pelosi should be censured by Congress, at the very least, for her childish, churlish fit of anger at a very notable public meeting of all three branches of government, that demonstrates our government still functions
no matter how many times the democrats try to railroad Trump and illegally remove him from office, is still a very good idea.

When will the republicans take action to censure this bitter old crone?

Because the Republicans censuring what you Trumpskies call a 'bitter old crone' clearly wouldn't be partisan or misogynistic.
What do you not understand about a majority vote requirement for censure?
I take it you are aware that Democrats currently hold the majority vote in the house. Otherwise we would not as a nation be suffering this current impeachment nonsense.
And I take it you understand the republicans likewise hold the majority in the Senate?

Do you also likewise know that in the House Pelosi is not all that popular and the chance to make an issue of this and
drag her through the mud, especially after the ignominious failures of the Russian and Ukrainian fiascos, would be
real gold in this election season and might further drive a wedge between Botox Nan and her underlings?

Or is all this lost on you? Bringing the matter up cannot hurt at all.

If you voted in the last election good for you, however if you sat on your ass and didn't vote then you certainly aided in bring this friggin nonsense about.
I voted for Trump, for all the good it did in this bastion of liberal idiocy where I reside.

I suggest you try stool softeners.
It might improve your needlessly contentious mood.

Hmmm would stool softeners improve Trump's needlessly contentious mood?
Because the Republicans censuring what you Trumpskies call a 'bitter old crone' clearly wouldn't be partisan or misogynistic.
Pelosi's behavior at the SOTU address was clearly out of line and brought shame on Congress.
If you would like to defend her behavior then we see who the real partisan here is (not that there's any doubt).

As far as the charge of misogyny it's OJ Simpson's boot lickers blaming his trial on racism and anti black bias. It's just what you'd expect from a leftist drone and has no impact on me at all.
What exactly made Pelosi a 'lunatic'?
Tearing up the written record of the SOTU address, which is a federally mandated document, like a petulant four year old!

This coming from the sheeple that started this idiotic thread based upon a Facebook rumor.
I doubt if this little fit by Nan will actually result in any legal action but she should be censored by Congress at the least.
It's not a "rumor", jazz hands. It's US code.

A photocopy is not a “federally mandated document.”

By extension of your argument, if 10,000,000 photocopies were made, putting one in the recycle bin is an offense.

You guys really need to get out more.

It literally does not matter. EVERY copy of any official document is to be kept and maintained unless given permission to destroy it and then it must be destroyed in a proscribed manner.

I have worked as a contractor for the Federalis for 22 years and I have had this branded into my brain so many times I can almost recite it in my sleep.

Which is why I am so disgusted that Hillary Clinton got off scott free after destroying THIRTY THREE THOUSAND of said documents.

The law are only for the little people we see again.

Pelosi was being her normal petulant, heedless vindictive personality she always has been.

Were you an employ of the Federalis and done that YOU would go to jail and so would I.

But we are Little People.

Right. So if I download a copy of the Constitution off the Internet, I must hold on to it forever.


Dude, get real.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

I am as confident that Pelosi will be removed by the House, as I am that Trump will be removed from office by the Senate.

It isn't the house per se that's going to remove Pelosi.... It's her own party... They want her to move along and let the next generation in. Even if the Democrats keep the house I'm 2020 I think it's highly likely she will be voted out as speaker. She's almost 80 years old it's time to go.


Pelosi unloads on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff
By Heather Caygle, Sarah Ferris and John Bresnahan
PoliticoFebruary 5, 2020, 11:01 AM EST

Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped into President Donald Trump in a private meeting with Democrats Wednesday, just hours after the two jousted in a silent sparring match during his State of the Union address.

Pelosi, addressing her caucus Wednesday morning, said she felt “liberated” after defiantly ripping up Trump’s speech for the world to see, tearing up each page as she stood behind the president after he concluded his annual address.

“He shredded the truth, so I shredded his speech,” Pelosi told House Democrats, according to multiple sources in the room. “What we heard last night was a disgrace.”

Democrats gave Pelosi a standing ovation after she concluded her remarks, coming just hours before the Senate will vote to acquit Trump in his impeachment trial. The California Democrat then went on to salute all seven House impeachment managers by name, according to attendees.

"She said that he disgraced the House of Representatives by using it as a backdrop for a reality show," Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said leaving the meeting.

Pelosi unloads on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff

I don't know what is funnier, the fact that the Speaker of the House threw a temper tantrum on national TV, or the fact that so many of the leftist idiots on this board look up to and support such a lunatic. I guess sheeple just can't help it.

^^^ irony at it's best ^^^
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

I am as confident that Pelosi will be removed by the House, as I am that Trump will be removed from office by the Senate.

It isn't the house per se that's going to remove Pelosi.... It's her own party... They want her to move along and let the next generation in. Even if the Democrats keep the house I'm 2020 I think it's highly likely she will be voted out as speaker. She's almost 80 years old it's time to go.


Pelosi unloads on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff
By Heather Caygle, Sarah Ferris and John Bresnahan
PoliticoFebruary 5, 2020, 11:01 AM EST

Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped into President Donald Trump in a private meeting with Democrats Wednesday, just hours after the two jousted in a silent sparring match during his State of the Union address.

Pelosi, addressing her caucus Wednesday morning, said she felt “liberated” after defiantly ripping up Trump’s speech for the world to see, tearing up each page as she stood behind the president after he concluded his annual address.

“He shredded the truth, so I shredded his speech,” Pelosi told House Democrats, according to multiple sources in the room. “What we heard last night was a disgrace.”

Democrats gave Pelosi a standing ovation after she concluded her remarks, coming just hours before the Senate will vote to acquit Trump in his impeachment trial. The California Democrat then went on to salute all seven House impeachment managers by name, according to attendees.

"She said that he disgraced the House of Representatives by using it as a backdrop for a reality show," Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said leaving the meeting.

Pelosi unloads on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff


So Pisslosi the drunk didn’t even have the guts to say anything to Trump’s face and you applaud this. Go ahead and support your fellow drunk. The entire nation saw Trump win as Pisslosi the drunk threw a tantrum on national television and guaranteed a Republican takeover of the House. Way to go drunk.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

I am as confident that Pelosi will be removed by the House, as I am that Trump will be removed from office by the Senate.

It isn't the house per se that's going to remove Pelosi.... It's her own party... They want her to move along and let the next generation in. Even if the Democrats keep the house I'm 2020 I think it's highly likely she will be voted out as speaker. She's almost 80 years old it's time to go.


Pelosi unloads on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff
By Heather Caygle, Sarah Ferris and John Bresnahan
PoliticoFebruary 5, 2020, 11:01 AM EST

Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped into President Donald Trump in a private meeting with Democrats Wednesday, just hours after the two jousted in a silent sparring match during his State of the Union address.

Pelosi, addressing her caucus Wednesday morning, said she felt “liberated” after defiantly ripping up Trump’s speech for the world to see, tearing up each page as she stood behind the president after he concluded his annual address.

“He shredded the truth, so I shredded his speech,” Pelosi told House Democrats, according to multiple sources in the room. “What we heard last night was a disgrace.”

Democrats gave Pelosi a standing ovation after she concluded her remarks, coming just hours before the Senate will vote to acquit Trump in his impeachment trial. The California Democrat then went on to salute all seven House impeachment managers by name, according to attendees.

"She said that he disgraced the House of Representatives by using it as a backdrop for a reality show," Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said leaving the meeting.

Pelosi unloads on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff


So Pisslosi the drunk didn’t even have the guts to say anything to Trump’s face and you applaud this. Go ahead and support your fellow drunk. The entire nation saw Trump win as Pisslosi the drunk threw a tantrum on national television and guaranteed a Republican takeover of the House. Way to go drunk.

lol... you are outa your fucking mind. you're a good little basket dweller who has nothing but bullshit to spread cause it's the only way you feel good about yerself.

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