Should people who chose to not vaccinate get preference?

I get a kick out of people who don't think We the People can't reach out and touch them.
Exactly. It's usually a veiled threat like this. But it's completely unnecessary to be coy about it. The coercive nature of modern liberals isn't exactly a secret. Might as well own it.
Exactly. It's usually a veiled threat like this. Which it's completely unnecessary to be coy about it. The covert authoritarianism of modern liberals isn't a secret. Might as well own it.
So you are a libertarian who thinks that levels of social conformity for everyone's better life is somehow wrong. It is not veiled at all. Read the law books. It's very clear that individual freedom and liberty does not overrule our We the People government.
So you are a libertarian who thinks that levels of social conformity for everyone's better life is somehow wrong.
It is not veiled at all. Read the law books. It's very clear that individual freedom and liberty does not overrule our We the People government.
It doesn't work that way. Yet. But your attitude is common among leftists. You might someday get the totalitarian state you long for. Because, you know, "we the people".
No one is owed healthcare, because healthcare is not a right.
If you believe healthcare is a right, then denying it to the unvaccinated reveals either your blatant hypocrisy or severely lacking cognitive ability.

It doesn't work that way. Yet, But your attitude is common among leftists. You might someday get the totalitarian state you long f or. Because, you know, "we the people".
Yes, it does. I am not a leftist, I am for a constitutional republic with democratic procedures, which is how the USA's 'we the people' operates. In practice, it does not matter if you agree.
Yes, it does. I am not a leftist, I am for a constitutional republic with democratic procedures, which is how the USA's 'we the people' operates. In practice, it does not matter if you agree.
Yes, more threats.

Fortunately, for now at least, the Constitution and the Court protect us from people like you. In fact, their primary function is to slap down "we the people" when "we the people" write laws that violate individual rights. It does not matter if you agree. It doesn't matter if the majority agrees with you.
Yes, more threats.

Fortunately, for now at least, the Constitution and the Court protect us from people like you. In fact, their primary function is to slap down "we the people" when "we the people" write laws that violate individual rights. It does not matter if you agree. It doesn't matter if the majority agrees with you.
Telling you the truth that the government by the people sets the rules for you is something you fear. The courts can slap down the laws, some states have initiatives and referendums. But you, individually, have the right to break the law and accept the consequence. That is not a threat, that is the law.
Telling you the truth that the government by the people sets the rules for you is something you fear. The courts can slap down the laws, some states have initiatives and referendums. But you, individually, have the right to break the law and accept the consequence. That is not a threat, that is the law.
The law is a threat. That's the essence of what law is. But, thanks to what's left of the Constitution, unlimited majority rule doesn't fly in the US. Sometimes we the people just won't get their way.
The law is a threat. That's the essence of what law is. But, thanks to what's left of the Constitution, unlimited majority rule doesn't fly in the US. Sometimes we the people just won't get their way.
Yes, violence is the prerogative even in a we the people government, and in our constitutional republic it is a moral and legal prerogative. It keeps individuals and groups from wrongly overriding others, which of course does not fly here. You are right about that.
I have no sympathy for the hospitals. They took the care money and cooked the books on covid cases from a PCR test that was manipulated to show false positives and now is firing the same nurses and doctors who will not take this snake juice, the ones who actually worked helping the sick. Hospitals are required by law not to discriminate.
How fucking dumb. Every word of that post is stupid or a shameless lie.
Not required. You have no legal right to be walking around as a potential threat. The government, as the agent of We the People, can make you wear a mask or stay at home.

They have done that before, and the governments are fully capable of doing it again.

If they do, you can obey the mandates or risk the consequences.

In the meantime stay well and be safe.
What a hypocrite!! You're just hoping everyone who doesn't follow your orders dies. Do you think that's not obvious? It is obvious.
What a hypocrite!! You're just hoping everyone who doesn't follow your orders dies. Do you think that's not obvious? It is obvious.
Such a silly statement. Of course I don't want anyone to die. You just don't want to admit the social contract applies to you, too. It's obvious.
Such a silly statement. Of course I don't want anyone to die. You just don't want to admit the social contract applies to you, too. It's obvious.
There is no such thing as a social contract. You made that up. Or somebody did --- Locke, Hobbes, somebody theoretical. As Thoreau said, don't assign me to a group I never consented to join.

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